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American Psycho was SNUBBED- Page 5

American Psycho was SNUBBED

#100American Psycho was SNUBBED
Posted: 5/5/16 at 3:02pm

I felt the adaptation is in a whole different category than the movie. I haven't read the book.

I thought the show was wonderful and a great experience. I watched the movie afterwards and did not care for it. If I had seen the movie and not read this board, I would never have attended the musical. It is unfortunate that people will decide not to see it due to familiarity with the movie and the book. The whole subject manner certainly can be a turnoff. I was very surprised at the varied demographics attending the matinee last week. I was concerned that some had no idea what they were seeing. To my surprise, the older women next to me were raving. I hope this show gets more publicity and the word of mouth keeps it going. The Orchester was full Saturday.

#101American Psycho was SNUBBED
Posted: 5/5/16 at 4:35pm

School of Rock is just flat out bad. They took a great movie and drained it of life. Brightman is giving a very average performance.

American Psycho took a pretty average movie/book and made it into an interesting musical. Perfect? No, but it has style and has some ideas.

School of Rock has neither. How one could nominate SoR's score (which is songs from the movie, a song stolen from Chess, and the Queen of the Night aria) for a best score Tony AT ALL is mnd boggling. And really rude when you consider School of Crock's score was nominated and Psyho's was not...

Same with Best Actor. Brightman is just average in a terrible show, Levi is fine in a great show, but neither is as compelling as Walker. If Levi wasn't a TV "star" and giving that performance, he wouldn't have been nominated for anything. Frankly, he wouldn't have gotten the part based on talent alone.

Now mind you, I don';t think Psycho would have deserved to WIN those awards. I would have still given the awards to Odom, HAMILTON and Hamilton's score....but to not nominate them just shows the nominators don't care much about the art form of the musical.


Kad Profile Photo
#102American Psycho was SNUBBED
Posted: 5/5/16 at 4:51pm

I suspect a great number of the nominators left American Psycho with "Don't You Want Me?" as their lasting impression of the music in the show- an original score outshined by abridged but well-arranged versions of extremely memorable hit songs.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

#103American Psycho was SNUBBED
Posted: 5/5/16 at 4:55pm

Personally, who was or was not snubbed for Best Actor doesn't matter much to me because I only care that Leslie Odom, Jr. wins. But as much as I love Paul Nolan, I don't think the character is written that well and that makes the performance a little hollow. His angsty song doesn't hold that much weight though he performs it well. I haven't seen School of Rock, but Brightman losing 50 pounds while playing the role is the kind of story that would propel an Oscar campaign. That said, while Zachary Levi looks and sounds the part of a leading man and is very charming, I agree it's not really a remarkable performance that many other actors wouldn't be capable of. It also doesn't seem like much of a stretch for him.

JudyDenmark Profile Photo
#104American Psycho was SNUBBED
Posted: 5/5/16 at 4:57pm

Hariku said, "but to not nominate them just shows the nominators don't care much about the art form of the musical."


Or they just have a different opinion than you? I really enjoyed School of Rock, even though I agree that it's not the most innovative show in the world. We'll have to agree to disagree on Brightman, because I thought he nailed it. And I'd take those songs over American Psycho's original songs (several of which were ALSO from its source movie - more than SoR, for what it's worth) any day of the week. The new music in AP was - in my opinion, because we're talking about opinions here - some of the worst music I've ever heard in my life. Like, I was sitting in the theatre totally taken out of the moment because of completely awful it was. (That's not to knock Duncan Sheik - I love the music in Spring Awakening.)


Look, I sort of get (sort of?) why people here are drawn to AP. It's original, the tech aspects are really cool, it can be mesmerizing... but strip away the ol' razzle dazzle, and I don't think it stands up in the slightest. That song where they list off the designers? My god that's just painful. 


I'm not going to begrudge anyone who enjoyed the show, because we're all entitled to our own experiences. But it doesn't surprise me in the slightest that a "so bad it's good" show didn't get nominated for awards. It'd be like nominating Showgirls for an Oscar. Entertaining, but total crap. 

Updated On: 5/5/16 at 04:57 PM

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#105American Psycho was SNUBBED
Posted: 5/5/16 at 5:04pm

but to not nominate them just shows the nominators don't care much about the art form of the musical.

Uh huh.  Did you notify them that they must nominate your choices and not their own?  Personally, what I heard from the Psycho score sounded like Sheik didn't care much for the art form, either.  Perhaps he's on the nominating committee?  

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
#106American Psycho was SNUBBED
Posted: 5/5/16 at 6:37pm

Another fascinating comment by Mister Matt.

Namo i love u but we get it don't like Madonna

#107American Psycho was SNUBBED
Posted: 5/5/16 at 7:38pm

At least Mister Matt is discussing the subject at hand, while you're discussing him, SADM.

Mister Matt is right about the misuse of the word "snub" here. Words matter, y'all. 

songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
#108American Psycho was SNUBBED
Posted: 5/5/16 at 8:09pm

Yes he gave a fascinating observation.

Namo i love u but we get it don't like Madonna

#109American Psycho was SNUBBED
Posted: 5/5/16 at 8:13pm

That's light to moderate snark. Queen Patti would be proud. 

