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Juliana's Journal - Entry #23 now online...

Juliana's Journal - Entry #23 now online...

Craig Profile Photo
#0Juliana's Journal - Entry #23 now online...
Posted: 9/8/03 at 9:34pm

Link is below (btw, this entry is a longggggg one!
Juliana's Journal #23

"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men" - Willy Wonka

#1re: Juliana's Journal - Entry #23 now online...
Posted: 9/8/03 at 9:43pm

great entry!

#2re: re: Juliana's Journal - Entry #23 now online...
Posted: 9/8/03 at 9:52pm

Awesome entry! I can't wait to meet her. She seems like she would make a great friend.

CCM '10!
Updated On: 9/8/03 at 09:52 PM

Amneris Profile Photo
#3re: re: re: Juliana's Journal - Entry #23 now online...
Posted: 9/8/03 at 10:26pm

what a wonderful and wise girl. I am grateful to her because she works with such wonderful people who give her great advice and she seems to enjoy spreading it on to the rest of us. Thanks for a WONDERFUL entry!!

mamamia sammy Profile Photo
mamamia sammy
#4re: re: re: re: Juliana's Journal - Entry #23 now online...
Posted: 9/9/03 at 10:31am

This entry gave me the chills. She reminds me of a young Meryl Streep. So focused on her craft.


BroadwayWorld: A home for the dangerously unhinged

#5re: re: re: re: re: Juliana's Journal - Entry #23 now online...
Posted: 9/9/03 at 6:27pm

Aha... she's dumbfounded around Alice...

Really, who isn't? re: re: re: re: re: Juliana's Journal - Entry #23 now online...

"You! You are the worst thing to happen to musical theatre since Andrew Lloyd Webber! And you, well, I just plain don't like you."
~Stewart Gilligan Griffin

#6 Juliana's Journal - Entry #23 now online...
Posted: 9/9/03 at 6:35pm

I enjoyed it, as always. I almost feel like a stage Mom, living my "could have been" life though my "daughter". Oy. Must be getting old. We had/have to many B-days at work this week--to much B-day cake will do that to you.


Phantess Profile Photo
#7re: Juliana's Journal - Entry #23 now online...
Posted: 9/9/03 at 7:07pm

Wow that is a stunning entry. I'm so so proud of her. Even though i've never seen her just the way she tones her writing you can tell she has got such a passion for her job. Causes envy.

Benzy92 Profile Photo
#8re: re: Juliana's Journal - Entry #23 now online...
Posted: 9/9/03 at 8:29pm


BroadwayRose Profile Photo
#9re: Juliana's Journal - Entry #23 now online...
Posted: 9/9/03 at 8:32pm

I love Juliana! She's such a sweet person. You can tell she really loves what she's doing. She's such a great person it's just wonderful. =) Updated On: 9/10/03 at 08:32 PM

BroadwayGirl107 Profile Photo
#10re: re: Juliana's Journal - Entry #23 now online...
Posted: 9/9/03 at 9:31pm

Yeah she's a great girl, I met her and Bradley the other day, and they were both really sweet. They're both really funny too. The're both awesome girls. You can tell that they really, really love what they're doing. Gotta love them both!

Zola LaPlaya
#11re: re: re: Juliana's Journal - Entry #23 now online...
Posted: 9/10/03 at 6:11pm

Oh, I cannot wait to avail myself of the opportunity to meet her either. I cannot wait to gush all of myself over this young nubile starlet and proclaim her the next Meryl Streep, Nicole Kidman, Marcia Gay Harden, Julie Andrews, Mary Martin, Helen Hayes, Vanessa Redgrave and Katherine Hepburn. I cannot wait to be next to her to breathe in her understudy air and see in the flesh the auteur du jour who writes such glorious prose. Give her the Pulitzer, gentlemen!

I also cannot wait to start reading all of your pathetic crazed gushes over Mr. Joe Langworth's diary which has just sprouted wings on the MillieTour website. Unlike the sacchrine disgust of Juliana's musings, at least Mr. Langworth's entry is wry and spoken with a voice of a mature artist. Nonetheless, they should both take a lesson here: no one cares, my darlings. We all been there and it's not that interesting.

My question is very simple. Does anyone on this tour actually perform? Or do they spend all their time getting compliments from each other and writing journals about it? (Oh, I forgot the food entries......)

I'm quite frankly sick to death of it. If you're not, read BroadwayRose's post here and you will be: "she's such a great person it's just wonderful." BLECH!

I would be very interested to know what exactly the producers have to say about it. Updated On: 9/10/03 at 06:11 PM

BroadwayGirl107 Profile Photo
#12re: re: re: re: Juliana's Journal - Entry #23 now online...
Posted: 9/10/03 at 6:29pm

Why does a girl that's having the time of her life on her first national tour bother you exactly?

mamamia sammy Profile Photo
mamamia sammy
#13re: re: re: re: re: Juliana's Journal - Entry #23 now online...
Posted: 9/10/03 at 6:37pm


How come you only appear when there is a new Juliana entry? Where are you lurking the rest of the time? AND where is luluhed? Very peculiar indeed.


