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Who is your favourite Mrs Lovett? And why?

Who is your favourite Mrs Lovett? And why?

#1Who is your favourite Mrs Lovett? And why?
Posted: 4/12/13 at 9:22am

Just been listening to the London 2012 recording of Sweeney Todd and was wondering who your favourite Mrs Lovett is and why?

#2Who is your favourite Mrs Lovett? And why?
Posted: 4/12/13 at 9:52am

I've seen three professional productions, and have been fortunate to see Lansbury, LuPone and Staunton in person.

I did not care for the Doyle production at all, and I did not think LuPone enbodied the character as well (too many LuPone-isms). I saw Lansbury and Hearn in 1980 and was blown away. Her Lovett was broad, brash, humorous, and still a monster. She is my favorite Lovett and played very well off Hearn. Fortunately, this pairing was preserved on video (I have the DVD and play it often). I wish I had seen Cariou in the role as well, but that is for another thread.

Staunton was also very good when I saw her perform with Michael Ball on a trip to London last fall. She was a moodier Lovett, and her infatuation with Benjamin Barker/Sweeney was more believable than that of the other two. I did not realize that she was such a tiny person until seeing her onstage. I thought she outperformed Ball as well.

ST is one of my favorite musicals, and the original production remains one of my Top 5 musical theater experiences in 40+ years of Broadway play-going.

#2Who is your favourite Mrs Lovett? And why?
Posted: 4/12/13 at 10:01am

During the Broadway run of Sweeney Todd, I lived across the street from what is now the Gershwin Theater. In those days, you could more easily sneak into the theater. I did pay to see Sweeney Todd once or twice, but then started going to most performances. I must have seen Angela Landsbury and Len Cariou dozens of times. I simply adored her "Miss Piggy" interpretation of the role. It was an inspired performance.

#3Who is your favourite Mrs Lovett? And why?
Posted: 4/12/13 at 10:14am

Have experienced 4 Mrs Lovetts, prefer them in the following order for both Mrs. Lovetts and overall performance experience (of course imagining what it would have been like to see the original live):

1. Angela Lansbury on DVD of original 1979 Broadway production: for me she had the entire range of emotions from quirky, corney, lovable and vengeful while calculating the return and participation in the plot year before it ever happened.
2. Beth Fowler live in the 1989 Broadway revival: she was a softer Mrs Lovett visually which made her participation in the crime all the more of a contrast in my mind
3. Elaine Paige live in the 2004 NYS Opera House production: while vocally dynamic I was sitting so far away and she is such a tiny woman that I felt she was physically lost on such a large stage and in such a large theatre
4. Patti LuPone live in the 2005 Broadway revival: appreciate her qualities, enjoy her performance but was disappointed that her speech patterns weren't changed from NYC to London accent effectively. It was more like Mrs Lovett doing Patti LuPone than Patti LuPone becoming Mrs Lovett.

The intimacy of the 1989 Broadway revivial at the Circle in the Square had an amazingly scary aspect with the shrill factory whistles screaming over your head, the laundry hanging from the low ceiling and Sweeney within arms reach of slashing your throat!

Edit: Make that 5 I saw the movie with Helena Bonham Carter and forgot I saw it - so I guess that goes to she what I thought of not only her performance but the movie as well!

Updated On: 4/12/13 at 10:14 AM

newintown Profile Photo
#4Who is your favourite Mrs Lovett? And why?
Posted: 4/12/13 at 10:40am

It's Lansbury's role, but I also really enjoyed Julia McKenzie at the National, back in 1994 - bawdy, earthy, and belted a lot of the score.

SonofRobbieJ Profile Photo
#5Who is your favourite Mrs Lovett? And why?
Posted: 4/12/13 at 10:53am

I've only seen Lansbury's version on tape. So I feel like I can't really make a well-informed opinion...even though she's magnificent in it.

I've seen a number of live performances of the role, but none have come close to Imelda Staunton.

