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dw big river review

#0dw big river review
Posted: 3/20/05 at 12:16am

I am currently in the second company of Big River at Ford's Theater in DC and feel I can shed some light on the changing of music. The original is done in a cannon style but we cannot do that. It would be too confusing not only to the audience but to the deaf/hard of hearing actors as well. If there were 20 people on stage all signing different things, the deaf audience members would not be able to follow what is going on. I absolutey see how it is musically less impressive (especially in Wanna Go to Heaven). However, the message that the show sells is more important to everyone involved the the impression our musical talents give.

#1re: dw big river review
Posted: 3/20/05 at 1:44am

Thank you for posting. I wish you all of the best with your DC engagement.

CCM '10!

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#2re: dw big river review
Posted: 3/20/05 at 4:41am

Has the second national tour changed any staging or set design compared to the first?

I absolutely LOVE Deaf West's production of Big River and I hope it does so well in DC. Wish I could be there.

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

#3re: dw big river review
Posted: 3/20/05 at 10:49am

No, the staging is the same. It is the same show that everyone has come to love. We are getting a great response from the Washington DC theatre goers and are looking forward to a good run when we open next week. The changes are very subtle as Ford's Theatre is a very different stage. But it has been the same production team working on this show as the Broadway and tour. The team has done a great job of keeping the integrity of Jeff's Vision alive and signing....

uncageg Profile Photo
#4re: dw big river review
Posted: 3/20/05 at 1:00pm

The tour will be in Denver at the Buell Theatre from May 10th thru the 22nd. I am looking forward to seeing it while it is here. Plan to go opening night. Have heard wonderful things about the show. All the best with your DC run btsing!

Just give the world Love.

#5re: dw big river review
Posted: 3/20/05 at 2:17pm

I am upset I missed it when it hit Cleveland.

CCM '10!

broadway geek Profile Photo
broadway geek
#6re: dw big river review
Posted: 3/20/05 at 4:17pm

I'm going to see at Fords on Tuesday, I can't wait.

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#7re: dw big river review
Posted: 3/21/05 at 12:47am

Thanks, btsing. Do you know if there will be production photos or a seperate souvenir brochure for the 2nt?

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

lite2shine Profile Photo
#8re: dw big river review
Posted: 3/21/05 at 4:18pm

LizzieCurry, I don't know any official response to your question re: produciton photo in the souvenior program but the tour version hasn't been changed even the three leads are totally different now. And especially Ford's engagement is only six weeks long, I doubt they will have DC company stage photo in the program, it would be very costly to do so.

But, I asked my friends in the DC company to take lots of back stage photo with costume so hopefully I can get hold of some cast pic in costume :) I already have some candid photo at the stage door which I will post on my site later.

(edit: the pic are on my gallery page now. The cast members are so cute!)

Break legs, guys. I can't wait to see the show in April.

Light To Shine fan site for Big River Updated On: 3/22/05 at 04:18 PM

lite2shine Profile Photo
#9Break legs, DC company!
Posted: 3/23/05 at 7:34pm

Tonight is the opening night! Break legs and sing pretty :)
Light To Shine: Big River Fan Site

lite2shine Profile Photo
#10DC company photo
Posted: 3/25/05 at 1:51am

DC company photo

The photo of "Muddy Water" (Baltimore Sun) and "Nonesuch" (Washington Post) are available!

Light To Shine fan site for Big River Updated On: 3/25/05 at 01:51 AM

lite2shine Profile Photo
#11Stanely's (Tom Sawyer) interview!
Posted: 3/29/05 at 2:24pm

Shameless plug time again.

Stanely Barnhardt who plays Tom Sawyer in D.C. production has participated in the Q&A session for my site. Enjoy!

Stanley's Interview!

TheatreDiva90016 Profile Photo
#12Stanely's (Tom Sawyer) interview!
Posted: 3/29/05 at 3:09pm

Break A Leg!

I had the pleasure of working with Jeff C. years ago and was thrilled on his sucsess with the show. I saw it in San Fransisco and was amazed.

I STILL get goose bumps remembering the scene where the singing stopped and everyone just signed

*ooh, they just popped up again*

"TheatreDiva90016 - another good reason to frequent these boards less."<<>> “I hesitate to give this line of discussion the validation it so desperately craves by perpetuating it, but the light from logic is getting further and further away with your every successive post.” <<>> -whatever2

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#13Stanely's (Tom Sawyer) interview!
Posted: 3/29/05 at 9:40pm

"Stanely Barnhardt who plays Tom Sawyer in D.C. production"

You mean Bahorek, right? He didn't marry Scott? Stanely's  (Tom Sawyer) interview!

