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Idina out second act

bwayphreak234 Profile Photo
#50Idina out second act
Posted: 5/15/14 at 11:42pm

"So all those people that lined up for an exchange or refund could have seen it twice. There were some VERY angry people tonight and I don't think that is fair. "

To be fair, I am sure some them were tourists that could NOT see the show twice, and probably really want to see Idina Menzel. It's understandable that they were disappointed.

Glad to hear that Jackie Burns is good.

"There’s nothing quite like the power and the passion of Broadway music. "

veronicamae Profile Photo
#51Idina out second act
Posted: 5/16/14 at 12:04am

I can't see Jenn as Elizabeth at all - but all I know of her acting is her slightly zany/whacky Anne - which seems to be a lot like her regular personality (from the few interviews/clips I've seen). It sure would be...different.

Impatiently waiting the chance to hear a sample of Jackie.

And while I understand people mad and upset that Idina was out - specifically those who traveled specifically to see the show TONIGHT - I wish those people had an ounce of compassion and understood that actors are human. Some woman was berating Idina on twitter for having spent THOUSANDS (to drive from North Carolina?) to see the show tonight and how dare she not provide notice that she would not be on tonight.

Gee, sorry she couldn't predict days in advance that she would get sick...

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#52Idina out second act
Posted: 5/16/14 at 12:11am

I can understand being disappointed, but angry? Angry at whom? Idina? The common cold?

ETA ^ That is pathetic. Many actors wait until the last minute to call out sick because they know it's a disappointment and many want to wait to see if they can pull it together in time. I know an actor who was vomiting at half hour and only left when the rest of the cast refused to let him go on.

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how
Updated On: 5/16/14 at 12:11 AM

perfectlymarvelous Profile Photo
#53Idina out second act
Posted: 5/16/14 at 12:12am

That's upsetting that people are attacking Idina on Twitter. There's nothing wrong with being a little upset/disappointed that someone you wanted to see in a show is out, but it sucks for them too if they're sick or injured and missing a show. Return your tickets if you like, but don't be nasty to the performers about it.

Everlast85 Profile Photo
#54Idina out second act
Posted: 5/16/14 at 12:17am

"Some woman was berating Idina on twitter"

Where is this happening in Twitter? That doesn't show up when you type in her name or If/Then.

RachelJean Profile Photo
#55Idina out second act
Posted: 5/16/14 at 12:18am

Yes, Jenn said before the out-of-town tryout that she chose not to be listed as Idina's cover in the Playbill. I would absolutely love to see her take on the role. It'd be really exciting!

gleek4114 Profile Photo
#56Idina out second act
Posted: 5/16/14 at 12:34am

^ Yeah! I am planning to see the show in September as while don't get me wrong I would LOVE to see Idina I think I would be extremely happy if I got to see Jenn or Jackie.

VotePeron Profile Photo
#57Idina out second act
Posted: 5/16/14 at 12:43am

I saw Jackie tonight, and what can I say? A true star. She said at the stage door she hasn't even had a put-in yet! The audience was missing some people in the premium sections of the orchestra and front mezz, and other than the grunts and groans when people got their Playbills, the audience was great. There were about 75 of us at the lotto, and I think nearly everyone ended up buying a Loser ticket or winning, so she had a nice cheering section.

I've seen Idina twice in the role (once in previews, once a few weeks ago) and Jackie didnt miss a beat. She sang and performed the role like she's been doing it for a while. Her delivery was funny and heartfelt. She put a lot of emotion into her acting, so the singing wasnt as powerful as Idina is, but it was by no means skimpy. I am so happy I got to see her! She blended in so well to the environment and atmosphere on stage as if she's done it 100 times. Her "WTF" was especially hilarious.

Edit: Although I don't necessarily want to, how would I be able to see the show again with Idina? With my ticket stub from tonight? Updated On: 5/16/14 at 12:43 AM

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#58Idina out second act
Posted: 5/16/14 at 12:55am

"Diane"'s twitter account has a grand total of TWO tweets! And they're both about Idina. Now that's dedication.
sorry you don't feel well, my daughter drove up from NC to see you. advance notice would have helped avoid this ridiculous line
we spent thousands to see you tonight. How could you not at least tweet about your absence? Do you even care??

and then there's
boo I came all from ohio with a broken arm to see you tonight in @IfThenMusical!

Let's hear it for Tweetdeck's great search feature.

