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Is there anyone who hates local one right now and considres themselves a liberal?- Page 3

Is there anyone who hates local one right now and considres themselves a liberal?

spiderdj82 Profile Photo
#50re: Is there anyone who hates local one right now and considres themselves
Posted: 11/13/07 at 9:18pm

Seriously, people. Take a step back from the keyboard and breath. This is really getting out of hand.

"They're eating her and then they're going to eat me. OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!" -Troll 2

#51re: Is there anyone who hates local one right now and considres themselves
Posted: 11/13/07 at 9:18pm

I'm once again confused how this turned into a debate about teachers??


the only comment so far related to the topic of this thread that you have made is "AND want to know why other unions don't support you?" I do want to know why.. You seemed to have skipped over my question or maybe you're still trying to pull your foot out of your mouth.. Other unions are so unsupportive that they are standing on the picket lines with Local One. SO not only do you think all teachers are gods because they went to school and you had a great experience but you make a comment about no support when you have no clue. But I guess all those great teachers you had can't teach common sense...

caitiesus1522 Profile Photo
#52re: Is there anyone who hates local one right now and considres themselves
Posted: 11/13/07 at 9:23pm

Not all unions are supporting this strike. Some actors aren't supporting it. Yes some are there but not nearly all. There have been MANY people on this board who do not support it and belong to unions. And you know WHY they don't support it?

Comments like this "If they require us to be there three hours out of eight hours, are we supposed to get paid for [just] three hours?' Claffey asked. 'At the firehouse down the street, what if they only got paid to put that fire out instead of the time they're waiting for the fire?'"

I pretty much had no opinion on it nad was waiting to decide until that comment

Bobby Maler Profile Photo
Bobby Maler
#53re: Is there anyone who hates local one right now and considres themselves
Posted: 11/13/07 at 9:29pm

JustaGuy:"when the Production Manager calls them and tells them they have a load-in that will last two weeks and to clear there schedules for those weeks. So, if they do that means they can't accept other work for those weeks. Then they get to the load in and it's going faster than expected or they find that they don't need as many men as they originally planned for, then the League wants the option of just releasing those stagehands, no questions asked and without payment".

That's a valid point, JustaGuy. As an actor, if I am contracted for a job for two weeks and filming wraps earlier, the production company will still pay me for the weeks stipulated in my contract. That is reasonable. I am sure an outside mediator would demand that, and the League would accept it. In fact, I bet you the opposite would happen. The production will say they need you for two weeks, and due to bad planning on their part, you will actually get more hours out of than you planned. The solution seems to be to give the producers the flexibility they want, but make them pay higher for hourly wages and overtime. In the end, I bet the stage hands would benefit from it.

That is stuff that can be easily negotiated at the table if both sides are truly willing to form a compromise. I suspect that Local One is holding out because they don't want to give the producers that flexibility at all. They don't want the producers to be able to say "we only need carps for 3 weeks and electrics for 2 weeks." Those "lost jobs" as they call it would be the one lost week of the electrics in that scenario (currently, if carps are needed for a certain amount of time, everyone must be employed for the same amount of time). But it's really not a lost job at all. The producers should rightfully be able to pay people (and pay them well) for work done and not be forced to hire them if they are not needed.

This is very different from the writer's strike, where producers are hoarding profits from DVD and internet sales and not giving writers their fair due.

#54re: Is there anyone who hates local one right now and considres themselves
Posted: 11/13/07 at 9:37pm

some actors aren't supporting it?? BUT EQUITY IS!!! some musicians don't support?? BUT 802 IS!!!

explain to me how President Claffey's comments help you form your conclusion?? WHy do firemen get paid to wait for fires??
The same reason I get paid to wait for another department to finish their work on stage before I can continue my job. I hang chain motors, from those motors they hang lights, while they hang lights I can't build set. So i go home for 2 hours and wait for them to call me??

Unlike whatever job you do, multitasking isnt' always an option. Stage space is at a premium. Do you ever take a moment at work to make a personal phone call?? Check your personal email?? Play a game of solitare?? Dont' tell me you don't, everyone does. Do restaurants make waiters and waitresses clock out when there aren't any customers?? Does burger king tell the drive thru person to punch out when no one is in the drive thru?? Like i've said to many other ignorant people here, learn the process of loading in a show and then come talk to me.. Where in Ohio are you?? I'd love to let you watch a load in sometime to see how things work.. It's not a matter of milking a job, it's a matter of, we have one day to install a 6 truck show, if we wasted time clocking in and clocking out and driving home when there wasn't stage space available we'd cost producers a lot more money. Please get educated in the battles you decide to create.

