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FULL Film Soundtrack of HAIRSPRAY -- Now available in stream audio!- Page 6

FULL Film Soundtrack of HAIRSPRAY -- Now available in stream audio!

#125re: FULL Film Soundtrack of HAIRSPRAY -- Now available in stream audio!
Posted: 7/9/07 at 11:24pm

Just got home from an advance screening of the movie: LOVED IT, LOVED IT, LOVED IT. I went with several other theatre friends and we all unanimously agreed that we couldn't wait to see it again. I had a big ol' stupid grin on my face through the whole thing.


"Word of advice: Be who you are, wear what you want---just learn how to run real fast." Marc, UGLY BETTY

#126re: FULL Film Soundtrack of HAIRSPRAY -- Now available in stream audio!
Posted: 7/9/07 at 11:29pm

Oh Lizzie, how I love you.

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!

BroadwayEnthusiast2 Profile Photo
#127re: FULL Film Soundtrack of HAIRSPRAY -- Now available in stream audio!
Posted: 7/9/07 at 11:41pm

Does Circuit CIty usually open before nine?

"I mean, sitting side by side with another man watching Patti LuPone play Rose in GYPSY on Broadway is essentially the equivalent of having hardcore sex." -Wanna Be A Foster. "Say 'Goody.' Say 'Bubbi.'" ... "That's it. Exactly as if it were 'Goody.' Now I know you're gonna sing 'Goody' this time, but nevertheless..."

LouieLovesTheater Profile Photo
#128re: FULL Film Soundtrack of HAIRSPRAY -- Now available in stream audio!
Posted: 7/10/07 at 12:09am

I was with Lorings Guy at the screening (thank you BWW poster for letting us know about the free screening through eVite) and agree with what he said. What a totally fun movie-going experience. I so hope this movie is a huge hit. Not only is it still a smart work as a whole, the music is so strong across the board.

One thing I thought was interesting...I was LOVING The Dynamites...then I see they were dubbed. Weird!!!

I would see it again just for the Tina Turner moment in You Can't Stop the Beat (those that have seen it know what I mean!)

#129re: FULL Film Soundtrack of HAIRSPRAY -- Now available in stream audio!
Posted: 7/10/07 at 12:45am

Hey, Louie...was wondering when you'd post your comments re: the movie. Let's go again when it opens on the 20th!

This movie deserves to be a big hit, and I'm guessing that between the theatre folks and the tweens who will be turning out to see Amanda, Zac, et al, it WILL.

"Word of advice: Be who you are, wear what you want---just learn how to run real fast." Marc, UGLY BETTY

Marc Shaiman Profile Photo
Marc Shaiman
#130re: FULL Film Soundtrack of HAIRSPRAY -- Now available in stream audio!
Posted: 7/10/07 at 1:05am

Why does it get certain people (of any age) so bent out of shape that when the composer of what has to admittedly be called a well-liked, successful Broadway musical (not by all, but by many) has fun writing in to a musical theatre chat board, and some (Lord knows not all!!) of those people who love musicals write nice things to him...why is it that the some folks out there have to call them ugly things like suck ups and ass kissers?

When I was 15, if, lets say the writer of PIPPIN or THE WIZ was accessible to me in either a private or public forum, I would have freaked the f**k out and certainly had a billion questions and yes, (God forbid!) a few wonderful things to say, because I loved those shows. Would that have made me a suck-up? An ass kisser? Or just a fan of musical theatre?

To those who have said nice things about HAIRSPRAY, please know that it is GREATLY appreciated, I in know way feel "sucked up to". Yes, it is true that my ass is fat enough to be "kissed" by the whole lot of you, but I don't feel that's what you are doing if you throw a compliment my way. Or towards the show. Or movie. Or soundtrack. It thrills me though, I will tell you that.

We worked CRAZY hard to make HAIRSPRAY the best it could be, and I cherish every specific word. Don't let anyone make you feel squirmy for being nice.

