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Any thoughts on 'The Total Bent' ?

Any thoughts on 'The Total Bent' ?

joe5 Profile Photo
#1Any thoughts on 'The Total Bent' ?
Posted: 5/7/16 at 1:12pm

I looked for a post . Trying to fill last show on trip .

macnyc Profile Photo
#2Any thoughts on 'The Total Bent' ?
Posted: 5/7/16 at 3:43pm

Previews start May 10.

joe5 Profile Photo
#3Any thoughts on 'The Total Bent' ?
Posted: 5/7/16 at 3:52pm

Thanks ! I realized that after I posted 

Wee Thomas2 Profile Photo
Wee Thomas2
#4Any thoughts on 'The Total Bent' ?
Posted: 5/11/16 at 2:52pm

Anyone see the first preview last night?  We have a slot to fill Memorial Day weekend and loved Passing Strange

Kad Profile Photo
#5Any thoughts on 'The Total Bent' ?
Posted: 5/11/16 at 2:58pm

I saw the Public Lab several years ago. They've been doing a ton of work on it since, which is good. It was a dire mess back in 2012, buoyed by a few truly great musical moments but let down by a whole lot of drag. I'm seeing it next weekend, with cautious optimism that there has been judicious editing.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

macnyc Profile Photo
#6Any thoughts on 'The Total Bent' ?
Posted: 5/11/16 at 3:01pm has two "reviews" so far, diametrically opposed! I'm seeing it Saturday night, so I'll chime in then.


Updated On: 5/11/16 at 03:01 PM

Kad Profile Photo
#7Any thoughts on 'The Total Bent' ?
Posted: 5/11/16 at 3:03pm

For what it's worth, the run time is now significantly shorter than it was in 2012, according to the Public's site. It is presently listed as 1:50 minutes with no intermission; the Public Lab started at 3 hours plus intermission and eventually got down to 2:30.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

bandit964 Profile Photo
#8Any thoughts on 'The Total Bent' ?
Posted: 5/13/16 at 5:03pm

Bumping this.  I absolutely loved Passing Strange.  Is this worth splurging on?

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#9Any thoughts on 'The Total Bent' ?
Posted: 5/13/16 at 5:13pm

Kad said: "I saw the Public Lab several years ago. They've been doing a ton of work on it since, which is good. It was a dire mess back in 2012, buoyed by a few truly great musical moments but let down by a whole lot of drag. I'm seeing it next weekend, with cautious optimism that there has been judicious editing."

I saw it there, too. I fell asleep in Act 1, but enjoyed Act 2 a lot -- thanks to being refreshed!

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

macnyc Profile Photo
#10Any thoughts on 'The Total Bent' ?
Posted: 5/14/16 at 9:39pm

Just got home after the show and trying to collect my thoughts.

Basically I liked the music and the performances were awesome, but I had no idea what was going on. It took place in the South during the 1960s, and the bus boycott was in full swing. The main relationship was between a father and son who are African American and are both singers. I guess the father was pretty well known in his day, but the son is ascending and overshadowing his dad. The father did something bad to the mother, Mary, but I don't know what. The bluesy gospel music was well done, but it was its own animal and didn't make me think of the 1960s at all. The N word, f words (f**k and faggot), and "whitey" were used a lot. Something for everyone! Will post more later if I figure it out.

Updated On: 5/14/16 at 09:39 PM

#11Any thoughts on 'The Total Bent' ?
Posted: 5/14/16 at 10:24pm

I saw in '12. Thought the main guy was good (is he still in the recording booth for half of the first a? 

I don't remember much from it which is sad since Passing Strange was one of my favorite musicals

#12Any thoughts on 'The Total Bent' ?
Posted: 5/14/16 at 10:55pm

I had similar thoughts to mac. I saw it a few nights ago and left feeling unsure of what to think. I really enjoyed the performances and music, but I thought it dragged a bit toward the end.

I took a chance on this, as I never saw Passing Strange, but had heard good things. I'm glad I went to this show, and, if anything, it's made me more curious about Passing Strange.

RippedMan Profile Photo
#13Any thoughts on 'The Total Bent' ?
Posted: 5/14/16 at 11:21pm

Is this in their main space? 

macnyc Profile Photo
#14Any thoughts on 'The Total Bent' ?
Posted: 5/14/16 at 11:23pm

No, it's not in the Newman. It's upstairs where Southern Comfort had been. 


As Kas said above, it's one act, no intermission, an hour and 45 minutes. 

Updated On: 5/14/16 at 11:23 PM

JPeterman Profile Photo
#15Any thoughts on 'The Total Bent' ?
Posted: 5/16/16 at 2:16am

I saw it today (Sunday).  There was an approximate 30 minute "technical delay" before the show started, and we had to catch a plane so we almost had to leave and miss it.


I basically agree with macnyc's comments.  I thought that the music was very good, and there were a couple great songs ..... I really liked the one with the reggae vibe.  Another positive ... the young actor, Ato Blankson-Wood, who played the main character, Marty, has excellent stage presence.  I could see him really becoming a star some day.


