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Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?- Page 2

Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?

Broadwaylady Profile Photo
#25re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?
Posted: 8/27/04 at 3:44pm

She is married to Taye Diggs!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a hottie!!!!!!!!!!

"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by moments that take our breath away." "Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain."

#26re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?
Posted: 8/27/04 at 3:46pm

Never met her, but I did read her stories in the Making it on Broadway book...she is apparently VERY shy and gets uneasy when people ask her for autographs. I can imagine how a person like that would feel when they are suddenly thrown into the spotlight like this. (I don't know how many fans she's had with her previous shows, but I'm sure things are much crazier for her now.)

#1Elphie Profile Photo
#27re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?
Posted: 8/27/04 at 3:50pm

Ustadance, she did perform in Bryant Park a few weeks ago, it just wasn't with Wicked. She performed You'd Be Surprised, a song on one of her cds.

uncageg Profile Photo
#28re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?
Posted: 8/27/04 at 3:51pm

I like her voice. Think she is a beautiful woman. Still liked Chenoweth more in WICKED. As for her behavior at the stage door. If that is true, it seems she would do what Kristin does from time to time. Not leave through the theatre door. There is another exit. That way she does not have to be bothered. Someone in the other thread said that meeting the fans is part of her job. Well I am sure she knows it comes with the territory. But I don't think any performer has to be totally on at all times. They are human just like us. Some let it all go to their heads and treat people like crap (Not saying she does), but they are human. Personally, I would not wait 2 hours for her or anyone for an autograph. If they don't appear in 20 minutes...I'm gone!

Just give the world Love.

Crazy4MattMorrison52 Profile Photo
#29re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?
Posted: 8/27/04 at 4:02pm

people think that kristin is the better of the two but i guess they forget that she didnt come out of the stage door until around april. i like deeners much more

"gimme a bottle of bourbon and half a chicken and i'll conquer the world!"
Updated On: 8/27/04 at 04:02 PM

#30re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?
Posted: 8/27/04 at 4:03pm

So what? I'd rather have Idina leave out another door if she's really that frustrated.

No Idina is better than B*tchy Idina.

check your personality Profile Photo
check your personality
#31re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?
Posted: 8/27/04 at 4:06pm

See, we are back to the ever-popular Ms. Menzel re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?

But anyway, I really do like Idina. I've never met her, but of what I have heard in her songs, I think she has a tremendous voice, very unique with a flair to it that really makes you want to keep listening. She might be rude, yes, shy too, but there's definitely some star quality mystique about her that makes people want to see her, talk about her, etc. It's really that quality that no one can quite place that makes her who she is! Updated On: 8/28/04 at 04:06 PM

J-Pill Profile Photo
#32re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?
Posted: 8/27/04 at 6:07pm

I don't see the appeal. I don't like her voice or acting. I've heard her solo albums and don't care for them. I don't know her personally and have never met her, so I judge her based on performance. You know, the correct way...

#33re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?
Posted: 8/27/04 at 6:13pm

Ustadance- she was at a DIFFERENT concert in the park, something supporting broadway cares, not wicked.

Emutional Profile Photo
#34re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?
Posted: 8/27/04 at 6:26pm

I think she's a great performer, and it just shows that she can play so many different characters really well....look at Maureen and Elphaba, for example. 2 completely different personalities, and she gets a tony nom for both of them.

offstage, this is my opinion.

I have heard that she can be bitter. But she is a really shy person. When I saw her before the show once, I expected nothing out of her because I'd heard all of the stories and because it was before a can't expect anything before a show.

So Idina pulls up in a cab, everyone yells "IDINA'S HERE! IT'S IDINA!" There are about 20 of us standing there. Idina sprints---and i mean sprints---through the stage door. we were all speechless. Was it really necessary to run? Just as we were probably about to commence bitching about her, she reappears and runs by us, saying "just a minute, i'm sorry" and she sounded so innocent. She had a man who worked at the theatre unload furniture from her car with her, and then once she was done she came over and signed autographs for every single person. People gave her gifts and she thanked them sincerely. We asked her for a photo, and she said she was running late...which was true, i guess, cuz Kristin had arrived 35 minutes before her.