#55re: Is there anyone who hates local one right now and considers themselves
Posted: 11/13/07 at 9:47pm

Well , when I was Younger I was very Liberal but after a time I came to the realisation that Liberalism without some firm controls can only lead to a de-stabilised Republic.
Controls which clearly are not there.
So I would not consider Myself a Liberal , America is going to Hell in a hand-basket anyways why hasten it?
I cannot say I hate Local One because there are always mitigating circumstances We know nothing about.
Shure I hate Unions, they are more trouble than they are worth and mainly serve the leaders, but who really knows what the guys on the picketing line feels,You don't and I don't, even if You hear the opinion of ten Men the eleventh may have something pertinent to add that You did not hear.
If the workers have a real grievance then They must act upon it.
If it is an unnecessary action to bleed an already critical Broadway then We have little choice but observe what happens and hope it all works out for the best and expect that it will not.

caitiesus1522 Profile Photo
#56re: Is there anyone who hates local one right now and considers themselves
Posted: 11/13/07 at 9:55pm

I am sure it is not easy but the person compared you to firefighters! You DO NOT save lives daily in your job. You do not solely exist for the safety of the community as a whole. I cannot believe that anyone, especially someone in New York, would make this comparison!

And the union as an entirety may support you, but members of those unions (including a couple on this board) have stated that they do not.

#57re: Is there anyone who hates local one right now and considers themselves
Posted: 11/13/07 at 10:03pm

Ahhh yes Cait, how did i know your little pea brain would say stagehands don't save lives... Did you notice how I also added restaurant workers in the same situation?? They don't save lives either... All you people have the same arguements and same BS comments to attack FACTS!!

also, you said the UNIONS don't support Local One originally, but members may not.. Please, speak/tpye clearly so there is no confusion.. I'd hate to have you confuse the subject more than you already do.

#58re: Is there anyone who hates local one right now and considers themselves
Posted: 11/13/07 at 10:13pm

> Not all unions are supporting this strike.

EVERY union has supported this strike so far. most have issued very public statements of support, some of them verging on eloquent. not A SINGLE union has attempted to cross the picket line.

you appear to be conflating your own aspirations with fact.

"You, sir, are a moron." (PlayItAgain)

#59re: Is there anyone who hates local one right now and considers themselves
Posted: 11/13/07 at 10:13pm

> Not all unions are supporting this strike.

EVERY union has supported this strike so far. most have issued very public statements of support, some of them verging on eloquent. not A SINGLE union has attempted to cross the picket line.

you appear to be conflating your own aspirations with fact.

"You, sir, are a moron." (PlayItAgain)

#60re: Is there anyone who hates local one right now and considers themselves
Posted: 11/13/07 at 10:13pm

> Not all unions are supporting this strike.

EVERY union has supported this strike so far. most have issued very public statements of support, some of them verging on eloquent. not A SINGLE union has attempted to cross the picket line.

you appear to be conflating your own aspirations with fact.

"You, sir, are a moron." (PlayItAgain)

#61re: Is there anyone who hates local one right now and considers themselves
Posted: 11/13/07 at 10:13pm

> Not all unions are supporting this strike.

EVERY union has supported this strike so far. most have issued very public statements of support, some of them verging on eloquent. not A SINGLE union has attempted to cross the picket line.

you appear to be conflating your own aspirations with fact.

"You, sir, are a moron." (PlayItAgain)

#62re: Is there anyone who hates local one right now and considers themselves
Posted: 11/13/07 at 10:15pm

wow ... really sorry, everybody. some kind of weirdness with the website.

"You, sir, are a moron." (PlayItAgain)

Bobby Maler Profile Photo
Bobby Maler
#63re: Is there anyone who hates local one right now and considers themselves
Posted: 11/13/07 at 10:22pm

Road Guy--managers DO send waiters home if there are no customers. Trust me, I know.

None of the stagehands have responded to my potential solution yet. Any thoughts? I'll post a portion of the original post as well:

JustaGuy:"when the Production Manager calls them and tells them they have a load-in that will last two weeks and to clear there schedules for those weeks. So, if they do that means they can't accept other work for those weeks. Then they get to the load in and it's going faster than expected or they find that they don't need as many men as they originally planned for, then the League wants the option of just releasing those stagehands, no questions asked and without payment".

