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How to tell my mom about shows I like?

How to tell my mom about shows I like?

#1How to tell my mom about shows I like?
Posted: 10/1/17 at 8:16pm

My mom is pretty strict, but I really like waitress, and want to see it when it comes to my town in a few months? What's a good way to tell her about it and convince her to let me buy a ticket? (I do have enough money to buy my own ticket)

secretschuylersister Profile Photo
#2How to tell my mom about shows I like?
Posted: 10/1/17 at 8:24pm

How do you ask your mom to go out with your friends? It's really the same as that. We don't know your mom or your relationship with her, but if I were you I'd tell her that you have your own money to pay for the ticket and that the theater will be a controlled environment, if you were to go by yourself. Maybe you should play the soundtrack in the car or tell her about the story? Even if your mom says no, it doesn't hurt to ask. I had to ask my mom if we could fly 5,000+ miles to america to see Dear Evan Hansen & Hamilton and she said yes. So again, the worst thing she could do is say no.

#3How to tell my mom about shows I like?
Posted: 10/1/17 at 8:25pm

If she leans conservative, maybe don't tell her about the more questionable material (adultery, "sex scenes" during the Bad Idea reprise)? If she already knows, explain that it's a really empowering show for women, not just the story itself but the fact that the entire creative team is made up of women? Play her "What Baking Can Do" or "She Used To Be Mine"? Send her that article about them wearing pink uniforms to raise breast cancer awareness? 

I'm also a teenager, and when I first started going to shows I definitely had to convince my parents to let me see some (my dad really didn't like the swearing in Hamilton, which isn't even that bad). But they've really warmed up since, and it could be that your mom will as well. Maybe you guys could go together! 

Either way, good luck and I sincerely hope you get to see the show - I thoroughly enjoyed it on Broadway. 

#4How to tell my mom about shows I like?
Posted: 10/1/17 at 8:25pm

secretschuylersister said: "How do you ask your mom to go out with your friends? It's really the same as that. We don't know your mom or your relationship with her, but if I were you I'd tell her that you have your own money to pay for the ticket and that the theater will be a controlled environment, if you were to go by yourself. Maybe you should play the soundtrack in the car or tell her about the story? Even if your mom says no, it doesn't hurt to ask. I had to ask my mom if we could fly 5,000+ miles to america to see Dear Evan Hansen & Hamilton and she said yes. So again, the worst thing she could do is say no."


Thanks! That's really helpful! The only problem is I'm afraid my mom will say "That's too inappropriate for a kid your age" (I'm fourteen)


#5How to tell my mom about shows I like?
Posted: 10/1/17 at 8:28pm

sarahharty said: "If she leans conservative, maybe don't tell her about the more questionable material (adultery, "sex scenes" during the Bad Idea reprise)? If she already knows, explain that it's a really empowering show for women, not just the story itself but the fact that the entire creative team is made up of women? Play her "What Baking Can Do" or "She Used To Be Mine"? Send her that article about them wearing pink uniforms to raise breast cancer awareness?

I'm also a teenager, and when I first started going to shows I definitely had to convince my parents to let me see some (my dadreallydidn't like the swearing in Hamilton, which isn't even that bad). But they've really warmed up since, and it could be that your mom will as well. Maybe you guys could go together!

Either way, good luck and I sincerely hope you get to see the show - I thoroughly enjoyed it on Broadway.


Thank you so so much!!!!!! My mom was like that as well with Hamilton, so I understand where you're coming from. I'm definitely going to use this advice.


Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#6How to tell my mom about shows I like?
Posted: 10/1/17 at 8:29pm

Would she get mad if you went in her purse and took her credit card and bought yourself a ticket? 

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#7How to tell my mom about shows I like?
Posted: 10/1/17 at 8:31pm

And mum has every right to make that decision.   Asking and getting a NO, is better than wondering what if.  And no, if you actually think you are old/mature enough to go see a show, hiding the the truth from your mum is NOT the right way to handle it. Honesty will always score more respect

There is almost nothing I don't let my kids see but I realize that I'm very liberal with those things. That being said, I respect any parents to make whatever choices they see fit.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

#8How to tell my mom about shows I like?
Posted: 10/1/17 at 8:37pm

dramamama611 said: "And mum has every right to make that decision. Asking and getting a NO, is better than wondering what if. And no, if you actually think you are old/mature enough to go see a show, hiding the the truth from your mum is NOT the right way to handle it. Honesty will always score more respect

There is almost nothing I don't let my kids see but I realize that I'm very liberal with those things.That being said, I respect any parents to make whatever choices they see fit.


I agree with what you say as well. That is some pretty good parenting advice right there.

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#9How to tell my mom about shows I like?
Posted: 10/1/17 at 8:44pm

The film was rated PG13.....I don't really think the musical would get any different a rating.   What exactly are you worried about that she would object to?

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

#10How to tell my mom about shows I like?
Posted: 10/1/17 at 9:10pm

First, I'm curious how old you are.  Twelve is very different from sixteen.

Second, approach her with the idea that seeing this show with more "adult" topics will allow you to discuss some of these subjects that make her uncomfortable, but in a new and different way.  Sell her on it opening new doors of mother-daughter communication / discussion.  The reality is you know about sex, adultery and abusive relationships.  It's not new information....and the show isn't glamorizing these subject.  It's the reality of the world and this is a new way for her to talk with you about subjects.  

Our high school does shows like American Idiot, Dog Fight and Spring Awakening and this is how we have brought our our principals, parents and community around to being supportive of more mature material.  High School kids are faced with these topics and images every day.  But seeing them as a collective and DISCUSSING them with others (especially adults in their lives) has been tremendously positive in our community.  But you have to follow-thru on YOUR end of the deal and talk with her about the show and it's more mature themes.  

