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Daniel Davis fired from La Cage- Page 4

Daniel Davis fired from La Cage

TonyBWay Profile Photo
#75re: daniel davis fired from la cage
Posted: 3/28/05 at 3:25pm

South FL Marc:
Are you a performer? I sure hope not! And if you are, do you feel good at booing another performer? Yeesh!!! (Karma's a bitch)

Seems that he has done Carousel (almost 50 years ago-biting tongue), so I take back my ill-knowledge of his resume. Regardless, my comment still stands.

Updated On: 3/28/05 at 03:25 PM

#76re: daniel davis fired from la cage
Posted: 3/28/05 at 3:34pm

WISH, I think the reports of why Daniel Davis was let go have come from Michael Riedel, who would not be reading the press release. He seems to have a lot of sources, and often provides the behind-the-scenes background. I haven't yet seen other completely independent reports.

I have, however, seen John Hillner, Daniel Davis's understudy. He might not have been brilliant, but he certainly knew the part (there were some reports that he had trouble after that, but on one later date when someone complained he was playing opposite Bryan Batt for the very first time). I suspect that Mr. Hillner's performance will only improve with practice.

And I think, judging from reports, that Gary Beach's performance was a bit better than others had said, the night I saw it. So perhaps there was some backstage tension that made a difference.

SueleenGay Profile Photo
#77re: daniel davis fired from la cage
Posted: 3/28/05 at 3:59pm

TonyBWay, Yes Goulet has done Carousel. Several times.

Goulet Resume

Updated On: 3/28/05 at 03:59 PM

Justice Profile Photo
#78re: daniel davis fired from la cage
Posted: 3/28/05 at 4:07pm

Well, that will be ONE reason why I will not be seeing this production.

"Do you know what pledge time is, Andrew"? said the PBS Executive. "Yes", Lloyd Webber replied. "My 50th birthday special must be one program that gets done a lot." "No", mused the man from PBS heedlessy. "Not so much. Our Stephen Sondheim Carnegie Hall concert. That's a big one." Spoons, forks and knives seemed suddenly to suspend their motion in horror, all around the table.

Feodor Sverdlov
#79re: daniel davis fired from la cage
Posted: 3/28/05 at 4:08pm

And, of course, he did CAROUSEL on television, as well, where he was excellent. He was mesmerizing in CAMELOT, which was the only time I ever saw him live. And, he is brilliant on THE JULIE ANDREWS HOUR.


#80re: daniel davis fired from la cage
Posted: 3/28/05 at 4:30pm

I saw La Cage back in December. It is a wonderful show. Both Davis and Beach were amazing! My friend also saw the show, the other night with the understudy. He said he was amazing as well. Sounds to me like he's had the practice. I have also heard Robert sing. He sang This Nearly Was Mine from South Pacific. He sounded wonderful. I loved it. Im sure he will be fine. Replacements this season have so far been great (Shoshana....thats about it lol)

Mamie Profile Photo
#81re: daniel davis fired from la cage
Posted: 3/28/05 at 4:34pm

This is really a sad, sad thing to happen. Davis is an incredible actor who was (unfortunately) sidelined by 6 years in "The Nanny" and as a result will forever be known by that role. I don't know if he's a diva or not. I do know that he was incredibly kind and giving at the stage door each time I saw him and he was constantly being visited by friends (other actors) he had worked with on the stage or in TV in the past. How horrible could he be with that many friends?
A click for life.
mamie4 5/14/03
Updated On: 3/28/05 at 04:34 PM

junglered Profile Photo
#82re: daniel davis fired from la cage
Posted: 3/28/05 at 4:36pm

I have seen Robert Goulet perform twice in Atlanta in recent years. He toured with South Pacific as Emile a few years ago and he played King Arthur in Camelot here just last summer. Surely, Mr. Goulet doesn't have the powerful, rich voice he once had, but he still turned in credible performances in both roles. Was he absolutely amazing? No. Will he draw audiences on Broadway? Probably so. Can I see him as a convincing Georges? Absolutely! Robert Goulet is a seasoned theatre veteran and he should bring professionalism and cohesiveness to the La Cage company. Good luck to him!