Ok, I'm through pontificating. Let there be peace on earth!

re: FULL Film Soundtrack of HAIRSPRAY -- Now available in stream audio! Marc

pumpernickle Profile Photo
#131re: FULL Film Soundtrack of HAIRSPRAY -- Now available in stream audio!
Posted: 7/10/07 at 1:18am

Rock on Marc!

I havn't gotten a chance to listen to the soundtrack yet, but everytime I see a new preview, it just looks better and better. I guess maybe I should ask the board if my comments now require me to kiss your bum bum. I guess I'll just take a ticket. Get in line bitches! You know you're all just green with envy.

Love ya Marc!

pumpernickle Profile Photo
#132re: FULL Film Soundtrack of HAIRSPRAY -- Now available in stream audio!
Posted: 7/10/07 at 1:18am

Rock on Marc!

I havn't gotten a chance to listen to the soundtrack yet, but everytime I see a new preview, it just looks better and better. I guess maybe I should ask the board if my comments now require me to kiss your bum bum. I guess I'll just take a ticket. Get in line bitches! You know you're all just green with envy.

Love ya Marc!

Marc Shaiman Profile Photo
Marc Shaiman
#133re: FULL Film Soundtrack of HAIRSPRAY -- Now available in stream audio!
Posted: 7/10/07 at 1:20am

wow, you felt so strongly about that you had to say it twice!

#134re: FULL Film Soundtrack of HAIRSPRAY -- Now available in stream audio!
Posted: 7/10/07 at 1:20am

Marc, I think people find it hard to believe that someone might wish to sincerely express appreciation for something without having an alterior motive. I had this discussion with my boss today: we are, in general, not a very nice society, and immediately become suspicious when someone seems overly "nice." Personally, it thrills me to have the opportunity to express appreciation for an art form that I love directly to one of its creators. If that makes me a suck-up or an ass kisser, then so be it (although, WHAT exactly is it they think I'm sucking up FOR? I certainly don't have anything to gain by doing it).

"Word of advice: Be who you are, wear what you want---just learn how to run real fast." Marc, UGLY BETTY

pumpernickle Profile Photo
#135re: FULL Film Soundtrack of HAIRSPRAY -- Now available in stream audio!
Posted: 7/10/07 at 1:22am

ha ha ha, it was actually an accident, but I like your reasoning better!

wonderfulwizard11 Profile Photo
#136re: FULL Film Soundtrack of HAIRSPRAY -- Now available in stream audio!
Posted: 7/10/07 at 1:23am

"But..... right after I point out that criticizing the work of a Broadway genius seems cretinous to me."

This doesn't come off as sucking up to you at ALL, Marc?

And Lizzie was just making a joke.

I am a firm believer in serendipity- all the random pieces coming together in one wonderful moment, when suddenly you see what their purpose was all along.

LouieLovesTheater Profile Photo
#137re: FULL Film Soundtrack of HAIRSPRAY -- Now available in stream audio!
Posted: 7/10/07 at 1:39am

Another thing I have to add about the film was that I enjoyed all the theatrical 'in-jokes' for both people who loved the original film, the stage musical, or both. There were small cameos and nods to both previous incarnations of Hairspray that I thought were pretty ingenious.

It's just fun to see a movie with a full roster of people who just threw themselves into the mix. Performers I wouldn't have expected to be so into a musical were dynamite (hello James Marsden! You rocked!) I also think it impressive that all three Hairsprays have found performers with true star quality to play Tracy (Rikki, Marissa, and Nikki) Call that lightning striking the same show three times!

allofmylife Profile Photo
#138re: FULL Film Soundtrack of HAIRSPRAY -- Now available in stream audio!
Posted: 7/10/07 at 2:18am

Excuse me, wonderfulwizard, I do not need to suck up to Marc Shaiman. I live just a few blocks away from him, I am successful in the film business, have the respect of producers and studios, don't need a job or want to get tickets to his shows.