Updated On: 10/2/17 at 09:10 PM

BrodyFosse123 Profile Photo
#11How to tell my mom about shows I like?
Posted: 10/1/17 at 9:37pm

That’s kinda tragic.  My folks took me to see both the original Broadway productions of CHICAGO and A CHORUS LINE during the summer of 1975.  I was barely 10 years old.  I also saw the newly released JAWS several times that summer as well and I saw THE EXORCIST when I was 8 years old.  Things were so different growing up in the 1970s when parents were cool and didn’t censor kids from **** so they grew up with common sense and independence.  

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#12How to tell my mom about shows I like?
Posted: 10/1/17 at 9:47pm

And we didn't wear seatbelts or helmets.   Just because YOU survived doesn't mean everyone would nor is there direct correlation between that and independence and common sense.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

SweetLips Profile Photo
#13How to tell my mom about shows I like?
Posted: 10/1/17 at 11:21pm

Jordan Catalano said: "Would she get mad if you went in her purse and took her credit card and bought yourself a ticket?"

As Shakespeare once wrote 'What's that got to do with the price of fish'?


ggersten Profile Photo
#14How to tell my mom about shows I like?
Posted: 10/2/17 at 1:58am

I saw a production of Hair for my 14th birthday.  My dad took me even though my mom was more of the theatre person.  

gypsy101 Profile Photo
#15How to tell my mom about shows I like?
Posted: 10/2/17 at 4:11am

definitely don’t mention that the plot involves a woman being abused by her husband and having an affair while pregnant... she might not love that.

"Contentment, it seems, simply happens. It appears accompanied by no bravos and no tears."

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#16How to tell my mom about shows I like?
Posted: 10/2/17 at 6:19am

Sweet Lips SAID:  Jordan Catalano said: "Would she get mad if you went in her purse and took her credit card and bought yourself a ticket?"

As Shakespeare once wrote 'What's that got to do with the price of fish'?



Well, under most circumstances, you need a bank card to actually purchase the ticket.....unlikely the OP can get to the box office without assistance.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

Demitri2 Profile Photo
#17How to tell my mom about shows I like?
Posted: 10/2/17 at 11:08am

Tell your mother you have hopes of being a food server when you graduate high school and that the show will help you hone your craft.

RaisedOnMusicals Profile Photo
#18How to tell my mom about shows I like?
Posted: 10/2/17 at 12:03pm

No one has suggested this yet so here goes. How about telling your Mom that there's a musical coming that you'd really like to see and that you'd really love it if she'd go with you? You can even tell her that you have enough money to pay for your own ticket. And to help sell her on the idea, you can tell her about Sarah Bareilles and then play her one of these videos (the second one is the Tony performance of Sarah and Jessie together) of She Used to be Mine. How could any mother not want to see that, or at least let her daughter go see it?


CZJ at opening night party for A Little Night Music, Dec 13, 2009.
Updated On: 10/2/17 at 12:03 PM

#19How to tell my mom about shows I like?
Posted: 10/2/17 at 2:34pm

BrodyFosse123 said: "That’s kinda tragic. My folks took me to see both the original Broadway productions of CHICAGO and A CHORUS LINE during the summer of 1975. I was barely 10 years old. I alsosaw the newly released JAWS several times that summer as well and I saw THE EXORCIST when I was 8 years old. Things were so different growing up in the 1970s when parents were cool and didn’t censor kids from **** so they grew up with common sense and independence."

People always say that, but after studying Torts in law school, I can tell you there's a reason so many regulations and safety measures have been passed to limit liability. It's because people back then didn't have much common sense either.

SweetLips Profile Photo
#20How to tell my mom about shows I like?
Posted: 10/2/17 at 3:27pm

There's no thought of the OP stealing his Mothers' credit card, the poor kid is after advice on how/what to tell his Mum.

Honesty works every time and if you don't get the answer you want THEN steal her credit card !

#21How to tell my mom about shows I like?
Posted: 10/2/17 at 4:07pm

Thank you all so much!!!! I did think this was a little bit funny, as I'm her son, not her daughter, but still great advice.

#22How to tell my mom about shows I like?
Posted: 10/2/17 at 4:16pm

Frenchbacon said: "Thank you all so much!!!! I did think this was a little bit funny, as I'm her son, not her daughter, but still great advice."

Frenchbacon I think I would like to adopt you.  

#23How to tell my mom about shows I like?
Posted: 10/2/17 at 5:40pm

Would it be out of the question to go to the musical with your mother? I will probably see Waitress when it arrives on tour, with my wife and teenage daughter. I saw the movie a long time ago, and I remember it as charming overall. From what I've heard about the show, it's fairly uplifting, despite the sometimes-grim and risque (for a conservative parent) subject matter.

Given that you're 14, it seems like a family night at the theater might be an easier sell than a solo venture. You could still offer to pay for your own ticket, if that helps. 

This might not be a realistic option for you, but I'm just tossing out an idea.

#24How to tell my mom about shows I like?
Posted: 10/2/17 at 9:49pm

I'm fourteen (almost 15) as well. My parents really don't like me cursing, but they know what I hear as a sophomore in high school, so they allow me to watch things with language it it. I recently went to go see Groundhog Day with my mom, and she didn't love the amount of language and more adult situations in it, but it really did add to the comedy aspect of the show.


I would just show your mom the videos of the show you can find, and ask her if you can go. I understand some of the themes are more mature, but in this day and age censorship like that is really unnecessary. Events that happen in the show do happen in real life, and as a teenager I don't think it is realistic for your mom to not let you to go see the show because of them. You're certainly old enough.


And just ask your mom to go with you! Then you will have someone to discuss the show with afterward and too bad if she didn't like the content. It already happened. I doubt your mom will let you go to see it alone if she is that sensitive in the first place
