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Protesting Scientology at All My Sons Opening- Page 2

Protesting Scientology at All My Sons Opening

#25re: Protesting Scientology at All My Sons Opening
Posted: 10/18/08 at 1:05am

Um, if you hate Scientology, shouldn't you be protesting "Tale of Two Cities"?

Because that's the Scientology show, not "All My Sons."

And I don't think anybody should be hating on Scientology, at this point of the game.

Yes, it's whacky.

But the Bush/McCain ticket is much worse than anything Scientology could do.

winston89 Profile Photo
#26re: Protesting Scientology at All My Sons Opening
Posted: 10/18/08 at 10:50am

I don't think that she has come out and said that she is a Scientologist. I think that people are assuming that because she is married to Tom.

I don't see anyone protesting Two Cities because it is isn't that known that Barbour is a Scientoligist. I to be honest with you am not sure that he fully is. I know he sang at some benifits for them but that could just be it.

"If you try to shag my husband while I am still alive, I will shove the art of motorcycle maintenance up your rancid little Cu**. That's a good dear" Tom Stoppard's Rock N Roll

#27re: Protesting Scientology at All My Sons Opening
Posted: 10/18/08 at 7:46pm

Can we leave politics out of this, please? Scientology should be a bi-partisan issue. Wackiness isn't the problem. Scientology's pervasive human rights violations, suppression of criticism, and illegal activities that attempt to basically take over the government are a lot more dangerous than political views that you simply do not agree with.

Barbour isn't as famous as Katie Holmes, but I wouldn't care if they protested his show because of that.

And, Winston, Barbour is definitely a Scientologist. His website used to link to anti-psychiatry sites.

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!
Updated On: 10/18/08 at 07:46 PM

uncageg Profile Photo
#28re: Protesting Scientology at All My Sons Opening
Posted: 10/18/08 at 8:27pm

I don't know. It is a scary "cult" but I think they should be protesting in front of the Scientology church and not in front of the theater. The woman is an actress. That's how she makes a living. I would assume these people know that she studies it because they are there. To say she is promoting it whenever she is onscreen, etc., to me, is pushing it a bit. I seem to remember hearing right around the time she got married that she would be studying it. I am not a Tom Cruise fan, but it is a shame the man had to be taken into the opening night performance via another entrance. I am assuming it was because of the protesters.

Just give the world Love.

grnsmwhr Profile Photo
#29re: Protesting Scientology at All My Sons Opening
Posted: 10/18/08 at 9:10pm

All religions are cult-like, including Christianity. The Christians I work with are brainwashed, control freaks who steam roll over anyone who doesn't go along with their prosthelytizing. This person hires the freaks from her church.

They scare me more than some obscure Scientology group as they are everywhere. You should see the racist, despicable, hate filled crap they've been emailing around.

You see, obsessions are very personal things, they come from deep inside us, where we are open and vulnerable, which is why I consider them sacred, not to be belittled....PalJoey

winston89 Profile Photo
#30re: Protesting Scientology at All My Sons Opening
Posted: 10/18/08 at 9:20pm

ZiggyCringe, I don't see how Tale of Two Cities is more Scientology then All My Sons. Yes, both shows have actors that are part of the cult but that is as far as it goes.

I do think that religion in general is a very scary thing. That is why I am not one who believes. But, I am not going to get into a long rant of my personal beliefs and why I believe them.

I remember walking passed the Richard Rodgers and I saw people in different masks. I saw that they were handing out a brochure that said "Scientology Kills." Now, I might have gotten one if they weren't wearing the goofy masks. I feel that if your going to protest something be proud about it and don't hide your face. I can understand why they weren't in front of the church itself. The church could have asked them nicely to go away and I am sure that because they wanted a peaceful protest they did. But, I don't think that there being a chance that Katie Holmes is a Scientlogist is a reason not to see a show. I say that there is a chance because she herself never came out about the issue one way or another. And people just assume that she is because of who she is married to.

"If you try to shag my husband while I am still alive, I will shove the art of motorcycle maintenance up your rancid little Cu**. That's a good dear" Tom Stoppard's Rock N Roll

#31re: Protesting Scientology at All My Sons Opening
Posted: 10/18/08 at 9:52pm

But it isn't Christianity's credo to believe that stuff. It's because of interpretation, individual actions. Scientology's scary policies were all set by its "Messiah."

That's the difference.

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!

dalefully Profile Photo
#32re: Protesting Scientology at All My Sons Opening
Posted: 10/18/08 at 11:51pm

Yeah, honestly, all religions can get out of hand at times, but I definitely wouldn't consider something like Christianity a cult. Christianity (or any other valid religion) was not started for the sole purpose of making money, nor will it ever make for more than one can provide. And although it varies by individual, Christianity doesn't prey on the weak or harm its constituents mentally, physically, or financially.

