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#25BLACKBIRD Reviews
Posted: 3/14/16 at 11:22am

Rave for the "searing" Blackbird and "sensational" Michelle Williams performance. Scroll down.

#26BLACKBIRD Reviews
Posted: 3/14/16 at 11:23am

bwayphreak234 said: "I will never understand Brantley's dislike toward Michelle Williams. I saw her both in Cabaret and Blackbird, and she simply blew me away with both of her performances in each role. Williams is a phenomenal actress IMO, and I hope she continues to pursue roles on Broadway."


I'm with you, I'm a huge fan of hers, and as I've said, I think it's incredibly unprofessional for him to review her performances with such scorn.


#27BLACKBIRD Reviews
Posted: 3/14/16 at 12:07pm

I agree. Brantley is full of crap about Williams.  She did a perfect "Maybe This Time" in Cabaret despite his critique that it was too subtle, and a wonderful job here playing a violated girl with conflicted results

quizking101 Profile Photo
#28BLACKBIRD Reviews
Posted: 3/15/16 at 10:44am

After seeing this last night, I'm personally confounded by Brantley's review, although the notion that Michelle Williams seemed to be overacting is one he isn't alone in. Many people at the stage door last night thought Michelle was overacting for a good part, if not all of the show. I have to respectfully disagree, based on my research and work in psychiatric care and also having friends who have been through such trauma, I though Williams was spot-on across the board.

Check out my eBay page for sales on Playbills!!

AC126748 Profile Photo
#29BLACKBIRD Reviews
Posted: 3/15/16 at 10:59am

Reactions to art are always subjective, and sometimes we just don't respond to specific performers, playwrights, musicians, etc. It is entirely possible that, consciously or not, Brantley does not respond to Williams' style of acting. This is a case in which I actually agree. I felt that Williams' performance in Blackbird was highly affected; whether or not it was a choice, it didn't work, and in my opinion it significantly diminished the play's power. Like Brantley, I had been floored by the Off-Broadway production 10 years ago; I wasn't even slightly shaken here. I think that is partially due to the larger playing space and partially due to Williams' lackluster performance. In any case, I would simply say that Brantley is entitled to his opinion of Williams -- which I share -- and we shouldn't be quick to pile on and suggest that he has some kind of personal animus towards her. He may just not respond to her as an actress.

"You travel alone because other people are only there to remind you how much that hook hurts that we all bit down on. Wait for that one day we can bite free and get back out there in space where we belong, sail back over water, over skies, into space, the hook finally out of our mouths and we wander back out there in space spawning to other planets never to return hurrah to earth and we'll look back and can't even see these lives here anymore. Only the taste of blood to remind us we ever existed. The earth is small. We're gone. We're dead. We're safe." -John Guare, Landscape of the Body

LuminousBeing Profile Photo
#31BLACKBIRD Reviews
Posted: 3/20/16 at 9:02am

Saw this last night and wanted to post a question without starting a new thread.

So, maybe I'm dense, but...why is this play entitled Blackbird? The only reference I can think of is the Beatles'song, but neither it, nor they, nor the word itself is ever mentioned in the play.

Had mixed feelings about the show itself, but am on board with all who are praising Williams's performance.


#32BLACKBIRD Reviews
Posted: 3/20/16 at 9:21am

Blackbird = Jailbird. British slang.

LuminousBeing Profile Photo
#33BLACKBIRD Reviews
Posted: 3/20/16 at 10:08am

Thank you!

Fantod Profile Photo
#34BLACKBIRD Reviews
Posted: 3/28/16 at 10:46pm

Saw it today because I decided to opt out of Wolf in the River after reading and hating two Adam Rapp plays (he's like it Kenneth Lonergan had no talent) and really liked it.

It's not exactly great drama. It's more like a theatrical spook show, serving to shock and horrify you more than anything else. However, it does so, and really effectively. I'm still shaking. Michelle Williams and Jeff Daniels are extraordinary.

The set seemed to revolve needlessly, but I liked the look of it.

Updated On: 3/29/16 at 10:46 PM

#35BLACKBIRD Reviews
Posted: 3/28/16 at 11:52pm

I really enjoyed this show so much. Honestly one of my favorite plays.

#36BLACKBIRD Reviews
Posted: 3/29/16 at 12:18am

I really did not ENJOY this play per se but thought it was a powerful piece of theater and had two stellar performances. It's been a month and it's still in my head. Part of the reason I didn't enjoy it was Williams made me tremendously uncomfortable. She made me literally feel like I could vomit by the end because she seemed so thoroughly disturbed. I mean that as a very high compliment, strange as it may seem. 