#110American Psycho was SNUBBED
Posted: 5/5/16 at 8:35pm

I finally gave in and bought the London cast recording since there's been no word on a OBCR yet. That means one should be probably announced in the next day week. Because that's how things go for me. American Psycho was SNUBBED

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#111American Psycho was SNUBBED
Posted: 5/5/16 at 9:07pm

Another fascinating comment by Mister Matt.

Yes he gave a fascinating observation.

American Psycho was SNUBBED


"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

sing_dance_love Profile Photo
#112American Psycho was SNUBBED
Posted: 5/5/16 at 11:29pm

Haven't gotten a chance to read through this thread, but saw this tonight. Still kind of wrapping my brain around it and how I feel, but damn was it fascinating.

I especially loved the moody and stylish score, and Helene York. I didn't love her in Bullets, but boy was she inspired tonight. It also was a pleasure to hear Jennifer Damiano's haunting vocal quality- she has a great way with this kind of music.

But most of all, I think Walker is giving one of the top maybe 3 performances of the year, in a pretty fantastic acting year, I think. He's spectacular.

Like I said, still processing, but my initial reaction was that it was unlike anything I've seen before and I instantly wanted to see it again. 

"...and in a bed."
Updated On: 5/5/16 at 11:29 PM

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#113American Psycho was SNUBBED
Posted: 5/5/16 at 11:37pm

I'm so happy you liked it! 

sing_dance_love Profile Photo
#114American Psycho was SNUBBED
Posted: 5/6/16 at 12:00am

To be honest, I tend to trust your taste, Jordan. And I just knew I would have regretted it if I somehow let this get by me. I think I'll be thinking about this one for a while.

"...and in a bed."

CindersGolightly Profile Photo
#115American Psycho was SNUBBED
Posted: 5/6/16 at 12:51am

Yes, it was indeed snubbed. I think it deserved Score, Book (but could live without this nomination), Featured Actress (Yorke), and Leading Actor (Walker). Although I will let Featured Actress go for now because the performances nominated are all worthy. But the rest? Come on. Also, I NEED Ben, Jenn, and Heléne's performances immortalized on a cast recording. Please.

They/them. "Get up the nerve to be all you deserve to be."

newintown Profile Photo
#116American Psycho was SNUBBED
Posted: 5/6/16 at 9:07am

"...but to not nominate them just shows the nominators don't care much about the art form of the musical."

Amusing. From what I know of the members of the Nominating Committee, any one of them knows much more about "the art form of the musical" than anyone on this board.

Kad Profile Photo
#117American Psycho was SNUBBED
Posted: 5/6/16 at 9:58am

Why would writers, composers, lyricists, chairs of theatre programs, and executive and artistic directors of theatres and development centers care about the art form of the musical, newintown?

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

newintown Profile Photo
#118American Psycho was SNUBBED
Posted: 5/6/16 at 10:00am

Touché, Kad!

#119American Psycho was SNUBBED
Posted: 5/7/16 at 8:58am

Nice profile of Walker with some great photos of his handsomeness.

#120American Psycho was SNUBBED
Posted: 5/7/16 at 10:55am

I'm really hoping we get an OBCR. The London recording is ok but there were a LOT of changes made. Most importantly, my favorite song Selling Out was evidently not in the London show. There's a remix version of it on the London cast recording but it's very different than when I remember from the show. 

#121American Psycho was SNUBBED
Posted: 5/7/16 at 11:48am

Okay, so I thought I had posted this question already, but apparently it didn't post.  If the posting I thought I posted pop us up later, ignore.

I'm interested in hearing what your (anyone who wants to field the question) take is on Walker's rendition of "This Is Not An Exit."  I find the song eerily haunting but beautiful.  It almost wants to make him a sympathetic character, or maybe not.  I guess more than sympathetic it's thought provoking. Almost like he's allowing you into his psyche, and 'judge me, or my thoughts as you will.'  I really like the song.  Curious what you think of Walker's version.

It sounds like he is really knocking it out of the park in this show because even those who don't care for the show completely, really acknowledge his performance.  I'm looking forward to seeing him.  And the show.

#122American Psycho was SNUBBED
Posted: 5/7/16 at 1:56pm

I still am so surprised by how Bright Star got great nominations that I was expecting to of to American Psycho... I was also really expecting for Walker to get nominated for lead actor.

DramaTeach Profile Photo
#123American Psycho was SNUBBED
Posted: 5/7/16 at 8:21pm

Saw the show this afternoon, and having seen almost all of the other shows nominated this year, I am very disappointed that this didn't get any recognition.  I was absolutely enthralled for the entire time loving everything from the songs to the sets and of course, Benjamin Walker's performance.  I'll pass along some positive words to friends because I really believe it is a great theatrical experience.

Petralicious Profile Photo
#124American Psycho was SNUBBED
Posted: 5/9/16 at 9:57am

I must agree that Benjamin and Helene are Tony worthy. 

Is there even a second that Benjamin is not on stage? He must be wipe out after each show. I have never seen such a perfect specimen! They should clone him.

I thought Helene Yorke was the other highlight of the show, she was veryvery funny, as was Morgan Weed.  

When They Go Low, I Go High
