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Famous People at Brodway Shows

#1Famous People at Brodway Shows
Posted: 7/25/07 at 10:36am

I'm just curious. I searched but couldn't really find anything....

I saw Grey Gardens last Thursday and Katie Couric was there.
When I saw The Vertical Hour, David Rasche was there.

bwaygal1 Profile Photo
#2re: Famous People at Brodway Shows
Posted: 7/25/07 at 10:49am

I saw the lady who played the mom on "Home Improvement" at GG last Fri.
Last night-saw, spoke with Trini Alvaredo (she was in Little Children, and Little Women with Winona Ryder) Very nice lady.

I also saw John Lithgow, Liza Minelli and Kyra Sedwick at GG at various points.

At Vertical Hour, I sat right next to Keneau Reeves.
I've seen others at various shows.

"A birdcage I plan to hang. I'll get to that someday. A birdcage for a bird who flew away...Around the world." "Life is a cabaret old chum, only a cabaret old chum, and I love a cabaret!"-RIP Natasha Richardson-I was honored to have witnessed her performance as Sally Bowles.

jordangirl Profile Photo
#2re: Famous People at Brodway Shows
Posted: 7/25/07 at 10:54am

Whoopi Goldberg and (I think ) Joan Allen were at Xanadu on Thursday night.

Brian Stokes Mitchell was at 110 on Friday night.

At various times I saw The Vertical Hour I saw Hope Davis, Ellen Barkin, Kate Winslet, and James Legros at least. :) (And obviously Bart Freundlich...saw and chatted with him after the closing performance.)

Experience live theater. Experience paintings. Experience books. Live, look and listen like artists! ~ imaginethis
Updated On: 7/25/07 at 10:54 AM

JMVR Profile Photo
#3re: Famous People at Brodway Shows
Posted: 7/25/07 at 11:19am

Daniel Rathcliff at A Chorus Line two weekends ago. HEAVILY guarded BTW.

The meat is always leaner on somebody else's dinner plate!

Anakela Profile Photo
#4re: Famous People at Brodway Shows
Posted: 7/25/07 at 11:22am


Sutton Foster was in the aud at Legally Blonde the first time I saw it. :)

Dirty_Rotten_Guy Profile Photo
#5re: Famous People at Brodway Shows
Posted: 7/25/07 at 11:25am

Well, I sure hope when I go to the closing night of THE YEAR OF MAGICAL THINKING Joan Didion and some other famous people will be there :)

My 2007/2008 Season: Grey Gardens (7/5) 110 in the Shade (7/6) Mary Poppins (7/7) Xanadu (7/7) Deuce (7/8) Spamalot (7/8) Jersey Boys (8/25) The Year of Magical Thinking (8/25) Mauritius (11/2) Young Frankenstein (11/3) Rock 'N' Roll (11/3) Pygmalion (11/4) Mauritius (11/10) Mauritius (11/21) Mauritius (11/21) Sunday in the Park with George (3/6) South Pacific (3/7) Gypsy (3/8) Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (3/9)

jordangirl Profile Photo
#6re: Famous People at Brodway Shows
Posted: 7/25/07 at 11:25am

You and me both DRG!!! You and me BOTH!!

Experience live theater. Experience paintings. Experience books. Live, look and listen like artists! ~ imaginethis

sweetiedarlinmia Profile Photo
#7re: Famous People at Brodway Shows
Posted: 7/25/07 at 11:28am

Katey Sagal from Married With Children and Ten Rules For Dating My Teenage Daughter was at Grey Gardens last weds.

Dirty_Rotten_Guy Profile Photo
#8re: Famous People at Brodway Shows
Posted: 7/25/07 at 11:30am

YEAH!! re: Famous People at Brodway Shows

cool stuff.

too bad i got better seats than you tho :P haha, row A center orchestra!!

just kidding...row H is good too. and i dont want to get off-topic any more, haha...


My 2007/2008 Season: Grey Gardens (7/5) 110 in the Shade (7/6) Mary Poppins (7/7) Xanadu (7/7) Deuce (7/8) Spamalot (7/8) Jersey Boys (8/25) The Year of Magical Thinking (8/25) Mauritius (11/2) Young Frankenstein (11/3) Rock 'N' Roll (11/3) Pygmalion (11/4) Mauritius (11/10) Mauritius (11/21) Mauritius (11/21) Sunday in the Park with George (3/6) South Pacific (3/7) Gypsy (3/8) Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (3/9)

cubanpab Profile Photo
#9re: Famous People at Brodway Shows
Posted: 7/25/07 at 11:33am

wow! how do you guys spot them?? usually when i go we're too busy looking at the theater or reading our playbill to spot any celebs... the only celebs i ever saw were when usher was opening in Chicago and some celebs showed up beforehand to support him. i saw them walking in but that was it. never spotted anyone in the audience...

#10re: Famous People at Brodway Shows
Posted: 7/25/07 at 11:40am

Nathan Lane and Andrea Martin at Xanadu on June 28.

Patricia Heaton and Laura Bennett (together) at The Little Dog Laughed in January. Saw Laura's husband during intermission and thought I recognized him from somewhere and then saw her at the stage door.

