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Sutton Foster/YF Stagedoor- Page 2

Sutton Foster/YF Stagedoor

bwaygal1 Profile Photo
#25re: Sutton Foster/YF Stagedoor
Posted: 10/31/07 at 10:14am

I had a nice encounter with her after YF. She was more than gracious to everyone outside the stage door. I've never been her biggest fan, but I think, given the mediocre material she had, she made the most of it. And, outside the stage door, she and Chris Fitzgerald were lovely. Very nice to everyone.

"A birdcage I plan to hang. I'll get to that someday. A birdcage for a bird who flew away...Around the world." "Life is a cabaret old chum, only a cabaret old chum, and I love a cabaret!"-RIP Natasha Richardson-I was honored to have witnessed her performance as Sally Bowles.

#26re: Sutton Foster/YF Stagedoor
Posted: 10/31/07 at 10:36am

I am only happy that Cheyenne, Kerry, Tony, Mary and Jackie are never too busy to pose for pictures. Mabye that's why I will have seen Xanadu 4 times before even thinking about seeing YF.

Well that makes sense. Please, see a show because the actors will take pictures. Obviously, you will need one with them every time you go to the show. Great reason to put off seeing a show.

"This table, he is over one hundred years old. If I could, I would take an old gramophone needle and run it along the surface of the wood. To hear the music of the voices. All that was said." - Doug Wright, I Am My Own Wife

#27re: Sutton Foster/YF Stagedoor
Posted: 10/31/07 at 11:51am

Instead of bothering people at the stage door, why don't you all go do some volunteer work in the local soup kitchen or go rock crack babies at Bellevue. You'll be far more fulfilled than you would be waiting for these "stars" to shine on you.

DrowsyBoy1011 Profile Photo
#28re: Sutton Foster/YF Stagedoor
Posted: 10/31/07 at 8:05pm

well I saw "Young Frankenstein" on October 12th and Sutton came out and was ridiculously kind to everyone. She signed "Thoroughly Modern Millie" posters, "Young Frankenstein" playbills, etc.. She talked to everyone and was just really appreciative. I had met her at the "Thoroughly Modern Millie" CD Signing in 2002 at the Virgin Megastore and she was nice then too. I never got to see her after "Drowsy Chaperone" though, so I don't know what that experience was like, but I know that one night when "Little Women" was still open there was a huge crowd and she came out then because I was waiting at "Hairspray!" and when everyone screamed I looked over, saw it was her and ran across the street, lol. I can't help it I love her... but, yeah, she was really sweet to me at "Young Frankenstein" too. I was kind of a dork because I was super excited that she was standing in front of me, I don't even really remember what I said, except I'm pretty sure I said "you're my favorite" more than twice, lol. Hopefully, she'll come out on December 15th after the matinee too... I'm crossing my fingers.

GlindatheGood22  Profile Photo
#29re: Sutton Foster/YF Stagedoor
Posted: 10/31/07 at 10:22pm

I met her a couple of years ago when she was in Little Women. I remember her as kind of...pushy. Anyway. I'm seeing Mary Poppins on Friday. Maybe I'll run across the street and give her a chance to redeem herself.

I know you. I know you. I know you.

onbroadwaynow Profile Photo
#30re: Sutton Foster/YF Stagedoor
Posted: 10/31/07 at 10:42pm

With my experiences with Sutton I find that once you find her she is more than happy to sign things for you and take pictures. However, the finding her can sometimes be a little challenging. I only got to meet her before Drowsy one day because the guard at the door told me he would make sure we could borrow her for a few minutes when she came in. And i know she has physical therapy between performances sometimes, so she usually doesnt come out after matinees.

as for megan, that is a little disappointing that she doesnt take pictures but at least she signs things and seems to be nice about it. and honestly you cant get mad if they are nice about it.

chinkie azn jai Profile Photo
chinkie azn jai
#31re: Sutton Foster/YF Stagedoor
Posted: 10/31/07 at 11:02pm

I recall hearing that Sutton does not do the Stage Door thing regularly because she has/had a stalker. However, I don't know if there is any truth in that.

"Chicago is it's own incredible theater town right there smack down in the middle of the heartland. What a great city! I can see why Oprah likes to live there!" - Dee Hoty :-D

emo_geek Profile Photo
#32re: Sutton Foster/YF Stagedoor
Posted: 11/1/07 at 5:14am friend really wants to meet megan. I guess it is up to me now to find a way backstage...oh what I do for friends...

"I never had theatre producers run after me. Some people want to make more Broadway shows out of movies. But Elliot and I aren't going to do Batman: The Musical." - Julie Taymor 1999

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#33re: Sutton Foster/YF Stagedoor
Posted: 11/1/07 at 6:25am

If Sutton's problem was a stalker, then why does everyone publically advertise stagedooring before the show to meet her? If that were the issue, she would take even more precautions before the show- when she's alone instead of surrounded by other actors and fans with theatre security a few feet away. And apparently, her stalker, physical therapy, dog and husband all prevent her from coming out the stagedoor after the show and signing autographs, but none of these are an issue only 2-3 hours previous. I don't see why fans can't just admit she doesn't want to stagedoor instead of making up more and more outlandish excuses for her behavior.

emo_geek, everyone has said Megan regularly comes out the stagedoor after the show, so if he just wants to meet her, there's no need for special arrangements.

