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RENT quotes

#0RENT quotes
Posted: 1/25/06 at 5:42pm

Okay Rent fans.... I'm making a list of all the favorite Rent quotes for a project I'm working on. It can be from the movie or play.

(or if there is a thread already out there with this subject, just post the thread)


bwaylover86 Profile Photo
#1re: RENT quotes
Posted: 1/25/06 at 8:03pm

That boy could use some Prozac! re: RENT quotes

"That boy could use some Prozac"

xM3L24x Profile Photo
#2re: RENT quotes
Posted: 1/25/06 at 8:08pm

i think if you search, there was already a thread on this (i'm not trying to be obnoxious, but if you can find it..theres a bunch of pages of quotes on there already)

but uhh..i like
"close on mark's nosedive..will he get out of here alive?"
"i dont own emotion, i rent"
"i cant control my destiny, i trust my soul, my only goal is just to be"
Collins-- are we a thing?
Angel-- Darling, we're everything

Overthemoon6 Profile Photo
#3re: RENT quotes
Posted: 1/25/06 at 8:09pm

"you always said how lucky you were to have us as friends, but it was us baby, we were the lucky ones."

It's something like that.

"Joanne, which way to the stage?"

And then, do you know Monseiur Marius, I believe I was a little in love with you.

Dre2387 Profile Photo
#4re: RENT quotes
Posted: 1/25/06 at 8:14pm

"There's only us, there's only this. Forget, regret, or life is yours to miss. No other road, no other way. No day but today."

that is my favorite.

<--- the set of A Midsummer Night's Dream that I was assistant stage manager for during the 2007 season at the STNJ outdoor stage.

You must remember all the same that at the crux of every game is knowing when it's time to leave the table... And it's important to be artful in your exit. No turning back, you must accept the con is done... It was a ball, it was a blast. And it's a shame it couldn't last. But every chapter has to end, you must agree.
~Dirty Rotten Scoundrels~

There's a special kind of people known as show people. We live in a world full of dreams. Sometimes we're not too certain what's false and what's real. But we're seldom in doubt about what we feel.

It is a far, far better thing I do, than I have ever done; it is a far, far better rest I go to, than I have ever known.
~A Tale of Two Cities ~

Dancinqueen123 Profile Photo
#5re: RENT quotes
Posted: 1/25/06 at 8:16pm

" You can take the girl out of Hicksville, but you can't take the Hicksville out of the girl"

<--Sometimes it's easier to get out of a jam than into one

AlmostFamous Profile Photo
#6re: RENT quotes
Posted: 1/25/06 at 8:20pm

" Cold Hands "
" YOurs too. Big Like my fathers. Wanna Dance? "
" With You? "
" No with my father"

"How do you document real life when real life gettings more like fiction each day?"

bwaylover86 Profile Photo
#7re: RENT quotes
Posted: 1/25/06 at 8:20pm

oo i agree with dancinqueen... def a great line....

i've always also loved "well they purloined my coat, well you missed a sleeve!" don't ask me why lol

"That boy could use some Prozac"

#8re: RENT quotes
Posted: 1/25/06 at 8:28pm

"There is no future, there is no past, I live this moment as my last."

"Hey Mister...she's my sister."

"We're close."

"To being an us for once, instead of a them!"

"...With Nanette Himmlefarb, the Rabbi's daughter at the Scarsdale Jewish Community Center."

"I'd be happy to die for a taste of what Angel had. Someone to live for, unafraid to say I love you!"

"So let's find a bar, so dark we forget who we are, where all the scars from the nevers and maybes die!"

"Maureen, give that back, it's not my Bar Mitzvah!"

IWannaDance! Profile Photo
#9re: RENT quotes
Posted: 1/25/06 at 8:29pm

"Actual Reality. Act up. Fight AIDS!"

NYC4Life Profile Photo
#10re: RENT quotes
Posted: 1/25/06 at 8:30pm

Got A Light.

Dancinqueen123 Profile Photo
#11re: RENT quotes
Posted: 1/25/06 at 8:35pm

"I should tell you, I should tell you, I have always loved you you can see it in my eyes."

<--Sometimes it's easier to get out of a jam than into one

Dre2387 Profile Photo
#12re: RENT quotes
Posted: 1/25/06 at 8:51pm

dancingqueen, that is a good one. I totally agree!

<--- the set of A Midsummer Night's Dream that I was assistant stage manager for during the 2007 season at the STNJ outdoor stage.

You must remember all the same that at the crux of every game is knowing when it's time to leave the table... And it's important to be artful in your exit. No turning back, you must accept the con is done... It was a ball, it was a blast. And it's a shame it couldn't last. But every chapter has to end, you must agree.
~Dirty Rotten Scoundrels~

There's a special kind of people known as show people. We live in a world full of dreams. Sometimes we're not too certain what's false and what's real. But we're seldom in doubt about what we feel.

