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Juliana's Journal - Entry #18 now online!

Juliana's Journal - Entry #18 now online!

Craig Profile Photo
#0Juliana's Journal - Entry #18 now online!
Posted: 8/16/03 at 9:14pm

Another double posting this weekend, enjoy...
Juliana's Journal #18

"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men" - Willy Wonka

MasterLcZ Profile Photo
#1re: Juliana's Journal - Entry #18 now online!
Posted: 8/16/03 at 9:26pm

The more I read of Juliana, the more I appreciate Jeffrey Denman.

"Christ, Bette Davis?!?!"

#2 Juliana's Journal - Entry #18 now online!
Posted: 8/16/03 at 9:37pm

I'm enjoying her journal. Glad to hear things are going so well for her.


#3re: Juliana's Journal - Entry #18 now online!
Posted: 8/16/03 at 9:40pm

Um, sorry, but last time sI checked, this was teh tour journal of a 20 year old girl. NOT the memoirs of Ethel Merman.
Give the girl a brak. If you don't like it, WTF do you go back or feel the need to trash her??

MasterLcZ Profile Photo
#4re: re: Juliana's Journal - Entry #18 now online!
Posted: 8/16/03 at 10:00pm

Somewhere out there is a twenty-year old gypsy whose diary would make compelling reading. Alas, Juliana is not that person.

Every time I've read Julianas journal I keep hoping she'll make an interesting observation about SOMETHING. But every entry is as dull and sweetly vapid as the one before.

She seems like a nice kid. I wish her the best. But her journal is just navel-gazing.

"Christ, Bette Davis?!?!"

#5re: re: re: Juliana's Journal - Entry #18 now online!
Posted: 8/16/03 at 11:42pm

Then cry to yourself!! I am not just speaking for me when I say we don't care!!

CCM '10!

SueleenGay Profile Photo
#6re: re: re: re: Juliana's Journal - Entry #18 now online!
Posted: 8/17/03 at 4:28am

So anyway there was this car crash and I really could not take my eyes off it...

Oh, sorry... Did Juliana REALLY mean that she had 2 salads at lunch or that each of them had one and that was a total of two? I was a bit confused. Also, what was the powder that was in her shake? Gimmee Gimmee! Indeed!


#7re: re: re: re: re: Juliana's Journal - Entry #18 now online!
Posted: 8/17/03 at 11:26am

I know people would probably not believe this, but I am serious. I am actually getting concerned about Juliana's food issues: Our culture does such a number on young women, and young women whose bodies are the "instruments of their art" suffer more than most.

There have been a few women who have been in my life who really suffered to recover from eating disorders, one was a ballerina, one an actress, the other not connected to showbiz, so it really does cut across all walks of life.

There are several key things in the overall journal that are enormous red flags. The one where Juliana talks about feeling so much better with just two meals a day. The almost pornographic discussions of the limited food she does ingest (her salad mentions are getting almost salacious). And the examples of unhealthy habits. Girls, a flavorless smoothie (even with protein supplements) is NOT enough for a two show day.

Now, people might say, well, it's her life, it's her body, it's a free country. BUT, I do think that publishing this journal without actually naming what it is going on in many ways reinforces the same dangerous and deadly cultural phenomenon that encourages young women in their quest for control over their bodies to the point of starving themselves to death. Literally.

And since there do seem to be a lot of girls and young women, many with big dreams of Broadway stardom in their eyes, reading the journal, people should probably think twice about the messages that are being put out. I know what somebody who writes of food that way would say in response to my concern: "Oh, if you knew what I really eat! I eat a LOT!" But that's just the standard answer. The reason somebody would detail every salad like that is because that somebody is probably hungry. And if you don't FEED your hunger, you will starve to death.

Girls, no level of fame or Broadway exposure is worth that!


Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

#8 Juliana's Journal - Entry #18 now online!
Posted: 8/17/03 at 12:48pm

Namo, if your sincere about what you posted here, I must confess that I agree with you–so far as weight is concerned.

To much is made of being thin and “perfect”. It’s strange how a society can dictate to it’s people.

If I’m not mistaken, there was a time in India (or was it a Middle Eastern country?) that if a man had a skinny wife, he was looked down on. The fatter she was, the more prosperous and successful he was considered. Therefore, the more overweight you were, the more likely you were to marry.
Obviously, this way of thinking was not any more heathy than our obsession with being thin.

There are real health reasons to try to keep the extra weight off but going below your ideal weight is both dangerous and foolish to say the least.

As to Juliana’s eating habits, not knowing her personally, I can’t say if she is over, under or maintaining her ideal weight. I hope she is maintaining.

"Girls, no level of fame or Broadway exposure is worth that!" I agree 100% but would point out that goes for you guys as well.

