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A Steady Rain Poster?

#1A Steady Rain Poster?
Posted: 10/29/09 at 3:55am

Hi... I was wondering if anyone whos been to the show A steady Rain.... if there were posters being sold...I'm going soon and want to get one signed.... Also was there anything else being sold. thanks in advance.

#2re: A Steady Rain Poster?
Posted: 10/29/09 at 5:08am

There were no unsigned ASR posters being sold. It looks like that for the BC/EFA auction they have printed a limited edition of posters signed by both actors which are being auctioned at $ 400 each or $ 700 for two copies.

#2re: A Steady Rain Poster?
Posted: 10/29/09 at 7:09am

The only items they have for sale are t-shirts (that simply have A Stead Rain printed on the front), hats and keychains. :)

#3re: A Steady Rain Poster?
Posted: 10/29/09 at 11:52am

Four versions of a poster were mocked-up, but neither rep for Jackman and Craig would approve them, so there will be no windowcard available for this production. The only ones available are being sold for Broadway Cares. And even if they had a windowcard, you would not have been able to get it signed unless you saw the show prior to two weeks ago: neither actor is signing autographs anymore.

LesMiz24601 Profile Photo
#4re: A Steady Rain Poster?
Posted: 10/29/09 at 2:00pm

WAIT! Why are they not signing anything anymore?? is that true??/

Cape Twirl of Doom Profile Photo
Cape Twirl of Doom
#5re: A Steady Rain Poster?
Posted: 10/29/09 at 3:00pm

Yes, they are no longer signing or taking photos at the stage door, out of respect for those that paid $400 for a signed poster or $1000 for a signed photo inside the theatre for Broadway Cares. (i.e. why would someone pay $1000 for a photo when they could just get it for free outside? Plus, I'm sure this will also help cut down the craziness of the crowds.)
They'll still come out to talk to people (and I suppose you could take pictures of them, just not with them.)

"It's Phantom meets Hamlet... Phamlet!"

LesMiz24601 Profile Photo
#6re: A Steady Rain Poster?
Posted: 10/29/09 at 4:17pm

I understand the poster and picture...but are they no longer signing playbills? Is that really fair?

#7re: A Steady Rain Poster?
Posted: 10/29/09 at 4:39pm

They sell signed Playbills for $100.00.

#8re: A Steady Rain Poster?
Posted: 10/29/09 at 8:18pm

I think I just lost respect for Hugh Jackman.... Not everyone can pay 100$ not alone 400$ to get an autograph. I agree its really about the performance and enjoying it but it is a long tradition to stage door. I fully support BCEFA and donate money frequently, especially when i go to the flea market, and the buckets after the show. Not only do i believe that BCEFA is becoming greedy but i feel its quite bougeois to treat people who cant afford it like this, when they would be doing it if no bcefa exhisted... many shows sell posters and yet they still sign at the stage door as its only fair.
This really quite Saddens Me!

#9re: A Steady Rain Poster?
Posted: 10/29/09 at 9:25pm

I was there on 10/21 and they were signing Playbills and taking pictures with the crowd.

LesMiz24601 Profile Photo
#10re: A Steady Rain Poster?
Posted: 10/29/09 at 9:35pm

Yea...I believe you guys who said they didn't sign...but maybe it was that night? maybe they ALSO sell autographed playbills benefiting BCEFA? I just can't imagine it is an official policy that "Hugh Jackman and Daniel Craig Will Not Sign Playbills." But I could be wrong!

NYadgal Profile Photo
#11re: A Steady Rain Poster?
Posted: 10/29/09 at 9:39pm

fengshuihellnyc, I am SURE it was not Hugh Jackman's decision alone, if it is true that they have suspended stage-door activity during the BC/EFA fundraising period! reason at all to 'lose respect' for him!

"Two drifters off to see the world. There's such a lot of world to see. . ."

LesMiz24601 Profile Photo
#12re: A Steady Rain Poster?
Posted: 10/29/09 at 9:40pm

Are they in the fundraising period? In that case it would make sense!

Cape Twirl of Doom Profile Photo
Cape Twirl of Doom
#13re: A Steady Rain Poster?
Posted: 10/29/09 at 10:21pm

Are they in the fundraising period? In that case it would make sense!

...yes, that's why they are selling the signed posters/Playbills.

I'm only going by what Hugh said about signing during the curtain speech. I have no idea if they actually did sign afterward or not, just that he says they won't.

I was there on 10/21 and they were signing Playbills and taking pictures with the crowd.

Well, collections started Friday 10/23, so yes they would still have been signing on the 21st.

"It's Phantom meets Hamlet... Phamlet!"

Just_John Profile Photo
#14re: A Steady Rain Poster?
Posted: 10/29/09 at 11:13pm

Tonight they both came out and started awkwardly shaking people's hands and just ignoring the people who were asking for autographs. It really made me lose respect for them.