#33re: Protesting Scientology at All My Sons Opening
Posted: 10/19/08 at 12:47am

Scientology is hilarious. If there are any Scientologists reading this, I am laughing in your general direction.

On a more important matter (to me anyway)...

why does Katie Holmes not smile? In all the arrival photos she is too busy trying to look "dramatic" and "non chalant". She just looks weird and crazy. In the two pictures when she does smile, she is truly a beautiful woman. It's a shame really.

Scarywarhol Profile Photo
#34re: Protesting Scientology at All My Sons Opening
Posted: 10/19/08 at 1:12am

All religions are cults.

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#35re: Protesting Scientology at All My Sons Opening
Posted: 10/19/08 at 5:13am

1. I find it hilarious that a "religion" was founded on a book of fiction.

2. That being said: people are allowed to believe whatever they choose to. Who am I to say who is right or wrong.

3. I don't think they have the right to target an individual and ruin the day for many. I'm suprised they haven't LEGALLY been able to have them removed. It should be able to be considered HARRASSMENT.

4. You cannot believe what ANY zealot says: on either side of ANY issue. If you are concerned with an issue...research it and decide for yourself....NEVER depend on an extremist's point of view. It will be full of blatant lies.

5. God did not intend for religion to be full of hate. He/she despises using love of god/religion as a vehicle to hate others.

(I am not a religious person....I just find it ironic what people say/do in the name of god/religion that totally goes against the basic tenents of most religion: LOVE.)

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

winston89 Profile Photo
#36re: Protesting Scientology at All My Sons Opening
Posted: 10/19/08 at 6:22am

dramamama611, while it was clear who the protesters were protesting and why nothing that they were doing legally counts as harassment. If, I don't know, they were stalking her and shoving anti scientology material in her face then that could be seen as harassment. But, to picket outside the theatre is within their legal right no matter how much you think it is wrong. I will admit until All My Sons came to Broadway I really haven't seen this much anti scientology protesting. I do get the impression that the protesters are doing this in a very peaceful way. As I said earlier there were a group of people protesting by handing out material that talked about how it kills. But, they were right across the street from the church of scientology. My guess is for that is that they didn't want them to protest right in front of their building so they went across the street to be nice about it. I think this is the same reason for someone posting about how they saw protesters when they got out of In The Heights on time.

I do think that all religions are cults. Both cults and religions control your thought, tell you what to say and when to say it, they both have you believe in some fictional character as the creator and they want your money.

"If you try to shag my husband while I am still alive, I will shove the art of motorcycle maintenance up your rancid little Cu**. That's a good dear" Tom Stoppard's Rock N Roll

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#37re: Protesting Scientology at All My Sons Opening
Posted: 10/19/08 at 7:06am

I know TECHNICALLY they are within their legal rights. But I'm sure that a relatively clever lawyer could indeed prove harrassment. Simply based on it protesting an INDIVIDUAL as opposed TO the building. The theater, the show nor the producers have anything to do with Scientology. This is a personal attack. (attack might be too strong of a word.)

On the other hand...perhaps they feel: Any attention is good attention?

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

winston89 Profile Photo
#38re: Protesting Scientology at All My Sons Opening
Posted: 10/19/08 at 7:15am

The thing is is that as far as I know they aren't protesting Holmes herself. They are protesting Scientology. I don't think they even mention her name. Yes, it is very clear who they are talking about but I think that that is the difference. If in fact they were talking about Holmes then I think it could be considered harassment. But, seeing as they aren't then I don't think it is. It is protesting anyway you look at it.

Also realize one thing. Holmes has never come out and said that she is a Scientologist. People have just assumed that based upon who she is married to.

"If you try to shag my husband while I am still alive, I will shove the art of motorcycle maintenance up your rancid little Cu**. That's a good dear" Tom Stoppard's Rock N Roll

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#39re: Protesting Scientology at All My Sons Opening
Posted: 10/19/08 at 7:51am

I totally realize both of those things. Then why protest at all? What is their "excuse" for being there in the first place?

And I'm just putting those questions out there...I'm not trying to pick a fight (and I dont think you are, either)

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

winston89 Profile Photo
#40re: Protesting Scientology at All My Sons Opening
Posted: 10/19/08 at 8:03am

I love a good friendly debate. And, just like you the last thing I am looking for is a fight.

There is no "excuse" as you put it for being there. It's quite clear that they are against Scientology and thus the reason for the protest. But, They are wrong about one thing. They don't (like I said) if Holmes is even part of the cult. They are just using her because her husband is the most outspoken man on the subject in America.

"If you try to shag my husband while I am still alive, I will shove the art of motorcycle maintenance up your rancid little Cu**. That's a good dear" Tom Stoppard's Rock N Roll

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#41re: Protesting Scientology at All My Sons Opening
Posted: 10/19/08 at 8:06am

he's just an idiot. does that make her an idiot? Yup...she married him!!!


