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Is there anyone who hates local one right now and considres themselves a liberal?

Is there anyone who hates local one right now and considres themselves a liberal?

don logan Profile Photo
don logan
#1Is there anyone who hates local one right now and considres themselves a liberal?
Posted: 11/13/07 at 12:11am

Just curious: I hear a lot of labor bashing.

"Never before has an American president been so closely tied to a foreign power that harbors and supports our country's mortal enemies."

don logan Profile Photo
don logan
#2re: Is there anyone who hates local one right now and considres themselves a liberal?
Posted: 11/13/07 at 12:29am

I'll take the silence as a "NO"

"Never before has an American president been so closely tied to a foreign power that harbors and supports our country's mortal enemies."

#2re: Is there anyone who hates local one right now and considres themselves a liberal?
Posted: 11/13/07 at 12:42am

Maybe give it more than just 20 minutes for someone to respond?

FlyingMonkey1223 Profile Photo
#3re: Is there anyone who hates local one right now and considres themselves a liberal?
Posted: 11/13/07 at 12:42am

I'm a liberal and am against unions.

#4re: Is there anyone who hates local one right now and considres themselves a liberal?
Posted: 11/13/07 at 11:04am

generally speaking, liberals suck at hating -- it's one of the things that drives conservatives crazy about us. we won't hate gays enough to demonize them for political gain ... we won't hate mexicans enough to build a stupid 700 mile wall ... we won't hate criminals enough to execute them ... we won't hate poor people enough to deny them health care ... we're just weak when it comes to hating the right people.

thank god for george bush -- he's helped us improve our hating skills immensely over the past seven years!

"You, sir, are a moron." (PlayItAgain)
Updated On: 11/13/07 at 11:04 AM

robbiej Profile Photo
#5re: Is there anyone who hates local one right now and considres themselves a liberal?
Posted: 11/13/07 at 11:07am

Here's what I don't get. If some of us have looked into the issue and have come to the conclusion, through research, that Local One isn't exactly right here (or exactly wrong...the League bears a great deal of responsibility in this), how does that translate to 'labor bashing?'

"I'm so looking forward to a time when all the Reagan Democrats are dead."

Bobby Maler Profile Photo
Bobby Maler
#6re: Is there anyone who hates local one right now and considres themselves
Posted: 11/13/07 at 11:13am

Well, I am extremely liberal, am a member of three unions, will be joining the writers in their picketing this week (if it doesn't rain), and after doing my research, I have come to the conclusion that Local One is a bunch of whining, over-inflated, already well paid dilettantes who have turned this into a battle of egos and have refused to negotiate in good faith, selfishly dragging down their sister unions and the economy of NY in the process. The League has always said they want to negotiate. Local One has refused Bloomberg's help because they know if they do, they will have to make compromises.

don logan Profile Photo
don logan
#7re: Is there anyone who hates local one right now and considres themselves
Posted: 11/13/07 at 11:16am

I was speaking about the comments about unions in general rather than the issues with local one. Unions aren't perfect by any stretch but I'd be screwed without them.

"Never before has an American president been so closely tied to a foreign power that harbors and supports our country's mortal enemies."

#8re: Is there anyone who hates local one right now and considres themselves
Posted: 11/13/07 at 11:21am

Nice to know you support the writers as long as you don't have to get a little wet. And if you really believe the League is willing to negotiate in good faith why don't you give them a call(212-764-1122) and ask them why they implemented work rules while negotiations were continuing. Just because the media claims the producers are negotiating in good faith doesn't make it true.

#9re: Is there anyone who hates local one right now and considres themselves
Posted: 11/13/07 at 11:24am

I refuse to disparage any other unions, but what makes the writers strike so much more valid than ours.

Magdalene Profile Photo
#10re: Is there anyone who hates local one right now and considres themselves
Posted: 11/13/07 at 11:31am

I do believe the writers strike and the stagehands strike are apples and oranges, for comparison purposes.


Steve2 Profile Photo
#11re: Is there anyone who hates local one right now and considres themselves
Posted: 11/13/07 at 11:58am

I don't hate anyone. Local One has certainly lost the PR war in the press with pictures and news stories of children and tourists trying to see cancelled shows.

SamIAm Profile Photo
#12re: Is there anyone who hates local one right now and considres themselves
Posted: 11/13/07 at 12:08pm

Lost to the war to PR? If people are too stupid to think for themselves, then so be it. Of course the press will show pictures of crying children. Would they show pictures of the crying children of out of work union members? This has nothing to do with the word 'liberal'. It has more to do with presumption and sound bites.

As with everything else today, we watch 30 sec of coverage on TV and think we know it all. To tell you the truth, I am tired of talking about this. Until people can take the time to understand real issues we have more problems than a Broadway strike. After all, we DO have a presidential election coming up and people will make their decisions about that in the same way, won't they?

