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What? No Macbeth Opening Night Review Thread? (SPOILERS)- Page 2

What? No Macbeth Opening Night Review Thread? (SPOILERS)

#25re: Can This Macbeth Be Saved? (MEGASPOILERS)
Posted: 6/16/06 at 10:31pm

I'm afraid throwing vegetables and so on from the "pit" is a rather ancient tradition of Shakespearean audiences who were less than pleased with the performances.

In fact, if an actor didn't duel well, an audience member could jump onstage and challenge them in swordplay for a little unrehearsed stage combat...

The Distinctive Baritone Profile Photo
The Distinctive Baritone
#26re: Can This Macbeth Be Saved? (MEGASPOILERS)
Posted: 6/16/06 at 11:56pm


I appreciate the thoroughness of your review, but as a suggestion, you might want to reign yourself in a little bit more next time. Reviews aren't the place for you to vent your hatred of someone's performance or someone's direction (as if you were, say, John Simon); it is your job to simply inform the reader of whether or not the production is worth seeing, and perhaps to spark a little bit of exploratory thought or discussion. Also, remember that MANY actors read this board, and you can be sure there's at least a 50% chance that Ehle will hear about what you wrote, if not read it herself. If you're going to trash an actor, fine, but please do it without falling into excess, and remember that even when an actor is really, really awful, it's possible to say that in a review without being mean.

#27re: Can This Macbeth Be Saved? (MEGASPOILERS)
Posted: 6/17/06 at 12:19am

"I appreciate the thoroughness of your review"


First off, this is not a review. You can only write a review after a piece opens. It's actually suggestions, like them or not, for what would better the play considering it hasn't opened yet. You can't expect people who have seen a show in previews not to talk about it.

I have looked it over again for meanness, The Distinctive Baritone. It's just sincere. Moises Kaufman's writing I like, by the way. His Gross Indecency was well written and well-directed.

There is no hatred in it, it's a heartsick disappointment because I love very well-done Shakespeare and perhaps have come to expect it. Especially after seeing the masterwork of Brian Bedford in his "All the world's a stage" part last summer which was worth a line to see.

It is only because I want these productions to be really worth seeing, for everyone, that I have written this in the first place.

But you can also see that others felt the same way about the performance, and as it hasn't opened yet, there is still time to change things.

There is more for me to lose from writing this than to gain, such as unhappy comments from yourself, whom I like and respect.

You know if my review makes her angry, and she uses that fire and submerges it into her performance, if she digs a little deeper, maybe she will become Lady M.

As it stands it only reminds of the disappointment I felt sitting through the performance of Andre Braugher as Henry V, wherein "our fellowship" became "our fellow ship." Updated On: 6/17/06 at 12:19 AM

The Distinctive Baritone Profile Photo
The Distinctive Baritone
#28re: Can This Macbeth Be Saved? (MEGASPOILERS)
Posted: 6/17/06 at 12:50am

Hey there. I don't mean to dump on you. I think that your review is thorough, generally well-written, and demonstrative of your passion for theater. All I'm saying is that even when tearing someone's performance apart in a public setting, it's important to remember that they never meant to suck that much re: Can This Macbeth Be Saved?  (MEGASPOILERS)

#29re: Can This Macbeth Be Saved? (MEGASPOILERS)
Posted: 6/17/06 at 1:36am

"Lame", "clueless", "Possibly if Ehle spent all of her days studying dutifully with a RADA/RSC actor coach"...

I'd say that's at least a tad mean, if not hateful. Not something you'd say to her face, surely.

Re. positivity, I was referring not just to melissa errico fan's comment, but other warm reactions we've found on blogs and such. Just letting people know that there are those out there that enjoyed Macbeth and recommend it.
JE blog

Visit the Jennifer Ehle fan blog, currently obsessively tracking The Coast of Utopia news: press, blog and forum reviews, interviews with cast and crew, photos, Tonys buzz, etc.

