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Profile for JenD512

Member Name: JenD512
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Newsies Lotto
 Jul 11 2012, 12:54:00 PM
Of course, no show has to make discounted tickets available - and be great seats as well - but it's not unreasonable to wish the seats they offered were better.

When Rent was at the Nederlander, their lotto (originally rush line) was $20 for seats in the front two rows. They were great seats...even greater for those of us who couldn't afford the regular price tickets. It's great just to get in, but even nicer when the seats are actually good as well.

Now at Newsies, people

BACK TO THE FUTURE Coming To Broadway?
 Feb 2 2012, 11:18:19 PM
I can't wait to see how they musicalize Biff driving into a manure truck.

Back to the Future has been my favorite movie ever since I saw it on opening weekend in 1985.

That being said, please let this never happen!

Hugh Jackman Rush - Since Policy Change
 Dec 27 2011, 06:30:47 PM
I believe there are 20 SRO spots for each show...but how many were available is a whole other question. I'm guessing many of them would have been reserved before the rest went on sale this week, if they were gone so quickly.
Hugh Jackman Rush - Since Policy Change
 Dec 12 2011, 02:50:39 PM
I may give that a shot. Think they'll still have SRO tickets available around 5? (that's the soonest I can get there). I'd love to see the show again.
Hugh Jackman Lottery
 Nov 21 2011, 09:00:51 PM
The official show site is just listing student rush as going on sale for an hour after the box office opens. It says ages 25 and under with student ID and proof of age, 1 ticket per person. I guess they've ditched the lottery?

Are they still doing standing room?

Can't wait to read some HUGH JACKMAN reviews!
 Nov 4 2011, 01:51:17 PM
I saw the show on Tuesday night, and I can't emphasize enough how much I didn't care that he wasn't wearing a tie.

I loved it. My parents loved it. The audience certainly seemed to love it. I'm fairly certain we were sitting behind the one woman in the theater who didn't know about the Les Miz movie, because when he said he was doing it, she nearly leaped out of her seat and started flipping out.

It was just a great night - he was funny, the songs were terrific. I missed

Book of Mormon Standing Room tickets
 Oct 25 2011, 02:06:32 PM
I tried the lottery about two weeks ago (and lost) and there were people on the SRO line with sleeping bags. No idea when the all got there...but going by that, I'm assuming early.
Funniest mishap you have seen?
 Oct 20 2011, 10:29:41 AM
Funniest I've ever seen was when a glass broke during The Boy From Oz and Hugh Jackman stopped the whole show when the stagehand ran out with a broom to clean it up. He introduced the guy to the audience, then took the guy's broom and insisted on cleaning up the mess himself (he explained to the audience that someone had been drinking in between shows). He also pulled the woman with the dustpan out on stage as well and they made a whole production out of sweeping up the broken glass. It was hila
Les Miserables Movie Casting Rumors and Filming Date
 Aug 25 2011, 09:59:25 PM
Emma Watson does sing very briefly (just a few seconds) in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, when they're singing the Hogwarts school song with Hagrid just before Harry finds the body of Barty Crouch in the woods...obviously it was too short to know how much of a trained singer she is just from that, but she did sound pretty good. That's an interesting choice, if it happens.
re: A Steady Rain Poster?
 Nov 2 2009, 03:28:47 PM
"Having a friend who runs an AIDS organization, I know that their state and federal funding was cut 20%. That is a lot of money. I am thrilled that BC/EFA is getting these dollars at this point in the economy."

Exactly - charities have been hit especially hard in this economy. I know where I work many of the projects we work on were cut back because we simply didn't have the budget to do them anymore. I imagine BC/EFA is no exception here, and I'm glad they're using the opportunity to

re: BILLY ELLIOT- OCTOBER 18th- comparing to the OLC (SPOILER ALERT)
 Oct 20 2008, 07:54:09 PM
<<- Changes to the original London production such as having Billy's father on stage during the Electricity scene were unncessary and distracting. >>

I've seen it in London twice. Billy's father was on stage during Electricity. If you go on YouTube and look for clips from the London production, that was always the case in that scene.

re: Billy Elliot - Broadway vs West End differences?
 Oct 20 2008, 02:18:00 PM

I saw Billy Elliot in London two weeks ago and the woman sitting next to me was eating sushi for half the show.