"Life is a lesson in humility"

Rathnait62 Profile Photo
#13re: Is there anyone who hates local one right now and considres themselves
Posted: 11/13/07 at 12:11pm

Sam, are we including the children of out of work union members of the OTHER unions affected? The unions who aren't choosing to be out of work?

Have I ever shown you my Shattered Dreams box? It's in my Disappointment Closet. - Marge Simpson

Steve2 Profile Photo
#14re: Is there anyone who hates local one right now and considres themselves
Posted: 11/13/07 at 12:14pm

SamIAm, if you can tell me where to get unbiased accurate information I would welcome it.

#15re: Is there anyone who hates local one right now and considres themselves
Posted: 11/13/07 at 2:53pm

I'm a lifelong Democrat and pro-Union. I've read everything I could over the past several days to try and find some reason to support Local One. I can't. It's sad that 330 or so stagehands can hold Broadway hostage to their petty demands.

Local One should be thrilled that the media has done such a poor job of explaining the particulars of the strike. If the public actually understood what was shutting down Broadway, there would be much more outrage than there already is.
Updated On: 11/13/07 at 02:53 PM

#16re: Is there anyone who hates local one right now and considres themselves
Posted: 11/13/07 at 3:10pm

agreed. i am a liberal also, but i can't support local 1. it seems incredibly reasonable to me that producers should have more flexibility in determining how many stagehands are needed on a show per show basis. obvioulsy there should be stipulations to make sure that the number is enough to ensure safety, but i don't believe they should have to pay stagehands that they dont need for a particular production.

of course it is very unfortunate if people lose jobs because of this, but maybe that means the contracts weren't fair to begin with. what i don't understand is why they can't sit down and negotiate like adults. there is no point in striking if no one is willing to negotiate...

tenaciOUs b
#17re: Is there anyone who hates local one right now and considres themselves
Posted: 11/13/07 at 3:40pm

I am an indepenent liberal who is not impressed with local 1 at this time. If the strike is going on a week from now, that may turn to hate. I believe they have a right to strike, but there darned well better be a good reason for it. If there was a good reason, I think it would be easy to win the PR war. I have not heard any such reason.

I do approve of the writers reason for their strike.


#18re: Is there anyone who hates local one right now and considres themselves
Posted: 11/13/07 at 4:02pm

Has anyone watched the hour long press conference Local ONE held on Sunday?
Local One Press Conference. YouTube
Judge for yourself;
Even though the press was there and full access to it, they seem to have run out of ink or batteries.

jasonf Profile Photo
#19re: Is there anyone who hates local one right now and considres themselves
Posted: 11/13/07 at 4:32pm

I'm a liberal - don't agree with the strike at all.

How is this even remotely a comparison to the writers' strike other than that both actions involve the word "strike"

Hi, Shirley Temple Pudding.

mightydog Profile Photo
#20re: Is there anyone who hates local one right now and considres themselves
Posted: 11/13/07 at 4:44pm

I am liberal. While I don't hate the union members for doing what their leadership has instructed them to do, I do find the leadership to be quite ill-equipped to do anything other than whine, bully and hold Broadway hostage.

#21re: Is there anyone who hates local one right now and considres themselves
Posted: 11/13/07 at 5:05pm

Well, I'm a liberal and I think that if I were in New York and I had tickets to see a show, I'd be pissed. But as I'm not in New York and I don't have tickets to see a show, I can't really hate Local One. In my opinion, all this crap's still goin' on 'cuz someone's bein' a jackass. And, quite frankly, I'm blamin' Charlotte St. Martin.

Butters, go buy World of Warcraft, install it on your computer, and join the online sensation before we all murder you. --Cartman: South Park ATTENTION FANS: I will be played by James Barbour in the upcoming musical, "BroadwayWorld: The Musical."
Updated On: 11/19/07 at 05:05 PM

caitiesus1522 Profile Photo
#22re: Is there anyone who hates local one right now and considres themselves
Posted: 11/13/07 at 5:12pm

I am also liberal but am against this particular union.

In general unions are a good thing. They help keep the big wigs in check and MOST are doing good things for both the workers and employers.

It is when they start abusing the rights that they have that I cannot support them. Like when the employer is not allowed to fire an employee who shows up over an hour late everyday and leaves 2 hours early. Or when they cannot fire them for not showing up half of the time that they are supposed to work all because the union is protecting that person.

Or when they want to get paid for not doing work. That is when I have a problem with the unions because it makes every other union look bad.

courtnyj Profile Photo
#23re: Is there anyone who hates local one right now and considres themselves
Posted: 11/13/07 at 5:16pm

Just chiming in...I'm a pro-union liberal and I've been following the strike closely. I find it difficult to support the folks of Local One after all the bad decisions they have made with the strike and negotiations. Updated On: 11/13/07 at 05:16 PM

#24re: Is there anyone who hates local one right now and considres themselves
Posted: 11/13/07 at 5:30pm

I'm liberal (not as much as I use to because as I get older I see things with a clear picture) but I don't agree with the Unions. I don't hate them, I just believe that their rules and demands are archaic and need to change with the world
