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MassiveMeGo Profile Photo
Posted: 12/6/18 at 8:50pm

Marianne2 said: 
There are a lot of shows that use the Home for The Holidays title that has nothing to do with what played Broadway last year. Like I'm going to one on Saturday that Cyndi Lauper hosts every year to raise money for her True Colors organization.

I know 



Updated On: 12/6/18 at 08:50 PM

dramamama611 Profile Photo
Posted: 12/7/18 at 4:54am

Then what the heck was your point in posting the drivel on that nobody's concert?

And when they give tix away for 20 bucks, it means they are in deep trouble. DEEP. Remember...its YOU peole are harassing here.

Just because there is a "deal" doesn't mean that it will come to fruition. Nor does it mean any sort of success.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

sueb1863 Profile Photo
Posted: 12/7/18 at 6:49am

Who told Aiken to dye his hair gray? He's only forty but that hair color makes him look sixty. He looked better with the longer brown hair.

MassiveMeGo Profile Photo
Posted: 12/7/18 at 7:30am

dramamama611 said: "Then what the heck was your point in posting the drivel on that nobody's concert?

And when they give tix away for 20 bucks, it means they are in deep trouble. DEEP. Remember...its YOU peole are harassing here.

Just because there is a "deal" doesn't mean that it will come to fruition. Nor does it mean any sort of success.

You are hilarious. The producer is confident it will recoup and next years tour is already selling. 

If you think you are harassing me you can think again. I find it highly entertaining watching all you naysayers trying to convince each other. You so badly want them to flop but that isn't going to happen. 

Posted: 12/7/18 at 7:49am

MassiveMeGo said: "dramamama611 said: "Then what the heck was your point in posting the drivel on that nobody's concert?

And when they give tix away for 20 bucks, it means they are in deep trouble. DEEP. Remember...its YOU peole are harassing here.

Just because there is a "deal" doesn't mean that it will come to fruition. Nor does it mean any sort of success.

You are hilarious. The producer is confident it will recoup and next years tour is already selling.

If you think you are harassing me you can think again. I find it highly entertaining watching all you naysayers trying to convince each other. You so badly want them to flop but that isn't going to happen.

This supposed tour isn’t selling because a tour hasn’t been announced. And even if it does get announced (which wouldn’t happen until the spring when theatres announce their seasons) tickets won’t be on sale until the summer at the earliest. You are delusional. 


MassiveMeGo Profile Photo
Posted: 12/7/18 at 7:59am

Clyde15 said: "MassiveMeGo said: 

This supposed tour isn’t selling because a tour hasn’t been announced. And even if it does get announced (which wouldn’t happen until the spring when theatres announce their seasons) tickets won’t be on sale until the summer at the earliest.You are delusional.



You don't know anything. When the tour is selling it doesn't mean tickets to see the show. It means venues are signing contracts for the show and a tour route is being developed.  You can't just show up with your trucks and ask if you can use the place. It has to be signed and a contract agreed on. That is already happening for next Christmas. 

It won't be announced to the public till next fall. 


Miles2Go2 Profile Photo
Posted: 12/7/18 at 8:31am

MassiveMeGo said: "You don't know anything. When the tour is selling itdoesn't mean tickets to see the show. It means venues are signing contracts for the show and a tour route is being developed.You can't just show up with your trucks and ask if you can use the place. It has to be signed and a contract agreed on. That is already happening for next Christmas.

It won't be announced to the public till next fall.

You know, I initially felt bad for you because I thought people were being mean to you, but your repeated lies (most damning: first you have no connection to the show then you’re posting pics of the load-in and sharing supposed “insider info” about the show that hasn’t been released to the general public) have made it clear that you’re either a) an overzealous stan, b) someone with a vested interest in the success of the show who will go to any lengths to defend it, or c) someone so desperate for attention that they’ll make up lies just to get attention. 

So, if it’s a) - realize that you’re only hurting your show with these posts 

If it’s b) - realize that you’re only hurling your show with these posts 

and regardjess if it’s a), b), or c) - I implore us all to ignore this person as we are all only feeding the troll. A tree you do not water cannot grow. 

Broadway Joe Profile Photo
Broadway Joe
Posted: 12/7/18 at 8:36am

You would have to send an Uber to pick me up and take me home and give me comp tickets and maybe even take me out to dinner beforehand and even that still probably wouldn't convince me to sit through this garbage.

Updated On: 12/7/18 at 08:36 AM

MassiveMeGo Profile Photo
Posted: 12/7/18 at 8:38am

People are mean because its who they are. Never blame the target for the actions of bullies. It just shows who you are too. 

Miles2Go2 Profile Photo
Posted: 12/7/18 at 8:45am

JBroadway Profile Photo
Posted: 12/7/18 at 9:39am

Personally, I don’t heave any strong desire to see this, and I don’t really care whether it does well or not.

But why are people so viciously against it? For God’s sake, it’s a Christmas concert with two talented vocalists. How awful can it be?

I understand just calling it inconsequential, skippable, unsophisticated, whatever. But to go to such lengths to illustrate how BAD it looks just seems like such an overreaction for a show that is so innocuous. Again: it’s a frickin’ Christmas concert.

