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Juliana's Journal - Entry #23 now online...- Page 2

Juliana's Journal - Entry #23 now online...

#25re: re: : Juliana's Journal - Entry #23 now online...
Posted: 9/15/03 at 11:54am


A question for you since I notice you just love posting in all of these threads like some other people...

Why do you read every entry if you really don't like it.. is it simply to gripe about it in every thread?

Stating your opinion is one thing... stating it over and over again just comes off as bitterm ill-tempered and somewhat pathetic.

Like I posted in another thread, if you don't like it fine, but there are plenty of people who are obviously enjoying it. To each their own...

Surely you can come up with some topic on here we could all discuss intelligently instead of wasting your time posting an opinion WE ARE ALL VERY AWARE OF...

The two most common elements in the universe are hydrogen and stupidity -- Harlan Ellison.

Zola LaPlaya
#26re: re: re: : Juliana's Journal - Entry #23 now online...
Posted: 9/15/03 at 3:15pm

Oh, my darling illogical man. Don't you see the irony: you say I should not read the journal and have an opinion, but you have no problem reading my posts and having an opinion.

If Juliana Ashley Hanson can write her drivel every day, I can have an opinion every day.

I turn the question around to you. Why do you read MY posts if you do not like them?

#27re: re: re: re: : Juliana's Journal - Entry #23 now online...
Posted: 9/15/03 at 3:25pm

Oh Zola Zola Zola..

I'm not the one going onto every thread of yours and commenting. I posted on ONE thread...this very one. A little different IF we are talking logic and semantics...

You are deliberately posting on each thread the same drivel - I am reading various threads and HAPPEN upon your drivel. THAT is the difference between you and I.

Irony.. perhaps... but that doesn't make you any less annoying to me or anyone else here.

As for you wanting to write your drivel every day, feel free. Set up a journal online and link every day if you like. Then we can all CHOOSE to read it or not...and perhaps even comment on every little detail of anything we find not entertaining about it as well.

Go ahead and reply, because as you have already shown us, you want to have the very last word.

The two most common elements in the universe are hydrogen and stupidity -- Harlan Ellison.

mamamia sammy Profile Photo
mamamia sammy
#28re: re: re: re: re: : Juliana's Journal - Entry #23 now online...
Posted: 9/15/03 at 3:25pm

The final word has been spoken.

BroadwayWorld: A home for the dangerously unhinged

#29 Juliana's Journal - Entry #23 now online...
Posted: 9/15/03 at 11:23pm

Jack, please don't presume to speak for anyone else here. I don't find Zola annoying. That's because I find it interesting just how personally some seem to react to certain topics.

Rest in peace, Iflitifloat.

Zola LaPlaya
#30re: Juliana's Journal - Entry #23 now online...
Posted: 9/16/03 at 8:58am

You would not be the first to find me annoying. You will not be the last. That is as constant as my apathy.

Be gone.

mamamia sammy Profile Photo
mamamia sammy
#31re: re: Juliana's Journal - Entry #23 now online...
Posted: 9/16/03 at 10:47am

The final word has been spoken.

BroadwayWorld: A home for the dangerously unhinged

Al Dente Profile Photo
Al Dente
#32re: re: re: Juliana's Journal - Entry #23 now online...
Posted: 9/16/03 at 11:23am

Well, not yet. Zola, don't mind "Jack", he fancies himself some sort of "watchdog" against board bullies. Also, a word of advice, don't ever have "pm" conversations with him. The term "private" seems to get past him. I quite enjoy Zola's honest, albeit, scathing commentary. I also believe 100% that there are tons more people supporting him privately than chastising him, publicly. I know how full my inbox is.

I personally stopped reading J's journal after the 15th salad mention. It does however, render me incredulous, how much adulation is heaped upon this girl, who's a complete unknown. She's an understudy on a tour for crissake people, let's try to gain a modicum of perspective. I'm also certain that if she ever became anything *more* than that, the tides would turn ugly...FAST. It's human nature.

#33re: re: re: re: Juliana's Journal - Entry #23 now online...
Posted: 9/16/03 at 11:53am

"She's an understudy on a tour for crissake people, let's try to gain a modicum of perspective."

Al. I find it VERY amusing now that this bothers you SO much. Why? Why does it bother you that someone on tour. Wait. ANYONE is getting so much attention about something they are passionate about?

As for "private" messaging, I have this to say. I have nothing to hide and I am happy to discuss anything you either agree or disagree with me about. Your PM to me was nothing more than you complaining to me that I called to you task. It certainly wasn't' ANYTHING secretive that you couldn't have posted on the board.

As for how many PMs you are getting about me.. I could care less. What other people think of me is their business. It would appear, like YOU, that they have to hide behind a PM rather than simply posting their opinion on here.

I won't say that I enjoy Zola's scathing commentary - nor do I hate it. What I was reacting to was her "need" to post on every thread the same opinion. Pick a thread and post there....posting to every thread that mentions the topic is just noise.