If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

winston89 Profile Photo
#42re: Protesting Scientology at All My Sons Opening
Posted: 10/19/08 at 8:23am

She might be a moron for marrying him but we don't know if she is moron for being a scientologist. We don't know if she is one herself.

"If you try to shag my husband while I am still alive, I will shove the art of motorcycle maintenance up your rancid little Cu**. That's a good dear" Tom Stoppard's Rock N Roll

#43re: Protesting Scientology at All My Sons Opening
Posted: 10/19/08 at 11:48am

Guys, look up the real definition of a cult. You have to meet certain criteria that not all organized religions meet.

And, I don't care if you believe in Scientology. What I do care about is that, if you oppose it, you are hunted down by lawyers and others who dig up personal information and use it against you until you either drop what you're doing or are driven underground (some notable Scientology critics have even been jailed), if you want to leave the "religion," you are sent to what is basically a gulag and "reeducated," and your family completely disowns you, which is a policy set by Hubbard himself (you may argue that the Catholic Church had a similar policy in the middle ages, but that wasn't set by Jesus.). Also, you are given education under the guise of learning more about Scientology, which does not meet even minimal educational standards. Finally, you are forced to pay money to progress in the CoS. Yes, most religions have or even require donations, but you don't have to pay money just to learn more about what your beliefs actually entail.

I also find their views on psychiatry rather frightening. I could also mention the extremely dubious Dianetics, but I won't open that can of worms.

As for a lawsuit, the protesters are probably purposefully concealing their identity because most Scientology critics have to keep a low profile.

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!

winston89 Profile Photo
#44re: Protesting Scientology at All My Sons Opening
Posted: 10/19/08 at 1:02pm

I am sorry but the way I see it I see no difference in any organized religion and a cult. Yes, I do understand that there is a difference between the two. What I mean is that I am convinced that both things are evil and go after the same things in a different way.

"If you try to shag my husband while I am still alive, I will shove the art of motorcycle maintenance up your rancid little Cu**. That's a good dear" Tom Stoppard's Rock N Roll

Borstalboy Profile Photo
#45re: Protesting Scientology at All My Sons Opening
Posted: 10/19/08 at 1:05pm

Scientologists = Stupid
Scientologist Protesters = Obsessed

"Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.” ~ Muhammad Ali

bundy5000 Profile Photo
#46re: Protesting Scientology at All My Sons Opening
Posted: 10/19/08 at 1:39pm

I don't "hate" anyone in regards to what they believe. But I kind of think brainwashing goes both ways. I am Catholic and there are many extremists who i very much despise. Only because they drown their innocent children into the mess. But same thing with Scientology. Katie Holmes has a dark aura wherever she goes. She just has that "horror movie" type possessed look to her now.

When your in the spotlight. You have to realize you will be criticized harshly. No matter how nice the individual is, their beliefs will overshadow it.

Welcome to the land of the "FREE"

stubbornness at its best.

Herbie: "Honey, Don't you know there's a depression?"
Rose: "Of Course I know, I Watch Fox News"
Broadway Schedule
December 5th- Hamilton, On Your Feet
December 19th- Noises Off, Edith Piaf Concert at Town Hall

LotteTBS138 Profile Photo
#47re: Protesting Scientology at All My Sons Opening
Posted: 10/19/08 at 2:16pm

I don't know if this has been going on for a while but I moved to Manhattan in early August for grad school at Columbia.
ANYWAYS! One of the classes i take is on Broadway by the Hard Rock cafe. WELL, in the evenings when I walk to Port Authority, these people are handing out Dianetics postcards... right off of 42nd and 8th. I gave one back and said to the guy, do you really expect me to dump Jesus for this s**t?

I once heard someone describe her (Ruthie Henshall) singing as sounding as though she's trying to swallow a whole meatball slightly larger than her windpipe. (The same person compared Michael Ball's singing to sounding as though he's sitting on a washing machine on spin cycle and Colm Wilkinson's to a man with a paralyzed lip trying to eat cottage cheese.) --- Schmerg_The_Impaler

Scarywarhol Profile Photo
#48re: Protesting Scientology at All My Sons Opening
Posted: 10/21/08 at 6:19pm

"1. I find it hilarious that a "religion" was founded on a book of fiction."

You're talking about the bible, right?

winston89 Profile Photo
#49re: Protesting Scientology at All My Sons Opening
Posted: 10/21/08 at 7:39pm

The bible, the best work of fiction known to man.

"If you try to shag my husband while I am still alive, I will shove the art of motorcycle maintenance up your rancid little Cu**. That's a good dear" Tom Stoppard's Rock N Roll