I have no ulterior motives, other than to say that I adore his work. Anyone who can write love ballads for Satan is a musical god in my book. He and Scott deserve the compliment and they got it.

Just a compliment. Not a suck up.

That being said, LizzieCurrie's graphics were a blast.
Updated On: 7/10/07 at 02:18 AM

Marc Shaiman Profile Photo
Marc Shaiman
#139re: FULL Film Soundtrack of HAIRSPRAY -- Now available in stream audio!
Posted: 7/10/07 at 2:28am

live just a few blocks from me? Did you smell that skunk that skunk'd my dog last night? Ugh

(or are you in NY?)

allofmylife Profile Photo
#140re: FULL Film Soundtrack of HAIRSPRAY -- Now available in stream audio!
Posted: 7/10/07 at 2:53am

Marc, I'll never be able to get the smell of skunk out of my nose. Laurel Canyon is permanently skunked.

Anyway, as a peace offering to a couple of the posters on this thread, let me tell you my favorite "suck-up" story. I have deleted the names to keep my career but this really happened.

I had the opportunity to pitch a film concept I had created with one of the biggest directors in the business. He said, "this is what will happen. We'll go to the studio, there will be a whole group of executives in the room, not just one. If the meeting is scheduled with one, there will be five. We'll talk small talk, then I'll get 'the complementary blow job' and then you'll do the pitch.

(Just in case I get edited, he meant the complimentary hummer)

I said "WHAT????"

But sure enough, we went to 20th Century Fox lot. The meeting was supposed to be ******, my agent and I and a senior vice president of production.

Imagine my surprise to find SIX vice presidents and presidents of production and development.

****** came into the room after me (ie made a star director entrance) and one-by-one EVERY ONE OF THE EXECUTIVES said a version of the following, while eagerly pumping his hand:

"******, I just took this meeting because I want to tell you, your film *************** was the reason I got into the film business in the first place. Thank you."

And while they were doing this, ****** looked over to me and silently mouthed "Complimentary blow job."

Now, THAT'S sucking up.

Marc Shaiman Profile Photo
Marc Shaiman
#141re: FULL Film Soundtrack of HAIRSPRAY -- Now available in stream audio!
Posted: 7/10/07 at 2:56am

I saw a movie like that ended a little different

re: FULL Film Soundtrack of HAIRSPRAY -- Now available in stream audio!

mateo Profile Photo
#142re: FULL Film Soundtrack of HAIRSPRAY -- Now available in stream audio!
Posted: 7/10/07 at 2:58am

HAHAHA damn you Marc!!!

you stole my joke.

"Zac is sweet as can be. He's very much just a sweet kid from California who happens to have a face that looks like it was drawn by Michelangelo, (if Michelangelo did anime)."
-Adam Shankman.

"I haven't left this building since Windows 3.1!"

"Celebrating a birthday this week: Rene Descartes is 412! Do you know who he is? Then why are you watching this show? You could probably get into college and even get one of those job things. As for the rest of us; Amanda Bynes is 22! Yay!"
-E!'s "The Soup"

allofmylife Profile Photo
#143re: FULL Film Soundtrack of HAIRSPRAY -- Now available in stream audio!
Posted: 7/10/07 at 3:03am

Of course now we can laugh. But I had to sit there and figure how to top that. Needless to say, we never sold that one and ****** found another project and won the damn Oscar with it.

Well, back to work....

#144re: FULL Film Soundtrack of HAIRSPRAY -- Now available in stream audio!
Posted: 7/10/07 at 4:40am

MMMMk, time for the the inevitable compare-game...sorry gang, it's just necessary. And sorry for the lengthiness lol.

LOVE LOVE Nikki Blonsky. Occasionally have my doubts she is right for the role though, only because they all didn't do the high pitched nasally thing that the OBC did which made the chorus numbers so exciting, but still, she is AMAZING. She never really seems to falter in any way.