After the show, she is very nervous. I've heard from reliable sources that she is very scared before she goes out the door and extremely shy the whole time-- and it's true, i've post-show-stage doored twice. But she does sign, I'll give that to her. It's not her fault she's not an extreme extrovert like Kristin. She's only human.

#35re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?
Posted: 8/27/04 at 6:28pm

"She's very dedicated and works really hard (just look at how few times she's missed). She's really funny (just listen to Ars Nova). She has a certain stage presence. I can't really describe it, those are just some things that come to mind. "

Word. And I know there are a ton of people who don't like her voice, but when I heard the Wicked soundtrack for the first time I was blown away. When I saw it live I was even more amazed. I just love her voice, don't really know why! :)

#36What is the appeal?
Posted: 8/27/04 at 6:31pm

When I saw the show and she belted out Defying Gravity.

Nuff said

DottieD'Luscia Profile Photo
#37What is the appeal?
Posted: 8/27/04 at 6:32pm

If there were a group of people waiting for me and shouting my name, I'd be scared too. I probably would have run back into the cab.

Hey Dottie! Did your colleagues enjoy the cake even though your cat decided to sit on it? ~GuyfromGermany

#38re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?
Posted: 8/27/04 at 6:32pm

I've had numerous encounters with Idina over the years that have been very positive. It's true, she doesn't have the outgoing over-the-top stagedoor personality that people expect - but that doesn't mean she's cold and uncaring. I've been around the WICKED stagedoor a few times since it became insane, and I'd like those people complaining about her to tell me this:

How in the world would you handle the crowds before/after the show if you were her? And be realistic. They aren't small crowds - I've seen anywhwere from 30 - 100 people out there (pushing, shoving, screaming, etc.) Seriously, how would you handle it? You can't have conversations with everyone - or you won't GET to everyone. Since her WICKED run, she's been gracious about exiting out there where everyone is waiting, and she has to try and get to everyone in a timely manner. That doesn't allow for "get to know you" moments. It just doesn't. I didn't even like being around that stage door the few times I've gone -- it drives me crazy. I can't even imagine walking into that situation 8 times a week. And whether or not you agree with the fact that she saves her voice (and whether or not you believe that's what she's truly doing), give her a break for crying outloud.

#39re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?
Posted: 8/27/04 at 6:32pm

I've had numerous encounters with Idina over the years that have been very positive. It's true, she doesn't have the outgoing over-the-top stagedoor personality that people expect - but that doesn't mean she's cold and uncaring. I've been around the WICKED stagedoor a few times since it became insane, and I'd like those people complaining about her to tell me this:

How in the world would you handle the crowds before/after the show if you were her? And be realistic. They aren't small crowds - I've seen anywhwere from 30 - 100 people out there (pushing, shoving, screaming, etc.) Seriously, how would you handle it? You can't have conversations with everyone - or you won't GET to everyone. Since her WICKED run, she's been gracious about exiting out there where everyone is waiting, and she has to try and get to everyone in a timely manner. That doesn't allow for "get to know you" moments. It just doesn't. I didn't even like being around that stage door the few times I've gone -- it drives me crazy. I can't even imagine walking into that situation 8 times a week. And whether or not you agree with the fact that she saves her voice (and whether or not you believe that's what she's truly doing), give her a break for crying outloud.

#40re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?
Posted: 8/27/04 at 6:33pm

"If there were a group of people waiting for me and shouting my name, I'd be scared too. I probably would have run back into the cab. "

lol well it's not like theres NO REASON people are waiting for her. She's famous. She just performed for 1000s of people. She has fans. The shows been running for 10 months. I think she knows wha to expect now. hee.

TheQuibbler Profile Photo
#41re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?
Posted: 8/27/04 at 6:35pm

Emutional, I believe I was at the stage door that day, too. Do you remember the date? If it was 7/17, she also ran across the street and grabbed some coffee and muffins and then came over with barely enough room in her hands for a Sharpie and signed. We gave her green flowers (haha, how original...).

#42re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?
Posted: 8/27/04 at 6:35pm

"If there were a group of people waiting for me and shouting my name, I'd be scared too. I probably would have run back into the cab. "

Let's remember the other hundreds of Broadway performers who are in her position, live with it, and at the very least they aren't rude to their fans. Idina's not a goddess, she's not the only one who gets this.

