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best forbidden broadway skits?- Page 2

best forbidden broadway skits?

adamgreer Profile Photo
#25re: best forbidden broadway skits?
Posted: 6/17/06 at 3:00am

The Ragtime one is my absolute favorite. I adore Ragtime the musical, which is probably why the spoof was so funny.

I love when Father comes home and asks, "Why is there a black man playing our piano?" and Mother responds, "He has an audition for Smokey Joe's Cafe." Then, Father looks at Mother holding the baby and asks, "Why are you holding a black child?" Mother's response: "I have become....a Democrat."

They even managed to make Sarah's death scene funny. "I have a son!" "What? A Gun?" "No! A son!"

My favorite one, however, is....

"It's getting near 11 and it's time to wrap things up. Make them shoot you. Make them shoot you."

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#26re: best forbidden broadway skits?
Posted: 6/17/06 at 4:27am

I love the Ragtime one. I don't care for the show and the day I discovered this (when I saw the tour re: best forbidden broadway skits? ), I came home and listened to FB and laughed very, very hard.

I must ask although someone else already did: What do they do for LitP?

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

#27re: best forbidden broadway skits?
Posted: 6/17/06 at 7:32am

Can't choose just one.

Christine Pedi's Liza skits are just priceless!! If you think she's fab on the cd's then you really have to see her do it live! It just leaves you rolling on the floor with laughter.

"I SLEEP WITH EVERYONE" ("Love Changes Everything" from Aspects Of Love) is hilarious. They did this number in the last London production of FB and it was just dead funny. A man starts the song wrapped in a bed sheet with no shirt on, then a woman appears in the wings and gets 'under' the sheet too with the man, and then yet another person appears...

JULIE ANDREWS "I Couldn't Hit The Note" ("I Could Have Danced All Night") is also one of my favorites.

sabrelady Profile Photo
#28re: best forbidden broadway skits?
Posted: 6/17/06 at 7:58am

"Piazza" skit was great also "Wicked" tho I liked it better on the old stage. (this stage is smaller and deeper)

#29re: best forbidden broadway skits?
Posted: 6/17/06 at 8:36am

There are so many great numbers that were never recorded, including recent ones... such as "SH*Tty SH*Tty Bang Bang" and the Cherry Jones/Kathleen Turner duel... and of course the brillian Piazza and Lennon spoofs!

One of my all time favorite lines, in "Gagtime":

SARAH: Oh, god bless you white lady... How can I ever repay your kindess??

MOTHER: Well, you could start with the windows...

BeingAlive Profile Photo
#30re: best forbidden broadway skits?
Posted: 6/17/06 at 8:51am

Nobody responded when this was asked before, but can somebody explain the Piazza skit? (what songs, actors, etc.)
Have there been many other absolute standouts since the SVU recording?

Judy, Liza, Barbara, Bette, these are names I shant forget.

bjh2114 Profile Photo
#31re: best forbidden broadway skits?
Posted: 6/17/06 at 9:06am

So, in the Piazza skit (I don't remember every detail, so bear with me):

Margaret walks on stage with leaves blowing, and she turns to face offstage and a BIG bunch of leaves is thrown in her face. Then Clara runs on, running around the stage, cross-eyed, making her condition evident. Then Fabrizio runs on stage and says to Margaret "I am in love with you daughter, I want to marry her", to which Margaret responds "Oh, but she has a terrible secret which cannot be revealed until Act 2!!" Fabrizio promises to take care of her, Margaret shows Fabrizio the Clara can count by stomping her foor like a horse (implying that the kick in the head made her act like a horse), and Margaret leaves Clara in Fabrizio's arms and leaves. Then Clara and Fabrizio sing a duet spoofing "Say it Somehow" about how the music is too hard and they have to get out the sheetmusic... It doesn't sound funny, but acted out it's absolutely HYSTERICAL!!! re: best forbidden broadway skits?

BeingAlive Profile Photo
#32re: best forbidden broadway skits?
Posted: 6/17/06 at 9:17am

Hahaha, no that sounds hilarious. Does the actress channel a Victoria Clarke North Carolina accent?

Judy, Liza, Barbara, Bette, these are names I shant forget.

sabrelady Profile Photo
#33re: best forbidden broadway skits?
Posted: 6/17/06 at 11:26am

Ah do b'leive Suthern ac cents rhun rampant!