D Updated On: 8/17/03 at 12:48 PM

#9re: Juliana's Journal - Entry #18 now online!
Posted: 8/17/03 at 2:13pm

But there's nothing you can do about it! She is an adult, she can eat what she wants. We know that people here think she has a food problem!

Some of your fellow memebers think Juliana has a food problem.

There, no need to post this everytime a new entry is up.

CCM '10!

#10re: re: Juliana's Journal - Entry #18 now online!
Posted: 8/17/03 at 7:49pm

Really, what performer DOESN'T have a food problem? If you are a candidate for an eating disorder, you're going to suffer from it whether or not Juliana's (clearly) experiencing one herself. No need to put stress on her shoulders for promoting the beginning stages of anorexia. She's not responsible for the eating behaviors of other aspiring young artists.

Myself, I've had eating issues that I've had to deal with over the years, but I don't blame anyone else for enforcing those on me.

I do think your concern is sincere, but I feel bad for poor Juliana. She's trying to do a good thing with her journal (I'm sure many young performers are enjoying reading her experience in living out our dreams and what we one day hope to do) and I don't think it's fair to bash here every time she puts out a new entry. If you don't enjoy reading her stories, just don't read them.

"You! You are the worst thing to happen to musical theatre since Andrew Lloyd Webber! And you, well, I just plain don't like you."
~Stewart Gilligan Griffin

#11 Juliana's Journal - Entry #18 now online!
Posted: 8/17/03 at 9:00pm

Errr, I would have to disagree that in this case there was bashing. A perfectly acceptable topic was brought up and is being discussed without any type of personal attack that I read. It can’t be a bad thing if it does anything to raise awareness of eating disorders. The moment it turns cruel is a different story. I will be the first to voice my objection.

If (operative word here) Juliana does have an eating order problem, it’s true that there is nothing we can do about–it’s also true that it really isn’t our business. HOWEVER, think of it this way, if she is reading our posts as we are reading her journal, it is possible it may bring it to her attention so she can DO something about it.

LOL, Bless MY heart, it’s an amazing and awesome thing–I found myself agreeing with Namo.


#12re: Juliana's Journal - Entry #18 now online!
Posted: 8/17/03 at 9:05pm

Honestly, I think she is just eating healthy. She always says that she orders salads, but maybe she orders other stuff at meals and just doesn't write it in the journal. That IS possible. If it was JUST salads, she wouldn't have dropped like fly long ago doing eight shows a week. I think it is just her ordering salads at meal times on a regular basis since salads are generally healthy and you have to eat well with that performance schedule.

#13re: re: Juliana's Journal - Entry #18 now online!
Posted: 8/17/03 at 9:22pm

DofB5, this isn't the 1st time they have mentioned this!

CCM '10!

#14re: re: re: Juliana's Journal - Entry #18 now online!
Posted: 8/17/03 at 10:03pm

11, I wasn't writing as a "they," I was writing as a "me."

I actually agree that Juliana is an adult and she can do with or to her body whatever she wants. (That's one of the reasons I was a reproductive clinic defender back in the days of Operation Rescue, but I digress.) And Daisy, I also agree that the culture puts stress on people -- particularly women -- to be unhealthily thin. But at some point somebody, somewhere has to look around and decide that they aren't going to contribute to an atmosphere that reinforces this just because that's the way things have always been (at least since the latter half of the 20th century).

I think that at this point, the journal just adds to it. Juliana will have to decide for herself what's healthy for herself or not. But she also has to realize, and much more importantly, the people who publish her journal have to realize, that they are contributing to the cultural noise that reiterates again and again to girls and young women that thin-at-any-price is what's most important.

11, as far as I can remember, I myself have never written anything about Juliana's food issues. Although it has come up in other threads. Fact is, it gets more and more apparent with every new journal entry. It may be too late for Juliana, but it's not too late for all those young female fans she describes waiting to meet her at the stage door. If she keeps it up, she'll be a pretty big cog in the machinery that brings those young girls and women down too.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none
Updated On: 8/17/03 at 10:03 PM

Amneris Profile Photo
#15re: re: re: re: Juliana's Journal - Entry #18 now online!
Posted: 8/17/03 at 11:59pm

