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RENT quotes

#25re: RENT quotes
Posted: 1/26/06 at 2:55pm

Take me baby or leave me.

#26re: RENT quotes
Posted: 1/26/06 at 3:03pm

"I didn't pierce my nipples because it grossed you out! I didn't stay at the Kink Club last night because you wanted to go home!

You were flirting with the woman in rubber!

There will always be women in rubber flirting with me! Give me a break!"

"I can't control my destiny, my only goal is just to be."

I mean, you tell me, who would you rather meet in a dark alley? Whatever's out there, or that geezer with his four hundred knives? I mean, who packs four hundred knives? Personally, I only have space for two hundred, three hundred at most.
Updated On: 1/26/06 at 03:03 PM

#27re: RENT quotes
Posted: 1/26/06 at 3:34pm

It's actually not Kink club...they changed it for the movie.

surefinewhatever Profile Photo
#28re: RENT quotes
Posted: 1/26/06 at 4:04pm

"Merry Christmas Bitches!"

" I don't cause commotions, I am one."

Dancinqueen123 Profile Photo
#29re: RENT quotes
Posted: 1/26/06 at 4:26pm

"There are times when we're dirt broke, and hungry, and freezing, and I ask myself why the hell am I still living here? Then they call and I remember"

<--Sometimes it's easier to get out of a jam than into one

incendiary_wit Profile Photo
#30re: RENT quotes
Posted: 1/26/06 at 4:29pm

Let's always stay friends.
Though we may have our disputes
this family tree's got deep roots.
Friendship is thicker than blood.

1. Ted Allen: Everyone has an interesting life if you ask the right questions.
2. Great buckets of Spoffnor, they're going to sing!
3. "I love shrubs that are historical." -Johnny and The Sprites
4. "We're not singing it to you, we're singing it for us." -Rosario Dawson, about La Vie Boheme
5. "The best moments in reading are when you come across something - a thought, a feeling, a way of looking at things - which you had thought special and particular to you. And now, here it is, set down by someone else, a person you have never met, someone even who is long dead. And it is as if a hand has come out, and taken yours." -The History Boys
6. "Pass the parcel. That's sometimes all you can do. Take it, feel it and pass it on. Not for me, not for you, but for someone, somewhere, one day. Pass it on, boys. That's the game I want you to learn. Pass it on." -The History Boys

angelfoodkate Profile Photo
#31re: RENT quotes
Posted: 1/26/06 at 4:38pm

from the movie i enjoyed merry christmas bitches a LOT. from the stage show "so let her be a lesbian...there are other fishies in the sea!"
ohh and "I was a boyscout once...and a brownie; until some brat got scared!"

just tell maureen you forgot her cowbell because you were busy getting stoned. she'll understand.
Updated On: 1/26/06 at 04:38 PM

#32re: RENT quotes
Posted: 1/26/06 at 4:41pm

I don't know if they have been said, but I like these.

I'm bigger man then you'll ever be, and a better woman than you'll ever get.

and of course the most famous...

No Day but Today!!

Dancinqueen123 Profile Photo
#33re: RENT quotes
Posted: 1/26/06 at 4:48pm

"No day but today" goes without saying. Which reminds me of another one. "I'd die without you."

<--Sometimes it's easier to get out of a jam than into one

Wanderingchild5 Profile Photo
#34re: RENT quotes
Posted: 1/26/06 at 5:29pm

"or group hugs"

I'm Mary ( : I <33 Anthony rapp and Kristoffer Cusick!

#35re: RENT quotes
Posted: 1/31/06 at 1:59pm

oh gosh were do i begin. OKay.
"You always said how lucky we were that we were all friends, but it was us baby-who were the lucky ones."
"You take table cloth from the street and make a dress, and sure enough they'd be mass producing it at the gap."
"You know what miss Ivy league- I don't think I can take much more of this obsessive compulsive, control freak parinoia."
"Bengermin Coffin the third- the enemy of avenue A." (sorry can't spell benny)
"Are we packed- yes and by next week I want you to be- pookie- and you should see, they've padlocked your building and they're rioting on avenue B. Benny called the cops- That f***- they don't know what they're doing, the cops are sweeping the lot- but no ones leaving they're just sitting there mooing."
And of coarse- "Moo with me"
Oh gosh there are so many more that I can mention...But i'll wait.