Actually I think the "Teeny Todd" skit is brilliant as well the actress playing Patti wears a watermelon size rump!( I guess it balances the tuba!)

Corine2 Profile Photo
#34re: best forbidden broadway skits?
Posted: 6/17/06 at 11:57am

Being Alive who is that in your icon? It really looks like Gerard Alessandrini. Is it Hirschfeld?

SueleenGay Profile Photo
#35re: best forbidden broadway skits?
Posted: 6/17/06 at 12:20pm

I may be wrong, Corine, but I believe it is Jerry Herman.


BeingAlive Profile Photo
#36re: best forbidden broadway skits?
Posted: 6/17/06 at 1:16pm

It is a Hirschfeld sketch, but it's not Gerlad Alessandrini or Jerry Herman. It's Stephen Sondheim, and if you saw it a lot more zoomed in you can tell by the facial details.

Judy, Liza, Barbara, Bette, these are names I shant forget.

BeingAlive Profile Photo
#37re: best forbidden broadway skits?
Posted: 6/17/06 at 1:21pm

Oh, and on topic with the thread:
I love the "Stop Cats!-A Chorus Cat" sketch from Strikes Back. It's my favorite recorded one. And I love the Les Miz skit live. The revolving floor move had me in convulsions.

Judy, Liza, Barbara, Bette, these are names I shant forget.

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#38re: best forbidden broadway skits?
Posted: 6/17/06 at 2:43pm

Thank you, bjh. :)

What did they do with Lennon?

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

bschneid76 Profile Photo
#39re: best forbidden broadway skits?
Posted: 6/17/06 at 2:48pm

I loved the Rose's Turn (Merman't got the stuff, Merman's got to go, MERMAN MERMAN!!"


I Sleep With Everyone is hilarious: 'Say, say did I sleep with you?" "I don't think so" "That's too bad!"

"Love the Art in Yourself. Not Yourself in the Art." -- Stanislavski

Lavieboheme3090 Profile Photo
#40re: best forbidden broadway skits?
Posted: 6/17/06 at 2:52pm

"God I hope I get it, hope I get it, how many kitties does he need? How many kitties does he need?

Color and Light
#41re: best forbidden broadway skits?
Posted: 6/17/06 at 2:54pm

I forgot about "Super-Frantic-Hyper-Active-Self-Indulgent-Mandy".

"Dreidel. Driedel. Dreideluhhh. I. made. you. out of clayyyuh. And when you're dry. and ready. Oh, dreidel. we shall play. Dreidel, dreidel, DREIIIIIDEEEEEL!"


Stop looking at my charisma.

Corine2 Profile Photo
#42re: best forbidden broadway skits?
Posted: 6/17/06 at 3:19pm

I guess it is a very young Sondheim. Pretty funny! I saw Sondheim at FB watching the Squeaky number. I almost died watching his reaction to Jennifer Simard licking his photo.
Or the time Doug Wright was there watching the I AM MY OWN WIFE SKIT. I THOUGHT I WOULD PASS OUT FROM LAUGHTER.
It is a bit eerie that Gerard looks like Sondheim's Hirschfeld.
Personally, I prefer NORKIN.
re: best forbidden broadway skits?
Updated On: 6/17/06 at 03:19 PM

SueleenGay Profile Photo
#43re: best forbidden broadway skits?
Posted: 6/17/06 at 4:04pm

Of course it is Sondheim! Corine, I wonder if you would like Hershfield better if he was still alive and you wanted an interview with him. I mean Sam is okay, but his work is really just a Hershfield tribute though, don't you think?


Corine2 Profile Photo
#44re: best forbidden broadway skits?
Posted: 6/17/06 at 4:09pm

No. I don't feel that way about Sam. They are both talented artists and I love them both. Sam was doing it the same time as Hirschfeld and I appreciate each of them.
Sam though, is one of the nicest people I have ever met.
I have adopted him! We speak almost once a week.

mathewbrock Profile Photo
#45re: best forbidden broadway skits?
Posted: 6/17/06 at 8:11pm

Here are a few excerpts from my favorites....


