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"Give the Tony's back to Broadway" a.k.a. "Let Hunter Foster and Jen Cody walk the red carpet"

"Give the Tony's back to Broadway" a.k.a. "Let Hunter Foster and Jen Cody walk the red carpet"

#1"Give the Tony's back to Broadway" a.k.a. "Let Hunter Foster and Jen Cody walk the red carpet"
Posted: 6/19/10 at 10:59pm

I've never posted here before, but after reading the previous thread on this topic (which seems to have reached it's limit) I thought I had to chime in. Not only because the idea of Hunter's facebook group, if it were to catch on, is so inherently dangerous (yes, let's purposefully make Broadway less visible and inclusive) but after reading his wife's (Jen Cody's) recent facebook posts yesterday (as many of the previous posters did) I have to agree with everyone here that it's just so incredibly obvious that this "movement" was started (at least partially) because this couple wasn't allowed to walk the red carpet!
I mean, look at the evidence. Ms. Cody writes a couple of weeks ago that she is planning to walk the red carpet. She continues to post over the next couple of weeks how excited she is to wear her dress on the red carpet. Then, the Tony producers change the rules about walking the red carpet, limiting it to only presenters and nominees (many of them movie stars) and Ms. Cody goes on a rant about how 'Mother Nature' is going to punish the Tonys for catering to Hollywood. And she posts this rant the day *BEFORE* the Tonys! Before (CZJ, Denzel, or Johansson won, before Green Day performed, and before any of those cutaway shots to the movie stars.) This "movement" was begun BEFORE the awards show. And not for any altruistic reason. It was created (at least in part) because Hunter and Jen apparently think they are Mr. & Mrs. Broadway, and should thus walk the red carpet. I hope that any producer who is even contemplating taking their advice (which again, would be nothing but harmful to the financial health of Broadway) keeps that in mind.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#2'Give the Tony's back to Broadway' a.k.a. 'Let Hunter Foster and Jen Cody w
Posted: 6/19/10 at 11:03pm

Altruistic is my second favorite word.

Betwixt is my first (in case anyone was wondering)

ljay889 Profile Photo
#2'Give the Tony's back to Broadway' a.k.a. 'Let Hunter Foster and Jen Cody w
Posted: 6/19/10 at 11:03pm

Not sure this needed its own thread. But I COMPLETELY agree with every word of this.
Updated On: 6/19/10 at 11:03 PM

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#3'Give the Tonys back to Broadway' a.k.a. 'Let Hunter Foster and Jen Cody w
Posted: 6/19/10 at 11:19pm

I like what you said.

But for what it's worth, even Hunter Foster was able to pluralize "Tonys" correctly.

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

#4'Give the Tonys back to Broadway' a.k.a. 'Let Hunter Foster and Jen Cody w
Posted: 6/19/10 at 11:40pm

It's funny because walking red carpets is so, well, movie star!

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

singtopher Profile Photo
#5'Give the Tonys back to Broadway' a.k.a. 'Let Hunter Foster and Jen Cody w
Posted: 6/19/10 at 11:40pm

The original thread was having technical issues.

"If this is going to be a Christian nation that doesn't help the poor, either we have to pretend that Jesus was just as selfish as we are, or we've got to acknowledge that He commanded us to love the poor and serve the needy without condition and then admit that we just don't want to do it." -Stephen Colbert

SueleenGay Profile Photo
#6'Give the Tonys back to Broadway' a.k.a. 'Let Hunter Foster and Jen Cody w
Posted: 6/19/10 at 11:41pm

Just like the Tony telecast!


Phyllis Rogers Stone
#7'Give the Tonys back to Broadway' a.k.a. 'Let Hunter Foster and Jen Cody w
Posted: 6/19/10 at 11:46pm

Maybe next year's Tonys goodie bags can include a free course on learning all about how to navigate the world wide web.

ljay889 Profile Photo
wonderwaiter Profile Photo
#9'Give the Tonys back to Broadway' a.k.a. 'Let Hunter Foster and Jen Cody w
Posted: 6/19/10 at 11:51pm

A deluxe edition, leather bound copy of the Facebook privacy policy!