FOCI Profile Photo
#43re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?
Posted: 8/27/04 at 7:08pm

Wow if I had a nickel for every time I have heard a "sprinting" story about Idina that didn't have a happy ending...I mean she must be in kick-asss shape now what with all the yoga and sprinting and by kick ass i do mean ready to kick your ass if you ask for an autograph.
But seriously people can we say Sutton Foster? Kerry Butler? 2 nicer people you could not meet and miracle of miracles Sutton won the same tony Idina did and she is still nice.
As to this whole "she's not an extrovert like kristin" well you don't have to be an extrovert to give someone an autograph for goodness sakes they're your fan! they like you! SMILE!!!! geez even if i was in a crappy mood, knowing that there were people out there who are your fans and look up to you should put you in a goddamn good mood. Again SMILE, people like you!!! and honestly how much would those kids have loved her even more if she just said ruefully "I'm really sorry kids I can't sign anything for you because I'm late but it means a lot to me that you're here. thanks." Smiled. and then turned around. It's about your public image people and all public figures like the president know how to make someone feel special by just a handshake or a smile. Besides why should she be shy, they're your fan it's not like they're interviewing you for a job, you already know they're inclined to love you. It's not that hard. I think that she's just let everything get to her head.

"I guess she is one very confident girl who feels if you see it, it shall be. I hope she sees a room with a piano player and a bunch of scary middle-aged queens sitting behind a table, talking to each other as she auditions!!" -Marc Shaiman on Kelly Osbourne in Hairspray
Updated On: 8/27/04 at 07:08 PM

#44re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?
Posted: 8/27/04 at 7:23pm

Like I said though Lady G, we dont know what she deals with at home. Marriage problems, family problems, sickness. By her performance though you'd never know it. Wicked has played about 330 sold out performances (about 627000 people). Lets remember she is verrrry popular. Probably more popular than most stars (with the exception of maybe Hugh). "can I have ur autograph" "can you take a picture with me" X 313,500 (which is only about half the people that have seen her) must get very frusterating. Like I said, until one of us plays on Broadway in that role in front of that many people, none of us should really make judgements.

#45re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?
Posted: 8/27/04 at 7:29pm

I like Idina Menzel and I think that she has such talent but good day or not, she should always make time for her fans! (thats why i like kristin better)

I.E. I never saw Idina, i saw Eden though :) but if that little girl from the past thread was just asking for an autograph how long would that take?! When I went to the stage door for wicked, there was A LOT of people and Kristin Chenoweth was in a big rush and she gave me an autograph AND a picture of her.

If you like her and you are a straight female, dont rent Just a Kiss, it scars you for life. lol. Disgusting!


#46re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?
Posted: 8/27/04 at 7:41pm

Derek, are you implying that the other icons of Broadway don't have problems at home, with family, and with life?

#47re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?
Posted: 8/27/04 at 7:58pm

No no no, not at all lol. Im just saying she can be having a really hard time with something and we would never ever know it. Thats why its really not good to judge someone when you really dont know them or much about their life. Im sure they all have problems. We're all human. You just cant rule out the fact that she might be having a really big problem. She wouldnt just come out and say it. :)

#48re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?
Posted: 8/27/04 at 7:59pm

But seriously people can we say Sutton Foster? Kerry Butler? 2 nicer people you could not meet and miracle of miracles Sutton won the same tony Idina did and she is still nice.

Did they honestly have to deal with the stage door frenzy that is surrounding WICKED? I saw the Hairspray stagedoor at it's height, and it didn't have anything on WICKED. Can make a huge difference in how the "interacion" goes with the performers. Not saying some don't leave disappointed, but it all doesn't have to be about what Idina will/won't do for the crowd or how much she will/won't talk to people. There are other things to consider. *I* don't even buy the "everyone has a bad day" thing - circumstances go way beyond that. Look at everything that surrounds the "WICKED stagedoor" and take everything into consideration before people write her off as cold. And it's been my experience that Idina is incredibly nice - in various types of encounters.

#49re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?
Posted: 8/27/04 at 8:03pm

Yeah, the Gershwin is also the largest house on Broadway and probably many more people go to the stage door at that theatre than any other. Wicked (no offence, I love Millie as well) is probably also more popular than those shows.
