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Goodbye. Your Witch Hunt Wore Me Out.- Page 3

Goodbye. Your Witch Hunt Wore Me Out.

#50re: goodbye. your witch hunt wore me out.
Posted: 11/7/03 at 9:22pm

I would gladly contribute my left-over prunes from Halloween.

"Long live God!" (GODSPELL)

#51re: re: goodbye. your witch hunt wore me out.
Posted: 11/7/03 at 9:27pm

That's why I love you, DP. Always thinking of others.

Rest in peace, Iflitifloat.

BillFinn Profile Photo
#52re: re: goodbye. your witch hunt wore me out.
Posted: 11/7/03 at 9:42pm

Just so everyone knows, I'm not REALLY Bill Finn

...just his sex slave re: re: goodbye.  your witch hunt wore me out.

Bill Finn rocks. Woot.
Updated On: 11/7/03 at 09:42 PM

ORPHAN Profile Photo
#53re: re: re: goodbye. your witch hunt wore me out.
Posted: 11/7/03 at 11:42pm

la la la la I think i'm gonna be sad... i think it's today, yeah.... the girl that's driving me mad is goin' away, yeah... she's got a ticket to ride... she's got a ticket to ride, i, ide, she's got a ticke to ride...and i don't care...


#54re: Goodbye. Your Witch Hunt Wore Me Out.
Posted: 11/8/03 at 12:07am

The last thing you should be doing is leaving. Don't let folks push you around. You can't take everything everyone says to heart - it'll drive you nuts! I've been a performer - on Broadway, off, etc... for my entire adult life and I can't tell you the number of times I have been told to "go jump in the lake" or (pick your insult). If I had listened to what everyone told me to do or not do in the last 20 years, I'd be living in the funny farm by now. Updated On: 11/8/03 at 12:07 AM

#55re: re: Goodbye. Your Witch Hunt Wore Me Out.
Posted: 11/8/03 at 12:32am

It's the internet. Who gives a rat's ass?

#56re: re: re: Goodbye. Your Witch Hunt Wore Me Out.
Posted: 11/8/03 at 9:15am

As Mama Rose so succintly states in GYPSY:

"As the Good Book says, 'Good riddance to bad rubbish.' "

"Long live God!" (GODSPELL)

#57re: re: re: re: Goodbye. Your Witch Hunt Wore Me Out.
Posted: 11/8/03 at 9:42am

That wasn't a very nice thing to say DP. I've talked to a lot of people who refuse to post on the boards (not just this one) because of this kind treatment.

My gut reaction when I first started posting on the other board and things got rough was to leave but then I've got the attitude that no one was going tell me to do anything. I've got just as much right to post my opinion as the rest of you.

Now it’s a different situation if the web master asks you to leave the board–if Rob or BK or any of the others ever said “Go” to me, I’d be gone in a heartbeat. As long as they’re ok with me posting no one else is darn sure going to chase me off. But not everyone is that way.

Why don't we try something a little new--how about being nice to the newbies? Give them a chance to find their feet before we attack them?

I'm not a big reader of the Good Book but isn't there a character in there (you know how confused I get but I think his name starts with a "J")that says something to the effect of "Treat others as you would like to be treated?" Of course, I could be wrong.


Al Dente Profile Photo
Al Dente
#58re: re: re: re: re: Goodbye. Your Witch Hunt Wore Me Out.
Posted: 11/8/03 at 9:47am

It's amazing to me how often people give weirdo's the very thing they desperately want. If Horsey wanted to leave without having three pages on a message board dedicated to him/her, he would have just...LEFT. What's all this crap about anyway? Let whoever wants to post, post and let's do the "leaving" thing without quite so much ceremony. There are better causes to support than the "save horsey and make him feel welcome", one.

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#59re: re: re: re: re: Goodbye. Your Witch Hunt Wore Me Out.
Posted: 11/8/03 at 9:50am

To DofB5

Your post is right on target. One person here detests me (says in a post that he doesn't hate me & yet sends me a private message saying he pities my wife being married to me). As long as Rob has no problem, you post & if others do not like it they can either post their reply, send an angry letter to the N Y Times or clam up

Some people here want to shut up anyone they do not agree with. Even though you mention "the good book" ( not exactly a best seller amongst many board members & a definite no no ) the advise is perfect. On this board however you must think 3 moves ahead. The motto for this board is " Do unto others BEFORE they do unto you

Poster Emeritus
Updated On: 11/8/03 at 09:50 AM

orion59 Profile Photo
#60re: re: Goodbye. Your Witch Hunt Wore Me Out.
Posted: 11/8/03 at 10:00am

You're absolutely right about treating new people nicely and welcoming them. In this case though, Horsey wasn't any better than those of us s/he has accused. You have to be nice to be treated nice. A good example, myself and a couple of others gave Orphan, a new person, some good natured teasing (nothing mean) and s/he took it stride and gave it right back. Orpahn is still here participating while Horsey took a very mean spirited, defensive attitude and carried it beyond the thread that accused him/her of being a shill and brought it to other theads where it wasn't called for. The anger also carried into PM's where it wasn't publicly seen.