DOCTOR: It's always the same here at Grim Hotel... Nothing ever happens. People come. People go. People move chairs. (Introducing Raffaela:) Raffaela, the six-foot-two psuedo-Italian-American lesbian confidante with a designer haircut... (Introducing Otto Kringelein:) Ahh, Kringelein, the bookkeeper, here to enjoy his last few days before he dies of terminal symbolism... (Intoducing Grushinskaya:) And Liliana Monte-Grushinskaya, the fading Russian ballerina, who's really a French cabaret singer from Off-Broadway.

GRUSHINSKAYA: (with horrible French accent) Bonjour, Amour! .... Rafaella! What kind of 'otel is this? There are no walls in my room! Only a row of chairs.

RAFAELLA: This is a concept hotel. It's German expressionistic. You have to imagine the walls.

GRUSHINSKAYA: (offended) 'Oo's 'ee?

RAFAELLA: He is your door.


RAFAELLA: Ask Tommy Tune....



(Who can forget Julie Taymor in an artist's smock with hair ratted out to hell like a crazy person.... This is to the tune of "The Lonely Goatheard" from SOUND OF MUSIC:)

Once, Julie Taymor, the stage director
Animated puppets in a downtown thing.
Then, Disney sent people to inspect her:
Could this girl direct The Lion King?

Then Disney said, "Okay, Julie Taymor,
Show us how you make your puppets dance and sing."

I go and say...

And said Julie Taymor:

Here's how I direct The Lion King:

First I make a little lion from a little bit of string,
Then I spend a million buyin' till I made a Lion King!

I got the job and I started sewing,

Using more material than Calvin Klein!

I made giraffes, walking crows start crowing,

Stupefying them with her design.

That's when I hired a cast of players...

Dessing them as Dodo birds and antelopes.

Some sufficated beneath their layers,

Other strangulated on their ropes.

Julie Taymor!
Julie Taymor!
Julie Taymor!

Oh, please, Julie, can't I play a human?
Oh, please! Not a blade of grass!
Oh, please, Julie, when I'm dressed like Dumbo
I feel like a horse's ass!



Loose, Footloose...
Why is our poster peuce?


Those are just a few...


bjh2114 Profile Photo
#46re: best forbidden broadway skits?
Posted: 6/17/06 at 8:32pm

"What did they do with Lennon?"

Well, this one is a little harder to explain, but simpler at the same time. All it is is Yoko Ono singing to the tune of "Imagine", and inserting comments about how she "doesn't want to be remembered as the woman who broke up the Beatles", but wants to be remembered as "the woman who destroyed all of Broadway!" She also screams the ascending two notes at the end of each chorus completely out of tune. I don't remember many of the lyrics, cause I was laughing so hard. Jeanne Montano plays it BRILLIANTLY! Sorry that I don't remember many other specific lyrics. SVU is worth seeing for this skit alone. I highly recommend it. re: best forbidden broadway skits?

MCfan2 Profile Photo
#47re: best forbidden broadway skits?
Posted: 6/17/06 at 9:13pm

You all convinced me I need to buy an FB album -- but Amazon is showing at least eight of them! I don't mean to hijack the thread, but could I get a recommendation or two of a good one to start with?

#48re: best forbidden broadway skits?
Posted: 6/17/06 at 9:21pm

Oh, that is wonderful! I was really hoping he'd do Piazza. I adore the show, but it is infinitely parody-able. I really hope the Piazza sketch gets recorded next time around, and I wish it was on the SVU recording.

Personally, I'm still pulling for a Marie Christine parody.

MCfan, I'm partial to four and five, but it really depends on what music you're most familiar with. It's always funnier if you know the shows the parodies are based on, especially if you didn't like the show to begin with! All other things being equal though, I'd say four, five or SVU.

Oh, I forgot one of my absolute, all-time favorites: "I Love Patti". Hilarious!

"I could use a little... Miracle." ~SWIWS

mominator Profile Photo
#49re: best forbidden broadway skits?
Posted: 6/17/06 at 10:04pm

oops double post

"All I ask of you is one thing: please don't be cynical. I hate cynicism -- it's my least favorite quality and it doesn't lead anywhere. Nobody in life gets exactly what they thought they were going to get. But if you work really hard and you're kind, amazing things will happen." Conan O'Brien
Updated On: 6/17/06 at 10:04 PM
