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HOW TO SUCCEED To Play Final Performance on Broadway Sunday, May 20th- Page 2

HOW TO SUCCEED To Play Final Performance on Broadway Sunday, May 20th

broadwaydevil Profile Photo
#25HOW TO SUCCEED To Play Final Performance on Broadway Sunday, May 20th
Posted: 5/8/12 at 8:42pm

"sad for the actors - but a terrible, awful, horrible and tortuous show."

What?! You are aware that the musical won a Pulitzer, correct? It's ingrained itself in classical American musical theatre. You may not like some of the performances or some of the director's choices but I've seriously never heard anyone make statements like that about How to Succeed

"I wonder if shows can ever go from recoupment back into debt...I mean it sure sounds theoretically possible, I wonder if it has happened in this case."

In theory of course it's possible but I'd tend to doubt it. It had insanely high grosses through Darren Criss's run in January and it was averaging around $700,000 except for the purging of the past few weeks. A few bad weeks would probably not be enough to put them back in debt. If anything, the quick announcement and fast closing date were probably announced since the producers were happy they made a profit and don't feel like falling into a loss (so maybe they were getting close?)

Scratch and claw for every day you're worth! Make them drag you screaming from life, keep dreaming You'll live forever here on earth.
Updated On: 5/8/12 at 08:42 PM

#26HOW TO SUCCEED To Play Final Performance on Broadway Sunday, May 20th
Posted: 5/8/12 at 8:45pm

I wonder if a tour will happen, I'm sure it would do well if they got the right name for Finch and Pierrepoint.

choitoy Profile Photo
#27HOW TO SUCCEED To Play Final Performance on Broadway Sunday, May 20th
Posted: 5/8/12 at 8:56pm

Dramamama: The first time I came to NYC (two years ago), I ended up taking a picture of myself outside of every Broadway house (I missed a few though).

Some shows still had a few signs up even though they were long gone (Ragtime), but it did seem kinda sad.

I know it's an impossible wish, but when I go to Broadway, it would have been nice to see as many theaters open as possible.

Xanadu! Can't cry on cue!

#28HOW TO SUCCEED To Play Final Performance on Broadway Sunday, May 20th
Posted: 5/8/12 at 9:01pm

I cannot say that am surprised after seeing the grosses that it has been having lately.

ETA: "So does this mean "Into the Woods" now has a new home?"

It would not exactly be a new home because the original production of 'Into the Woods' played there when it was called the Martin Beck Theatre. Also, 'Cinderella' could play at this theatre as well. Updated On: 5/8/12 at 09:01 PM

#29HOW TO SUCCEED To Play Final Performance on Broadway Sunday, May 20th
Posted: 5/8/12 at 9:30pm

Seriously, though! I feel the grosses would have definitely picked up in a few weeks as schools let out and more tourists come to the city! This is the prime time of year to get Nick's audience to the show, most of which haven't got the chance to make it up to see him (many of which probably were waiting till the summer because it is more convenient for family vacations and thought he would be in the show until July). I just don't understand why they wouldn't wait out the remaining two months of his contract and go out with a bang.

Playbilly Profile Photo
#30HOW TO SUCCEED To Play Final Performance on Broadway Sunday, May 20th
Posted: 5/8/12 at 9:47pm

Anyone know how these kind of star contracts work? Does Nick get a portion of his salary through July? A bonus for Jonas?

"Through The Sacrifice You Made, We Can't Believe The Price You Paid..For Love!"

RippedMan Profile Photo
#31HOW TO SUCCEED To Play Final Performance on Broadway Sunday, May 20th
Posted: 5/8/12 at 10:19pm

Um, Anna in the Tropics also won the Pulitzer and that show is ROUGH. Not saying "How to Succeed" is bad, but.... I can see why someone wouldn't totally care. It's a little predictable, and whatnot. And I don't think production plays up the satire or anything. It was essentially a vehicle for Radcliffe because Finch's singing is minimal.

I thought this production was pretty awful. Elaborate dance numbers for no reason, no real charm, etc.

jacobtsf Profile Photo
#32HOW TO SUCCEED To Play Final Performance on Broadway Sunday, May 20th
Posted: 5/8/12 at 10:22pm

How to Succeed is an incredible show. This production is not. Rob Ashford, while a brilliant choreographer, did not direct this well. Actors were flying blind on stage, and some of the most brilliant moments in the show were destroyed by being over choreographed.