#30re: Can This Macbeth Be Saved? (MEGASPOILERS)
Posted: 6/17/06 at 1:42am

jennite, this is what I get when I look up your postings on this site.

re: Can This Macbeth Be Saved? (MEGASPOILERS) - jennite Jun 17, 01:36:16 AM
re: Can This Macbeth Be Saved? (MEGASPOILERS) - nomdeplume Jun 16, 03:38:25 PM
re: Can This Macbeth Be Saved? (MEGASPOILERS) - jennite Jun 16, 03:24:57 PM
Shakespeare in the Park Myspace group - jennite Jun 8, 11:43:41 AM
re: Recording Shakespeare in the Park - jennite Jun 6, 01:37:05 PM
Recording Shakespeare in the Park - jennite Jun 6, 01:14:50 PM
re: Jennifer Ehle update - jennite Jun 3, 01:43:37 AM
re: Jennifer Ehle update - jennite Jun 1, 12:24:42 PM
re: Jennifer Ehle update - jennite May 31, 02:13:14 PM
re: Jennifer Ehle update - jennite May 31, 01:48:33 PM
re: Jennifer Ehle update - jennite May 29, 06:21:40 PM
re: Jennifer Ehle update - jennite May 29, 04:14:33 PM
re: Jennifer Ehle update - jennite May 29, 09:25:23 AM
Why Musicals SHOULD be VIDEOTAPED - a year later - jennite May 28, 03:15:19 PM
re: Hunchback of Notre Dame movie/musical - jennite May 28, 01:19:20 PM
re: Jennifer Ehle update - jennite May 28, 01:16:22 PM
Jennifer Ehle update - jennite May 28, 12:07:04 PM
re: Jennifer Ehle is Lady Macbeth opposite Liev Schreiber this summer - jennite Mar 27, 12:45:11 AM
re: Jennifer Ehle is Lady Macbeth opposite Liev Schreiber this summer - jennite Mar 22, 01:32:42 AM
re: Fan interview with Jennifer Ehle published - jennite Nov 2, 08:46:56 PM
re: Fan interview with Jennifer Ehle published - jennite Oct 28, 01:00:19 PM

Are you Ehle or a shill for her? I don't recall you as a regular on here and I have been. I've done thoughts and review threads on many shows, some of them very favorable, even raves.

If you are Ehle, you better get to work, lady. You think this thread was unfavorable? Get your nose to the grindstone.

The Distinctive Baritone Profile Photo
The Distinctive Baritone
#31re: Can This Macbeth Be Saved? (MEGASPOILERS)
Posted: 6/17/06 at 3:02am

No, jennite isn't Ehle. Judging from her recent posts though, saying that she's a Jennifer Ehle "fan" would be a severe understatement.

#32re: Can This Macbeth Be Saved? (MEGASPOILERS)
Posted: 6/17/06 at 3:49am

Wow - this makes me somewhat sick. Such high hopes.

#33re: Can This Macbeth Be Saved? (MEGASPOILERS)
Posted: 6/17/06 at 7:55am

Yeah, I am a fan - as my name indicates! - and help run a blog about her, which I've linked here several times. Unofficial of course, she has no hand in this at all. I'm just a passerby at BWW and my interest purely related to JE, giving and finding news about her here. So yes, unashamedly biased.

Does this make me unreasonable? Although my instinct is to rush out, guns ablaze, and defend her honour, all I've done in this thread is to point to some alternative reactions for a bit of balance, and shown parts of your review that could be considered mean. That is not to say I think you intended to harm, but some of the language used was hurtful to say the least.

I don't doubt that you're an established member of this community, and I respect your right to dislike her performance. Indeed this review, painful as it is, is linked to on our blog.

Visit the Jennifer Ehle fan blog, currently obsessively tracking The Coast of Utopia news: press, blog and forum reviews, interviews with cast and crew, photos, Tonys buzz, etc.
Updated On: 6/17/06 at 07:55 AM

WickedGeek28 Profile Photo
#34re: Can This Macbeth Be Saved? (MEGASPOILERS)
Posted: 6/17/06 at 8:17am

Is there a website for this festival?

