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Nick Jonas's closing night speech at How to Succeed
 May 21 2012, 10:23:33 PM
TheatreKid3--Actually, The Jonas Brothers aren't with Hollywood Records/Disney anymore. Earlier this month, they left the label and managed to buy back all the masters to their old music and keep all their publishing rights:

Nick Jonas's closing night speech at How to Succeed
 May 21 2012, 09:28:27 PM
Hey he buzzed off his hair today, that's about as radical as he's gonna get in the immediate future!

Although he's started to take some roles outside of the super Disney nice guy. He played kind of a horndog on Smash, and then on Last Man Standing he played a teen deadbeat dad, steps!

Nick Jonas's closing night speech at How to Succeed
 May 21 2012, 07:04:48 PM
A very humble and gracious closing speech, giving all the credit for the show's success to the company and crew:

Ticketmaster Refunds
 May 16 2012, 10:19:49 PM
I mean the original closing night for Nick Jonas's run, although let's be real--if they hadn't announced a July replacement for him as of a couple months prior, it was pretty obvious they were closing the show in July.
Ticketmaster Refunds
 May 16 2012, 07:45:24 PM
If the shows close, you won't have any problem getting a refund or exchange.

I had tickets to the original closing night for How to Succeed on July 1st. When they announced the show was closing they didn't mention anything about refunds so I was worried, but the next day the show's Twitter posted a link to the refund policy. I emailed the address on the page and requested a refund, but in the meantime they had already emailed me offering me a refund or the chance to exchange my tickets

Tony Winner John Lloyd Young to Rejoin JERSEY BOYS July 3
 May 9 2012, 10:46:24 PM
ACL2006: The announcement says Young's run is only through 9/30 so someone else will be stepping into the run as of 10/1.

That does sort of coincide with the rumor about Nick coming in, but I' m not sure yet if I believe that rumor.

HOW TO SUCCEED To Play Final Performance on Broadway Sunday, May 20th
 May 9 2012, 10:36:33 AM
Still upset that I won't get to see Nick in this show one more time...I thought he did a fantastic job. I think we're still going to NYC, but I guess just for touristy things, don't think there's any other shows I'm feeling strongly about seeing right now.

Any idea how refunds will be processed and when? Kind of find it odd they announced the show closing and didn't make any mention about what people need to do, or not do, about getting a refund for shows past 5/20. I know some people have been able to exchange their tickets for tickets to the final show, but I'm out of state and with only a two week notice, that's not going to work for me unless I can teleport to NYC somehow. Or want to pay $500 for a plane ticket and sleep outside the theater.

Never mind, the posted the refund info...guess I'll just wait for the call or email.

HOW TO SUCCEED To Play Final Performance on Broadway Sunday, May 20th
 May 8 2012, 07:18:18 PM
So upset....there goes my trip to NYC. I had tickets for Nick's last show and everything.
Should changing seats at intermission merit a public flogging?
 May 4 2012, 08:09:20 PM
I've been moved by ushers before. When I went to see How to Succeed on the second night of Nick Jonas's run, my friend and I had rushed for tickets and were in the very first two seats of the right side box, which were considered obstructed view. We were the only ones in the box, and if nobody else showed up we were planning once the show started to move back a couple of rows (just because they shove the first two seats right up against the box and our knees were pressing into it.) But right bef
 Apr 30 2012, 11:11:32 PM
Nick's done July 1, but I've heard two different rumors, one claiming the show is going to close as of that date and Nick will be moving over to Jersey Boys in the fall, and one that says Nick's signed an extension through October and they haven't announced it yet.

I don't know that I believe either of those.

re: The Broadway Show League
 Apr 29 2012, 10:44:54 PM
Nick Jonas has been playing and is the captain or manager of the How to Succeed team. Plus his brothers Kevin and Joe play on the team from time to time.

Nick really throws himself into the game if the pics on the league's facebook are anything to go by!