David walked into the valley With a stone clutched in his hand He was only a boy But he knew someone must take a stand There will always be a valley Always mountains one must scale There will always be perilous waters Which someone must sail -Into the Fire Scarlet Pimpernel

EricMontreal22 Profile Photo
#33HOW TO SUCCEED To Play Final Performance on Broadway Sunday, May 20th
Posted: 5/8/12 at 10:36pm

It still ran longer than the Broderick revival, right?

Ashford does tend to over-choreograph, though he has talent. But he should have learned from Fosse's fairly restrained take with the material.

#34HOW TO SUCCEED To Play Final Performance on Broadway Sunday, May 20th
Posted: 5/8/12 at 10:44pm

Unlike some, I really thought Ashford's choreo enhanced this production greatly and modernized the show perfectly. It was just very enjoyable to watch. Brotherhood of Man is a flat-out showstopper. I remember when I saw a video of Brotherhood from the Broderick revival. I couldn't even finish it.

#35HOW TO SUCCEED To Play Final Performance on Broadway Sunday, May 20th
Posted: 5/8/12 at 10:46pm

I'm so glad I got to see it when Darren Criss was on. I had the best time in NYC and the show was great! I was hoping DC would resume another short run this summer so I can go to NYC to relive the magic. Oh well, thanks for the great memory though :)

theatreguy Profile Photo
#36HOW TO SUCCEED To Play Final Performance on Broadway Sunday, May 20th
Posted: 5/8/12 at 11:03pm

EricMontreal - the Broderick revival ran for 548 performances, this one will have played 473.

frogs_fan85 Profile Photo
#37HOW TO SUCCEED To Play Final Performance on Broadway Sunday, May 20th
Posted: 5/8/12 at 11:05pm

It still ran longer than the Broderick revival, right?

Nope, the Broderick revival ran for 548 performances. This production will hit 473.

Matt2 Profile Photo
#38HOW TO SUCCEED To Play Final Performance on Broadway Sunday, May 20th
Posted: 5/9/12 at 4:35am

Wow. What a difference a year or two makes to Nick Jonas' career. If he'd taken on this role in '08-09, the show would have been sold out night after night. Now they can't give away tickets to get people to see him. All that momentum he had only a short time ago has all but disappeared. I guess it's the way it goes with being the flavor of the month.
I suppose in two years Criss will be in the same boat- unless he really does something surprising.

Gypsy9 Profile Photo
#39HOW TO SUCCEED To Play Final Performance on Broadway Sunday, May 20th
Posted: 5/9/12 at 8:26am

I thoroughly enjoyed this musical, particularly when John Larroquette was in it. He has terrific stage presence and deserved the Tony which he received last year.I wonder why it was going downhill recently. But it does open up one of the most beautiful theatres on Broadway.

"Madam Rose...and her daughter...Gypsy!"

macnyc Profile Photo
#40HOW TO SUCCEED To Play Final Performance on Broadway Sunday, May 20th
Posted: 5/9/12 at 10:29am

I saw this production last week and thoroughly enjoyed every minute. I know some people think it was overchoreographed, but I loved the football number, and I thought Jonas did a great job. I'm not a theater professional as a lot of people on this board are, just an average layperson. But from my point of view, the show was solid, and I'm sorry to see it close.

#41HOW TO SUCCEED To Play Final Performance on Broadway Sunday, May 20th
Posted: 5/9/12 at 10:36am

Still upset that I won't get to see Nick in this show one more time...I thought he did a fantastic job. I think we're still going to NYC, but I guess just for touristy things, don't think there's any other shows I'm feeling strongly about seeing right now.

Any idea how refunds will be processed and when? Kind of find it odd they announced the show closing and didn't make any mention about what people need to do, or not do, about getting a refund for shows past 5/20. I know some people have been able to exchange their tickets for tickets to the final show, but I'm out of state and with only a two week notice, that's not going to work for me unless I can teleport to NYC somehow. Or want to pay $500 for a plane ticket and sleep outside the theater.

Never mind, the posted the refund info...guess I'll just wait for the call or email. HOW TO SUCCEED To Play Final Performance on Broadway Sunday, May 20th

Updated On: 5/9/12 at 10:36 AM

#42HOW TO SUCCEED To Play Final Performance on Broadway Sunday, May 20th
Posted: 5/10/12 at 12:33am

No need to worry about Darren Criss. He has signed major record deal, and he composes his own music, has a musical company, just did a movie with Wiig... He will be fine.
