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Posted: 3/30/05 at 11:10pm

So i jsut saw Little Women today. At the end of the first act i was talking to my dad about how i totally didn't get the show and thought it sorta sucked. Being a male i had no clue and didn't get it. I thought the story was all over the place and had no focus, i thought the songs were soso, I've def heard better, and lyrics were confusing. The only saving grace to the show was SUTTON. THE GIRL IS ON FIRE. she has soooooooooooooooooooooo much fun up there on stage. SHE IS AMAZING. the final song to Act 1 ASTONISHING as a song isn't any good, but i LOVED IT cause she sang it brilliantly. Anyone else i would have said that it was a waste of a first act finale.

the second act is far far far better. Everything comes together really well. The duet between Beth and Jo IS UNBELEIVEABLE. Meghan McGillis has the most sweet, pure, and brilliant vocie. put her and Sutton together and the song just MELTS. Maureen McGovern sings her heart out and is awesome in this act. The show comes together realyl well. I didn't like how the guys in the show portray their chraracters. They all seem like whimps and it was jsut annoying.

BACK ON TOPIC. SUTTON FOSTER HAS THE TONY IN HER HAND. she does everything SO PERFECTLY and Effortlessly, and has sooooooooooooo much fun doing it at the same time. SHE IS A GENIUS

Rathnait62 Profile Photo
#1re: JUST GIVE SUTTON THE TONY NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted: 3/30/05 at 11:12pm

"Effortlessly"? You must have seen a different show than I did.

Have I ever shown you my Shattered Dreams box? It's in my Disappointment Closet. - Marge Simpson

#2re: JUST GIVE SUTTON THE TONY NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted: 3/30/05 at 11:14pm

she is sooo smooth. the show itself is as bumpy as a pothole ladden street, but sutton herself just flows

SallyBrown Profile Photo
#3re: JUST GIVE SUTTON THE TONY NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted: 3/30/05 at 11:15pm

forgive me if this sounds ignorant, because I never saw Little Women show, but how do you mean the men played wimpy? Because in the original novel, they were pretty sentimental already...

"It's a great feeling of power to be naked in front of people. We're happy to watch actual incredible graphic violence and gore, but as soon as somebody's naked it seems like the public goes a bit bananas about the whole thing."

LaCageAuxFollesFan2 Profile Photo
#4re: JUST GIVE SUTTON THE TONY NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted: 3/30/05 at 11:15pm

Whether you like the show or not - there is NO dissagreeing! SUTTON FOSTER is WONDERFUL all the way around, gives one hell of a performances, and (although I have yet to see Applegate) I believe deserves the Award! Victoria Clark, NO WAY - doesnt even come close to the powerhouse and phisicality of Foster.

#5re: JUST GIVE SUTTON THE TONY NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted: 3/30/05 at 11:17pm

I can't explain the whimpiness, but i just sat there and felt blah about their portrayals. SUTTON IS AMAZING. she carries that show on her small frame. I can't say enough. Just that she better start dress hunting right now cause it is gonna see some serious air time.

ShuQ Profile Photo
#6re: JUST GIVE SUTTON THE TONY NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted: 3/30/05 at 11:18pm

I totally agree. I was shocked at how effortlessly it was done. She doesn't look like she's in pain when she sings (like many of her fellow female leads do) and I thought that without her, the show would be nothing. She is amazing.

#7re: JUST GIVE SUTTON THE TONY NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted: 3/30/05 at 11:21pm

definately. Did anyone else really dislike the first act. I thought that the first act had nothing going for it. "Astonishing" AS a song i thought it sucked, but u let sutton sing it and it will be pure BLISS.
I also was suprised by Meghan Mcgillis cause when she sang that duet with sutton i swore that something in that room was melting from pure joy of the sound that was filling the air.

#8re: JUST GIVE SUTTON THE TONY NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted: 3/30/05 at 11:23pm

Oh my!

"What a mystery this world. One day you love them and the next day you want to kill them a thousand times over." The Masked Bandit in THE FALL

StickToPriest Profile Photo
#9re: JUST GIVE SUTTON THE TONY NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted: 3/30/05 at 11:24pm

She was good, but she sure as hell doesn't deserve the Tony over Clark.

"One no longer loves one's insight enough once one communicates it."

The opposite of creation isn't war, it's stagnation.

#10re: JUST GIVE SUTTON THE TONY NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted: 3/30/05 at 11:27pm

R U KIDDING ME. there is No one on broadway right now that can take the lines, and lyrics and paint such an amazing picture. She perfectly captures the essence of the story and of Jo. She is the complete tomboy and perfectly pregresses throguh womanhood. NO ONE can dead pan the jokes and comedy and then later on have peopel crying. SHE CARRIES THE SHOW. FULL OUT CARRIES. LIKE ATLAS CARRIES THE WORLD.

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#11re: JUST GIVE SUTTON THE TONY NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted: 3/30/05 at 11:29pm

I haven't seen LITTLE WOMEN but she won't win again so soon after MILLIE. Who does she think she is, Donna Murphy?

#12re: JUST GIVE SUTTON THE TONY NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted: 3/30/05 at 11:29pm

*Watches sh!t hit an all too familiar fan*.