And no one grew into anything new, we just became the worst of what we were."

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#10'Give the Tonys back to Broadway' a.k.a. 'Let Hunter Foster and Jen Cody w
Posted: 6/20/10 at 12:02am

Wouldn't you have to keep handing out new ones every few weeks, though?

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#11'Give the Tonys back to Broadway' a.k.a. 'Let Hunter Foster and Jen Cody w
Posted: 6/20/10 at 12:04am

Actors should be forced to turn over their laptops in exchange for their Equity cards.

#12'Give the Tonys back to Broadway' a.k.a. 'Let Hunter Foster and Jen Cody w
Posted: 6/20/10 at 12:06am

I think Hunter Foster and Jen "Cuddles" Cody are to be commended for finally shining a spotlight, a STAGE spotlight and not a movie spotlight, thank you very much, on this issue that many were afraid to address.

I appreciate their bravery and their desire to invite the Tonys people to remain true to the notion of real artistic integrity as only such performers from "Shrek: The Musical"and "Million Dollar Quartet" can do. Bravo/Brava Foster & Cody!!!!!

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

bjh2114 Profile Photo
#13'Give the Tonys back to Broadway' a.k.a. 'Let Hunter Foster and Jen Cody w
Posted: 6/20/10 at 12:09am

Altruistic is my second favorite word.

Betwixt is my first (in case anyone was wondering)

Quixotic is my favorite word. Having unrealistic goals and dreams. How to use it in a sentence... "Jen Cody is quixotic in her desires to play an adult someday."

#14'Give the Tonys back to Broadway' a.k.a. 'Let Hunter Foster and Jen Cody w
Posted: 6/20/10 at 12:10am


Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

ljay889 Profile Photo
#15'Give the Tonys back to Broadway' a.k.a. 'Let Hunter Foster and Jen Cody w
Posted: 6/20/10 at 12:11am

"Jen Cody is quixotic in her desires to play an adult someday."


Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#18'Give the Tonys back to Broadway' a.k.a. 'Let Hunter Foster and Jen Cody w
Posted: 6/20/10 at 12:20am

That makes Cuddles mad, Phyllis.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#19'Give the Tonys back to Broadway' a.k.a. 'Let Hunter Foster and Jen Cody w
Posted: 6/20/10 at 12:24am

They got a tiny little voice that go "peep peep peep!"

singtopher Profile Photo
#21'Give the Tonys back to Broadway' a.k.a. 'Let Hunter Foster and Jen Cody w
Posted: 6/20/10 at 12:34am


"If this is going to be a Christian nation that doesn't help the poor, either we have to pretend that Jesus was just as selfish as we are, or we've got to acknowledge that He commanded us to love the poor and serve the needy without condition and then admit that we just don't want to do it." -Stephen Colbert

Kad Profile Photo
#22'Give the Tonys back to Broadway' a.k.a. 'Let Hunter Foster and Jen Cody w
Posted: 6/20/10 at 12:54am

That picture is like the setup for a version of The Aristocrats.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

#23'Give the Tonys back to Broadway' a.k.a. 'Let Hunter Foster and Jen Cody w
Posted: 6/20/10 at 2:34am

so how come that other thread is done with... why aren't new posts allowed?

#24'Give the Tonys back to Broadway' a.k.a. 'Let Hunter Foster and Jen Cody w
Posted: 6/20/10 at 10:38am

"It's funny because walking red carpets is so, well, movie star!"

Ha! I was thinking the same thing. The glorious hypocrisy and envy.

#25'Give the Tonys back to Broadway' a.k.a. 'Let Hunter Foster and Jen Cody w
Posted: 6/20/10 at 12:48pm

Ah, Lizzie. Point taken about my pluralization. How does one edit the subject line?