NYadgal Profile Photo
#15re: A Steady Rain Poster?
Posted: 10/29/09 at 11:19pm

...but, they are respecting the value of the fundraising effort!

And, not that it matters, but I am sure that this is not something that the actors decided themselves.

"Two drifters off to see the world. There's such a lot of world to see. . ."

dshnookie Profile Photo
#16re: A Steady Rain Poster?
Posted: 10/29/09 at 11:29pm

On the one hand - I think people should donate if they want to, but not be penalized for not donating. If I shell out $350 for a premium ticket, which a lot of people have been doing, dont expect me to shell out another $400 for a signed poster.

However - I do feel like stage dooring has been reduced to a stampede for obtaining an autograph/photo to the point where it's off putting to watch, especially from the perspective of the actor. I support anyone who wants to wait after the show to commend an actor on a job well done, and to simply meet the performers but dont feel entitled to a "piece" of them, whether photo or autograph, because frankly your ticket purchase price is only good for the performance and nothing more - but this has been argued to death already so I'll retreat slowly.

NYadgal Profile Photo
#17re: A Steady Rain Poster?
Posted: 10/29/09 at 11:35pm

Well, as a fundraiser, you're not really 'shelling out for a poster'. You are making a donation to a charity, and in return receiving a gift of appreciation.

The $400 signed posters aren't just sold at the gift shop every show. They are part of the fundraising effort.

...But I agree entirely with your assessment of the stage door issue.

"Two drifters off to see the world. There's such a lot of world to see. . ."

dshnookie Profile Photo
#18re: A Steady Rain Poster?
Posted: 10/29/09 at 11:41pm

I understand it's part of the fund raising effort, but the prices seem a bit exorbitant. Perhaps if they were slightly more affordable, then the items would be more accessible to a greater majority of the patrons and more of them could contribute and get a gift of appreciation. There's a difference between not wanting to spend the money and not being able to. Surely they could donate a smaller denomination and leave with nothing tangible, but clearly a good majority would like to walk away with a keepsake to go with their contribution.

#19re: A Steady Rain Poster?
Posted: 10/29/09 at 11:42pm

Does anyone know how long the fundraising period is? Do you think they will go back to signing autographs at the stage door once it's over?

The reason I ask is because I am planning on sending in Playbills to get signed, but will now hold off if they won't currently sign them.

Thanks for any info and advice,

Cape Twirl of Doom Profile Photo
Cape Twirl of Doom
#20re: A Steady Rain Poster?
Posted: 10/29/09 at 11:46pm

Fundraising continues until December 6th, the day before the Gypsy of the Year event, which just so happens to also be the final night A STEADY RAIN will perform. So, looks like unless something changes they won't be signing for the remainder of the run. However, I did hear that they may only do photos for the first two weeks of collections, so they may take photos outside again if they aren't doing them for donations.

"It's Phantom meets Hamlet... Phamlet!"
Updated On: 10/29/09 at 11:46 PM

#21re: A Steady Rain Poster?
Posted: 10/30/09 at 12:03am

The photos with both of them are up to $2000

They are auctioning off their white undershirts (which they will sign I believe) for no less than $5000 at every show.

mormonophobic Profile Photo
#22re: A Steady Rain Poster?
Posted: 10/30/09 at 7:25am

So what are you now allowed to do at the stage door? I know someone said they shook hands, but are you also told ahead of time not to take any photos? I understand the idea behind it is noble and the price of the ticket entitles you to nothing extra. Still, I just think there is something wrong with people who just came from the show and have their playbills their to be refused. I am still wondering, however, what is allowed.

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#23re: A Steady Rain Poster?
Posted: 10/30/09 at 8:35am

Are the posters they are selling after the show full-size window cards?

I only ask because this poster on ebay says that the size is 11 x 17.

A full-size window card is 14 x 22.

saveusmike Profile Photo
#24re: A Steady Rain Poster?
Posted: 10/30/09 at 9:51am

The people who are upset I think its only because you didnt get a chance to stage door yet.

Craig and Jackman are doing a very curtious thing by not "stagedooring". (Now lets pretend I am not dirt poor) I would be very pissed off If I spent 400 on a signed poster, and 2000 for a picture only to walk out and see both actors taking pictures (for free) outside the theater.

Believe me Jackman and Craig want to give to the fans (I mean they stage doored every night before that havnt they?). But they also understand that they are doing this for charity and they dont want these people to feel cheated.

To the people who say it "isint fair" and they "lost respect" for Jackman, thats a real shame.
1) I agree some of the prices are very very much, but these are high profile guys and if you dont spend the 100$ someone else gladly will.
2) Like I said before, If anything doing this should make you GAIN more respect for Jackman.

People forget a ticket stub does not mean you also get a Auto/Picture. These are perks and are (now and always have been) a hit or a a miss.

I think its still classy coming out and talking/greeting your fans. Showing they still want to give as much as they could to the fans.

If you cant appreciate that then I dont know what else to say to possibly reach you.

"Everything in life, is only for now" -Avenue Q