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

lite2shine Profile Photo
#14Stanely's (Tom Sawyer) interview!
Posted: 3/30/05 at 2:29am

You mean Bahorek, right? He didn't marry Scott?

How silly I am! You are right. Sorry Stanley Stanely's  (Tom Sawyer) interview!

lite2shine Profile Photo
#15Darren's (Pap/Duke/Silas) interview!
Posted: 4/1/05 at 2:07pm

Sorry another shamless plug again. Darren FINALLY responded to my questions. He is such a multi-talented and incredibly interesting person with a big heart (really really good chef too). I hope lots of people will get to see him as Pap/Duke/Silas in D.C..
Darren's interview

KChenowethfan Profile Photo
#16Darren's (Pap/Duke/Silas) interview!
Posted: 4/1/05 at 10:24pm

I saw this production last Saturday at Ford's. Despite some annoyances from audience members sitting around me, I found it to be an enjoyable show. The sign language was integrated nicely and added something to the show, not to mention making it more accessible to the entire population.

"Why do you care what people might say? Why try to fit into their design?" (Side Show)

lite2shine Profile Photo
#17Big River DC company video clip!
Posted: 4/8/05 at 10:38pm

You can see Big River DC company stage footing here! Chris (Huck) is so cute and I'm so excited to see it in a weeeeeeeeek!

Big River DC company video clip

lite2shine Profile Photo
#18Big River DC run extended until June 5th
Posted: 4/10/05 at 12:58pm

It's official! Ford's Theatre extended its run of Big River until June 5th, YAY! Make sure to catch it before it closes!
Light To Shine fan site for Big River

lite2shine Profile Photo
#19Big River DC company is FUN!
Posted: 4/18/05 at 3:24pm

I'm back from my "long" short trip from DC. "Long" because my direct flight was cancelled and the flight from Denver got delayed for FOUR hours! I finally came home after 2:30am. "short" because I flew out Friday and came home Sunday (okay, it was Monday after all). Still I had a blast and I'm so glad I got to see the DC company.

First of all, the Ford's Theatre is just faaaaaaaaaabulous, it's a perfect match for this production, and there is literally no bad seat except behind the poles. I got to sit in the front row center, and got shot by Mark Twain (giggle). Of course I signed "I'm dead" back to him. It was dream come true to see "the original" Mark Twain (Bill O'Brien), a fantastic actor, and Michael "Jiminator" McElroy again. Every time I hear him sing "Free At Last" my eyes are welled up.

And a true diamond in rough, Chris Corrigan was a delightfully mischievous Huck (they gave him a signed name "CC" on the head, like a sign "devilish"). It's amazing that he is totally deaf and still manages to sing along with Bill's Mark Twain.

My dear friend Darren Frazier is playing Pap/Duke/Silas and I was so proud of him. His sing and Jay's (his sidekick) singing matched perfectly. I wish they would take this company to the tour brining Ford's Theatre to each city Big River DC company is FUN!
If you have a chance, I highly recommend to see this show in DC!
I will post some photo later on my site.
Light To Shine fan site for Big River

#20Big River DC company is FUN!
Posted: 4/18/05 at 7:36pm

I saw this on Thursday night! It was FANTASTIC! If you are in the DC area, I urge you to go see it. I adored everything about this show!

"What a mystery this world. One day you love them and the next day you want to kill them a thousand times over." The Masked Bandit in THE FALL

lite2shine Profile Photo
#21Big River DC company stagedoor photo
Posted: 4/21/05 at 4:13pm

I've uploaded some photo from DC company cast. I heard some of the touring company cast will go to see the show next week (the tour is dark for next two weeks).
DC stagedoor photo!

ElTico68 Profile Photo
#22Big River DC company stagedoor photo
Posted: 4/21/05 at 4:56pm

Might be able to see it when I'm in DC next weekend. Is this the same tour that will be in Seattle in a couple of months?

Happy, smile! Sad, frown! Use the corresponding face with the corresponding emotion! - Kate (Meg Ryan), French Kiss

lite2shine Profile Photo
#23Big River DC company stagedoor photo
Posted: 4/21/05 at 5:09pm

No, this is the second company in DC. It's the same Deaf West production of Big River, so all the production is the same but different cast. Are you from Seattle? Then you get to see another cast (touring company) in June. Michael McEroly (Tony nominee) is in DC company now and you don't want to miss him! Say hello to my buddy Darren Frazier (Pap/Duke/Silas) from me :)
Light To Shine: Big River Fan Site