Fans do come out and watch the How to Succeed team, and Nick usually goes by and shakes hands/greets the fans on the way out.

There are pics from all the games on the league's facebook so you can see pics of who is playing

H2$ Jonas Stage Door
 Apr 28 2012, 12:04:59 AM
No, I don't think it's quite as crowded before shows, gets a little more crowded afterwards. The Saturday matinees are more crowded than the Wednesday ones, obviously. But once school gets out, it might be more crowded.

For example here is a video of the stage door this past Wednesday when he arrived, you can kinda see the crowd isn't that big:

This one is older, March 30th but kinda gives you an idea of the crowd at night

H2$ Jonas Stage Door
 Apr 27 2012, 06:35:23 PM
Yes that is correct--Nick doesn't come out between matinees. They've told him he's not allowed to come out of the stage door, since it can cause problems with traffic.

He signs before shows when he arrives at the theater--however he's had to stop the practice of taking pictures with fans before the shows. He does apologize when people ask him to do that, I think as the crowds got larger at the door he had to stop. But he will sign before every show (or before the first show of a two s

How about Nick Jonas in a Damn Yankees revival?
 Apr 24 2012, 09:41:24 PM
Why keep him away? He's doing a good job in How to Succeed, he's a hard worker, he's showing up daily and putting in the hours even though he could be coasting or just sitting back counting his millions, he's making an effort to integrate himself into the Broadway community and become a part of it, and he has a real love for theater. If he wants to continue on that path, I say good for him.

Now, no I don't see him in Damn Yankees at this point in time, but I don't see any reason to keep

Broadway Grosses: Week Ending 4/22/12
 Apr 24 2012, 09:12:50 AM
Huss417--yes,that is correct for How to Succeed. Last week and this week, they'll have 9 performances. Nick Jonas had a previously scheduled conflict (he was a groomsman in the wedding for a member of his band) and instead of sending the understudy out they just did not have any performances on 4/14. They made the missed performances up by doing 2PM & 8PM shows on 4/15 and 4/22.
H2$ Jonas EP?
 Apr 17 2012, 01:46:24 PM
Apparently it's going to be both a physical copy and a digital one, although from what I have heard the physical copy will be packaged with the original cast recording featuring Daniel Radcliffe, so you have to buy them both. I don't know if that is going to be just the case at the theater, or not.

Also, one of the producers mentioned pre-order information would be up at soon, but didn't mention anything about iTunes.

ETA: The Amazon preorder info is here but they have the release date as May 8th.

Broadway Cares Equity Fights Aids - Spring 2012 Collections
 Mar 31 2012, 02:56:01 PM
Video of one of the bow tie auctions at How to Succeed--try to ignore the hyperventilating girl shooting the video.

The bow ties have been going for between $1000-$2000 each time, especially since it now includes a backstage tour and personal meet and greet with Nick.

Broadway Cares Equity Fights Aids - Spring 2012 Collections
 Mar 19 2012, 09:46:48 PM
My friend went to How to Succeed last week, and they were collecting. Nick gave a speech encouraging people to donate, and Michael Urie came out and he and Nick auctioned off Nick's bow tie for $1000. They were also selling posters signed by the entire cast for $100.
How To Succeed stage door with Nick Jonas
 Mar 18 2012, 09:14:30 PM
From what I'm hearing, Nick supposedly isn't taking any more photos with fans before the shows, although he is still stopping and signing. As the crowds have gotten bigger it's started to take too long to get photos with everyone, I guess.

Now, in that video he posted he's clearly taking pics with fans, so maybe he just isn't taking photos before he arrives for Saturday matinees and evening shows. I'm not sure.

How To Succeed stage door with Nick Jonas
 Mar 18 2012, 01:41:10 PM
I found this video for the OP--it is a video of Nick meeting fans before last Wednesday's matinee, just to give you an idea of what the crowds might be like before a Wednesday matinee:

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