"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view - until you climb into his skin and walk around in it."
To Kill A Mockingbird

#35re: Can This Macbeth Be Saved? (MEGASPOILERS)
Posted: 6/17/06 at 8:22am

See below
Public Theater's Shakespeare in the Park

Visit the Jennifer Ehle fan blog, currently obsessively tracking The Coast of Utopia news: press, blog and forum reviews, interviews with cast and crew, photos, Tonys buzz, etc.

#36re: Can This Macbeth Be Saved? (MEGASPOILERS)
Posted: 6/17/06 at 10:58am

Since I'm a Liev fan I'm quite curious to see how things "pan out" with the production. I haven't tried to get tickets to Delacorte shows in years. Was it difficult to get tix? How early did you have to get there?

#37re: Can This Macbeth Be Saved? (MEGASPOILERS)
Posted: 6/17/06 at 12:10pm

I picked up my ticket at 6:45 PM but that was a day when rain was predicted, so don't go by that.

People show up at 8:00 or 9:00 AM and wait until 1:00 PM for ticket distribution. There's also a 6:30 PM line that forms a bit earlier for unwanted tickets that come in from other boroughs and locations.

Alix7272 Profile Photo
#38re: Can This Macbeth Be Saved? (MEGASPOILERS)
Posted: 6/17/06 at 1:20pm

Some thoughts, as Madam X's, to be taken with a grain of salt:

I saw last night's performance (through the standbye line). While there were aspects that I also didn't like, I really enjoyed watching the production. I was afraid that I was "Macbethed" out and would be bored, having read Macbeth two years ago in school, listened to an audio version, and seen parts of movies. Instead, I was newly engrossed in the story and was reminded that no matter how many times you've heard it before, Shakespeare's language is astonishing.

I was impressed by Liev Schreiber's performance. I was lucky enough to be in the front row and found that when with others, he was generally reserved in manner. But his facial expressions were great, especially when he smiled or smirked. There always seemed to be something behind it. I thought his crawling across the table


to attack "Banquo" during the party scene was fitting, as he fully freaked out and went crazy. It really emphasized how deranged he had become. It may have been over the top, but it wasn't distracting. In addition, it clearly reveiled to the people around him that he is unstable - no excuses. Therefore, their willingness to continue to be loyal now makes quite a statement.

The thing that bothered me most about this production were some of the lighting and sound effects. Sometimes (the scenes with the witches, the murders), they were justified, but at other times they were overdramatic and annoying. When Macbeth exited and a music cue was heard together with a lighting effect, it was like the show saying, "In case you didn't get it, something awful is about to happen." or "Just so you know, that speech was awfully foreboding." I thought the acting was dramatic enough that you didn't need it and the effects seemed to be from a bad movie. However, one effect I really enjoyed were the floating daggers.

No Child:
I Love You Because OCR:

#39re: Can This Macbeth Be Saved? (MEGASPOILERS)
Posted: 6/17/06 at 3:01pm

I can't wait to see this production. Jennifer had a great onstage rapport with Stephen Dillane in The Real Thing. I was not as pleased with her in Design For Living, but I think part of my displeasure probably goes towards the director (Joe Mantello).

From the comments, it sounds like there is little chemistry between her and Liev...?

Speaking of Macbeth, did anyone catch Stephen Dillane's one-man version of it in LA?

#40re: Can This Macbeth Be Saved? (MEGASPOILERS)
Posted: 6/17/06 at 3:11pm


What time did you get on the standby line and what time did you receive your ticket?

Alix7272 Profile Photo
#41re: Can This Macbeth Be Saved? (MEGASPOILERS)
Posted: 6/17/06 at 3:14pm

I got on line a little after 5:30 and was the 8th person on line. We got our tickets at 8.

No Child:
I Love You Because OCR:

#42re: Can This Macbeth Be Saved? (MEGASPOILERS)
Posted: 6/17/06 at 3:19pm

Thanks. I'm thinking of trying the standby line for tomorrow night, since work obligations permit me from lining up in the morning.

