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Member Name: saveusmike
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re: who have you gotten stuff back from?
 May 16 2011, 05:22:28 PM
Well I havnt posted on BWW in quite some time so what better way to reintroduce myself then to tell of the latest stuff I received.

So it took about a month (maybe a little longer) but I FINALLY got back a signed and personalized Robin Williams Photo as well as and additional photo that I did not include. Thought that was very generous.

I could understand the long wait as I can imagine how much fan mail this man must get.

trying to get a cast signed addams family playbill!
 Apr 3 2010, 09:21:44 PM
if anyone has one (signed by all leads) and is willing to sell or trade, please let me know!!
thanks in advance!

Has anyone tried the Addams family stage door?
 Mar 25 2010, 08:48:34 PM
Does either Bebe or Nathan come out? Thanks in advance!
Possible future stage roles for Angela?
 Feb 14 2010, 04:48:24 PM
Kate Monster or Nellie Flatbush
Ben Brantley, Theater Cellphone Use
 Feb 14 2010, 04:46:25 PM
Brantleys straight..?
Thinking about Wicked Lotto. What to expect?
 Feb 13 2010, 09:51:55 PM
I know its after holidays and should be less crazy but still. I am gonna try this upcoming wednesday.

How has the lotto been latley?

So, who's gonna replace Angie in ALNM?
 Jan 20 2010, 10:15:48 PM
Is their any truth to the rumor of Ashlee Simpson Wentz jumping over to ALNM right after her Chicago run??
What have you walked out of and why?
 Jan 18 2010, 06:50:07 PM
I have never walked out of a show but I have been tempted more than a few times

Mamma Mia - I just found it so...boring? I barley remember anything about the show I just wanted to leave already.

Billy Elliot - Im thinking about giving the show another chance since I had a SLIGHT headache the day I saw it but still I just wanted it to be over so much. I was like "this is what all the hypes about..?". At intermission I wanted to leave but sucked it up and finished the show.

re: who have you gotten stuff back from?
 Jan 14 2010, 01:58:34 PM
sgv- Alright I'll wait it out! Im really hoping for a response, thanks! :)
re: who have you gotten stuff back from?
 Jan 14 2010, 08:02:08 AM
FeelicElectric - No Problem :)
And Ah I live in New York but be that as it may I use like 6 stamps anyway just because im parnoid *_* Always better to be safe than sorry!

Meggily - I sent out to Ashlee about 3 weeks ago and still havnt gotten a response. I just have a feeling she wont be responding.

Ashlee Simpson Stage Door?
 Jan 13 2010, 08:47:25 PM
Hey I am seeing the show tommorow and am Curious to know if Ashlee stage doors? Does she pose for pictures?

Thanks in advance

re: who have you gotten stuff back from?
 Jan 13 2010, 10:38:57 AM
The envelope you put the SASE just has to be bigger than the SASE itself. It all depends on what size you get. You just have to make sure the playbill fits in one, and the one with the playbill fits in another.

As far as what type of paper to use when asking for a PlayBill..?
I use basic lined paper and hand write a little note. If a performer will actually not send me back a playbill because I didnt use stationary, or typed paper, etc I dont think I would even want their autograph

Perez Hilton auditioned for CHICAGO...
 Jan 12 2010, 12:31:07 AM
I hope I didnt take up to much of your time

You did Perez, you did.

SPIDER MAN What the hell?
 Jan 9 2010, 04:10:47 PM
Well I doubt it. But If the show starts previews Febuary 25th I think this will be one huge shock to the entire theater community.

SPIDER MAN What the hell?
 Jan 8 2010, 11:04:36 PM
Even if they back out now, they still lost a s**t load of cash.
Ranging in the millions.

Waiting for Godot Signed Playbill - classified
 Jan 8 2010, 12:01:26 AM
I am a huge fan of the recent production of "Waiting for Godot" and have been trying to buy a signed playbill (by the 4 main leads) for myself.

If anyone has one they are willing to trade or sell, Please PM me.

Thanks in advance.

re: re: re: who have you gotten stuff back from?
 Jan 5 2010, 09:19:22 PM
I sent about a page letter exclaiming how excited I was that she was back on broadway and that it was such an honor/sadness to have seen her in blithe spirit because I was so happy I would have gotten to see Angela Lansbury in her final show, yet at the same time, I was sad because it would be angela lansburys final show! :P

It was a nice letter.
tbh I was actually surpised I didnt get a "letter" back. I know she usually sends out this pre typed letter to fans when they write to her

re: re: re: who have you gotten stuff back from?
 Jan 5 2010, 09:05:49 PM
Today I got Angela Lansbury Mail.
My opening night Blithe Spirit Playbill she signed.

Took about a week and a half.

Petition to Get Ragtime Filmed for DVD release
 Jan 5 2010, 01:18:46 AM
With all due respect, you are not being shot down for "No reason". The reason being is that these "Virtual Petitions" happen ALL THE TIME. and 95% of the time, to no Avail.

Another thing is your prediction about it selling like RENT did is another far fetched thought. Personally I dont know how RENT did on Blu Ray, but I will take your word and assume it sold very good.
Ragtime might be a better show, but to the general public Ragtime isint even in RENTS league.
Before I even s

Petition to Get Ragtime Filmed for DVD release
 Jan 5 2010, 01:07:53 AM
Wow it just so happens I am actually one of the producers of the show and this Virtual Petition has changed my mind, The show WILL be filmed!
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