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BEAUTIFUL: The Carole King Musical preview thread- Page 4

BEAUTIFUL: The Carole King Musical preview thread

#76 BEAUTIFUL: The Carole King Musical preview thread
Posted: 1/6/14 at 12:35pm

Rushed the show over the weekend. It's the distaff version of JERSEY BOYS, and judging from the overwhelming reception by the audience, may be just as big a hit. The book was well focused and often witty, and the performances were first rate all around. I got a kick out of Jarrod Spector's Barry Mann, portrayed humorously as a very talented composer and world-class hypochondriac. Jake Epstein has a difficult row to hoe, but he succeeds in making Goffin sympathetic while not overlooking his lesser qualities. Best of all, of course, was Jessie Mueller. She is so darned talented and appealing, I can't see anyone besting her at the Tonys.

Word of warning: Rush doesn't give you great choices; the show is that popular. I was third on line for the Sat. matinee rush, and all that was offered were the boxes and two single seats two rows apart in the rear orchestra. Not a fan of boxes, we chose the orch. Glad we did; great view and aisle seats to boot.

macnyc Profile Photo
#77 BEAUTIFUL: The Carole King Musical preview thread
Posted: 1/6/14 at 12:38pm

I'm glad the show is doing well, even though that means there aren't a lot of seats available for rushing. Maybe during the week would be easier. Let's see how the reviews are!

ryandl15 Profile Photo
#78 BEAUTIFUL: The Carole King Musical preview thread
Posted: 1/6/14 at 2:53pm

I saw this show the weekend after Christmas. It wasn't my first choice of shows to see, but when another wasn't available at TKTS, I decided on Beautiful. And you know, I was pleasantly surprised! As someone posted before, I think much of the end of Act 1 is songs being introduced by Carole and Gerry and/or the other duo, with little dialogue and then being sung by the groups. I didn't mind it (I loved the songs), but it felt somewhat rushed through.

By the end of Act 2 though, I loved the final number - "Beautiful." Throughout the show, I felt a tug at my emotions, especially with the storyline of Carole and Gerry, which I think is what they are going for. Several times I almost shed a tear.

I think this show will last into the spring, but may not be around once summer comes. I say this because it may get swept under the wayside of Aladdin, Les Mis, If/Then, and Bridges - all of which are highly anticipated shows.

Jessie Mueller definitely deserves a nomination for her performance as Carole King, and I think she has a chance at getting one against Sutton Foster, Idina Menzel, and Kelli O'Hara.

StickIt Profile Photo
#79 BEAUTIFUL: The Carole King Musical preview thread
Posted: 1/6/14 at 3:03pm

Just as a note on the subject of the show sticking around, they've actually been selling out regularly and someone I know involved with the show said they have very, very healthy advance sales through the end of the block of tickets that are on sale.

The earliest I could imagine it closing would be in the fall/winter of next year, and I think a lot of that will depend on how they fare at the Tonys. With Aladdin, Les Mis, Bridges, and If/Then yet to be reviewed, it's hard to say how much competition they'll provide. Aladdin and Bridges weren't raved about out of town and If/Then's reviews were very mixed, though they did all say the show had great potential. In my mind, of the shows you mentioned, that would definitely be the biggest competition. Also, I want to mention Bullets Over Broadway which seems, to me, to have the makings of a possible big hit. A very interesting season no matter how you look at it, we're pretty dang lucky to have all these new pieces that people are so excited about coming in. Awards season should be very interesting, that's for sure.

somethingwicked Profile Photo
#80 BEAUTIFUL: The Carole King Musical preview thread
Posted: 1/6/14 at 3:13pm

StickIt, you're leaving out AFTER MIDNIGHT, which was incredibly well received and will be a very legitimate contender for Best Musical come award season. ROCKY is also coming in with very good buzz from overseas.

