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Worst Stunt casting?

Mamie Profile Photo
#25re: Worst Stunt casting?
Posted: 1/19/05 at 1:07pm

Chris Kattan in "The Frogs".

Scratch that - Chris Kattan in ANYTHING on the stage.
A click for life.
mamie4 5/14/03

#26re: Worst Stunt casting?
Posted: 1/19/05 at 1:13pm

Two words: Melanie Griffith

"You're every gay man's wet dream!" ~ MA

If in Heaven you don't excel, you can always party down in hell...

Jimmcf Profile Photo
#27re: Worst Stunt casting?
Posted: 1/19/05 at 3:43pm

As much as I love her, Rosie O'Donnell in "Suessical"

My mother always used to say, "The older you get, the better you get, unless you're a banana." - Rose Nyland

#28re: Worst Stunt casting?
Posted: 1/19/05 at 3:52pm

melanie and david

Jwei123 Profile Photo
#29re: Worst Stunt casting?
Posted: 1/19/05 at 4:09pm

hands down, Scary Spice.

I love rent, have seen it many times...and I seriously wanted to walk out. The girl carried an AVION bottle around on stage. it was hurrendous. Since when can mimi afford expensive water?

and it'd be one thing if she played mimi well..but she didn't. Yes, it WAS scary...i didn't pick up my rent obcr for a week.

hasselhoff, griffith (ooo was she bad!), and stamos were up there too!


"I think it was the Korean tour or something. They were all frickin' asian!" -Zoran912

#30re: Worst Stunt casting?
Posted: 1/19/05 at 4:10pm

i actually saw Mel B as Mimi in RENT... and i thought she did pretty good when I saw her.. But i heard this was one of her good days, plus sporty spice was there so she was trying to imrpess her maybe lol... But yea, Out Tonight was kinda crappy, but songs like Without You, I should tell you and Goodbye Love were heartbreaking and simple... also, she was probably one of the coolest people i've met at a stage door... she was crackin me up, i told her she did good and she was lilke "uhhh it gets better as it goes on i guess.." lol, so she wasn't too confident in her performance

#31re: Worst Stunt casting?
Posted: 1/19/05 at 6:15pm

Rosie in Grease. Now everyone casts Rizzo as "that overweight chic" instead of "that hot Italian chic" that it was originally written to be.

I'd fire you... if you weren't so g*dd*mn beautiful out there. - Blades of Glory blog

The Distinctive Baritone Profile Photo
The Distinctive Baritone
#32re: Worst Stunt casting?
Posted: 1/19/05 at 6:23pm

I saw Jack Wagner in "Jekyll and Hyde" after seeing Cuccioli do it twice, and let me say that it was as disaster. It was embarassing not only for Mr. Wagner, but for me as well, as I was in high school at the time and the drama club president and I'd convinced everyone to buy tickets to this thing and turn it into a club trip. Everyone was pretty pissed off when they saw it, but no one more than me. His Jekyll was pretty decent--actually, I have to say better than Cuccioli's--but as soon as he transformed into Hyde for the first time (which is when the show really starts, as far as I'm concerned), it was all downhill from there. His Hyde was a joke. So bad it was funny. He used Yorkshire accent! Why would Hyde have a Yorkshire accent? He's the same person as Jekyll. They would have the same accent. Plus, he's a skinny little runt of a man, and wasn't sexy at all. He didn't try to be though--he played Hyde as so grotesque that there was no way Lucy--or the audience--would find him appealing. He was WAY too hunched over, moved contortedly, and his wig of long hair was fell in a way that covered most of his face, which is kind of a problem for an actor when he's giving a performance in a large theater. On top of all that, his singing was pretty weak too--a rather thin voice. He also messed up a couple lyrics, and he didn't time his "switches" right during "Confrontation," so he was out of synch with the lighting changes. Man, that was several years ago, and I'm STILL pissed off about that performance (as you can tell).

But yes, David Hasselhoff was worse. I own the DVD and have a bitter laugh with it every so often.

hak Profile Photo
#33re: Worst Stunt casting?
Posted: 1/19/05 at 7:26pm

Joey Fatone was not that bad as Mark or Seymour. Not really right for either role, but I was pleasantly surprised by him in both shows.

I'd go with Paul Stanley as The Phantom, he did the show in Toronto. He was fine when he sang but seemed lost when he had to act.

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#34re: Worst Stunt casting?
Posted: 1/19/05 at 7:26pm

Sorry to sound so stupid but what is stunt casting?

got-a-light Profile Photo
#35re: Worst Stunt casting?
Posted: 1/19/05 at 7:35pm

i would have to say terry hatcher in the touring company of cabaret.

i think cabaret on broadway wins the award for stunt casting. they had more "stunt casting" sally's and emcee's than i can remember.

although i must admit i liked john stamos!