Personally, I think I have too much bloom.

munkustrap178 Profile Photo
#13re: JUST GIVE SUTTON THE TONY NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted: 3/30/05 at 11:33pm

I still haven't seen PIAZZA, so I can't comment on Clark's performance as of yet, but I will agree that Sutton is quite wonderful in LITTLE WOMEN. Relevatory and brilliant? No. But fantastic, yes.

"If you are going to do something, do it well. And leave something witchy." -Charlie Manson

Rathnait62 Profile Photo
#14re: JUST GIVE SUTTON THE TONY NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted: 3/30/05 at 11:35pm

I believe that Corndiggity's real name is Hunter.

Have I ever shown you my Shattered Dreams box? It's in my Disappointment Closet. - Marge Simpson

LaCageAuxFollesFan2 Profile Photo
#15re: JUST GIVE SUTTON THE TONY NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted: 3/30/05 at 11:40pm

munkustrap178 - this is one of those few instances I agree with you this season (think SPAMALOT - ugh!) Anyway, Foster is simply ASTONISHING in LW and deserves & will be rewarded for it. Clark, while very good in LITP - doesnt have the IT factor Foster does this year. Clark will have to recieve 100% rave reviews and audience/tony voter love from here till kingdom come to topple Foster.

S ACTOR: O'HARE (possible, the only one Ive yet to see)

2 side notes: McGovern, while great and just as astonishing as Foster will leave the show in August (if it doesnt close before hand) to tour. Will leaving BWAY hurt her chances? It could! But then again, shes leaving to take the same role on tour.

Also, While LITP may take Sets & Lights. I don't think a show with a limited run, especially one that closes the week after the Tony Awards, deserves to recieve that many special awards bestowed upon it. POSSIBLY Score (but even then, it is my opinion that DRS is a far better score, and possibly even SPELLING BEE)
Updated On: 3/30/05 at 11:40 PM

NYCbabe3789 Profile Photo
#16re: JUST GIVE SUTTON THE TONY NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted: 3/30/05 at 11:43pm

I saw Little Women today as well, and while I found the show to be boring and the majority of the characters cold and underwritten, I would still see it again for Sutton. Absolutely incredible.

#17re: JUST GIVE SUTTON THE TONY NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted: 3/30/05 at 11:44pm

I wish i was Hunter, ALL OVER BROADWAy. HOTTTTT WIFE. life would be pretty sweet

#18re: JUST GIVE SUTTON THE TONY NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted: 3/30/05 at 11:45pm

I thought Sutton was pretty wonderful, but I liked Sheri Rene Scott even more.

Clark gave a lovely performance, certainly when she was singing there were some gorgeous sounds coming out of her, but her constantly shifting accent drove me up the wall! Wait is she British? Wait, now she sounds like she's from Georgia. Oh no, I think she's from North Dakota. Wait she's British again. If she just picked an accent and stuck with it, I would be much more willing to wish for her a Tony (especially since I ADORED her in Titanic). I know it’s a picky thing, but the accent thing really distracted me.

munkustrap178 Profile Photo
#19re: JUST GIVE SUTTON THE TONY NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted: 3/30/05 at 11:45pm

Don't say that we agree yet! You say that Sutton is this year's "it" girl? I'm sorry, but I disagree. I would say this year's "it" girl is Victoria Clark. Being completely unbiased (because I've never seen her in a lead role and haven't seen PIAZZA,) it buzz surrounding her truly is astonishing. I think many people will go see PIAZZA because of what they've heard about HER. I don't know if the same is true for LITTLE WOMEN, but again, this is only my opinion. And no, Clark won't have to recieve across the board raves to guarantee her Tony win...yet again, look at Idina Menzel.

"If you are going to do something, do it well. And leave something witchy." -Charlie Manson

MatureDignity Profile Photo
#20re: JUST GIVE SUTTON THE TONY NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted: 3/30/05 at 11:46pm

I wish i was Hunter, ALL OVER BROADWAy. HOTTTTT WIFE. life would be pretty sweet

*checks calendar*

Just making sure it's not April 1st.

munkustrap178 Profile Photo
#21re: JUST GIVE SUTTON THE TONY NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted: 3/30/05 at 11:47pm

Same here. Jen Cody? Hot?

"If you are going to do something, do it well. And leave something witchy." -Charlie Manson

LaCageAuxFollesFan2 Profile Photo
#22re: JUST GIVE SUTTON THE TONY NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted: 3/30/05 at 11:50pm

joniray I couldnt agree more about the accent - that was one of the major major turn offs to me about Clark - she sounded like a mix between waaaayyy too many things. Most certainly sounding like DOnna Murphy in WONDERFUL TOWN at times, and for a minute I thought Ruth Sherwood was on stage. The singing, yes beautiful - but in her own voice. It just wansn't all that convincing of a performance to me I guess.

#23re: JUST GIVE SUTTON THE TONY NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted: 3/31/05 at 12:00am

Maybe is she is keeping it warm for Ms. Clark...

#24re: JUST GIVE SUTTON THE TONY NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted: 3/31/05 at 12:04am

I find her attractive. I'm sry for having my own opinion of women.

And we are getting off topic. the fact of the matter is that Sutton Foster is taking home her 2nd Tony in as many nominations. She is solid and I can't wait for her to find an even better show to do next. One that shows off her talents like little women does, but has a better story, music, lyrics, and all around better show Updated On: 3/31/05 at 12:04 AM
