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Jesus Christ Superstar: Arena Spectacular- Page 2

Jesus Christ Superstar: Arena Spectacular

Johnnycantdecide Profile Photo
#25Jesus Christ Superstar: Arena Spectacular
Posted: 4/5/14 at 12:14pm

About as awkward as casting a Judas who does not have the notes to sing one of the easier songs in the score.

Scarywarhol Profile Photo
#26Jesus Christ Superstar: Arena Spectacular
Posted: 4/5/14 at 12:41pm

I was waiting for this to come over because of Tim Minchin. Couldn't care less without him.

g.d.e.l.g.i. Profile Photo
#27Jesus Christ Superstar: Arena Spectacular
Posted: 4/5/14 at 3:30pm

If it's any consolation, this Brandon Boyd dude sounds exactly like him.

As one of the resident JCS fans, my summation is thus: This is "D" list casting when there are so many better choices out there for these roles. The reality show winner is a particularly bad choice because he doesn't have any cachet in the U.S.; JCS fans were the only largely American audience who gave a **** about the reality show's outcome. I can only imagine that Webber must still be bound by the contract and/or terms of the competition, or we'd be seeing someone else in the part. Incubus isn't really an arena band, and the only Destiny's Child member anyone gives a **** about is Beyonce. Johnny Rotten is the only interesting piece of casting, and I'm not paying well over 200 dollars to see one number.

I know that, as a producer, it's not really a question of quality in this case. It's a question of if they can draw. My opinion, though? I love JCS, and try to see as much of it as I can, but at that price, with this production (which set the show in London during Occupy and the 2011 riots and proceeded to leave some gaping plot holes in the story as a result), and this cast, I'll download a clip of Johnny Rotten as Herod and stay home, quite frankly. I await the grosses. Frankly, I think the rest of the country will agree.

Incidentally, if you want to see a JCS that, if it has the risk of not being great, is at least comfortable to the significant population of America that loves its old time religion, the Incredible Flying Senior Jesus is still doing well at the box office, this time in Italy.

Jesus Christ Superstar - Peep Arrow

Formerly gvendo2005
Broadway Legend
joined: 5/1/05

Blocked: After Eight, suestorm, david_fick, emlodik, lovebwy, Dave28282, joevitus, BorisTomashevsky

Princeton Returns Profile Photo
Princeton Returns
#28Jesus Christ Superstar: Arena Spectacular
Posted: 4/5/14 at 3:48pm

Bit surprised you guys aren't having an American lead, I assume Ben is unknown over there and he isnt that great in the role either so his casting is a surprise

#29Jesus Christ Superstar: Arena Spectacular
Posted: 4/5/14 at 4:01pm

Against better judgement, I just got tickets to the Toronto show. I have never seen JCS before (and am not familiar with the music), so I won't be able to tell if they totally butcher the show.

Adair Haywind
#30Jesus Christ Superstar: Arena Spectacular
Posted: 4/5/14 at 4:46pm

I didn't really like Ben's performance on the DVD. Tim Minchin was without a doubt the highlight of this production, but I am looking forward to seeing it live here in the US. The pricing is ridiculous, though. I'm going to have to start saving now.

#31Jesus Christ Superstar: Arena Spectacular
Posted: 4/6/14 at 1:42am

Here's a video of Michelle Williams singing "I Don't Know How to Love Him."

best12bars Profile Photo
#32Jesus Christ Superstar: Arena Spectacular
Posted: 4/6/14 at 8:28am

Is it just me, or are Michelle Williams's arms and hands about 16 feet long?

And watching her in the introduction with all of those broad, disconnected (giant) arm gestures makes me wonder about any hope for acting chops.

And yes, she didn't know the lyrics ... which (for her) was the same two phrases repeated over and over again.

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
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Jamie Pierce Profile Photo
Jamie Pierce
#33Jesus Christ Superstar: Arena Spectacular
Posted: 4/6/14 at 10:15am

Brandon Boyd is an excellent vocalist, however, he sounded on the GMA video as though he may have been having a little vocal difficulty (hopefully just sick and not damaged).

#34Jesus Christ Superstar: Arena Spectacular
Posted: 4/6/14 at 12:14pm

Wow. That clip of her singing "I Dont Know How To Love Him" was rough. She sings is fine, in a light, poppy way I suppose the creatives would like. But that acting is pageant-worthy.

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#35Jesus Christ Superstar: Arena Spectacular
Posted: 5/30/14 at 2:54pm

So @JCSTheMusical has been cancelled 3 days b4 flying out to the US. Gutted for all involved. We need more compensation pay @EquityUK

WOW. (He's not in the show, in case you were wondering.)


"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt
Updated On: 5/30/14 at 02:54 PM

thespian geek Profile Photo
thespian geek
#36Jesus Christ Superstar: Arena Spectacular
Posted: 5/30/14 at 2:57pm

Apparently a backer pulled out last minute and the cast was told about the cancellation today after a full run through.