#43re: Can This Macbeth Be Saved? (MEGASPOILERS)
Posted: 6/17/06 at 3:19pm

I got there at 7:40 this morning and was almost as far back as other times I've gone at 9am. Not sure how many were in front of me. Maybe 125 or so. I'm sure some of those people didn't get the 2 tix they could have, but were just there for company. I was surprised to see so many in line so early in the first weekend.
I always go on Saturdays, when more people are likely to go, so I'd think you may not need to line up so early during the week.
By 9 or so like nomdeplume said.
I've only had to do the voucher line once.

I dread the lines for Mother Courage. With Streep in it, I imagine half the city will be out there on the first weekend at 6am, if not the night before.

I wish there was a Delacorte seating chart somewhere. I'd like to know if it's on the far side that someone mentioned weren't so hot. I have seat 118 in my row.

#44re: Can This Macbeth Be Saved? (MEGASPOILERS)
Posted: 6/17/06 at 4:03pm

I cannot find an online seating chart to the Delacorte Theater, and my old Applause book by Ruth Leon does not list it. The Public Theater (which runs the Shakespeare Festival) may list it on their website but it requires flash which I don't allow on my computer as it makes ads move around. That website is:

My seat was front row stage right (audience left) Section E, Row CC, Seat 504, by the stage right rubbish heap. The row behind me would have been A, then B, etc.

Hope that helps. Updated On: 6/17/06 at 04:03 PM

Alix7272 Profile Photo
#45re: Can This Macbeth Be Saved? (MEGASPOILERS)
Posted: 6/17/06 at 4:11pm

I was in section D, Row CC, Seat 104, and the "rubbish heap" didn't block my view at all so you should be fine.

No Child:
I Love You Because OCR:

#46re: Can This Macbeth Be Saved? (MEGASPOILERS)
Posted: 6/17/06 at 4:29pm

Thanks. re: Can This Macbeth Be Saved?  (MEGASPOILERS)
I did look on the Public's site and Googled for other places with charts to no avail.

I didn't even pay attention to my section. It's Sec C, Row C, 118. It's not a big deal and nothing I can do about it anyway. I've never had a seat problem before and never sat that close, so that should be interesting.

#47re: Can This Macbeth Be Saved? (MEGASPOILERS)
Posted: 6/17/06 at 4:48pm

Does anyone know if people stage door at the Delacorte? Do the actors come out to sign, or just leave?
I don't even know where the stage door is. Never thought about doing it before there.

#48re: Can This Macbeth Be Saved? (MEGASPOILERS)
Posted: 6/17/06 at 4:49pm

I really loved this show. Nothing about it seems in need of saving. It also seems unfair to post such a negative response after the very first preview when all the elements of the play are still coming together.

I don't like a big emotional screaming mess, I prefer my tragedians to crack heartbreakingly and more subtly, not be gushing down on the floor at the first opportunity and every one thereafter. In fact, I don't like them to gush at all. I like them to be trying to maintain face and hold it all together.

This makes it sound like he spent most of the play weeping openly after every other scene, which wasn’t the case at all. Macbeth kills the King and orders the murders of his close friends. A few scenes of emotional distress seem fitting. Do you skip productions of King Lear because he doesn’t hold it together towards the end?

Costumes are a total mishmash in the production, with various different style military jackets. The coronation scene for some odd reason gives Ehle a white bridal gown that seems absurd. Conjuring whom? Evita? Even, and it is horrid, the witches or Weird Sisters are wearing hideously unflattering ashy shroudish gray military uniforms.

They’re witches! It’s not like they have time to head down to Barney’s to find well-fitting matching outfits for their dates.

I liked Ehle's costumes as well. The coronation dress was white, but I didn't get an Evita vibe from it. It's possible that they just wanted to find a nice gown without alluding to anything.

All in all, I thought it was a pretty solid production.

#49re: Can This Macbeth Be Saved? (MEGASPOILERS)
Posted: 6/17/06 at 5:18pm

LionessInWinter - the "stage door" is Gate 1. In previous years, the actors all signed autographs, but I can't say about this show. It's hard to get to the actors, as they mix in with the exiting audience.