WhereAmIGoingTo Profile Photo
#36re: Worst Stunt casting?
Posted: 1/19/05 at 7:39pm

Stunt casting is when someone is hired to do a show, not because they are very talented and have earned the role, but because they have a huge name that the majority of people will recognize so that everyone will come see the show. It'd be like casting Paris Hilton as Glinda in Wicked. *shudder*

What can I say that isn't listed here? I ESPECIALLY hate the Rent casting as of late, because its like a regular thing. To give Drew Lachey credit- they guy can hit the notes (I haven't heard the same about Scary Spice on most of her average/bad days). But he can't do much else. He absolutely was not Mark. Not my precious, favoriet character Mark... *clings to the real Mark and points at Drew Lachey, screaming: "Imposter!"*

But now we have come almost to the end. One last step. And then, when I take power, they will be pulled down and ground into dirt for what they did to you. And what they did in so contemptuously underestimating me.

Carl Magnum Profile Photo
Carl Magnum
#37re: Worst Stunt casting?
Posted: 1/19/05 at 7:41pm

In my opinion the worst will always be Ally Sheedy in Hedwig. Just wretched and hard to watch.

I got rid of my teeth at a young age because... I'm straight. Teeth are for gay people. That's why fairies come and get them

#38re: Worst Stunt casting?
Posted: 1/19/05 at 8:10pm

Definately Scary Spice and Susan Lucci.

Dreamcatcher Profile Photo
#39re: Worst Stunt casting?
Posted: 1/19/05 at 8:44pm

I agree with WhereAmIGoingTo. Drew Lachey may be able to sing the songs but I've seen some clips of him performing as Mark and he just doesnt fit the character in my opinion. I think the casting directors could have definitly done better. That and on the official RENT site the main page is boasting a picture of Drew Lachey without a shirt on from his glory days in 98 degrees, I'm talking dramatic black and white, spiked up jock hair, rippling muscle, tattoo proudly displayed the whole nine yards. I dont think they could get less Mark like.

I wanted to get something that an "ex"-junkie like him would really appreciate and's a brick of heroin shaped like a heart. -Scrubs

CurtainUp Profile Photo
#40re: Worst Stunt casting?
Posted: 1/19/05 at 8:51pm

I can't COMPREHEND a woman as Hedwig, it ruins the complete balance with Yitzhak as a woman.

Rosencrantz: "Be happy - if you're not even HAPPY what's so good about surviving? We'll be all right. I suppose we just go on." - from Tom Stoppard's Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead

#41re: Worst Stunt casting?
Posted: 1/19/05 at 8:53pm

well the only bad stunt casting ive personally seen was Hasselhoff but some of these sound just as bad...

Dreamcatcher Profile Photo
#42re: Worst Stunt casting?
Posted: 1/19/05 at 8:55pm

That pretty much defeats the storyline of the play, having a woman play Hedwig.

I wanted to get something that an "ex"-junkie like him would really appreciate and's a brick of heroin shaped like a heart. -Scrubs

#43re: Worst Stunt casting?
Posted: 1/19/05 at 9:26pm

Paris Hilton as "Galinda"?
I just lost my Suddenly Pasta Salad

#44re: Worst Stunt casting?
Posted: 1/19/05 at 9:57pm

Hasslehoff takes the cake especially because they even documented it on home video to put his name on it to sell tapes.

I WOULD like to say some words about the mention of John Stamos' name earlier in the thread. I saw him in Nine, and he was wonderful. Sure, he's kinda scronny compared to Antonio, but he (like the rest of the cast) spoke in an Italian accent and he hit all the notes, and played the role well. I've always looked at him as broadways "go to guy" for when a celebrity opens a show and needs to be replaced. He gets the job done, and should not be considered a stunt cast. (its not like he's THAT famous/popular anyway, how many die-hard fans can he have?)

me101 Profile Photo
#45re: Worst Stunt casting?
Posted: 1/19/05 at 11:27pm

Didn't Raquel Welch replace Julie Andrews in Victor/Victoria?

If you want to know what God thinks of money, just look at the people he gave it to. -Dorothy Parker

Dreamcatcher Profile Photo
#46re: Worst Stunt casting?
Posted: 1/20/05 at 12:41am

Oh god, Paris Hilton as Glinda.....

"Fiyero loves Elphie? That's hot."

I wanted to get something that an "ex"-junkie like him would really appreciate and's a brick of heroin shaped like a heart. -Scrubs

#47re: Worst Stunt casting?
Posted: 1/20/05 at 1:17am

"Did that really just happen...? LOVES that."

K. Another bad one was Rex Smith in the national tour of GREASE! the 90s. he was Danny Zuko. Sally Struthers was fine, but c'mon, my childhood man crush from Pirates of Penzance w/Ronstadt?

justme2 Profile Photo
#48re: Worst Stunt casting?
Posted: 1/20/05 at 1:34am

My vote?

Marie Osmond is "The King and I" -SF touring cast...years ago and her singing still haunts me. It was OBVIOUS that the rest of the cast had "broadway voices" and she had "pop". How so? She would cut at the end of a song when others were still drawing out the last note....It made her look like she ended too sooon. Plus..her Anna wasn't even't likeable!

"My dreams, watching me said, one to the other...this life has let us down."

VeuveClicquot Profile Photo
#49re: Worst Stunt casting?
Posted: 1/20/05 at 2:02am

Surely it must be Jenna Elfman in the revival of NINE. She was cast, advertised up the wazoo, and was apparently so terrible that they never let her appear on stage.

Although, according to her website, she's still rehearsing for her "opening" in the show. It's a complicated number, and she wants to be sure that she can handle it when she makes her Broadway debut.