Tonya Pinkins: Then we had a "Lot's Wife" last June that was my personal favorite. I'm still trying to get them to let me sing it at some performance where we get to sing an excerpt that's gone.
Tony Kushner: You can sing it at my funeral.
Updated On: 1/6/14 at 03:13 PM

StickIt Profile Photo
#81 BEAUTIFUL: The Carole King Musical preview thread
Posted: 1/6/14 at 3:19pm

You're right! To be honest, I don't see Beautiful winning Best Musical though. Their strength is going to be, again just my opinion, in the acting categories (for Jessie, of course, but I think depending on what happens Jake and Anika have a chance) and some of the design categories (the set is just amazing). I could see them getting a nomination for Best Musical but I don't imagine they'll win.

For the record, I'm of the mind that it's almost impossible to predict at this point since a lot of the big budget shows have yet to be seen or reviewed by New York audiences and some, like Bullets, haven't had public performances anywhere yet. It's still very early to me to make any real predictions on the Tonys, but it certainly is a strong and competitive season. The reason I think Beautiful does stand a chance financially is that the demographic they're targeting isn't the demographic shows like Aladdin or After Midnight or Bullets are really going after and it's a demographic that buys tickets en masse. Look at Jersey Boys and Motown, both doing great business with a similar model.

ryandl15 Profile Photo
#82 BEAUTIFUL: The Carole King Musical preview thread
Posted: 1/6/14 at 5:39pm

StickIt - You're absolutely right! There are so many shows opening this season with so many possibilities out there for each show. Each of the new musicals cater to different crowds, which is definitely a plus. Like for myself - Beautiful wasn't at the top of my list to see, but I had the opportunity to and I loved it! I definitely have recommended this show to many of my friends.

You put it nicely though - this awards season will DEFINITELY be interesting.

#83 BEAUTIFUL: The Carole King Musical preview thread
Posted: 1/6/14 at 5:53pm

Have they really been selling out? The numbers certainly don't reflect that. They didn't even break 1 million over the holidays. So to say they are selling out regularly is not true. Great show though I will admit. I'm rooting for Jessie for the Tony for sure!

StickIt Profile Photo
#84 BEAUTIFUL: The Carole King Musical preview thread
Posted: 1/6/14 at 6:13pm

According to their official Twitter account, the Twitter accounts of members of the creative team, and the twitter account of their PR firm, yes. They have been sold out quite frequently between mid-December and now. Of course it's possible and wouldn't necessarily push their grosses depending on the cost of the tickets being purchased. Obviously, things like TKTS and other discounts factor in. Clearly, they are not selling out the house at top price for every seat and to claim that they are would be silly. I've also had friends who had to do the cancellation line for tickets over the holiday week and were unable to buy tickets same-day.

#85 BEAUTIFUL: The Carole King Musical preview thread
Posted: 1/6/14 at 6:20pm

Oh ok I guess selling at 80 percent or less can still be considered "sold out"?

StickIt Profile Photo
#86 BEAUTIFUL: The Carole King Musical preview thread
Posted: 1/6/14 at 6:26pm

80% is the average attendance, not the attendance for each specific show. If they sold out Saturday and Sunday night and then were between 70-80 for the rest of the week, their average attendance wouldn't be 100%. I don't think I ever claimed every performance has been sold out. I went to a Wednesday matinee back in December and it was pretty empty. I was just pointing out that they have been doing well enough to have frequent sold out shows and that I was told that their advance was very healthy going forward, that's all. No need to make it anything more than that.

On a different note, can anyone who has seen it recently comment on the content of the end of the first act? A lot of people seemed to have issues with the poker scene and the "hit parade" feel of it and I was wondering if any changes were made.

BeNice Profile Photo
#87 BEAUTIFUL: The Carole King Musical preview thread
Posted: 1/9/14 at 12:02am

Just got back from the show. I'll start with the obvious. Jessie Mueller is amazing. The show is not perfect, but I enjoyed it. More than even (gasp!) Kinky Boots.

