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American Idiot Stage Door

#1American Idiot Stage Door
Posted: 5/12/10 at 1:37pm

I tried searching the message boards for this topic, but couldn't find anything... I'd like to hear about people's experiences at the AI "stage door."

I found the cast to be really lovely and gracious. But, unfortunately, did not get to meet John (because of his high-energy demanding role).

Has anyone met him? And, if so, was it on a weeknight? ... He's probably too tired on weekends, after 4 shows.

#2American Idiot Stage Door
Posted: 5/12/10 at 2:59pm

The Stage Door at AI is inside the theater.At least on the Friday night's that I have gone to the show.{Don't know if they do this during the week} After the performance, they allow you to go inside the theater, on the side where they have the 'Signing Walls'...the Bar remains open for drinks. The cast comes out and mingles, sign playbills and take pics.they are really very, very gracious and very open to talking. John doesn't do this, due to the demands of his role. He had explained this in a blog that he wrote when the show was in previews, explaining his decision, and how sorry he was not to be able to meet his fans.

sorano916 Profile Photo
#2American Idiot Stage Door
Posted: 5/12/10 at 3:51pm

All the cast has been gracious each time I've been to stage door. The only time that I've seen/talked to Johnny at stage door was the Saturday evening show on April 3rd (this was still during previews so the Saturday evening was the last show of the week). He was very sweet and stayed the longest out of all the cast that was there. Then again, he's always been nice; I've met him out of the stage door atmosphere. :)

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#3American Idiot Stage Door
Posted: 5/12/10 at 4:15pm

I've met John numerous times and under different situations, and he really is a terrifically nice young man. Very gracious, very humble, very interesting.

I know recently (just on Monday?) he didn't do a fund raiser that much of the cast participated realizing he had to let his voice rest on his one day off. He was kindly apologetic about it.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

April Saul
#4American Idiot Stage Door
Posted: 5/12/10 at 4:45pm

We stage-doored Sunday night, which would've been the last perf of the week, and were sad not to see Johnny Gallagher but share the sentiments of the other poster in that when we've spoken to him on other occasions, he was just delightful. Can't hold it against him, that role must be grueling. But I have to say that, in chatting with the stage manager, I don't think it's that he NEVER makes an appearance there...I'd guess it's just infrequently. If you're determined to meet him, you might have better luck catching him arriving at the theater for a show!

MyChemicalSqueegee Profile Photo
#5American Idiot Stage Door
Posted: 5/13/10 at 6:42am

Yeah, I've wanted to meet John Gallagher Jr. since I heard him on the cast recording of Spring Awakening, but I completely understand that he needs to rest. Instead, I've been debating on whether or not to send him my playbill to sign, since it's signed by almost the entire cast.

Aside from that, my experience at the stage door was wonderful. Everyone that came out was so generous with signing playbills and taking pictures (but then again, I went the opening week so I imagine that they haven't had the chance to get sick of it yet). Overall, I would have to say that the best part was being able to get a picture with Tony Vincent, who's performance was definitely one of my favorites in the show.

#6American Idiot Stage Door
Posted: 5/13/10 at 7:59am

REPLY TO the last Poster--From what I heard, John does reply to fan mail. So if you send him your Playbill,enclosed a self addressed , stamp envelope, and I am sure he will sign it for you. I too have met John on numerous occasions, dating back to his Spring Awakening days, and I must agree with posters, that he is one of the nicest,kindest and most humble people. Very well grounded. When you get a chance to talk to him, he makes you feel that he is really listening and gives so much of his time to his fans, when he can. He has always given me the impression that he really cares about his fans and really appreciates their support. I hope you get to meet him one day.

#7American Idiot Stage Door
Posted: 5/13/10 at 11:33am

I met John after Spring Awakening, also. He and Jonathan Groff were the two nicest actors I've ever spoken with. John in particular was very interested in how I heard about the show and what I thought about it. I also hope you get to meet him one day, he's so nice.

Does anyone know if Tony Vincent has been greeting fans lately? I'm really hoping to meet him in June.

#8American Idiot Stage Door
Posted: 5/13/10 at 11:35am

Yes, Tony does come out. I met him after the April 3rd mat.

#9American Idiot Stage Door
Posted: 5/13/10 at 12:03pm

I've heard a lot of people talk about meeting Tony before the opening. But I haven't really heard anyone say they've met him the past couple of weeks.

#10American Idiot Stage Door
Posted: 5/13/10 at 12:15pm

I spoke to Tony Vincent a few times in the last several weeks. A really nice guy, very approachable, enjoys talking to people.

#11American Idiot Stage Door
Posted: 5/13/10 at 12:20pm

that's good to hear (read), thanks. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I'll get to at least say hi to him after the show.

#12American Idiot Stage Door
Posted: 5/13/10 at 5:52pm

Tony has come out at the three performances I have seen. Ditto for Michael, Stark, Rebecca, Mary, and Christina.

#13American Idiot Stage Door
Posted: 5/13/10 at 8:47pm

is there a link to that blog that john wrote that was mentioned at the beginning of the thread?

BroadwayGuy12 Profile Photo
#15American Idiot Stage Door
Posted: 5/23/10 at 6:58pm

Any updates? How has the stage door been this week?

defygravity24 Profile Photo
#16American Idiot Stage Door
Posted: 5/23/10 at 8:31pm

I was at the stgae door for yesterday's (saturday's) matinee and almost everyone came out and everyone was so nice and signed my playbill and then the security guard said John was not coming out, so everyone left but I stayed for another 5 minutes and he signed my playbill. It was a positive stage door experience.