I'm so very very glad I saw it but I absolutely do not want to see it again. I thought it was powerful and thought provoking, and I don't think it would've had the same emotional impact had I actually "enjoyed" it. 


I don't know if that makes any sense...

#37BLACKBIRD Reviews
Posted: 3/29/16 at 8:11am

Hers seems like a very polarizing performance, but I thought Michelle Williams was incredible. She completely became someone else onstage and at every second, I could feel her living in the trauma. It was a very well-crafted, thought-provoking, uncomfortable piece (though uncomfortable isn't a turn-off for me in any way), but Williams's performance is what makes me totally wiling to see this again. I honestly feel like a more knowledgeable actor just having WATCHED her.

#38BLACKBIRD Reviews
Posted: 4/27/16 at 6:54pm

I saw the matinee this afternoon and holy crap it totally drained me. What an intense afternoon of theatre. I knew a little about the content before seeing it and knew it was heavy but I had no idea. For a 90 minute play I left completely exhausted. What Jeff Daniels and Michelle Williams are doing is something special. Both of them are giving their absolute all to the show which is evident by the look of utter exhaustion on their faces at the curtain call. Jeff Daniels is sublime. His Ray is vulnerable one minute making you want to side with him and then he says something that makes you see him for what he really is. He is delicate and domineering all at the same time. 

As for Michelle Williams...her character bugged me in the beginning but once you understand what her character has gone through you realize what an incredible performance she is giving. Every little nuance adds to her character and seeing her in person allowed me to see what a truly amazing actress she is. 

I don't know if they will win Tonys but nominations should definitely be coming their way. 



#39BLACKBIRD Reviews
Posted: 5/3/16 at 8:03pm

Does anyone happen to know if Michelle Williams and Jeff Daniels typically stage door after Saturday matinees? 

#40BLACKBIRD Reviews
Posted: 5/17/16 at 12:52pm

We were told they didn't when we were there a few weeks ago.

I thought this was a thought-provoking play, with very good performances. It certainly left my friend discussing it for a while afterwards. I've always liked Michelle Williams and it was great to finally see her on stage.

For anyone interested my full review is on my blog:

My review blog:

AndrewAndrew Profile Photo
#41BLACKBIRD Reviews
Posted: 5/19/16 at 1:31pm

via @ReviewEquations

[ (#TheNewsroom - News) x The Nether ] + (63% Doubt + 29% Venus in Fur + 8% Fool for Love) = @BlackbirdBway

JudyDenmark Profile Photo
#42BLACKBIRD Reviews
Posted: 6/1/16 at 2:54pm

LuminousBeing said: "So, maybe I'm dense, but...why is this play entitled Blackbird? The only reference I can think of is the Beatles' song, but neither it, nor they, nor the word itself is ever mentioned in the play."


Just saw this question and figured I'd give it the real answer, straight from the playwright's mouth: 


"Q: What is the significance of BLACKBIRD’s title? did it come to you early, or after you’d completed the play?

A: It’s quite simple really. My memory is that I needed a title quite quickly and I had been listening to some music and it was John Coltrane, or was it Keith Jarrett, the pianist, play- ing the standard “Bye Bye Blackbird.” It was an improvised take on the standard. And this felt like an improvisation. You know, how long do I keep these two people in the room? I felt like a musician in many ways, sustaining what these two people could say and do to each other, improvising in a sense. And I also thought that maybe [“Blackbird”] was something he had called her, or maybe he was playing the Beatles’ White Album on the way to the coast. It wasn’t encapsulating, just more suggestive, to help me. But it turns out there is a tale about Saint Benedict, which I found out about afterwards. I love the story, this disguise as a blackbird. I wish I had known about it beforehand because I would have claimed it as my own [laugh]."


The full interview, if anyone's interested: 


#43BLACKBIRD Reviews
Posted: 6/1/16 at 4:05pm

I'm guessing she got better than her first preview performances...? She was definitely engaged but she indicated and overacted all over the place when I saw her.

Updated On: 6/1/16 at 04:05 PM

#44BLACKBIRD Reviews
Posted: 6/1/16 at 4:07pm

Fantod said: "It's not exactly great drama. It's more like a theatrical spook show, serving to shock and horrify you more than anything else. However, it does so, and really effectively. I'm still shaking. Michelle Williams and Jeff Daniels are extraordinary."


I would argue the play is extraordinary and Michelle Williams is not.  Jeff is also extraordinary.