My main concern was I never could really answer what the show is about. I know it's called "Beautiful: The Carole King Musical", but a lot of the time it didn't feel like it was about her at all. There was so much time when Carole was sidelined. I never could answer what were Carole's wants, thoughts, desires? Every good musical asks those questions in the first few moments and then spends the rest of the musical exploring it. Is it about her coming into her own? Is about her great love for her husband? I couldn't tell you what it was really about because the storytelling of who Carole really, really was just wasn't there. It was almost as if they were in too much respect of the real Carole to make Stage Carole anything other than a perfect, unflawed person. That or they knew audiences just wanted to see hit songs performed on stage.

Now having said all that, I really really liked the show. I hope it finds a wide audience because I would love to see this thing run a long, long time. Also, Anika Larsen should be getting even more praise. She lit up the stage every time she was on.

Bettyboy72 Profile Photo
#88 BEAUTIFUL: The Carole King Musical preview thread
Posted: 1/9/14 at 12:40am

Anika may very well end up with a Tony-she takes a supporting role and just shines. She is also much of the comic relief and light in the show.

Unless something wild happens, I really think Mueller has the Tony.

This show will tour very very well. I think it is a very strong contender for best musical. Even if it closes after the Tonys it will tour well and do well in regional theatres.

"The sexual energy between the mother and son really concerns me!"-random woman behind me at Next to Normal "I want to meet him after and bang him!"-random woman who exposed her breasts at Rock of Ages, referring to James Carpinello

broadwaydevil Profile Photo
#89 BEAUTIFUL: The Carole King Musical preview thread
Posted: 1/9/14 at 1:11am

I'm not sure how anyone can make statements like "I really think Mueller has the Tony" in the beginning of January with shows starring Kelli O'Hara in a role written for her that she's reportedly incredible in, Idina Menzel in a brand new musical, critical darling Sutton Foster in a production that was very well received, and Marin Mazzie in a show poised to be a massive hit, among other leading women of course, that have yet to even begin previews. I don't doubt that Mueller has a great chance at a nomination but to say she'll win it for a show that hasn't even be reviewed yet is absurd. This will be one competitive year though for best actress in a musical.

Scratch and claw for every day you're worth! Make them drag you screaming from life, keep dreaming You'll live forever here on earth.

somethingwicked Profile Photo
#90 BEAUTIFUL: The Carole King Musical preview thread
Posted: 1/9/14 at 1:46am

broadwaydevil, you (and many others) are forgetting Michelle Williams, who I think is poised to make one hell of a Broadway debut in CABARET.

Tonya Pinkins: Then we had a "Lot's Wife" last June that was my personal favorite. I'm still trying to get them to let me sing it at some performance where we get to sing an excerpt that's gone.
Tony Kushner: You can sing it at my funeral.
Updated On: 1/9/14 at 01:46 AM

Kad Profile Photo
#91 BEAUTIFUL: The Carole King Musical preview thread
Posted: 1/9/14 at 8:08am

It depends on whether the voters are going to go for a revival of a revival that is still easily remembered, regardless of the quality of Williams' performance (and I do believe she will be great).

The Actress category this year is tight.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

dreaming Profile Photo
#92 BEAUTIFUL: The Carole King Musical preview thread
Posted: 1/9/14 at 8:32am

I think Best Actress is a tough category to call-Sutton Foster, Michelle Williams, Marin Mazzie, Kelli O'Hara, Idina Menzel and Jessie Mueller vying for the slots-a very tight race indeed.

Anika Larson was actually my favorite performance in this.

StickIt Profile Photo
#93 BEAUTIFUL: The Carole King Musical preview thread
Posted: 1/9/14 at 9:52am

For those curious, Ben Brantley was at the show last night and I overheard someone say he brought along his mother? Adorable.

theatregeek6 Profile Photo
#94 BEAUTIFUL: The Carole King Musical preview thread
Posted: 1/9/14 at 10:43am

Ditt on on Anika Larsen-she was really really strong. Mueller was, of course, wonderful. But it will be a tough year for Lead actresses.