#6Who is your favourite Mrs Lovett? And why?
Posted: 4/12/13 at 11:06am

I abosolutely loved Anita Reeves at the Dublin Gate. Scary and hilarious in a lilac wig. I liked Imelda Staunton too.

doodlenyc Profile Photo
#7Who is your favourite Mrs Lovett? And why?
Posted: 4/12/13 at 11:15am

1. Lansbury - Saw the tour and fell in love with
2. LuPone - I loved the production and her especially. Such an improvement over Lincoln Center. In Doyle's production, I didnt have any problem with her accent...and she was both fun AND scary.
3. Fowler - Terrific, I didn't think anyone could live up to Lansbury at the time. She and Korbich were great.
4. Bonham Carter - I rather liked her for the screen, even with the whispy vocals.

The only one I regret not seeing is McKenzie. That production looks wonderful, even on Youtube.

It's not fair, but I have no desire to see Staunton and Ball. I kind of detest their "Priest" on youtube. I dont read any chemistry between them and it is just humorless, slow and dull. She's never disappointed me before, and recognize it's not fair to judge on one clip.

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"In Oz, the verb is douchifizzation." PRS

SonofRobbieJ Profile Photo
#8Who is your favourite Mrs Lovett? And why?
Posted: 4/12/13 at 11:33am

^ What you just described was not at all what I witnessed. It's kind of why I feel like I cannot really judge Lansbury's Lovett. Theatre becomes so frigging flat when it's taped.

The 2012 London SWEENEY is one of my favorite theatrical experiences of the last decade (at least).

darquegk Profile Photo
#9Who is your favourite Mrs Lovett? And why?
Posted: 4/12/13 at 11:36am

I believe I've made this distinction before, but the average stage Lovett is a psychopath- gleefully aware that what she is doing is evil and manipulative, and taking a bizarre joy in it.

Helena Bonham Carter, on screen, seemed more like a sociopath, or even a solipsist. Someone without any evil scheme or inclination to kill a bunch of people; rather, a person who wants one specific thing (Sweeney) and is absolutely unconcerned with anything else- the rest of the world may as well not be real. When she locks Toby away, her demeanor seems to imply less regret and remorse, or "this is all part of my scheme," but almost a feeling of disappointment, as if to say "Such a shame that I have to kill this one. He was nice. Oh well."

doodlenyc Profile Photo
#10Who is your favourite Mrs Lovett? And why?
Posted: 4/12/13 at 11:48am

robbie, I think I explained that it was not fair to judge a theatrical performance from a youtube video. I was merely stating that I had no desire to see that production thanks to seeing it. Although, if it did transfer, you know I'd be there.

Conversely, I do think Lansbury's performance pops off the screen in the taped version of the original tour.

"Carson has combined his passion for helping children with his love for one of Cincinnati's favorite past times - cornhole - to create a unique and exciting event perfect for a corporate outing, entertaining clients or family fun."

"In Oz, the verb is douchifizzation." PRS

SonofRobbieJ Profile Photo
#11Who is your favourite Mrs Lovett? And why?
Posted: 4/12/13 at 12:00pm totally explained it. I was just giving my thoughts having seen it. I saw some video before I saw it and was like, 'Well...hopefully it'll sound good.' And then I was fully blown away by it. Ball was entirely surprising.

I think Lansbury is wonderful on the video. But I just don't know how it played in the theatre, so I always feel like I'm at a disadvantage when discussing the performance.

doodlenyc Profile Photo
#12Who is your favourite Mrs Lovett? And why?
Posted: 4/12/13 at 12:33pm

Oh, I get it...I think I just have pangs of guilt because I love Staunton so much...but was so disappointed.

I think Lansbury is best able to hone her performance for the medium, so you pretty much get a similar quality from her no matter what. I think the taped version is so good because you feel like you are in the theater, but I think she toned her performance to fit. Hearn, not so much. I feel that her Tony telecast "Pies" seems a bit cartoonish in comparison, because she's playing to the live Tony audience, not the home viewer. It's what makes her equally compelling in film, television and theater.

It's also why her Mama Rose is the one performance I'd most like to have seen.