A few other new people have joined in the past two days and have been welcomed by the rest of us. This forum is open to evreyone and I still think Horsey should stay if s/he wants to. However, if one is going to get so upset over a couple of shill remarks that they start attacking, in every thread and in PM's, the people who thought they were shills, then they are just not going to ever be able to enjoy being here.

newyorkuniq Profile Photo
#61re: re: re: Goodbye. Your Witch Hunt Wore Me Out.
Posted: 11/8/03 at 11:37am

cry me a river

#62re: re: re: re: Goodbye. Your Witch Hunt Wore Me Out.
Posted: 11/8/03 at 11:45am

Al is right and D has a good point about people finding their feet. They should FIND their feet, however, and not bomb in and not get a feel for things before they start with their pronouncements. That's all.

And Roxy, I actually don't hate you, but you seem to have an investment in feeling hated, it fits nicely with your persecution complex. You mischaracterize what I said in a Private Message to you. To read it the way you wrote it, I sent you a PM out of the blue and made a comment about the poor woman who shares living space with you. But no, it came after two obscenity laden private messages you sent to me not long after telling me you were going to ignore me from that point on. JUST so it's clear for casual readers.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#63re: re: re: re: re: Goodbye. Your Witch Hunt Wore Me Out.
Posted: 11/8/03 at 12:39pm

I agree we should try & welcome those who are new to the board. If you do not like what someone( be they new or old to the board) says post your answer or ignore it

Poster Emeritus

#64re: re: re: re: re: re: Goodbye. Your Witch Hunt Wore Me Out.
Posted: 11/8/03 at 12:49pm

When a new person gets a job and bounds in on their first day talking loudly and acting like an expert, the long-time employees usually are distrustful. It's no different here.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

#65Or just grow a spine!
Posted: 11/8/03 at 1:00pm

Anyone who fears posting on a board should just grow a spine. Why care what anyone thinks about what you wrote. Cowering away says more about the person than anything they type.

And this is a message board and not the Welcome Wagon. If a new member wants to jumb into the water they should find out the depth first, see if there are any sharks, or be able to swim well.

Rest in peace, Iflitifloat.

#66re: Or just grow a spine!
Posted: 11/8/03 at 1:05pm

And all you gotta do is punch a shark in the nose to chase her/him off. How hard is that around here?

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

aurora1958 Profile Photo
#67re: re: re: Goodbye. Your Witch Hunt Wore Me Out.
Posted: 11/8/03 at 1:15pm

I think it's not that someone wants to silence opposing ideas, it's the NASTINESS that comes from some people stating their opposing ideas. Everyone has a right to their opinion ofcourse, and a right to state and debate it, even passionately. But when the line is crossed between stating what you believe passionately and calling people names and belittling them because you don't agree with them is the problem that needs to be addressed. Most of you guys are awesome and behave like adults, even when being passionate. And then there are those who don't. I try to ignore them, but it does make it difficult to express your honest opinions if you fear you're gonna get kicked in the teeth for just a mere discussion. It shouldn't be that way.

aurora1958 Profile Photo
RobbO Profile Photo
#69re: re: re: re: Goodbye. Your Witch Hunt Wore Me Out.
Posted: 11/8/03 at 1:17pm



aurora1958 Profile Photo
#70re: re: re: re: re: re: goodbye. your witch hunt wore me out.
Posted: 11/8/03 at 1:20pm

If you really like something does it make you a shill? I'm really asking, I'm relatively new to this and have been accused of it myself. If your opinion is in the minority, does it automatically make you a shill and thus your opinion worthless because the majority doesn't agree?

aurora1958 Profile Photo
#71re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: goodbye. your witch hunt wore me out.
Posted: 11/8/03 at 1:22pm

I have to agree with that. I got really tired of everyone expecting me to behave that way. And when I didn't, then I was trying to be "white". LOL

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#72re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: goodbye. your witch hu
Posted: 11/8/03 at 1:27pm

Some people will label you no matter what you say or do. One persons shill is an ally to another person who enjoyed the show. Apparently, if the majority does not like a show, you automatically become a shill if you do. What about the reverse ? If most on the board like a show & you hate it & tell people to stay away does that make you an un or non shill ? Just asking.

Poster Emeritus

aurora1958 Profile Photo
#73re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Goodbye. Your Witch Hunt Wore Me Out.
Posted: 11/8/03 at 1:30pm

I can certainly understand that Namo. I've been here pretty much since the beginning but I don't post all that often. I love reading, there's a bunch of really intelligent and talented people here and like any playground it gets rough. I can take it and give it back as long as I'm not made to feel stupid and wrong for enjoying what I enjoy, because I don't make anyone else feel that way. personal email attacks like you're speaking of are just amazing to me. I mean, what is so important here that you've got to reduce yourself to sending nasty email like that. Nothing discussed here is life altering is it?

orion59 Profile Photo
#74re: re: goodbye. your witch hunt wore me out.
Posted: 11/8/03 at 1:31pm

No, really liking something doesn't make you a shill. There are plenty of us here who LOVE certain shows. Coming on as a new person and starting numerous threads dedicated to the same show (usually one that is getting bad reviews)and saying certain things such as "The audience was lining up for tix to future shows during intermission" will certainly make people wonder if you're a shill. Even if you are accused of being a shill, what's the big deal? If you stay around and continue posting on various topics, people eventually see what you really are. A lot of people here were accused of being shills. They let it go and remained on to have some fun

In Horsey's case it wasn't so much the shill thing that got people going. It was the rude behavior that got thrown into numerous threads. If there is any doubt, read the new Judy Streisand thread which responds to the posts here.