Updated On: 12/7/18 at 09:39 AM

Kad Profile Photo
Posted: 12/7/18 at 10:07am

Honestly, this whole thing would have probably slid under the radar here if not for MassiveMeGo going bonkers when I said the producer also produced Home for the Holidays.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

MassiveMeGo Profile Photo
Posted: 12/7/18 at 10:40am

@KAD you need to go back to page one and read your own posts. You are anything but honest here. 

dramamama611 Profile Photo
Posted: 12/7/18 at 10:59am

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

Kad Profile Photo
Posted: 12/7/18 at 11:13am

MassiveMeGo said: "@KAD you need to go back to page one and read your own posts. You are anything but honest here."

What am I being dishonest about? I made a grand total of two dismissive posts before my third about this being produced by the guy who produced Home, after which this whole thing went off the rails.

You have been the driving engine of this thread the entire time, promoting every minor update and spinning every negative point and fiercely defending the production, to a degree that goes beyond mere fandom. Why don't you come clean about your involvement in this production?


"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

Miles2Go2 Profile Photo
Posted: 12/7/18 at 11:23am

Kad said: "MassiveMeGo said: "@KAD you need to go back to page one and read your own posts. You are anything but honest here."

What am I being dishonest about? I made a grand total of two dismissive posts before my third about this being produced by the guy who produced Home, after which this whole thing went off the rails.

You have been the driving engine of this thread the entire time, promoting every minor update and spinning every negative point and fiercely defending the production, to a degree that goes beyond mere fandom. Why don't you come clean about your involvement in this production?

He’s just saying things now to prompt responses because he doesn’t want this thread to die. Imagine if we collectively chose to not reply and then the thread dies. Of course, others may enjoy the back-and-forth....

GreeneStreet Profile Photo
Posted: 12/7/18 at 12:33pm

Alright MassiveMego,

You seem like a College intern who just booked their first broadway show. This will be your last broadway show if people knew that you were posting this.

This show can not recoup, if they are giving out 20 dollar tickets. Theatres across the country will not take this, because if it’s not selling on broadway, it won’t sell on the road!

Yes, other shows have discounts, thats nothing new, but when your show gets down into the $20 ticket range, then they are in BIG trouble.

Quite frankly, If you love this show so much, you NEED us. By feeding all these bull**** lies, you are hurting the production. Who wants to support the show when all you do is come on here and attack everyone with an opionion and play the victim card??

Grosses will be telling, and You will find it shocking when you look out in the audience to about 15% of it full.

GreeneStreet Profile Photo
Posted: 12/7/18 at 12:34pm

You know what Miles is right, if this thread dies the show’s done and MassiveMego knows that.

I hope you have a good charity picked for Sondheimete. You would also be a horrible person to back outta that!

Sondheimite Profile Photo
Posted: 12/7/18 at 1:13pm

MassiveMeGo said: "People are mean because its who they are. Never blame the target for the actions of bullies. It just shows who you are too."

Calling out you lying to us isn't you being bullied.

You've living in a delusional reality, MassiveMeGo.  You are no different than Trump:  Facts don't matter to you because you're too delusional to accept them.

And MassiveMeGo is more than an intern.  I've stated who I'm 99.99% sure MassiveMeGo is.  He's a high ranking member of the creative team who also worked with Clay in Joseph.  

Broadway World's Fireman.

Sondheimite Profile Photo
Posted: 12/7/18 at 1:30pm

In a lot of ways, I feel bad for MassiveMeGo.  

MassiveMeGo knows, deep down, that the show is flailing around.  But MassiveMeGo has to turn that into cognitive dissonance because living inside of that truth would be too hard to do.  Instead, MassiveMeGo has created a multi layered delusion about their life in hopes of escaping the bad reality of their situation. 

MassiveMeGo can't accept cold hard fact because they would crumble his entire foundation of reality.  MassiveMeGo lies because the truth would be too hard to face.  MassiveMeGo thinks their show will succeed, when deep down they know it won't, because their mind has gotten so twisted up that they can't allow themselves to live in the truth.

It's sad.  And this production will always be more remembered for a member of it's team getting on Broadway World and having a very real mental breakdown as opposed to being remembered for the show itself.

It's sad but MassiveMeGo also dug the grave that they're stuck in.


Broadway World's Fireman.

MassiveMeGo Profile Photo
Posted: 12/7/18 at 1:32pm

No I'm not Ken.Give your head a shake he is far too busy to be posting here. At this moment they are about to go on American Idol's official Facebook Live stream to preview a bit of a rehearsal at 2 PM  

The tiny handful of you nasty little trolls that live under this bridge will make zero difference to the success of the show. You all have an inflated sense of your own importance and lack of real influence. 

GreeneStreet Profile Photo
Posted: 12/7/18 at 1:40pm


MassiveMeGo Profile Photo
Posted: 12/7/18 at 1:41pm

Soddomite's ranting and delusional ravings mixed with lies and delusions is the most like Trump's tweets when he's sitting on the s#itter and spewing his morning bile.

Why is it so important for this pathetic little band of trolls to **** on everything? Why couldn't you just be curious and wish them well?  

GreeneStreet Profile Photo
Posted: 12/7/18 at 1:42pm

Okay now you blew your cover. Your a troll and this thread is done. Your shows gonna flop. Oh wait, it already has!

GreeneStreet Profile Photo
Posted: 12/7/18 at 1:43pm

We were supportive of this show, and we were respectfull towards it, untill YOU started posting. Your lies were a turn off, and you singlehandly destoryed this production before it even started