BroadwayWorld: A home for the dangerously unhinged

BroadwayRose Profile Photo
#14re: re: re: re: Juliana's Journal - Entry #23 now online...
Posted: 9/10/03 at 7:16pm

I don't see why you have such a problem with Juliana's journal. She's having the time of her life and I just think it's great that it hasn't gone to her head. Maybe it'd be better off if you didn't read her journal if it makes you this angry. Because I assure you she is a great girl. I'm not saying I'm a know-it-all please don't think that but like BroadwayGirl107 I don't understand why it makes you so mad that she's having a good time. Updated On: 9/10/03 at 07:16 PM

#15re: re: re: re: re: Juliana's Journal - Entry #23 now online...
Posted: 9/10/03 at 9:09pm

Sorry, Zola, but you are wrong. I have never been there and I care about her journal. It's not just me either who enjoys her entry.

CCM '10!

Zola LaPlaya
#16re: re: re: re: re: re: Juliana's Journal - Entry #23 now online...
Posted: 9/11/03 at 1:03pm

I am not wrong. I am correct. Miss Juliana and Mr. Joe Langworth should concentrate on their craft and not keeping journals. You, Madame, should not opine on this subject until you actually have served a sentence on a national tour. In sum, your opinion is really not worth a bucket of pig's spit.

robbiej Profile Photo
#17re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Juliana's Journal - Entry #23 now online...
Posted: 9/11/03 at 1:16pm


I just loved that you gave a shout out to Marcia Gay Harden. A wonderful talent.

"I'm so looking forward to a time when all the Reagan Democrats are dead."

#18re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Juliana's Journal - Entry #23 now online...
Posted: 9/11/03 at 1:29pm

Actually Zola, what you are is incredibly self-righteous, arrogant and immature - more so than any "tween" on this board I have read.

Please... "I am not wrong. I am correct. Miss Juliana and Mr. Joe Langworth should concentrate on their craft and not keeping journals."

That's your opinion. And you are not the only and final word. Get over yourself, and do it before someone drops a house on you...

" You, Madame, should not opine on this subject until you actually have served a sentence on a national tour. In sum, your opinion is really not worth a bucket of pig's spit. "

No one persons opinion is any more important than another. I don't give "pig's spit" how many tours you have "served a sentence" on - if people or even ONE person is enjoying Juliana's Journal - then what the HELL do you really care. Enjoying her journal has NOTHING to do with whether or not someone has been on tour - or even if someone has ever seen a show.

I've read Gone With The Wind, but never owned a plantation - does that make my enjoyment not count?

If being an obnoxious internet troll doesn't work out I think you could have a great career at guidance counseling

The two most common elements in the universe are hydrogen and stupidity -- Harlan Ellison.
Updated On: 9/11/03 at 01:29 PM

mamamia sammy Profile Photo
mamamia sammy
#19re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Juliana's Journal - Entry #23 now online...
Posted: 9/11/03 at 1:40pm

Who IS this mysterious Zola?

BroadwayWorld: A home for the dangerously unhinged

JohnPopa Profile Photo
#20re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Juliana's Journal - Entry #23 now online...
Posted: 9/11/03 at 1:40pm

Zola you should really find more important reasons to chew through your restraints.

#21re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Juliana's Journal - Entry #23 now online...
Posted: 9/11/03 at 1:49pm

If I were in my first national tour I'd sure as hell want to keep a journal of my experiences...for that 5, 20, or 50 years later I could look back and reflect on that experience and how it shaped my life. Heck - I keep a journal now and I'm not doing anything as impressive as these artists are.

Zola, you said "Does anyone on this tour actually perform? Or do they spend all their time getting compliments from each other and writing journals about it? (Oh, I forgot the food entries......)." Honestly...give me a break. Its a job. I'm sure in your job you get some time to yourself each day to take care of personal needs. If Juliana or Joe or whoever want to spend some of that time to journal their experiences, that's their decision to make and I highly douby that they care what you think regarding how they spend their personal time. They just decided to share their journal with other people...which I think is a pretty selfless act. Especially since it means opening their lives to scrutiny and ridicule by someone who obviously has a low self image and has to degrade other people's lives and character to make you feel better about yourself.

"Best to take the moment present as a present for the moment."-ITW, Sondheim

#22re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Juliana's Journal - Entry #23 now online...
Posted: 9/11/03 at 3:32pm

I am actually a sir, Madame.

CCM '10!

mamamia sammy Profile Photo
mamamia sammy
#23: Juliana's Journal - Entry #23 now online...
Posted: 9/11/03 at 3:38pm

I doubt that Zola is as dumb as we might think. Zola is obviously making these statements to rile up the board.

But why? It's a mystery.

BroadwayWorld: A home for the dangerously unhinged

Zola LaPlaya
#24re: : Juliana's Journal - Entry #23 now online...
Posted: 9/15/03 at 10:44am

I am not attempting to rile anyone. I am simply pointing out that not everyone has to agree that her journal has any merit whatsoever.

Have you people read the last entry? How generous of her to take time from her "busy schedule" (i.e. eating McNuggets and getting compliments from the creative team) to meet a "fan" for "frappucinos." Do you people really believe she is helping herself in her career by posting such self-aggrandizing idiocy?

The internet is forever. So are people's memories in this business.

I have been around long enough to know that she will rue the day she decided to post this journal.

Let me tell you snivlers something that might rock your worlds. My in-box is overflowing with messages from people who agree with my supposedly isolated take on this issue. You are the minority, not I.

The last word has been spoken.
