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Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?- Page 3

Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?

#50re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?
Posted: 8/27/04 at 8:10pm

She probably also very nervous because the cast of Wicked has received a great deal of threats and I'm sure that she has included in them.

And I agree the Wicked stage door has become insane. I've never seen a stage door that has been like this.

I think Idina is great, even if she isn't always happy go lucky before or after the show.

JoizeyActor Profile Photo
#51re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?
Posted: 8/27/04 at 8:10pm

Idina is a wonderful performer and she has a house-shaking voice, despite what she might do at the stage door. Hell, she was nice to me!

spiderdj82 Profile Photo
#52re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?
Posted: 8/27/04 at 8:12pm

the reason I like her so much, is because she will always be Maureen in my eyes (and she is one of my favorite characters in RENT). Also, she has a GREAT belter voice. Never met her in person, but she is a great singer none-the-less.

"They're eating her and then they're going to eat me. OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!" -Troll 2

BroadwayGirl107 Profile Photo
#53re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?
Posted: 8/27/04 at 8:26pm

After all the talk about how rude Idina is at the stage door...I have to say I have had a couple of nice encounters with Idina. I've noticed that many (if not most) of her fans can be very rude and disrespectful, and she doesn't seem nearly as responsive to those people as she is to those who don't scream at her asking her for an autograph...I see her fans do it all the time. I've seen her out there with 300+ fans siging for everyone she could get to...she even went out into the street to sign. Not to mention...if you do get a chance to talk with her at all...she can be very funny.

jonartdesigns Profile Photo
#54re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?
Posted: 8/27/04 at 8:30pm

about the "pen thing" when i hold a pen i hold it with 3 fingers too, so i thionk its far more of a pen holding method than an affront

"Grease," the fourth revival of the season, is the worst show in the history of theater and represents an unparalleled assault on Western civilization and its values. - Michael Reidel

#55re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?
Posted: 8/27/04 at 8:31pm

me too! just last night i saw wicked and went to the stage door. she signed everything and i told her she was amazing and she smiled and said thank you and signed my souveneir program.

#56re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?
Posted: 8/27/04 at 8:45pm

I think Idina is an amazing, real person. I enjoy listening to her sing, both on the Wicked OCR and her two CD's. She is a talented song writer and performer. She is a very hard worker and really enjoys performing.

As for her being experiences have NEVER been negative. Look at these photos and tell me she's rude or shy. She is very gracious, friendly and caring.

The fact that she signs any autographs is a bonus. When you attended your last professional sporting event or concert, did the athletes or performers stick around after the game or after the encore to sign your $100 jersey or $40 t-shirt? Give these people a break!

spiderdj82 Profile Photo
#57re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?
Posted: 8/27/04 at 8:47pm

Wow, lucky kid. I wish I had Idina in my arms.

"They're eating her and then they're going to eat me. OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!" -Troll 2

#58re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?
Posted: 8/27/04 at 8:53pm

I am equal parts fascinated and horrified at the people here who are willing to make such blind judgements because of what they've 'heard.' Ever hear of the party game called 'gossip'? Within a group, one person whispers something to another, who in turn whispers that statement to the next person, and so on around the group. Then you compare the originating statement to how it ended up after being filtered through everyone individually. It's almost always unrecognizable by the time it makes its way around. Word-of-mouth knowledge is only as good as the person giving it, and then questionable at best - individual perception is an amazing thing. Those of you who are so willing to spit venom in her direction because of some 'story' only sound bitter, cynical and almost perversely rude. It certainly says more about you (in a VERY negative way) than it ever could about her.

#59re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?
Posted: 8/27/04 at 9:08pm

Idina's CD "Still I Can't Be Still" is a great listen. I enjoyed her performance in Wicked,and respect her as a performer; but I do not see what the huge fuss is about.

#60re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?
Posted: 8/27/04 at 9:17pm

"did the athletes or performers stick around after the game or after the encore to sign your $100 jersey or $40 t-shirt? Give these people a break!"
Um yeah I think your point is that we should be grateful that she signs things b/c more famous people generally don't..... but the thing for me is I met a handful of movie stars and one teen popstar this year and they were all really nice and funny, charming and just everything you would want famous people to be-the type of people you look up to. That's why I was weirded out that Idina wasn't that nice or friendly because I always thought it would be the opposite way around.

you think you know but you have no idea.....

#61re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?
Posted: 8/27/04 at 10:47pm

There's a huge "fuss" over Menzel b/c she's the "IT" Girl of the moment. A while back, it was all about Sutton Foster, her Tony, her autograph and the Marriott Marquis stage door. Now, it's all about Wicked and Menzel.

I still think she's just human. I know I wouldn't feel like signing and taking pictures with 500 crazy fans around midnight, six days a week, after performing.