Benzy92 Profile Photo
#83re: daniel davis fired from la cage
Posted: 3/28/05 at 4:44pm

This is upsetting.. I thought Davis was a HUGE standout in La Cage.. guess if they DO do a cd, it wont involve him!

Mamie Profile Photo
#84re: daniel davis fired from la cage
Posted: 3/28/05 at 5:17pm

and truth be told, he was the ONLY reason I wanted this CD. Gary Beach, as much as I love him, just isn't that good in the role. His singing just isn't there, and I'll be darned if I'm going to buy a CD with Beach and the lounge lizard on it. It just ain't gonna happen.

I was looking forward to seeing La Cage again, but now I'm going to pass. I have no idea what he was like back stage, I only know he was the best thing ON stage in this show and that's all that really matters to this ticket buyer.
A click for life.
mamie4 5/14/03

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#85re: daniel davis fired from la cage
Posted: 3/28/05 at 6:10pm

This may revive Goulet's career. Hopefully he still has the pipes

What about a cast recording ? Was it already recorded ?

Poster Emeritus

Theatreboy33 Profile Photo
#86re: daniel davis fired from la cage
Posted: 3/28/05 at 6:11pm

Yea, the minute i saw this news, i thought, oh well. There goes the last hope for a CD. And after all that hard work. Sorry to see this end so bitterly. I thought he was wonderful.

Alix Profile Photo
#87re: daniel davis fired from la cage
Posted: 3/28/05 at 6:52pm

I am incredibly confused by this. Well, it's not that confusing actually I guess. This must have been based only on conflicts with cast members because the man is amazing. Now I'm really glad I got to see him last weekend!

#88re: daniel davis fired from la cage
Posted: 3/28/05 at 7:11pm

I also saw Goulet in a CAROUSEL tour. He was OK. I'd say the same thing about his SOUTH PACIFIC performance. I also saw John Hillner as Georges opposite Bryan Batt as Albin. Goulet, even if he turns out to have memory lapses or no voice left, can't be any worse than Hillner. Hillner forgot so much of the role that Batt had to cue himself. If Goulet is having memory problems, at Hillner is giving Beach good practice.

Demitri2 Profile Photo
#89re: daniel davis fired from la cage
Posted: 3/28/05 at 8:02pm

Hmmm...methinks the birdcage paper needs to be changed here. I wonder if Davis was even pre-warned by the producers. Was a possible temporary suspension possible to keep him in line? This is the first time I believe that the star of a major musical has been fired AFTER opening in the show. Sure many stars have been replaced out of town but other than the producers and creative team not being particularly fond of Madeline Kahn's choice of choosing alternative notes in "On the Twentieth Century", I've never seen such a public display in this vein. Could it be a rouse by the producers? It sure will/has gotten media attention for the show. Maybe they realized doing a revival of "La Cage" with no stars wasn't a good choice after all. Even the original had Gene Barry's name to go along with a little known George Hearn at the time. Somethin' don't sound right here!

#90re: daniel davis fired from la cage
Posted: 3/28/05 at 8:54pm

Yeah, I agree that there is no chance of a new recording of La Cage. I feel so odd too--I just saw it again Saturday evening, and it was all so wonderful. The last time I saw it was in December and Daniel Davis was just recovering from his cold or whatever that was. He was excellent on Saturday, and really, I couldn't tell there was any tension. I hadn't even heard anything about tension. (I did notice that the kiss at the end was a lot shorter and not open-mouthed anymore, which I thought was kind of odd). It's a shame--I really think this cast deserves good press and a CD (or maybe it's just that I want to add to my Gavin Creel collection... one or the other hehe).

I feel sad for everyone.

PB ENT. Profile Photo
#91re: daniel davis fired from la cage
Posted: 3/28/05 at 10:59pm

What he will bring to this is anyone's guess. He was certaintly a wonderful singer and handsome actor 20-30 years ago and his name might draw the senior crowd. The one thing that hasn't changed are his beautiful blue eyes.

But having seen, heard and met him a few years back when South Pacific toured in Philly, I can personally say the guy has lost his gift package as a singer/actor. His Nellie in SP was young enough to be his granddaughter and she danced circles around his shaking knees. He was breathless...not breathtaking and struggled to hit his notes.

