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Profile for South Fl Marc

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Member Name: South Fl Marc
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Kit Connor and Rachel Zegler to star in ROMEO & JULIET on Broadway?
 Apr 15 2024, 09:56:50 PM

I really don't care to see Rachel Zegler in anything.

Bryonha Marie Parham and Nathaniel Stampley will star in SWEENEY TODD at Signature Theatre in DC, directed by Sarna Lapine (May-July 2023)
 Apr 18 2023, 07:34:00 PM

ErmengardeStopSniveling said: "They had the rights before the Bway productions were announced, and the Bway producers did not think it necessary to pull the rights. They cater to a mostly DC-local audience, most of whom won’t go to NYC (or can’t get tix to Sweeney in NYC)."


It's interesting to note that they had also planned on doing "Merrily" this year but the rights to that were pulled even though it would not have run during

Cast announced for Netflix movie musical adaptation of 13
 Aug 1 2022, 11:07:26 PM

I'm glad they released those selections, now I know to avoid this like the plague. Personally, I'd rather have a root canal than watch another second of this.

PLAZA SUITE Postponed to Spring 2021
 Jun 28 2021, 11:39:14 PM

Jordan Catalano said: "I just got an email from the show saying they’ll be making an exciting announcement in the next few days."
  Wouldn’t anything involving Broderick and the word exciting be considered an oxymoron?

Best outdoor production you've seen?
 Jul 25 2020, 07:30:58 PM

HogansHero said: "I thought it was amazing"


I did too. I watched the performance remembering why I love theatre so much. Thanks again for the reminder.


George Rose in My Fair Lady
 Jul 25 2020, 07:28:51 PM

I agree with Dollypop. I was fortunate to see this production twice. My parents took me once and then it ended up my drama class went to see it too. George Rose stole every scene he was in, he was perfect! I also loved Ms. Andrea and Mr. Coote, repeating his take on the Pickering , was perfect.

It was also such a treat seeing the original set and costumes.


Everything about this revival was wonderful, but Mr. Rose's performance will always be the sta

Best outdoor production you've seen?
 Jul 25 2020, 04:49:54 PM

HogansHero said: "For me that's an easy one: Medea at the Theatre at Epidaurus. And speaking of which, for the first time ever, they are a broadcasting a show (The Persians) live, at 1pm NY tIme tomorrow (Saturday)."


Thanks Hogan for the reminder. I would have forgotten all about it!


Disney on Broadway Concert Canceled
 Apr 12 2020, 11:24:14 AM

HogansHero said: "I just want to add that I am very proud of "our" musicians."

I am proud of the musicians too. It's the AFM who I am not. And, having worked with several opera and theatre companies (long time ago) ... it is ALWAYS the AFM.


 May 26 2019, 11:46:27 PM

^ You’re funny. 


OKLAHOMA! to go on tour in 2020
 May 15 2019, 10:10:53 PM

Wow! What an absolutely STUPID idea. The reason to see this is the environmental aspects.  I couldn't imagine seeing it in a proscenium theatre , let alone any one of these oversized touring venues.

Biggest Tony upset of all time?
 May 7 2019, 12:24:32 AM

LuPita2 said: "Tony Shalhoub winning over Joshua Henry. He hadone song that he spoke, what a joke. Joshua was the only good thing about Carousel (besides the choreography). His "Soliloquy" alone made him deserving. Laziest year for the American Theater Wing I have ever seen."


I saw both performances and Tony Shaloub deserved the award.


Bad Theater Behavior
 May 5 2019, 11:34:22 PM

uncageg said: "A friend posted this and tagged me on Facebook for my thoughts. I had a few! I wanted to respond but did not want to create an account to do so. I do not agree with most of what she wrote.


That's the perfect reason NOT to see "Ain't Too Proud".

Dolly tour replacement ideas
 May 3 2019, 12:56:28 PM

She doesn't have the name recognition, but I would love to see Harriet Harris do the part.

Audience Member Pet Peeve
 Apr 26 2019, 12:57:36 PM

Wow, I couldn't disagree more with what a lot of people are saying. Art should generate strong emotions, both good and bad. I actually love it when I hear someone say they hate a show that I loved. I listen in to find out why- do they have valid arguments? Good theatre should generate discussions, debates and even arguments.

On a side note, sometimes I find shows I've thought I've hated right after the curtain has gone down are shows I remember the most. There are times whe

Audience Member Pet Peeve
 Apr 25 2019, 07:47:58 PM

An audience member gave his opinion of a show AFTER it was over and you find that objectionable? People have a right to their opinion. As long as he didn't interrupt the show, who cares???

Broadway dancer Amar Ramasar reinstated by NY City Ballet
 Apr 23 2019, 11:19:09 PM

Fosse76 said: "South Fl Marc said: "Maybe I'm wrong but I think Alexandra Waterbury was never an employee of NYC Ballet. She was a student at School of American Ballet, the school of the Ballet Company and a training ground for new talent."

That's not relevant. since these were affiliated organizations, company members wouldprobably be considered to be in positions of power over students.

I find this entire thing disgusting, but mo

two to three person plays
 Apr 22 2019, 11:05:28 PM

^Perfectly Said!

Broadway dancer Amar Ramasar reinstated by NY City Ballet
 Apr 22 2019, 10:34:12 PM

Maybe I'm wrong but I think Alexandra Waterbury was never an employee of NYC Ballet. She was a student at School of American Ballet, the school of the Ballet Company and a training ground for new talent. I find this entire thing disgusting, but morals for things not related to work are not a fireable offense. Likewise, most certainly NYC Ballet will be dismissed from the lawsuit because their term of employing Chase Finlay  was not on condition he have an affair with or sleep with Ms

The Prom, Tootsie or Oklahoma!
 Apr 20 2019, 10:53:20 PM

I'd see Oklahoma because it is in such a unique space. This won't tour and if it did, it won't work.

Having said that, all three shows are great, so you really con't lose.

king kong broadway cd
 Apr 19 2019, 01:20:05 PM

Another reason to do any cast recording is to entice regional , community and high school/college theatres  to do it. Since the only good thing about the show is the puppet, once this production closes I can see the show disappearing forever (Thank God!)

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