That's a valid point, JustaGuy. As an actor, if I am contracted for a job for two weeks and filming wraps earlier, the production company will still pay me for the weeks stipulated in my contract. That is reasonable. I am sure an outside mediator would demand that, and the League would accept it. In reality, I bet you the opposite would happen. The production will say they need you for two weeks, and due to bad planning on their part, you will actually get more hours out of than you planned. The solution seems to be to give the producers the flexibility they want, but make them pay higher for hourly wages and overtime. In the end, I bet the stage hands would benefit from it.

caitiesus1522 Profile Photo
#64re: Is there anyone who hates local one right now and considers themselves
Posted: 11/13/07 at 10:26pm

"Ahhh yes Cait, how did i know your little pea brain would say stagehands don't save lives"

I was not responding to what YOU said, I was responding why I have a problem with what your representative said.

And I worked in a food service area before and when there were no customers, we were sent home all the time. I think i worked about 1/2 the hours I was supposed to because we were never busy.

Tkt2Ride Profile Photo
#65re: Is there anyone who hates local one right now and considers themselves
Posted: 11/13/07 at 11:14pm

Oh wonderful it looks like Jason found his cheerleader. Just reading your posts make me clearly aware that the Teachers in your school have failed miserably. I am sure most of them really tried though.

It is amusing, considering I don't currently belong to any Union. Ohio was the State that was prosecuted and convicted for illegal voting ballets. Why does this not surprise me? Taking your anger out on Local One because you don't agree with my statement is really not fair. Not that anything positive I said would have changed your point of view.

There are problem workers in every job. Every one I ever held had one. Taking into account my own Educational experience as well as that of my own three grown children, I know for a fact that there are still troubled Teachers out there. She speaks as if the news isn't full of Pedophiles teaching these days?

I personally had one of my grade school Teachers fired for shoving one of my classmates up against a water fountain for just saying something stupid. People with anger management problems should not be Teaching in any school and I have ran into more than my share. Yes, I also helped a Teacher get fired because she was trying to convince Students that she held the authority over their personal lives and her demands were more just than those of their Parents. Forcing kids to stay after school for an extra curricular activity that was neither required or a punishment for wrong doing. She over stepped her authority and I'd swear she was abusing drugs as well.

I have also had the most wonderful Teachers who were as close to me as my own Family and helped inspire me to do many great and small things throughout my life. I find it just sad that my example only sent you on a rampage and that your emotional instability has lead you to type these kind of comments on this Board. Is Jason under attack these days for his teaching style? Lucky for him, he has a Union to back him up. Too bad you both don't feel that loyalty extends to others especially those who do the heavy lifting in the field of Entertainment. Such is life!

I don't feel too bad since you and Jason don't support this strike for very shallow reasons but they are yours to keep. At least now we know Jason Teaches in Ohio so all of those from there might make a note of that when Jason wants you to pay more taxes so that he can make more money. Though keep in mind there must be some very good Teachers as well in Ohio. Though I have met some very strange people from there my Aunt was very smart? I don't know? She did come to California for her College Education so maybe that helped her some? I would like to think there are some smart people in Ohio too.

My feelings remain the same. If you belong to a Union or benefit, as I did, from working Union members and complain about their striking, that is too sad. Obviously, you are not being represented. Such is life. Just don't expect me or others to want to vote in your best interest either. My whole point was that just because you may not like how one employee behaves doesn't mean all of them behave badly. That argument that all Teachers are good scares me more about your character than I could ever hope to imagine.

That statement by Claffey you are using is either misquoted or misspelled because I do not and have not heard that argument before now from him. If you were well educated you would have caught that, as I did, after reading it twice. He meant that they are REQUIRED to be there for eight hours even if there is only three hours worth of work. They expect their workers to be available but they do not want to pay them for waiting around when it is no fault of their own. It is the required part and being paid for showing up for work you are called in for or scheduled to do that demands your availability that is the issue here.

Hopefully Jason is around and he can better explain it to you if you still don't get it.

Oh yeah, in the kind of work you are talking about, unskilled labor, they can ask you to go home early but in most States, you have the choice whether to honor their request or not. If it is a reputable place of business. You did not have to go home early but you can choose to do so as a favor to your Boss. If you are however supporting a Family, you may not feel you can give up those hours so easily. Updated On: 11/13/07 at 11:14 PM
