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JUST GIVE SUTTON THE TONY NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!- Page 3


Katecab99 Profile Photo
Posted: 3/31/05 at 10:57am

She is AMAZING! She absolutley blew me away when I saw LW and I can't wait until the Tony's!

Tom1071 Profile Photo
Posted: 3/31/05 at 11:04am

Sutton is incredible is in the show. If it were up to me the Tony would be on it's way to her apartment right now.

Posted: 3/31/05 at 11:10am

I'm so annoyed, I saw LW several weeks ago w/ the understudy.
I feel so cheated b/c, as most people will say, the show is extremely boring and weak. It seems that the consensus is that Sutton is the saving grace. I really want to see Sutton's performance, but there is NO WAY I can sit through LW again. It was torture sitting through it once and struggling to stay awake.

Posted: 3/31/05 at 11:12am

It's true. Without Sutton (or Maureen for that matter) the show is dull and boring. But, the thing is, Sutton is so amazing that I think that you should try to sit through it again just to see her perform. It's an incredible performance, especially considering the material she has to work with.

"This table, he is over one hundred years old. If I could, I would take an old gramophone needle and run it along the surface of the wood. To hear the music of the voices. All that was said." - Doug Wright, I Am My Own Wife

Sasha3 Profile Photo
Posted: 3/31/05 at 1:16pm

Effortless? Her acting was effortless???

YOU try flying a fake kite! It’s hard work! Not only do you have to fake launch it, but then you’ve got to fake roll out the string, watch it fake fly, and then factor in fake wind resistance and fake breezes. All while faking that you care Beth is dying. Exhausting!

*avoids fake rocks getting tossed at head*

Corine2 Profile Photo
#55K Ohara
Posted: 3/31/05 at 2:40pm

I think she deserves a nomination for her performance as Clara in Piazza.
What a voice. Sutton is wonderful, but she won a Tony for Millie. I would love to see Maureen get one for her supporting role and O'Hara for Piazza. Clark was outstanding as well.
Her voice is gorgeous as is the rest of her.
She looks like a Barbie Doll and sounds like an angel.
Updated On: 3/31/05 at 02:40 PM

melissa errico fan Profile Photo
melissa errico fan
#56K Ohara
Posted: 3/31/05 at 2:42pm

When I saw LITTLE WOMEN, Sutton was good, but you could tell that she was struggling to hit the higher notes. There was nothing effortless about her performance.

On the other hand, Vicki Clark is perfection. She will win.

#57K Ohara
Posted: 3/31/05 at 2:58pm

Perfection????? where is her character from?? i could have sworn that she was a MUTT by her accent. U must have seen a bad night with sutton cause she was completely on. There was nothing pushed, or reached. it was like BUTTAH

melissa errico fan Profile Photo
melissa errico fan
#58K Ohara
Posted: 3/31/05 at 3:03pm

On the night that I saw LW, Sutton was all over the place. She cracked repeatedly. She could barely make it through "Astonishing". She still was better than most, but it wasn't her finest hour.

InfiniteTheaterFrenzy Profile Photo
Posted: 3/31/05 at 3:06pm

I think Victoria will definitely win. Her performance was breathtaking.

However I loved Sutton, and didn't hear her crack at all. I thought she gave a wonderful performance as well...

[title of show] on Broadway. it's time. believe.

melissa errico fan Profile Photo
melissa errico fan
Posted: 3/31/05 at 3:10pm

Acting wise, Sutton was great. Her earlier songs ("Better", etc.) were all very good. But by the end of the first act, she started to wear out.

Posted: 3/31/05 at 3:11pm

Last time I saw LW back in mid-March, Ms. Foster had to clear her throat towards the end of "Astonishing," but before the big finish. I believe she deserves the Tony for her work, if Clark doesn't snatch it up instead. Hopefully I'll be seeing Piazza in early May so I can rightfully weigh in on the competition.

Ruth Sherwood Profile Photo
Ruth Sherwood
Posted: 3/31/05 at 3:15pm

I've seen the show twice, and both times Sutton has been fabulous. Her acting took me by suprise because I thought she would play Jo just like Millie, but she played Jo exactly as I imagined her when reading the book. The first time I saw "Little Women" she did have a little trouble with "Astonishing" at the end, but otherwise I think she was absolutely perfect. Considering the other performers who Sutton will probably be up against,(and I have not seen "Sweet Charity" yet) I think she deserves the Tony.

"Life beats down and crushes the soul and art reminds you that you have one." -Stella Adler

bronxboundexpress Profile Photo
Posted: 3/31/05 at 3:21pm

Sutton Foster is so overrated. I think her voice is annoying.

BroadwayGirl107 Profile Photo
Posted: 3/31/05 at 3:30pm

I have not seen Clark yet, so I can't weigh out the options the right way yet. But, that being said, Sutton's performance is certainly Tony-worhty work. Her performance in Little Women, in my opinion, is very much superior to her perfomance in Thoroughly Modern Millie.
Updated On: 3/31/05 at 03:30 PM

Macy2 Profile Photo
Posted: 3/31/05 at 4:13pm

The night I saw Sutton in LW, she was straining to reach the notes in "Astonishing" and was flat on the last note in the closing song, "Small Umbrella In The Rain." Also, I felt like several aspects of her performance were forced -- all the mugging she did in order to get laughs was irritating, and I just thought that on the whole she was overacting. I mean, give her an "A" for effort, but not a Tony for this performance.

