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sending a poster to the nederlander

sending a poster to the nederlander

followyourbliss23 Profile Photo
#1sending a poster to the nederlander
Posted: 8/18/12 at 5:47pm

so, my 7 year old niece came out to visit and we took her to see 'newsies'. i got her a poster and cd and told her that after the show we could go to the stage door and get the poster signed. she adored the show and was so excited to get the cast's autographs. little did i know that 'newsies' might as well be a justin bieber concert, because that stage door was a mad house. the tweens were in full force and surprisingly aggressive. i tried to get little samantha through the hordes to no avail. needless to say, she was pretty heart broken and there were tears.

now, i've heard before that people have sent posters or playbills to the theatre with a letter asking for cast sign them and they do. i thought it would be a great surprise if i i did the same and got the poster signed for my sweet sam. does anyone have a tip on how to go about this? is there someone specific to address it to, like the company manager or something? if anyone has a any tips about sending stuff or the 'newsies' cast specifically, i'd be very appreciative. and please, before someone snide asks me to use the 'search' tool, i tried, with numerous different phrases, nothing came up.

thanks guys. any help to have this happen will make a broadway obsessed seven year old very happy.

"the stage too must experiment - with ideas, with the psychological relationship of men and women, with speech and rhythm forms, with dance and movement, with color and light - or it must and should become a museum product. in an age of terrific implications as to wealth and poverty, as to the function of government, as to peace and war, as to the relation of the artist to all these forces, the theatre must grow up. the theatre must become conscious of the implications of the changing social order, or the changing social older will ignore, and rightly, the implications of the theatre." - hallie flanagan, director of the federal theatre project
*blame e.e. mings*
Updated On: 8/18/12 at 05:47 PM

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#2sending a poster to the nederlander
Posted: 8/18/12 at 5:58pm

1. I'd just pick any cast member to send it too. I'd write a short letter explaining what you just explained to us asking himm to circulate it around.

2. You need to include SASE. In this case, with a poster, I'd get a shipping tube and put the letter, a shipping label (with the postage) and the poster.

Best of luck. It might take a bit of time, but you'll get it back. (Don't expect the entire company to sign, however.)

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#2sending a poster to the nederlander
Posted: 8/18/12 at 6:35pm

The posters cnt be folded or rolled and packing one up to ship so that it's very secure is a BITCH. So asking them to sign it isn't a problem, it's asking them to RE-PACKAGE it to send back that's a major issue.

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#3sending a poster to the nederlander
Posted: 8/18/12 at 6:59pm

Why can't the poster be rolled?

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

aasjb4ever Profile Photo
#4sending a poster to the nederlander
Posted: 8/18/12 at 7:06pm

Well the poster is such a thick card stock that if it’s rolled, it will never return to its initial flat shape.

When I saw Follies at KenCen, they sold the window cards rolled vertically, and even when it’s unfurled and placed flat in a frame, the rolls still show clearly.

I once bought a windowcard from someone on ebay and they just flattened two USPS general-size boxes, taped them together and then taped the top and bottom together for safe keeping…maybe try that, followyourbliss23.

ChiChi Profile Photo
#5sending a poster to the nederlander
Posted: 8/18/12 at 7:50pm

Do a lot of people send stuff in?

Gypsy - Betty Buckley

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#6sending a poster to the nederlander
Posted: 8/18/12 at 7:58pm

But then you need to rely that they will re ship it that way -- which would be an inconvenience for them.

It's a poster for a 7 year old. I can't imagine a little curling will bother her very much. (I think personal value far out weighs any concern for resale.)

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.