80's flashback--Saw John James from "Dynasty" at BATB in 2003.

bwaygal1 Profile Photo
#11re: Famous People at Brodway Shows
Posted: 7/25/07 at 11:43am

If you really want to see them, get up during intermission and take a quick stroll around the theater. (I met one person just waiting in line for the ladies' room-pure coincidence.)

"A birdcage I plan to hang. I'll get to that someday. A birdcage for a bird who flew away...Around the world." "Life is a cabaret old chum, only a cabaret old chum, and I love a cabaret!"-RIP Natasha Richardson-I was honored to have witnessed her performance as Sally Bowles.

jordangirl Profile Photo
#12re: Famous People at Brodway Shows
Posted: 7/25/07 at 11:45am

DRG ~ Yeah, I'm STILL trying to figure that one out since I bought my ticket back in May. I figure I'll see what they've got in terms of rush. I might just end up with that AWESOME ruch seat I had before. :)

Row H puts me closer to the door to get to the stage door though! :P Hee!

Experience live theater. Experience paintings. Experience books. Live, look and listen like artists! ~ imaginethis
Updated On: 7/25/07 at 11:45 AM

glimpseofstocking Profile Photo
#13re: Famous People at Brodway Shows
Posted: 7/25/07 at 11:46am

I saw Victor Garber & Sondheim at Gypsy on the 12th.

There wouldn't be lights bright enough!
Updated On: 7/25/07 at 11:46 AM

jordangirl Profile Photo
#14re: Famous People at Brodway Shows
Posted: 7/25/07 at 11:49am

cubanpab ~ The ones at Xanadu I saw because I was on stage. The ones at TVH I saw usually at thestage door, though at closing I saw Kate Winslet and Bart Freundlich (with his and Julianne's kids) in the audience. at 110 I saw Brian Stokes Mitchell at the stage door.

Experience live theater. Experience paintings. Experience books. Live, look and listen like artists! ~ imaginethis

Anakela Profile Photo
#15re: Famous People at Brodway Shows
Posted: 7/25/07 at 11:58am

wow! how do you guys spot them?? usually when i go we're too busy looking at the theater or reading our playbill to spot any celebs...

Random soap opera people are usually pretty recognizable to me for some reason- and I don't watch soaps anymore, haven't in years! Billie from Days (it seriously took me about 30 minutes that night to come up with the name Lisa Rinna) was at Three Days of Rain when I saw it, Susan Lucci was at The Drowsy Chaperone, etc...I should not be recognizing these folks, I shouldn't. :)

Oh- and watched Spring Awakening (back when it was at the Atlantic) with Julianna Margulies in the aud- she I actually saw from my onstage seat- total class act, first one on her feet for the standing o at the end.

wonderfulwizard11 Profile Photo
#16re: Famous People at Brodway Shows
Posted: 7/25/07 at 12:04pm

I saw John Doyle at Sweeney last February.

I am a firm believer in serendipity- all the random pieces coming together in one wonderful moment, when suddenly you see what their purpose was all along.

#17re: Famous People at Brodway Shows
Posted: 7/25/07 at 12:07pm

Into the Woods revival--George Lucas

Butters, go buy World of Warcraft, install it on your computer, and join the online sensation before we all murder you. --Cartman: South Park ATTENTION FANS: I will be played by James Barbour in the upcoming musical, "BroadwayWorld: The Musical."

Mother's Younger Brother Profile Photo
Mother's Younger Brother
#18re: Famous People at Brodway Shows
Posted: 7/25/07 at 12:15pm

Saw Donny Osmond at Aida several years ago (was terrified he was seeing the show as a potential replacement for Radames), Kathy Lee and Mike Gifford at Fosse, sat next to Marc Kudisch at Epic Proportions (he and Kristen were a couple at the time), and what's-his-name "Bud Bundy" (Married With Children) at Rent in 1996.

#19re: Famous People at Brodway Shows
Posted: 7/25/07 at 12:21pm

When I saw Avenue Q in January, a guy sitting next to me (Who I had met outside during the lottery) told me that Kelly Clarkson was sitting a few rows back.

Unfortunately I really had no idea who she was or what she looked like. So I never would've noticed had he not pointed it out.

cubanpab Profile Photo
#20re: Famous People at Brodway Shows
Posted: 7/25/07 at 12:22pm

If i had ran into Kate Winslet i would have freaked. She, in my opinion, is one of our greatest living actresses and seems to be a really genuinely nice lady. love her.

#21re: Famous People at Brodway Shows
Posted: 7/25/07 at 12:26pm

I met Jake Gyllenhaal during intermission at Spring Awakening in February. He was very sweet to me and said he was enjoying the show.

ragdoll4390 Profile Photo
#22re: Famous People at Brodway Shows
Posted: 7/25/07 at 12:28pm

Alan Alda was at Spring Awakening when I went on Tuesday July 17th

choose to be happy:0)-Grey Gardens

vfd88 Profile Photo
#23re: Famous People at Brodway Shows
Posted: 7/25/07 at 1:08pm

Not me, but somebody I know saw Nicole Kidman at Spamalot.

munkustrap926 Profile Photo
#24re: Famous People at Brodway Shows
Posted: 7/25/07 at 1:25pm

My friend saw Fran Drescher (sp?) and Euan Morton at Fiddler