TGIF Profile Photo
Posted: 3/31/05 at 4:55pm

Has anyone ever thought that Sutton seems so great because she is in a mediocre show? How would she come off in a well written role, in a show where the entire cast is top notch? Now I have not see Little Women, so I won't make judgment on her in the role.

She won the Tony for her role in Millie, a show comparable to LW in regards to quality. Anyone else see a pattern?

Clark's performance in '...Piazza' was close to perfection. I doubt anyone's performance can top hers. Now if infact Ms. Foster does do better than Victoria Clark, then by all means give her the award. I'll make my comments about this after I have seen her in the show.

I want to write music. I want to sit down right now at my piano and write a song that people will listen to and remember and do the same thing every morning...for the rest of my life. - Jonathan Larson. Tick, Tick...BOOM!
Updated On: 3/31/05 at 04:55 PM

baddadnpa Profile Photo
Posted: 3/31/05 at 4:57pm

Actually, not only shouldn't she win the Tony for LW, she should have to give back the one she won for Millie. HATED LW.

The truly beautiful should be lawfully restricted from wearing clothing; and the truly butt-ugly should be lawfully mandated from going naked.

Juliet2170 Profile Photo
Posted: 3/31/05 at 5:43pm

hey everybody,

i was wondering if i should shell out the money to see LW because i've never read the story and if it is really that boring i don't even think sutton would make it alright. lets face it, a show even with a "saving grace" is really not the kind of publicity a worthy show should elicit.

i saw piazza last week and i also did not know the story going into it, (i know, how uncultured am i) but i really thought both women did an amazing job to bring it to life. oh and matthew morrison too of course! is sutton and clark so similar in talent that its worth it to see LW?

Posted: 3/31/05 at 6:09pm

of course he did Sutton

ElphieDefiesGravity Profile Photo
Posted: 3/31/05 at 6:13pm

Juliet~ I would definitely recommend seeing the show! I personally love it and don't find it boring at all. I also love most of the score, but maybe that's just me.
As for Sutton, I have seen the show five times and each time she has been wonderful. I really hope she wins the Tony this year. Granted, I haven't seen any of the other performances Sutton so I can't make a real, informed decision, but Sutton truly is amazing and really lights up the stage.

"Blow out the candles, Robert, and make a wish. Want something. Want something."

Wishes come true, not free.

Dummy Profile Photo
Posted: 3/31/05 at 6:14pm

All I'm getting out of this thread is that Coondiggity thought "Little Women" sucked but thinks Sutton Foster is a goddess. What's not clear is whether he's sporting a chubby for her or making a Judy Garland style fetish out of her.

Posted: 3/31/05 at 6:47pm

She rocked the show, that is all I'm saying. And i prefer Jenny Powers ( Go CATS!!! just got accepted) over sutton. MUCH HOTTER. But Sutton shimmers in this show. I found her to be really wonderful. and to TGIF. HOW DARE U SAY THAT THE CAST SUCKS> that is a great cast minus the men. I did not like their performances. MEghan Mcginnis has a great voice and wonderful knack on stage. Maureen mcgovern is TREMENDOUS ALL AROUND. THe show comes alive in the 2nd act and so do the rest of the actors minus SUTTON who is marvelous every second of the show

catstagestud Profile Photo
Posted: 3/31/05 at 6:55pm

Hhhmm....I saw Sutton's stand-by because she was sick and thought her stand-by did a good job with the crappy material. Her "Astonishing" made me kinda get more interested in the show. I wish I could've seen her but I think Sherie Rene Scott's got a good chance for DRS. She is great in the show and has good material to work with; something Sutton does not. I didn't get to see LITP because it hadn't started by the time I was in NYC. Also I'd like to see Joanna Gleason nominated for supporting for DRS...she's a hoot and her character is from Omaha, where I'm orig. from. I think the nominations will be interesting. And Applegate will probably be nominated by pure celebrity status; this also hurts other contenders chances; big names hurt the true theatre performers; I think. But we'll see.

catstagestud Profile Photo
Posted: 3/31/05 at 6:55pm

Hhhmm....I saw Sutton's stand-by because she was sick and thought her stand-by did a good job with the crappy material. Her "Astonishing" made me kinda get more interested in the show. I wish I could've seen her but I think Sherie Rene Scott's got a good chance for DRS. She is great in the show and has good material to work with; something Sutton does not. I didn't get to see LITP because it hadn't started by the time I was in NYC. Also I'd like to see Joanna Gleason nominated for supporting for DRS...she's a hoot and her character is from Omaha, where I'm orig. from. I think the nominations will be interesting. And Applegate will probably be nominated by pure celebrity status; this also hurts other contenders chances; big names hurt the true theatre performers; I think. But we'll see.