*Theres only us, theres only this, forget regret, or life is yours to miss- no other road no other way, NO DAY BUT TODAY! *

Patronus Profile Photo
#36re: RENT quotes
Posted: 1/31/06 at 2:03pm

I'm bigger man then you'll ever be, and a better woman than you'll ever get.

It's actually:

She said she was more of a man than he'd ever be, and more of a woman than he'd ever get.

#37re: RENT quotes
Posted: 1/31/06 at 2:59pm

"How do you leave the past behind when it keeps finding ways to get to your heart? It reaches way down deep and tears you inside out till you're torn apart"

"Look I find some of what you teach suspect, because I'm used to relying on intellect... so I try to open up to what I don't know. Because reason says I should have died 3 years ago"

"The heart may freeze or it can burn... the pain will ease if I can learn there is no future, there is no past... I live this moment as my last"

"Life goes on, but I'm gone cause I die without you"

"Kiss me it's beginning to snow!"

"Why Dorothy and Toto went over the rainbow to blow off Auntie Em.... La Vie Boheme!"

"The filmmaker cannot see and the song writer cannot hear.... yet I see Mimi everywhere -- Angel's voice is in my ear"

"Why am I the wittness? And when I capture it on film will it mean that it's the end and I'm alone?"

"Don't breate too deep! Don't think all day.... Dive into work. Drive the other way. That drip of hurt, that pint of shame goes away just play the game"

"I think they meant it when they said you can't buy love, now I know you can rent it -- a new lease you are, my love, on life..... be my life...."

"You're every gay man's wet dream!" ~ MA

If in Heaven you don't excel, you can always party down in hell...

Updated On: 1/31/06 at 02:59 PM

#38re: RENT quotes
Posted: 1/31/06 at 9:38pm

"And I lowered myself beneath her swolen utter, and sucked the sweetest milk I had ever tasted"

"To hand crafted beers made in loacal breweries,
to yoga to yogurt to rice and beans and cheese,
to leather to dildos to curry vindaloo,
to juevos rancheros and Maya Angalou"

LaVieHilary Profile Photo
#39re: RENT quotes
Posted: 1/31/06 at 9:46pm

emotion, devotion to causing a commotion,
creation, vacation...mucho masturbation--lol you can leave that out if you want.

That song has the greatest stuff in it. I love

Light in the Piazza with Megan and Emi
"Girl you got money runnin' in yo bloodline."-Carl the Bartender

#40re: RENT quotes
Posted: 1/31/06 at 9:57pm

"dont get your ass kicked this time!"

"merry christmas bitches"

oh if its for school, i suggest (i totally JUST for got how to spell doesnt look right hah) not usign those two.

"This Diva needs her stage"

i think everyone else pretty much already covered my favorites


Magical_Ms._Mistoffeles_72 Profile Photo
#41re: RENT quotes
Posted: 1/31/06 at 10:02pm

"Why Dorothy and Toto went over the rainbow, to bolw off Aunty Em!"

"Bohemia is a falicy in your head"

"How do you measure measure a year, in daylights, in sunsets, in midnights, in cups of coffee"
"One song Glory, beyond the cheap colored lights, Glory, in the eyes of a young girl, a young girl"

Join me on journey that is the development of my first musical! Twitter/Insta @gimpymusical FB: Gimpy The Musical email for more info!

#42re: RENT quotes
Posted: 2/1/06 at 4:21pm

"I was dumped... for a lawyer named Joanne" haha that cracks me up every time...

*Theres only us, theres only this, forget regret, or life is yours to miss- no other road no other way, NO DAY BUT TODAY! *

#43re: RENT quotes
Posted: 2/1/06 at 4:48pm

"So let's find a bar, so dark we forget who we are. Where all the scars of the nevers and maybes DIE!"

jeremykushnier1fan Profile Photo
#44re: RENT quotes
Posted: 2/1/06 at 5:20pm

"I'm more of a man then you'll ever be, and more of a women then you'll ever get."

"Let's find a bar, so dark we'll forget who we are. Where all the scars from the nevers and maybes die."

"To being an us for once, instead of a them."

"Viva la vie boheme!"

Plus, all of One Song Glory, liturally all of it.