Updated On: 1/9/14 at 10:43 AM

quizking101 Profile Photo
#95 BEAUTIFUL: The Carole King Musical preview thread
Posted: 1/9/14 at 11:06am


Was there last night and it was Sold Out/SRO, in addition to it being press night. Although the start gave me a bit of whiplash (Falling in love to a 5-month old baby in under 10 minutes?), it blossomed into a very well done show. Jessie Mueller deserves her Tony now, enough said. The supporting players, Jarrod Spector and Anika Larsen were also very funny. Jake Epstein, while fairing the worst in terms of character development (which seems eerily parallel to his Degrassi role) also did a fantastic job. I highly recommend this show, especially because compared to other jukebox shows that have come about (*cough* Motown), this one is a real gem with heart.

(Stage Door Report: Jessie Mueller (who is one of the sweetest women I have ever met), Jarrod Spector (who is adorably quirky in person), and assorted ensemble came out after the show. There were a total of three of us)

Check out my eBay page for sales on Playbills!!

VernonGersch Profile Photo
#96 BEAUTIFUL: The Carole King Musical preview thread
Posted: 1/9/14 at 4:24pm

Caught the show over the weekend and agree with most - this musical is excellent. Jeese is amazing and gives a Tony worthy performance. Thought the direction was exceptional with great use of blocking, sets, staging and costumes.
Jake was out and had his understudy that night who I thought was really strong.
I hoping this show goes all the way to the Tonys.

Anika Larsen was also fantastic and I think her performance is also Tony worthy.

jayinchelsea Profile Photo
#97 BEAUTIFUL: The Carole King Musical preview thread
Posted: 1/10/14 at 8:02am

imo, a major disappointment. Two hours of a not-very-interesting story, waiting for Carole/Jessie to bloom and knock us out with a mini-concert at the end. If the show is about Carole, why are all the entertaining bits from Cynthia and Barry? And why so many songs by Cynthia and Barry? In looking through the Carole/Gerry list of songs, there are at least a dozen others that could have been used, rather than bringing in songs by other composer/lyricists that are not germane to Carole's story. What we're left with is a pale copy of a FUNNY GIRL-type musical, but the lead hasn't been written to really engage or fascinate us. t think Jessie Mueller is tremendously talented, but she is tamped down by the material until the last few songs. And why not stage the final mini-concert differently, by turning the piano where we can actually see Carole's face as she unleashes her power. Clearly, this is what the audience came to see, not bland reproductions of 60s bubble-gum pop (that's already going on elsewhere on Broadway). The audience loved the mini-concert, but the first two hours mostly received polite applause. I wanted to love this show (I love Carole and Jessie) but most of the show never delivered an interesting portrait of either. Anika Larsen and Jarrod Spector stole the show, imo.

newintown Profile Photo
#98 BEAUTIFUL: The Carole King Musical preview thread
Posted: 1/10/14 at 9:00am

I find that I've never really been overly fond of this "revue-sical" format, where the songs have absolutely nothing to do with the character or story. It's not a book musical, and it's not a revue, just some sort of lame-brained hybrid that pretends to be theatre, but is really more TV - a tidy, sanitized, by-the-numbers script peppered with already-beloved tunes.

Even 30 years ago, Leader of the Pack felt like a variety-show-bio plunked on stage.

Bettyboy72 Profile Photo
#99 BEAUTIFUL: The Carole King Musical preview thread
Posted: 1/10/14 at 12:57pm

I have to disagree with jayinchelsea. I think Carole is defined quite well as a character. From the beginning, she was low key, she wanted her music to speak for her. She was not comfortable with her appearance and being front and center. Cynthia has always been flashier and sexier (and still is). That's why the end is so satisfying.

Also, I think Jessie has a great lead in the Tony race. Her character is likable, the story is fresh and upbeat and she sings the hell out of those songs, often perfectly mimicing Carole's voice.

I think the Tonys prefers this type of role to maudlin shows that wont tour. Kelly and Idina may be strong, but I sense that the reception will be mixed.

"The sexual energy between the mother and son really concerns me!"-random woman behind me at Next to Normal "I want to meet him after and bang him!"-random woman who exposed her breasts at Rock of Ages, referring to James Carpinello