Broadwayballerina Profile Photo
#62re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?
Posted: 8/27/04 at 11:08pm

Just wanted to make absolutely no contribution to the discussion that I started and say I was at the stage door on 7/17 too. Definitely remember The green/pink flower duo :)

"I look before I leap I love margins and discipline I make lists in my sleep Baby what's my sin?"- Joanne, Rent

musicalfandukie Profile Photo
#63re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?
Posted: 8/27/04 at 11:41pm

i only have one thing to add NO ONE MOURNS THE WICKED!! Updated On: 8/27/04 at 11:41 PM

J-Pill Profile Photo
#64re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?
Posted: 8/27/04 at 11:48pm

I LOVE THAT SONG!!!!111one

Kelliexo90 Profile Photo
#65re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?
Posted: 8/27/04 at 11:49pm

Your right, athletes and stuff don't always sign autograph, but it's kind of a given that that is what you have to do when you are on Broadway. It's a public relations thing, everyone does it.

What is Broadway? A street? Some say it's a street. Some say it is the best street in the world. Others think its terrible. That's the beauty of it, it's terribly beautiful. Some hate it and don't know why. Others love it and don't know why. That's what makes it so wonderful, it's a mystery.

#66re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?
Posted: 8/28/04 at 12:13am

I've never met the woman. She's never come out when I've seen the show and that's fine...her choice. I've heard all the fan stories, but I have nothing to base a judegement upon, so I wouldn't. Personally, if she's rude, she's rude, that's really her choice to make. I'm not going to the show to meet her afterwards and have her become my new best friend. The only thing that matters to me is that she gives a good performance, worthy of the $100 I just paid for a ticket.

Many, many people in the cast have been sweet at the stage door. Did they have to be ? No, but they were anyway and I appreciated that. Truth be told, I probably wouldn't ask Idina to sign anything. I'd probably just tell her I enjoyed her performance and leave it that. Does that mean she should be rude to people who want her to sign their playbill ? No, but if she is, it's not part of her job to be nice to people.

I'm an actress (not of Idina's calibur yet) and I personally wouldn't be able to be rude to people and not sign things, because I remember all of the times performers have gone out of their way to be kind to me. I will however, fail to pass judgement on Idina because of how she treats fans.

I don't know anything about the woman except she has a killer voice, is an insanely good actress, great song-writer and is gorgeous. All of these things are enough to make me a fan. Not an insane fan who thinks she's a saint and would defend her to the death, but a fan nonetheless.

Sorry for the's late. :)

musicalfandukie Profile Photo
#67re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?
Posted: 8/28/04 at 12:20am

i'm starting to see maybe the rumors of kristin and idina not getting along were maybe true after all..if she treats people she dont know like crap i bet she can be murder to work with at times.

greenifyed Profile Photo
#68re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?
Posted: 8/28/04 at 1:06am

I guess I like her because she's just a real person. Is there justification in why she's rude to people? Well, you go over the essential reasons:

A) There are a lot of fans. Some of them can be obnoxious (I mean, hello, look at half the WICKED fans on this board.)

B) She doesn't have a lot of time. She does yoga in a 107 degree studio and she goes to work hot, sweaty, awaiting her shower. I'd probably be slightly irritated as well.

C) She's incredibly shy. I didn't really understand that until I met her - but she really is. Say what you will - "Then this isn't the right job for her", "Get over it", etc. - but it's part of her personality.

D) She's a diva. There, I said it. She's 100% full blooded diva.

She's human, okay. Honestly - she's probably got a big head right now. She thinks that she's hot ****, okay, and I don't BLAME her. I've been a fan for a long time - I'm a fan of her shows, her music, and basically - her. I'm rambling. I'll stop. But yeah, she's definitely a love/hate person - I will say that. *shrugs*

"The tick BOOM tick BOOM is so loud I can't hear the rain on the grass. I can't hear the wind. I'm about to scream. But I realize I'm not alone."
Updated On: 8/28/04 at 01:06 AM

millie_dillmount Profile Photo
#69re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?
Posted: 8/28/04 at 1:14am

"I guess I think she's just a real person..."

No, really? re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?

I have to agree up to this point with what jeezebelle said. Also with the guy (forgot his user name) who was explaining about "gossip."