I am a dedicated reader to Juliana's journal because she is basically my age... a few months older... and has the same dreams I do. She seems like a smart girl and talented at that.But, I do agree with the whole foods situation. It seems more and more in every journal she talks about her skipping out on meals and going to the gym or when she does eat, it's a cobb salad from crayola or a powder shake...and when the tour gets to LA how she plans on looking hot. Seeing photos of her on line she is a BEAUTIFUL girl!!! I myself as well as many friends know what it's like to suffer with eating problems. Throwing up your food every single night or not eating....weakness,black circles,mood swings come with it all and while you may lose the pounds you don't feel good and as a fan of hers, I do not wish to see ANYTHING like this happen to her. Im sure she can take care of herself but, when you have a group of total strangers from different parts of the states thinking the same thing, maybe something is up. I DO NOT want to assume anything because hopefully we are wrong... I know when I was 15 I was REALLY thin because I wanted to look good in a HIGH SCHOOL production of "West Side Story" playing Graziella.. shes in the real deal imagine what that must be like? I hate the standards we are all supposed to live up to.. i just wish there were more shows for AVERAGE size girls. Updated On: 8/18/03 at 11:59 PM

Posted: 8/18/03 at 12:04am

For those of you who have unrealistic expectations and want to look like the models you see in magazines...... check this out.

Click the link. You will see a picture of a model published in a magazine. Scroll over the image to what she REALLY looks like when the photo was taken, before it was touched up. You click on the thumbnails at the left to see some close up views....
Greg's Digital Archive 1 Updated On: 8/18/03 at 12:04 AM

#17re: ATTENTION!!!!!!!!!
Posted: 8/18/03 at 12:06am

Another one... just scroll your mouse over the image, then click on the thumbnails and do the same.
Greg's digital archive 2 Updated On: 8/18/03 at 12:06 AM

#18re: re: ATTENTION!!!!!!!!!
Posted: 8/18/03 at 12:07am

and one more.. a guy, but not as touched up as the two girls I posted above.
grag's digital archive 3

#19re: re: re: ATTENTION!!!!!!!!!
Posted: 8/18/03 at 12:54am

Well, I promised I wouldn't, I really did. Juliana is a healthy girl. She eats well (unlike YOU, I have eaten many many meals with her and she has a very healthy appetite). You act like eating a Cobb Salad leads to anorexia. I eat Cobb Salads. They're huge, they have turkey and bacon and avacado and blue cheese and are quite yummy and quite filling. Sometimes they are so filling that I don't eat again, or I'll just have something light. Sometimes I'll eat two salads a day. Sometimes I'll eat one meal a day. So WHAT? I'm not anorexic nor is she. No one but you lot seem to be bothered by this - she's not sending out messages to anyone, and the e-mails she gets are from other healthy teenagers like herself. So, I know just HOW concerned you are, really I do, but your concern is for naught. She's happy, she's healthier than most of you lot, and she is a gorgeous young woman. The End.

#20re: re: re: re: ATTENTION!!!!!!!!!
Posted: 8/18/03 at 12:55am


MasterLcZ Profile Photo
#21Yummy salads
Posted: 8/18/03 at 4:22am

With all that roughage Juliana is feating on, I hope for her castmates sake she's heard of "beano".

"Christ, Bette Davis?!?!"

#22re: Yummy salads
Posted: 8/18/03 at 5:09am


#23re: re: Yummy salads
Posted: 8/18/03 at 9:27am

Bruce. It's different for girls. I am sure as a very middle-aged man you do just fine on your salads. In your golden years I am sure you are not panicked about staying a size zero. (Your recipe, however, sounds fan-tab! Do you think it would be as good with vegetarian mock turkey?)

I am sure that as Juliana's physician, your opinion that she is very healthy is valid. I'm sure she could very well be one of the rare very healthy gals who catalogues every single bit of food she ingests. Nothing wrong with that at all.

But, and it's a big but, people who publish messages and themes over and over again that are read by girls and young women have to ask themselves if they are part of the solution, or part of the problem? I guess that would include you, Bruce. Clearly, Juliana has lots of young female fans. They are already bombarded by messages that tell them to be thin at all costs. Nobody tells them that the images they are inundated with are completely touched over, like the ones Broadwayguy links above.

And now they have someone in a position they would like to be in (new Broadway starlet) publicly obsessing about food and thinness and her desire to be hot, which she links together.

So that's fine. Keep publishing it as is. But just be conscious of what you are sending out there, even if you don't change a word at least you can think about the potential damage you might be doing to young women and not claim you had no idea.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

#24re: re: re: Yummy salads
Posted: 8/18/03 at 9:43am

Namo, your intentions may be well placed, but man you need to lay off!! You have absolutely NO idea who this gal is! So what if she is eating that stuff! And as far as her constantly posting her eating habits, so what!! Having toured for a LONG time myself, I can tell you that where and what you eat becomes a pretty important topic! So that may explain why she always mentions what she ate. But seriously Namo, relax it with this young and enthusiastic girl. If you want to address society's pressure on young women to be thin, do that. It's a worthwhile topic. But don't charge her with being a contributor or victim of it.