#37Jesus Christ Superstar: Arena Spectacular
Posted: 5/30/14 at 3:45pm

Just throwing this out as a possibility. Could they find another backer in the short time that they to move the tour on originally?

Johnnycantdecide Profile Photo
#38Jesus Christ Superstar: Arena Spectacular
Posted: 5/30/14 at 3:46pm

I don't know how Andrew expected it to sell with a D list cast who couldn't even do the score justice while trying to sell it at an A list price.

Updated On: 5/30/14 at 03:46 PM

sbflyfan Profile Photo
#39Jesus Christ Superstar: Arena Spectacular
Posted: 5/30/14 at 3:47pm

All traces of tour dates and cast seem to have just been taken down from the website.

"I'm seeing the LuPone in Key West later this week. I'm hoping for great vocals and some sort of insane breakdown..." - BenjaminNicholas2

thespian geek Profile Photo
thespian geek
#40Jesus Christ Superstar: Arena Spectacular
Posted: 5/30/14 at 3:53pm

Be careful not to say ANYTHING negative about the show on Twitter, lest the actors hunt you down and yell at you for having an opinion! Because that definitely just happened to me.

Stay classy, Adam Strong. Whoever the hell you are.

thespian geek Profile Photo
thespian geek
#41Jesus Christ Superstar: Arena Spectacular
Posted: 5/30/14 at 3:56pm

Jesus Christ Superstar: Arena Spectacular

This whole cast is handling the news with a lot of grace, actually.

Updated On: 5/30/14 at 03:56 PM

#42Jesus Christ Superstar: Arena Spectacular
Posted: 5/30/14 at 4:14pm

Was the show selling well to begin with? I don't think the most popular rock bands of the day can sell out a 50 city tour of the US.

g.d.e.l.g.i. Profile Photo
#43Jesus Christ Superstar: Arena Spectacular
Posted: 5/30/14 at 5:52pm

Let's face facts here. This was an over-priced nothing with a regional theater quality cast. Although there is a large born again fundamentalist Christian (specifically Protestant) market in the States, the only one large enough to see such a phenomena, they happen to hate JCS. They view it as sacrilege. You would think they'd lap up tickets to this thing, but I went through this marketing wise on a very serious level with several of the world's mega-churches, and they detest the show. (They prefer Godspell, which is decidedly not a major show.) Catholics might be open to it, but that's not going to fill arenas. This was never going to end well even if it limped past opening night.

Formerly gvendo2005
Broadway Legend
joined: 5/1/05

Blocked: After Eight, suestorm, david_fick, emlodik, lovebwy, Dave28282, joevitus, BorisTomashevsky

JoseLee_ Profile Photo
#44Jesus Christ Superstar: Arena Spectacular
Posted: 5/30/14 at 6:14pm

I wish this was a regular tour of the show like at a proper theatre. I decided long ago that I wasn't going to go when I saw the prices.

Brave Sir Robin2 Profile Photo
Brave Sir Robin2
#45Jesus Christ Superstar: Arena Spectacular
Posted: 5/30/14 at 6:28pm

Regardless of religion, there was no reality show promoting the show nor was there the built in audience for ALW that we have compared to the UK.

"I saw Pavarotti play Rodolfo on stage and with his girth I thought he was about to eat the whole table at the Cafe Momus." - Dollypop

FANtomFollies Profile Photo
#46Jesus Christ Superstar: Arena Spectacular
Posted: 5/30/14 at 7:03pm

how much were the tickets?

veronicamae Profile Photo
#47Jesus Christ Superstar: Arena Spectacular
Posted: 5/30/14 at 8:06pm

I kept meaning to get tickets - it was going to be here in like two weeks.

Guess I don't have to worry about remembering anymore. Womp womp.

Sad though - JCS is my absolutely favorite score. Yes, as mentioned above - let's just do a regular staged version in average-sized theaters.

bwayphreak234 Profile Photo
#48Jesus Christ Superstar: Arena Spectacular
Posted: 5/30/14 at 8:24pm

PRODUCING 101 LESSON: Do not announce the launch of an arena tour of a tired musical with the idea of "big stars in the cast" if you don't have big stars. I am not surprised at this at all. I love Jesus Christ Superstar, but after watching the video of the UK arena tour, seeing who was announced to "star", and looking at those outrageous ticket prices, I had NO desire to go at all.

"There’s nothing quite like the power and the passion of Broadway music. "

darreyl102 Profile Photo
#49Jesus Christ Superstar: Arena Spectacular
Posted: 5/30/14 at 9:52pm

Was meaning to get tickets, but for some reason kept putting it off- now I am glad I did not even bother.

Darreyl with an L!