"We like to snark around here. Sometimes we actually talk about theater...but we try not to let that get in our way." - dramamama611

#70re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?
Posted: 8/28/04 at 1:16am

Good point^ You try being in a sweaty green body suit on a 100 degree stage belting Defying Gravity worrying if you're going to "land" safely lol. You would be saying "ooooooo I cant wait to see my 678000th fan right?! I mean somedays she's probably like "I need to go home". We all say Donna Murphy is really nice, but beleieve me, she probably is, but Im sure she has her days...Ive heard half and half now about Idina. Who knows. Its life :) Love u all

musicalfandukie Profile Photo
#71re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?
Posted: 8/28/04 at 1:19am

well ya she is a real person...i am a real person but i am not rude to strangers. i dont think some stars realize it but if it wasnt for there fans they wouldnt be working.

greenifyed Profile Photo
#72re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?
Posted: 8/28/04 at 1:31am

"well ya she is a real person...i am a real person but i am not rude to strangers. i dont think some stars realize it but if it wasnt for there fans they wouldnt be working."

I get your point, trust me I do. Because yeah, as fans, we go out and invest in their shows and keep them working. But before there were fans, there were casting directors who cast the right people in the right parts in order to have a successful musical and get those fans. Before RENT, Idina wasn't anyone. And when Idina got her part in RENT - she wasn't anyone. She wasn't anyone until the show became publicity fest 1996 - and then she got fans.

And I guarentee you, that if you were on your way to work after exercising in 107 degree heat, and a bunch of loud, obnoxious TOURISTS fangirled over you and bombarded you for an autograph the second they saw you - you'd be slightly irritated as well.

Again, with the rambling.

"The tick BOOM tick BOOM is so loud I can't hear the rain on the grass. I can't hear the wind. I'm about to scream. But I realize I'm not alone."

#73re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?
Posted: 8/28/04 at 1:37am

Even though I've never met Idina (only seen her onstage) I'd be willing to form an everlasting impression of her based on what other people's stories are. However, there seems to be some discrepancy as to what exactly she's like. So, could someone start compiling a list for me please - just put all the 'good' Idina encounters in one column, and all the 'bad' in the other. Then, when we have them all added up, I'll make a decision as to whether I think she's worthy of my attention or not.

#74re: Idina Menzel: what is the appeal?
Posted: 8/28/04 at 2:32am

s that mean she should be rude to people who want her to sign their playbill ? No, but if she is, it's not part of her job to be nice to people.

Well, what people call "rude" is also subjective.

Some people:

A. misinterpret her shyness as being rude

B. don't realize she *never* speaks after shows (and tries not to speak during the day) to save her voice - and they think it's because she's cold or doesn't want to talk to people. She's always done it - just as many other performers do

C. can't understand why she doesn't have conversations with the 200 people waiting after the show, or why she walks past people gathered at the stage door before the show when she's trying to go to WORK.

D. criticize the fact that she tries to sign for everyone but she goes too quickly and is not gushing with excitement when doing so

The point is that I think she's often unfairly labeled as "rude", and then it spreads. SOOOO many people here say "I heard she was rude", etc. Keep in mind they could have heard it from the people who expect WAY too much of these performers when it comes to stagedoor interactions - and people's perception of her might just be a little skewed.

I'm not justifying any legitimate "rudeness", but most of what people consider "rude" where Idina is concerned puzzles me. Not to mention some of the stories are so obviously dramatized. I think "slammed the door in my face" translates into "she didn't stop and went on in". The actors have also asked that people please not gather at the stage door before shows. Why do you think people go before the show? Because the stagedoor after the show is so damn crazy. That says a lot.

DGrant, I can't speak for everyone, but I've run into her around 7 or 8 times over the last 8 years, and she's never been anything but genuinely kind and friendly. Quiet and reserved, but sweet. As someone pointed out - it's her personality - and there's nothing wrong with that. I will also say that I received a long, hand written thank you note in the mail from her once because of some help I gave (long story), and I never expected that in a million years. I didn't even realize she was aware, so she totally didn't have to do it. I also don't remember (please correct me if I'm wrong) people claiming to have these notorious "rude" encounters with her until WICKED. What does that say about her? It could mean that the stagedoor is insane and people can't have the intimate experience they wanted so they pout like a 3 year old and throw out complaints here -- or it could mean that God forbid, maybe she just might not be that rude, cold person people want to make her out to be, and she might actually be a very nice person who is dealing with extenuating circumstances surrounding this particular production.

People want her to be/act a certain way in a fan situation, and her personality is more reserved than that and it irritates people. Some understand, and some don't. That's not changing anytime soon unfortunately.

**BTW, I know the 'saving her voice' debate has been discussed to death, but I wanted to add something. Say what you keep her voice as healthy and strong as she does (and no one seems to work harder at trying to stay healthy and keeping her voice in shape) - she may have to stay silent when possible...regardless of those who say technique would solve that problem. Because one person doesn't have to 'rest' their voice to that extreme doesn't mean that's the case for others. Everyone is different where their voice is concerned, so people here couldn't possibly know Idina's vocal limits to make those kinds of judgements -- even though some disagree.
Updated On: 8/28/04 at 02:32 AM