The two most common elements in the universe are hydrogen and stupidity -- Harlan Ellison.

Al Dente Profile Photo
Al Dente
#34re: re: re: re: re: Juliana's Journal - Entry #23 now online...
Posted: 9/16/03 at 12:09pm

You really just made me "LOL". What makes you think my reference to how many pm's I get were about YOU? I was talking about how many "pro AlDente" pm's I get everytime a few posters try,unsuccessfully, to chastise me about my opinion. I was agreeing with Zola and adding to the veracity of his statement about the same thing. You're something else, you know that? Also, it doesn't "bother" me that Juliana get's this cult like attention, it "renders me incredulous". I'm confused by it, amused by it, not "bothered".

rlbgbc Profile Photo
#35re: re: re: re: re: re: Juliana's Journal - Entry #23 now online...
Posted: 9/16/03 at 12:20pm

Like my friend Mr. Dente, I'm also amused at the the hoo-ha one tour understudy's journal causes on this board. I find it an amusing read -- albeit vapid at times -- but I certainly don't think about it past the millisecond it takes to scan it. If Juliana is as effective on stage as she is in print, they need to mount a multi-million dollar broadway show just for her pronto -- and I want to invest.

#36re: re: re: re: re: re: Juliana's Journal - Entry #23 now online...
Posted: 9/16/03 at 12:25pm

Al, you are absolutely correct. I read your last entry as if you were implying that people were PMing you about me (in response to our written sparring).... Glad I could give you a chuckle this early in the week...

And it's good you have your fans too.

As for being bothered by Juliana's Journal, I think we both know her journal bothers you.. you don't have to concede on that point. Ya don't like it and you don't like the fact that all these people are praising something you find less than entertaining. And that's fine.

As for posters who "chastise" you about your opinion "unsuccessfully" I guess that's a matter of opinion too. I'm not sure what your definition of "success" in that regards is.

I've said it before and I'll say it again - we are all entitled to our opinions. In fact, that's what makes message boards thrive. The people that feel the need to post on every thread their same opinion over and over... well that's just grandstanding and not very productive at all - I think even you, Al, will agree with that at LEAST.

The two most common elements in the universe are hydrogen and stupidity -- Harlan Ellison.

TheBalladeer Profile Photo
#37re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Juliana's Journal - Entry #23 now online...
Posted: 9/16/03 at 12:43pm

Being as I am not a die-hard fan of Juliana, and until just recently had not a strong interest in even reading her journal, I just find all the criticisms to be trite and quite petty and stupid. I don't see what is so wrong about this girl posting her experiences on her first National Tour. I for one, am happy that this young girl is doing what she loves and is very passionate about it. I find the comments questioning whether she has time to perform while doing all these things to be quite silly. Despite what some may think, actors DO have a life, and do engage in fun activities. What is wrong with her talking about all the foods she enjoys? Or shopping? Or hanging out with friends? That is what young people do. Hanging around a lot of young women, I know for a fact, that young women really love food. I mean, they might obsess about eating something that might be to fattening, after the fact, but that doesn't take away from the fact that they still don't enjoy it. I REALLY think there is an issue with jealousy from a very select few on this board. There is no real reason to attack the posts of Juliana. I am not a crazed fan of hers, but I just read a few of her journal entries out of curiousity, and I don't see what all the complaining is all about. I just think it comes down to some of these members being older, and being envious of her youth and enthusiasm, and realizing, probably that they will never be that age again, and never experience having that kind of joy again. And that's not Juliana's fault. And it is not her fault that these posters are bitter. I say, if you don't like the damned posts, don't flamin' read them! It's that simple. And while I am at, I have some more advice: To all the nay-sayers - Get a LIFE! Really. Juliana, keep on writing, and enjoy your experience. However, I'm sure she doesn't need me to tell her that. She could probably doesn't give a crap about what criticisms a few faceless, nameless posters on a internet message board have to say. And good for her.

The Balladeer

"Someone tell the story...Someone sing the song...."

Zola LaPlaya
#38re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Juliana's Journal - Entry #23 now online...
Posted: 9/16/03 at 4:41pm

Oh you silly silly people. Let me spell it out for you.

I was merely pointing out (in an obvious way I thought) that people associated with the production in both New York and on the road are reading her journal entries with great amusement. Their opinions, not mine, are uniformly negative. She is being MOCKED, and I was drawing some attention to the fact that a young person in our business is being pulled into what might be a career stumble.

I don't give a rat's rear about her salad habits, or of her joyful bouncing around various sights in our nation. I have only suggested that she tone down all the comments about her fellow cast members' lashing her with compliments. "X came up to me and said YOU are so professional." These types of remarks are her castmates/the creative team/the directors/the producers are not well received. They GUFFAW over them.

Enough said.

You all keep debating whether of not her journal is "fun." I am simply suggesting it is not harmless to her future.