"Carson has combined his passion for helping children with his love for one of Cincinnati's favorite past times - cornhole - to create a unique and exciting event perfect for a corporate outing, entertaining clients or family fun."

"In Oz, the verb is douchifizzation." PRS

henrikegerman Profile Photo
#13Who is your favourite Mrs Lovett? And why?
Posted: 4/12/13 at 7:17pm

Patti. Everything about that production worked and Lupone gave her finest performance ever.
Updated On: 4/12/13 at 07:17 PM

Playbilly Profile Photo
#14Who is your favourite Mrs Lovett? And why?
Posted: 4/12/13 at 7:25pm

Lansbury. Saw original Broadway show with Cariou. Production and performances changed what I thought theater could be.

"Through The Sacrifice You Made, We Can't Believe The Price You Paid..For Love!"

GavestonPS Profile Photo
#15Who is your favourite Mrs Lovett? And why?
Posted: 4/12/13 at 8:53pm

I saw Lansbury live many times and it remains one of the great performances I've ever witnessed. She "argued for" Mrs. Lovett so compellingly that the character actually began to seem somewhat reasonable (until "By the Sea" showed her to be even crazier than Sweeney).

But I also enjoyed Beth Fowler in the "Teeny Todd" and Christine Baranski in LA Reprise's production.

Why is Lansbury my favorite? Perhaps because she seemed the most believably English. More likely because she is such a strong musician that even without a "great voice", she still sang it better than the lady who did the role for New York City Opera. The precision of Lansbury's technique coupled with the multiple levels she finds in all her roles made Mrs. Lovett multi-dimensional rather than a mere grotesque.

HATED: the NYC Opera singer (who played attitude ("Aren't I funny?") instead of character), and Helena Bonham Carter, who should really lay off the Xanax when she is playing a character as ambitious as Mrs. L.

IMO, one need only look at the film to see how flat the piece becomes without a very, very strong Mrs. Lovett as Sweeney's foil.

Updated On: 4/12/13 at 08:53 PM

binau Profile Photo
#16Who is your favourite Mrs Lovett? And why?
Posted: 4/12/13 at 9:16pm

Still, there was something particularly vulnerable about HBC in many moments (e.g. NOT WHILE I'M AROUND) that I don't think is seen in other performances. Bernadette would be a good compromise between Lansbury's 'larger-than-life' well-sung performance and HBC's mellow but vulnerable weakly-sung performance. She is my favourite Mrs Lovett and she hasn't even played the role yet! (<3 fan boyyyy4life)

"You can't overrate Bernadette Peters. She is such a genius. There's a moment in "Too Many Mornings" and Bernadette doing 'I wore green the last time' - It's a voice that is just already given up - it is so sorrowful. Tragic. You can see from that moment the show is going to be headed into such dark territory and it hinges on this tiny throwaway moment of the voice." - Ben Brantley (2022) "Bernadette's whole, stunning performance [as Rose in Gypsy] galvanized the actors capable of letting loose with her. Bernadette's Rose did take its rightful place, but too late, and unseen by too many who should have seen it" Arthur Laurents (2009) "Sondheim's own favorite star performances? [Bernadette] Peters in ''Sunday in the Park,'' Lansbury in ''Sweeney Todd'' and ''obviously, Ethel was thrilling in 'Gypsy.'' Nytimes, 2000

Playbilly Profile Photo
#17Who is your favourite Mrs Lovett? And why?
Posted: 4/12/13 at 9:50pm

Gav, could not agree with you more about HBC in the movie, and how a weak Lovett dulls the whole impact of the piece.

"Through The Sacrifice You Made, We Can't Believe The Price You Paid..For Love!"

GavestonPS Profile Photo
#18Who is your favourite Mrs Lovett? And why?
Posted: 4/12/13 at 9:52pm

Just to be clear, q, I didn't particularly object to HBC's singing. No, it wasn't the best I've heard, but I could live with it.

But IMV, she was so badly miscast or so badly misunderstood the role, I couldn't be moved by individual moments.