It is a far, far better thing I do, than I have ever done; it is a far, far better rest I go to, than I have ever known.
~A Tale of Two Cities ~

electrakitty Profile Photo
#13re: RENT quotes
Posted: 1/25/06 at 8:58pm

I love the Collins/Angel "Darling, we're everything" exchange too, but I also love the preceding lines.
Angel: Alone at last
Collins(about Mark): He'll be back, I'll guarantee.
Angel: I've been hearing violins all night.
Collins: Anything to do with me? Are we a thing?
Angel: Darling, we're everything.

"Are we a thing?" "Darling, we're everything."

#14re: RENT quotes
Posted: 1/25/06 at 9:10pm

You always said how lucky you were that we were all friends, but it was us, Baby, who were the lucky ones.

There's only now, there's only here. Give in to love or live in fear.

A tiger in a cage can never see the sun. This diva needs her stage Baby, let's have fun.

"This table, he is over one hundred years old. If I could, I would take an old gramophone needle and run it along the surface of the wood. To hear the music of the voices. All that was said." - Doug Wright, I Am My Own Wife

Overthemoon6 Profile Photo
#15re: RENT quotes
Posted: 1/25/06 at 9:26pm

Kiss Me- It's beginning to snow!

Got any X
any smack
any horse
any joogie boogie boy
any blow?

Collins; She's a theif!
Angel: But she brought us together.

I forgot these earlier, all from Christmas Bells, my favorite song.

And then, do you know Monseiur Marius, I believe I was a little in love with you.

NJRae Profile Photo
#16re: RENT quotes
Posted: 1/25/06 at 9:48pm

"Excuse me, if I'm off track, but if you're so wise then tell me, why do you need smack?"

"You can't quietly wipe out an entire tent city then watch 'It's a Wonderful Life' on tv!"

"I'm a New Yorker! Fear's my life!"

"In the evening, I've got to roam. Can't sleep in the city of neon and chrome . . . feel's to damn much like home, when the spanish babies cry."

"How could a night so frozen be so scalding hot? How could a morning this mild be so raw?"

"Why are entire years strewn on the cutting room floor of memory when single frames from one magic night forever flicker in close-up on the 3D imax of my mind. That's poetic. That's pathetic."

"I wrote a book: "How to Be Popular". Now I've put together a top ten list of how to help you: -Elphie, everyday... shower. I mean, who knows? Maybe some of that green is gonna come off! -Deodorant Elphie. No body likes a stinky witch! -I think we've covered the hair, we'll get to that. -Clean underclothes. That's all I'm gonna say. -Look at your posture. That's no way to be popular! -Bed made, room straightened. We've done that. -Colors blended. Oookay. -But the most important thing to have, to make yourself popular, is to keep your beautiful smile." ~Kristin Chenoweth in her last performance of the song "Popular"

#17re: RENT quotes
Posted: 1/25/06 at 9:51pm

"Where's everyone else?"

"Playing Spiderman!"

"Ironic/close up tight/on the phone machine's red light/once the boho boys are gone/the power mysteriously comes on..."

What the puck?!

Fantabulous428 Profile Photo
#18re: RENT quotes
Posted: 1/25/06 at 10:01pm

Why am I the witness and when I capture it on film does it mean that its the end and I'm alone?

You pretend to create and observe when you really detach from feeling alive / Perhaps because I'm the one of us to survive!

I recognize the addiction to being alive.

sweetestsiren Profile Photo
#19re: RENT quotes
Posted: 1/25/06 at 10:13pm

"How can you conenct in an age where strangers, landlords, lovers,
Your own blood cells betray?
What binds the fabric together when the raging, shifting winds of change
Keep ripping away?"

#20re: RENT quotes
Posted: 1/25/06 at 10:26pm

"My only goal is just to be"

"Kiss me, it's beginning to snow"

"Trusting desire, starting to learn. Walking through fire without a burn"

#21re: RENT quotes
Posted: 1/25/06 at 10:32pm

"Because reason says, I should have died, three years ago."

iheartcheyenne123 Profile Photo
#22re: RENT quotes
Posted: 1/25/06 at 10:34pm

"There's only us, there's only this. Forget, regret, or life is yours to miss. No other road, no other way. No day but today."

"measure in love"

"one blaze of glory"

"I'm a New Yorker! Fear's my life"

"This Akita-evita just won't shut up"

"Joanne which way to the stage"

"She said 'would you light my candle'?"

"Where's everyone else? Playing Spiderman!"

"You can take the girl out of Hicksville, but you can't take the Hicksville out of the girl"

"5, 4, 3, open seasame!"

"I can see it in your eyes"

"With a thousand sweet kisses, i'll cover you"

"To being an us for once, instead of them! La vie boheme!"

"Hey Mister, she's my sister"

--Alex-- "They're singing, "Happy Birthday" You just wanna lay down and cry Not just another birthday, it's 30/90 Why can't you stay 29 Hell, you still feel like you're 22 Turn 30 in 1990 Bang! You're dead, what can you do?" --TTB

#23re: RENT quotes
Posted: 1/26/06 at 1:47pm

"Friendship is thicker than blood"

"You okay honey?"

#24re: RENT quotes
Posted: 1/26/06 at 2:18pm

To people living with, living with, living with, not dying from disease!

Will I lose my dignity? Will someone care? Will I wake tomorrow from this nightmare?

I die without you.