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

bwayphreak234 Profile Photo
#59Idina out second act
Posted: 5/16/14 at 1:47am

^ People... *headdesk*

"There’s nothing quite like the power and the passion of Broadway music. "

BroadwayGirl107 Profile Photo
#60Idina out second act
Posted: 5/16/14 at 2:32am

For those who said they'd never want to cover a's all about perspective. Yes, maybe a handful of people returned their tickets, but I bet the house was more than half full, which means a lot of people who went for Idina Menzel were introduced to a lesser-known but presumably equally as talented actor. Understudying a star can be a tremendous opportunity. Glad to hear Jackie did a great job.

haterobics Profile Photo
#61Idina out second act
Posted: 5/16/14 at 3:16am

"Edit: Although I don't necessarily want to, how would I be able to see the show again with Idina? With my ticket stub from tonight?"

I don't think that is an option once you already see the show, because... why would it be? You paid to see If/Then, didn't request a refund, and watched the show.

veronicamae Profile Photo
#62Idina out second act
Posted: 5/16/14 at 8:59am

I see "Diane" has since deleted her tweets.

I said I wouldn't want to cover a headliner - I get the opportunity aspect and whatnot, but I'm too fragile emotionally to see 200 people who are mad because it's me. lol

#63Idina out second act
Posted: 5/16/14 at 9:21am

VotePeron-- no. You saw the show with Jackie, you can't go see it again now. You could have exchanged your ticket before the performance upon finding out Idina wasn't in. But you can't do anything about it now, you saw the show.

I'm glad Jackie is great, we knew she would be, but I hope Idina gets well soon.

Eta: At least that's the general rule. Are they making exceptions for this show specifically? Updated On: 5/16/14 at 09:21 AM

#64Idina out second act
Posted: 5/16/14 at 10:21am

Always Starting Over-Jackie Burns
It's on tumblr.
Updated On: 5/16/14 at 10:21 AM

Bway_Mill_Fan Profile Photo
#65Idina out second act
Posted: 5/16/14 at 11:02am

the ONE thing they requested to not put in here lol

thanks everyone else who shared about her whole show performance. i cant believe she'd never have a put in rehearsal. even the more impressive!

IdinaBellFoster Profile Photo
#66Idina out second act
Posted: 5/16/14 at 11:14am

Haha they asked you not to post that here.

BUT talk about voice twins!?

"Oh look at the time, three more intelligent plays just closed and THE ADDAMS FAMILY made another million dollars" -Jackie Hoffman, Audience Awards

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#67Idina out second act
Posted: 5/16/14 at 11:23am

"^ People... *headdesk*"

People who happen to be tourists. Ugh.

Lashing out at a sick performer because you're safe behind a computer screen? Would never happen in real life. What did they do before Twitter? Be disappointed for a few minutes, then go on with their lives? Jesus Christ.

Everlast85 Profile Photo
#68Idina out second act
Posted: 5/16/14 at 11:25am

"we spent thousands to see you tonight. How could you not at least tweet about your absence? Do you even care??"

That's...crazy. People being ****ty to her for being sick. I can't.

Bway_Mill_Fan Profile Photo
#69Idina out second act
Posted: 5/16/14 at 11:26am

i noticed lots of similarity when she first came on Wed. also there was some crazy riffing towards the end of the song that i didnt notice she did here Idina out second act As much as i love Idina sometimes she seems to shout and i felt like Jackie sounded so much like her but didnt do so as much so in essence she keeps all of Idina's great qualities while adding her own.

#70Idina out second act
Posted: 5/16/14 at 11:59am

I know. I saw the opportunity, so I took it. Sorry!

veronicamae Profile Photo
#71Idina out second act
Posted: 5/16/14 at 1:00pm

Idina out second act

They've removed the audio because it was posted here against their explicit request.

And let's learn a lesson shall we?

Updated On: 5/16/14 at 01:00 PM

thespian geek Profile Photo
thespian geek
#72Idina out second act
Posted: 5/16/14 at 1:38pm

Please delete your post with the link to the audio, RW3.

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#73Idina out second act
Posted: 5/16/14 at 1:48pm

Yeah, that's a sh!tty thing to do. I hope you did NOT record that.

gleek4114 Profile Photo
#74Idina out second act
Posted: 5/16/14 at 1:49pm

RW3 - if you wanted to share the audio you could have just said it was on tumblr. You could have even told is what to search for.