You have to see this man up close to beleive how he has aged. He could step right into a wax museum with no alterations.

That aside, he draws cartoon monster paintings of critics and creates hateful poetry about them as well. LOL! His wife/manager Vera Goulet is a venomous viper who will sink her teeth into anyone who even suggests Robert is no longer the "leading man" type. I saved my e-mails from he and Vera. LOL!

They are poor examples of what seasoned professionals should be. At least one could say they are well pickled. BWW regional writer "Philadelphia/South Jersey"
Updated On: 3/28/05 at 10:59 PM

Rathnait62 Profile Photo
#92re: daniel davis fired from la cage
Posted: 3/28/05 at 11:06pm

Vera is legendarily mean.

Have I ever shown you my Shattered Dreams box? It's in my Disappointment Closet. - Marge Simpson

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#93re: Daniel Davis Fired From LA CAGE
Posted: 3/29/05 at 12:03am

This is sad. His performance was the only outstanding one in the show.

Theatreboy33 Profile Photo
#94re: Daniel Davis Fired From LA CAGE
Posted: 3/29/05 at 12:29am

Oooooh, if only Will Ferrel were still on SNL! I'd LOVE to see another Goulet skit, this time set at La Cage.

It's sad, but the real Robert Goulet will never live up to Ferrel's impersonation for me. Updated On: 3/29/05 at 12:29 AM

Demitri2 Profile Photo
#95re: Daniel Davis Fired From LA CAGE
Posted: 3/29/05 at 3:13am

The last time I saw Goulet was in "On A Clear Day" with Joanna Gleason. He did something I've never seen done on the stage before. He seemed to refuse to sing in tempo with the orchestra but chose instead to sing a beat behind making him sound like a Las Vegas lounge act singer. It was totally out of place and took you right out of the show's story. His "South Pacific" was a snore too. I'm looking forward to his reviews in "La Cage".

mattvcrewse Profile Photo
#96re: Daniel Davis Fired From LA CAGE
Posted: 3/29/05 at 4:06am


"This is the first time I believe that the star of a major musical has been fired AFTER opening in the show."

Wasn't Zero Mostel let go from Fiddler for improvising too much onstage? I could be wrong...

South Fl Marc Profile Photo
South Fl Marc
#97re: Daniel Davis Fired From LA CAGE
Posted: 3/29/05 at 7:07am

"South FL Marc:
Are you a performer? I sure hope not! And if you are, do you feel good at booing another performer? Yeesh!!! (Karma's a bitch)

Seems that he has done Carousel (almost 50 years ago-biting tongue), so I take back my ill-knowledge of his resume. Regardless, my comment still stands."

The performance I booed him at, along with the rest of the audience, was in the late 70's (I was 17 at the time). He was completely and obviously drunk. He slurred his words and forgot his lines - substituting La la la whenever he wanted.

Also it was at the time of his divorce to Carol Lawrence - during the scene where the character Julie brings him coffee, he broke character to poke a jibe at his soon to be ex wife by taking a sip and turning to the audience saying "French mocha! My favorite!" which parodied a commercial Ms. Lawrence was doing at the time.

His complete and total unprofessionalism during the performance was what people, including myself, were reacting to.

SueleenGay Profile Photo
#98re: Daniel Davis Fired From LA CAGE
Posted: 3/29/05 at 8:40am

That aside, he draws cartoon monster paintings of critics and creates hateful poetry about them as well. LOL! His wife/manager Vera Goulet is a venomous viper who will sink her teeth into anyone who even suggests Robert is no longer the "leading man" type. I saved my e-mails from he and Vera.

Oh no, Patti. You don't get off that easy. Don't leave us hanging, we want details!

If what you say is true, the La Cage company may be wishing for Davis to get back sooner rather than later.

Updated On: 3/29/05 at 08:40 AM

The Distinctive Baritone Profile Photo
The Distinctive Baritone
#99re: Daniel Davis Fired From LA CAGE
Posted: 3/29/05 at 10:14am

Mostel wasn't fired from "Fiddler," but I remember reading that at the end of his contract, he was not asked to renew it (if my memory is correct).