John Travolta: ok, so immediately I didn't like him in the songs, but then the more I listened I realized that I will probably really like him if I watch the WHOLE movie, not just clips. It's like trying to say that an Elphaba is good or bad from listening to the last 1:40 of defying gravity :P

Zac Efron: WOW WOW WOW. This was my biggest surprise. After being an avid High School Musical fan (crucify me if you want, but its corny and campy amazingness!!!!) Every time I head him I purred like a kitten hehe.

James Marsden: Seems good to me!!! I mean I am not too keen on his character in general because its such a relatively small role that I never think it affects the whole show enough to make enough of a difference

Amanda Bynes: ::sigh:: now I know penny's character has been greatly cut so maybe she just didn't have enough to time to prove herself, but I just have to say that I thought she was awful awful awful. Maybe it's because I LOVED Butler so much, but I don't think that gives the successor a free pass. The main thing I would change is everything Penny in this movie.

Elijah Kelly: I am still conflicted. He doesn't seem to have the smoothness that I like to hear from Seaweed, but I don't exactly dislike him. I will wait to see the movie before passing judgment on that.

Queen Latifah: I remember being so excited about her being in this when I first heard. Then I started thinking about it and remembering that I liked her for her crystal clear powerhouse vocals, not the "WHALLOP" that someone mentioned earlier about Mary Bond Davis' performance. Maybe I will be fine with it when I see it, but I know that Big, Blond and Beautiful and her part of YCSTB were tarnished without that rough power, but I did enjoy her "I Know Where I've Been"

Michelle Pfeiffer: MMMk...I couldn't tell if it was her or the redone version of Miss Baltimore Crabs that I didn't like...but I am pretty sure it was Michelle.

Well gang, that gives me an EH feeling about it. Certain songs were better than OBC, others paled in comparison. Looks to at least be a very interesting and fun movie, can't wait! Good job all around, especially on all of the reorchestrations, Marc!!

JP2 Profile Photo
#145re: FULL Film Soundtrack of HAIRSPRAY -- Now available in stream audio!
Posted: 7/10/07 at 5:21am

I'll be picking up the album later today. I can't wait to flip through the booklet.

I have to say that I am in heaven when I listen to the soundtrack. Some songs that I didn't even like before are now my favorites. Great job.

songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
#146re: FULL Film Soundtrack of HAIRSPRAY -- Now available in stream audio!
Posted: 7/10/07 at 9:19am

OK how much do i hate that we couldnt stream that here in the UK or it would seem anywhere in the UK even though the film comes out on the same day as it does in the states arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh.

(calm) I am sooooooo excited about this film, the more i see about it the more i can't wait.Ma and a huge group of friends (all in our mid to late 20s) are going to watch it at the cinema on opening night(i haven't done that since i was a teenager).

And WOW how much advertising??? I don't know what the Marketing is like there in the states but its EVERYWHERE here ,Ive seen more billboards and posters etc than i have for Harry Potter ,Die Hard 4 even Transformers!!! And a lot of people are talking about it here.

Think its gonna do really well here

Namo i love u but we get it don't like Madonna

JP2 Profile Photo
#147re: FULL Film Soundtrack of HAIRSPRAY -- Now available in stream audio!
Posted: 7/10/07 at 9:26am

The marketing machine seems to just be getting started here in the States. TV spots and billboards are popping up.

songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
#148re: FULL Film Soundtrack of HAIRSPRAY -- Now available in stream audio!
Posted: 7/10/07 at 9:44am

We have had loads here for the past week or so

Tons of tv spots, its mentioned on every entertainment program, billboards everywhere and its on the side of nearly every bus lol

Namo i love u but we get it don't like Madonna

BrodyFosse123 Profile Photo
#149re: FULL Film Soundtrack of HAIRSPRAY -- Now available in stream audio!
Posted: 7/10/07 at 9:51am

Sunday night, E! showed the entire 1st minute of "Good Morning Baltimore" during a commercial spot for SIMPLE LIFE: at Camp.