Doubt me, do you? Ask someone associated with Millie.

Darlings, I appreciate the thumbs-up to me, but I am very much female. Please use "her" and "she" when referring to Zola in the third person.


rlbgbc Profile Photo
#39re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Juliana's Journal - Entry #23 now online...
Posted: 9/16/03 at 4:44pm

Wow. Sutton has spoken. :)

Actually, no kidding, Zola has made a good point. A VERY good point. It's great that Juliana has a healthy regard for herself -- but perhaps its not a good idea to toot one's own horn. I used to be involved with someone who always came in from auditions saying -- when asked "how it went" -- "Well....sigh...I was quite wonderful." Erg, erg, erg. That relationship didn't last long. Sometimes a little humility can be worth gold. Updated On: 9/16/03 at 04:44 PM

mamamia sammy Profile Photo
mamamia sammy
#40: re: Juliana's Journal - Entry #23 now online...
Posted: 9/16/03 at 5:17pm

The final word has been spoken.

BroadwayWorld: A home for the dangerously unhinged

mamamia sammy Profile Photo
mamamia sammy
#41re: : re: Juliana's Journal - Entry #23 now online...
Posted: 9/16/03 at 6:36pm

I've noticed that after Juliana describes in great detail her meals, she gives us a *wink*.

I think that *wink* might be a 'shout-out' to the messageboard!

Could Juliana be as interested in us as we are in her?

BroadwayWorld: A home for the dangerously unhinged

TheBalladeer Profile Photo
#42re: re: : re: Juliana's Journal - Entry #23 now online...
Posted: 9/17/03 at 10:14am

You know, I agree about humility....However, there is nothing wrong in having a positive self-image of your abilities as a performer. RLB, your friend or whomever sounded really stuck on him/herself. Who comes out of an audition stating "I was wonderful..." Whoa. But going back to my original point, if you don't feel that you can do it, and don't have the confidence in yourself, 80% of the time, no one is going to tell you. There have been a lot of times where I have done shows, and my fellow cast members and production staff have been very supportive, and there are others where they were.....well, let's just say, NOT, to skip over all the drama.

I hardly think from reading her posts, that she is stuck on herself. In fact, my first impressions were that of an enthusiastic young actress in her first big show. Think about it, she's 19 and understudying Millie Dillmount in the first National Tour of Millie! I would be giddy and sharing all my experiences as well! Again, this is her first tour. She is excited. She is young. Now, if she were a seasoned professional, that might be one thing, but I really feel all her comments about herself, stems from enthusiasm, and excitement, and not from self-indulgence. Just my humble opinion.

The Balladeer

"Someone tell the story...Someone sing the song...."

rlbgbc Profile Photo
#43re: re: re: : re: Juliana's Journal - Entry #23 now online...
Posted: 9/17/03 at 10:30am


Actually, the part that really got me was the "quite": "I was...quite...wonderful."

But bless his heart. He's dead.

Just a clarification. :)

Ron Pulliam
#44re: re: re: re: : re: Juliana's Journal - Entry #23 now online...
Posted: 9/18/03 at 11:42am

This pseudonymous...and highly pretentious...Zola LaPlaya...does "he/she/it" remind anyone here of anyone else who has made disparaging comments on other "Juliana's Journal" threads?

One has to seriously ask what possible interest such a person has in the way in which a young actress uses her PERSONAL time.

Zola, or whatever, reads like one seriously insecure person simply based on the harshness of its rantings. Zola is someone desperately in need of a real life.


Zola LaPlaya
#45re: re: re: re: re: : re: Juliana's Journal - Entry #23 now online...
Posted: 9/18/03 at 2:26pm

Ron Darling:

I have explained why I issued my warning. I am not concerned about her diet (as some are); I am not interested in what she does in her free time (as you are).

Au contraire.

I have heard from too many people close to Millie that she is becoming a laughing stock. I am not certain if I can be any more direct, so if anyone out there is as dimwitted as Ron please re-read the above and perhaps it will become clear to you.

If you doubt me, ask anyone associated with the production.

The last word has been spoken.


mamamia sammy Profile Photo
mamamia sammy
#46 re: Juliana's Journal - Entry #23 now online...
Posted: 9/18/03 at 4:30pm

Bradley doesn't think she's a laughing stock.

BroadwayWorld: A home for the dangerously unhinged

Al Dente Profile Photo
Al Dente
#47re: re: Juliana's Journal - Entry #23 now online...
Posted: 9/18/03 at 4:43pm

I love you Mamamia Sammy!

BroadwayGirl107 Profile Photo
#48re: re: re: Juliana's Journal - Entry #23 now online...
Posted: 9/18/03 at 5:18pm

neither does Diana, or Darcie, or Janelle....

#49re: re: re: re: Juliana's Journal - Entry #23 now online...
Posted: 9/18/03 at 5:19pm

It was funnier the first time.

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