They really changed that whole audition scene on Broadway? I loved the bit with the tape.

Are they still doing the dance during the curtain calls? I heard that's possibly being cut. I hope not.

 Nov 13 2007, 01:09:07 PM
"But your sister and brother in law work (if your sister is still working) under fair conditions, no? And they will be getting paid on pay day, right? Local One will not. I think that's where the request for a little perspective comes into play."

My sister is still working--but not under great conditions. She would have lost pay leaving early to see the show tomorrow. Under some NJ state law loophole, she's not even getting paid for 4 weeks once her maternity leave starts. My brother-i

 Nov 13 2007, 12:02:16 PM
"And the bottom line is that as much as this sucks for the audience, they aren't going to have to worry about paying next month's rent and bills. We really just want a little perspective here."

Hold on...since when do the audience members not worry about the same things? My sister and my brother-in-law have tickets for Spring Awakening tomorrow night. They struggle with those same things every month--plus they have a baby on the way. The tickets were for her birthday, and it's a huge

re: Spring Awakening Tickets
 Jun 25 2007, 01:03:07 AM
My sister had tickets to see it last week, but her husband's job interview ran late and they weren't able to get into the city to see the show (the good news: he got the job!). Anyone think they'll be able to get decent tickets anytime soon? They're so bummed they missed the show!
re: RENT Benefit Lottery Policy up.
 Mar 4 2006, 05:05:06 PM
I'm an original Renthead from back in '96. I'm definitely not old but these posts make me feel like I am. Moved on to the corporate world and no longer identify with or like the show? Able to afford $1000 tickets? I understand comments like these comments in various posts aren't referring to *all* original Rentheads. But I really think there are very few able to pop on a tux and drop a grand on a ticket!

Amen! I was a Renthead in '96, and I'm in my thirties with a *corporate* j

re: Annie - The Generational Divide
 Dec 28 2005, 12:10:48 AM
Hey JenD...did you have the Annie movie sticker book?

Wow, I forgot all about that! Yep, I did. I remember the ET book too. We were so crazed about both movies that summer.

I remember "Annie" was supposed to premiere on HBO in January, but in December HBO would always sneak preview an upcoming movie as sort of a Christmas surprise. They showed "Annie" that December. We FREAKED!

That was before anyone had a VCR, and HBO was the only movie channel. We'd c

re: Annie - The Generational Divide
 Dec 27 2005, 03:48:17 PM
When the "Annie" movie was released, I was 8, and my sister was 6. The two of us, not to mention every other little girl on our block, was OBSESSED with that movie. We saw it in the theater twice, played the record incessantly, and when it hit HBO a year later, we watched every showing we could (this was before any of us had a VCR).

To this day...

-I'm still not used to seeing Albert Finney with hair.

-I re-read "The Lion, The Witch, & The Wardrobe" this year, and fo

re: Boy from Oz Tony Performance
 Dec 20 2005, 01:42:07 PM
Hugh could be on TV reading the phone book for 3 hours, and I'd still watch it.
re: 'Rent' DVD
 Dec 11 2005, 04:43:45 PM
JenD512 --- Honestly, you're talking to someone who does this professionally.

In fact, I worked on the Star Wars Ep. III DVD myself.

Not to sound too snotty here... but I know EXACTLY about DVD production schedules. I've been interviewed in the trade magazines about it.

Mu psychic ability wasn't able to pick up what you do for a living, but I was certainly never doubting your knowledge on the subject.

I work for a company who's pushing to make that D

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