FTR, however, I can't think of many moments more tender than Lansbury singing, "Nothing's Gonna Harm You" live on stage.

Playbilly Profile Photo
#19Who is your favourite Mrs Lovett? And why?
Posted: 4/12/13 at 10:00pm

The film was so wholly misdirected and misconceived, her performance was just another mistake.

"Through The Sacrifice You Made, We Can't Believe The Price You Paid..For Love!"

GavestonPS Profile Photo
#20Who is your favourite Mrs Lovett? And why?
Posted: 4/12/13 at 10:04pm

Playbilly, I was pleasantly surprised by Johnny Depp. But it didn't help him to have his co-star playing his twin.

But I agree with you about a lot of the other choices. It's one of my all-time favorite stage musicals and I never bothered to watch the film a second time.

Playbilly Profile Photo
#21Who is your favourite Mrs Lovett? And why?
Posted: 4/12/13 at 10:12pm

I couldn't bear to watch it again. ST is one of my favorite works of art. The film was a horrible version of the work. Stripping away all irony, subtlety and subtext. But, that's Burton's fault and his usual result.

Don't mean to jack the thread.

Lansbury. Favorite.

"Through The Sacrifice You Made, We Can't Believe The Price You Paid..For Love!"

#22Who is your favourite Mrs Lovett? And why?
Posted: 4/12/13 at 10:42pm

I saw Maria Friedman do it in concert-- and while Lansbury is my favorite, I think Maria could really turn out a great interpretation if offered a full production.

frontrowcentre2 Profile Photo
#23Who is your favourite Mrs Lovett? And why?
Posted: 4/12/13 at 11:04pm

The intimacy of the 1989 Broadway revivial at the Circle in the Square had an amazingly scary aspect with the shrill factory whistles screaming over your head, the laundry hanging from the low ceiling and Sweeney within arms reach of slashing your throat!

Agreed! That was a really intense production, curiously centered by Fowler's very warm performance. I also remember the first throat was like a spray from a drinking really startled those us us in the front row!

It was a very well sung production, though I had only recently seen a full-stage SWEENEY by New York City Opera. One other memorable pair: Christine Baranksi and Brian Stokes Mitchell at Kennedy Centre!

I have also seen some terrific community productions locally, but those names obviously wouldn't man anything to anyone here. And I have seen a couple of really terrible productions where the directors felt it necessary ti impose their own in one University staging that the director decided takes place in a - not an Iron foundry as on Broadway but in a ghost factory with all the cast wearing white pancake makeup throughout. It was a horror show all right!

Cast albums are NOT "soundtracks."
Live theatre does not use a "soundtrack." If it did, it wouldn't be live theatre!

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goldenboy Profile Photo
#24Who is your favourite Mrs Lovett? And why?
Posted: 4/12/13 at 11:37pm

There is only one Mrs. Lovett and that is Angela Lansbury. She was a looney and happy villain--so much that you root and fall in love with her. When things don't out with Mr. Todd for her, it's heartbreaking. That is what makes good theatre.

Everyone else (that I've seen) should not have bothered

So who have i seen? Dorothy Louden. I thought she'd be a hoot but she so clowned it up so much that she proved very unbelievable in the role. This gave me a chance to see George Hearn in the role of Sweeney. He was much scarier and eerier than Len Cariou (who was fine) but not in the same league as George Hearn.

Then I saw Beth Fowler in the revival with my friend Gretchen Kingsley Wiehe as Joanna. While I remember liking it in the round, and liking my friend as Johanna I don't remember anything about Beth Fowler. I can't even remember who played Sweeney. It was just eclipsed by the original I guess.

Then there is Helena Bonham Carter. Miscast. Couldn't sing. What was she doing? Why was she hired? Oh she sleeps with the director Tim Burton on a nightly basis. Please Please don't let Helena Bonham Carter do a musical. Ever. She ruined that movie for me with Tim Burton and Johnny Depp's help.

Updated On: 4/12/13 at 11:37 PM