Now as far as the story ... I have no f'in idea what it was about.  If you like a nice linear plot and story line, this show is definitely NOT for you.  But if you are ok with an almost Lazarus style journey to nowhere with good music, then you would probably like it.  The person I was with really did not like it at all.  To me, it was kind of a poor man's Blues & Gospel Hedwig, without the humor.  I love Hedwig, so I guess that was a compliment.

Updated On: 5/16/16 at 02:16 AM

RippedMan Profile Photo
#16Any thoughts on 'The Total Bent' ?
Posted: 5/16/16 at 2:31am

Is there much in the way of tech/design? 

JPeterman Profile Photo
#17Any thoughts on 'The Total Bent' ?
Posted: 5/16/16 at 3:29am

RippedMan said: "Is there much in the way of tech/design?"


Definitely ..... no




#18Any thoughts on 'The Total Bent' ?
Posted: 5/16/16 at 4:19pm

I'm relieved to see other people didn't get the story either. I thought the music was very strong & the 3 main characters were all excellent in their roles. I would recommend it, even though the plot was a confusing mess, because the performances & music won me over. I liked it more than Lazarus

afterthesun- Spike Lee filmed Passing Strange live on Broadway in case you want to see it on film

Updated On: 5/16/16 at 04:19 PM

James2 Profile Photo
#19Any thoughts on 'The Total Bent' ?
Posted: 5/19/16 at 2:09pm

I wasn't a fan of the Public Lab production, but I'm on the fence about whether to see this version.


Does it still have the song that goes, "Praise for the boy preacher?"  That was the only song that I considered comparable to Passing Strange.

My avatar = A screencap from Avatar, arguably the greatest animated show of all

Kad Profile Photo
#20Any thoughts on 'The Total Bent' ?
Posted: 5/23/16 at 11:41am

I saw this on Saturday and am impressed with the scope of the changes that have been made since 2012; only a handful of songs remain from that version and the story has been refocused and adjusted a great deal. Stew and Heidi's score is genuinely fantastic- this is the best "rock" score in a long time (I put rock in quotes because there's a lot of blues, R&B, gospel, and funk, as well).

While the story has been refocused, it hasn't been clarified much. In fact, while some things are clearer, others are even more confusing than they were before (the English producer character, in this incarnation, is the worst victim of this).

Its lack of coherence- including a very abrupt ending- didn't really bother me, simply because the score is so electrifying and the performers (especially Ato Blankson-Wood, who comes off as a fusion of Jimi Hendrix and Prince and is a thrilling rock star of a performer) are so damned good. It also touches on some intriguing themes (there's a song questioning why African Americans still believe in God; Joe Roy has been reconceived as a sort of opportunistic Uncle Tom who is desperate to survive).   

It never really pins any of those themes down for more than a moment, and never really pins down a point as a whole. It does remind me of Hedwig, in a way- except Hedwig's thesis is so, so well-defined that even in its surreal finale it is held firmly together and cathartic. This feels like a staged concept album that has never reached the full realization of its concept, which is shocking considering there are quite a lot of book scenes. But what an album!

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."
Updated On: 5/23/16 at 11:41 AM

#21Any thoughts on 'The Total Bent' ?
Posted: 5/23/16 at 12:58pm

I agree with everyone on here that posted regarding the story being a bit hard to follow, but had to post to sing the praises of Ato Blankson-Wood. The transformation of his character is quite impressive and he leaves it all on the stage. Go see this just to catch his performance!

#22Any thoughts on 'The Total Bent' ? - Toss your hesitations aside
Posted: 5/29/16 at 12:31am

I saw this in workshop and this is a totally different show and totally different experience....and it is spellbinding....The character triangle is the same - Father/Son/British Producer - but frankly everything else seems to have been tossed either into the bin or into a blender and what comes out is remarkable.  Personally like the score more than Passing Strange...this sounds like it came from Stew and Heidi -- the workshop production did not....the storytelling -- which is really more vignettes/snapshots -- evokes feelings -- laughter, tension, power, cynicism, yes, it doesn't always make sense....but the best shows make you come back....and I personally have put in my tickets for the 18th and I hope it extends again because it is well worth it!!

LimelightMike Profile Photo
#23Any thoughts on 'The Total Bent' ? - Toss your hesitations aside
Posted: 5/29/16 at 2:03am

Has anyone sat on the SL side of that theater? I've only sat in the center, and presumably, all the good seats are gone in that section for the remainder of the run. Any insight appreciated. Is it a good vantage point for this particular staging? The stills look AMAZING! 

Scarywarhol Profile Photo
#24Any thoughts on 'The Total Bent' ? - Toss your hesitations aside
Posted: 5/29/16 at 2:15am

LimelightMike said: "Has anyone sat on the SL side of that theater? I've only sat in the center, and presumably, all the good seats are gone in that section for the remainder of the run. Any insight appreciated. Is it a good vantage point for this particular staging? The stills look AMAZING! 



I sat far SR and was mostly fine. It's designed for a thrust space, though some of it later in the show is more directly played to center as a performance-in-a-performance. 

#25Any thoughts on 'The Total Bent' ? - Toss your hesitations aside
Posted: 5/29/16 at 9:03am

We've sat both SL and SR in the theater and as long as you aren't completely upstage you are fine.  The biggest problem with the theater are the occasional pillars....but the Public is good about pointing those out when you get the seats.