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how

LiTtLeDaNcEr729 Profile Photo
#34re: Sutton Foster/YF Stagedoor
Posted: 11/1/07 at 8:19am


She doesn't need an "excuse" for not coming out. If she doesn't want to come out the stage door- she doesn't have to.
I think its pretty apparent that when she DOES come out- she is very nice and more than happy to sign things for you. I have had only positive experiences with Sutton- having spoken with her many times after Thoroughly Modern Millie, Little Women, and Drowsy Chaperone.

I believe you are the person who said she has changed for the worst? ...why? Because she doesn't always come out of the stage door? Because she might be tired after performing? Because she has a life? There is no rule in theatre that says you have to leave through the stage door and meet all of the people there. Personally, I think its better for her to leave another way than to come out the stage door tired, wanting to go home, and perhaps treating her fans in a mediocre fashion.

Sutton is an incredibly kind person, but she doesn't always have to come out of the stage door and greet people. Its her decision. She doesn't need an excuse not to. I think your decision that she has changed for the worst based on the fact that she doesn't always come out anymore is pretty unwarranted.

Just my two cents on the matter.
Updated On: 11/1/07 at 08:19 AM

AudreyTwoTwo Profile Photo
#35re: Sutton Foster/YF Stagedoor
Posted: 11/1/07 at 9:01am

Actually, when I went to Drowsy the first time Sutton came out. The second time she didn't. Or, she did, just not at the stage door. Some kid managed to get her when he was standing over by one of the doors and he ran back telling us she was gone.

I'm happy to hear about Megan Mullally signing autographs. :)

The Best of Times is Now!
Updated On: 11/1/07 at 09:01 AM

dancingthrulife04 Profile Photo
#36re: Sutton Foster/YF Stagedoor
Posted: 11/1/07 at 9:30am

She doesn't need an "excuse" for not coming out.

I think that was the point. Everyone has 743897 excuses for why she doesn't come out, instead of just admitting that she doesn't so stagedoor.

I met her after Little Women and she was very sweet. (Please click and help me win!) I chose, and my world was shaken- So what?
The choice may have been mistaken, The choosing was not...
"Every day has the potential to be the greatest day of your life." - Lin-Manuel Miranda
"And when Idina Menzel is singing, I'm always slightly worried that her teeth are going to jump out of her mouth and chase me." - Schmerg_the_Impaler

#37re: Sutton Foster/YF Stagedoor
Posted: 11/1/07 at 12:18pm

If she didn't want to stage door, then why does she come in through the stagedoor? Why not enter through the secret door through which she leaves the theater?

#38re: Sutton Foster/YF Stagedoor
Posted: 11/1/07 at 1:24pm

Threads like this really drive me nuts. Stagedooring is not a part of any performer's contract. Just becuase fans feel entitled to meet their favorite stars and get photos and autographs does not mean that a star is a terrible person if she chooses not to cater to these demands.

bigbigbill Profile Photo
#39re: Sutton Foster/YF Stagedoor
Posted: 11/1/07 at 1:55pm

What time does she usually head in before the show? When's a good time to go before the show to catch her?

PlayhouseBeauty Profile Photo
#40re: Sutton Foster/YF Stagedoor
Posted: 11/1/07 at 2:23pm

I definately agree with you mauriposa...They dont have to come out and stand there for an hour talking to people...Yea it would be nice to meet them but oh well atleast you got to see them in the show, which is what you paid for...I really dislike the fact that people think they are entitled to an autograph, picture, and a chit chat with the stars of the show just because they paid money to see the show...From what I have heard Sutton is such a sweetheart, I have never met her but my cousin works on the drowsy chaperone and had nothing but sweet things to say about lets please stop picking on her!! :)

#41re: Sutton Foster/YF Stagedoor
Posted: 11/1/07 at 2:36pm

Her Drowsy castmates told me she comes an hour and a half before show time. Not on the dot, but sometime between an hour and an hour and a half before.

WestVillage Profile Photo
#42re: Sutton Foster/YF Stagedoor
Posted: 11/1/07 at 4:03pm

"This situatuion, along with what I have heard about the show itself are why I am NOT seeing it anytime soon.

I am only happy that Cheyenne, Kerry, Tony, Mary and Jackie are never too busy to pose for pictures. Mabye that's why I will have seen Xanadu 4 times before even thinking about seeing YF."

Do you have any idea what an a##hole you sound like?
I can only hope you're about 12 years old; that would be the only excuse for saying those stupid comments. Wow, you have a picture of Mary Testa ... big fuc**ng deal. That and a buck will get you a cup of coffee. Get a life ... do something worthwhile with your time istead of annoying actors at the stage door (who honestly don't give a rat's ass about you, no matter how nice they may seem), and then refusing to see their shows if they don't pose or sign for you. What a loser.

And to whoevever made the stupid comment about why does Sutton enter through the stagedoor if she doesn't do the stagedoor thing ... why should anyone have to go thru "secret" entrances to get to work? You hound these people like they owe you something (which they don't), then you get pissed off when they ignore you, and expect them to change their entire routine just so YOU won't be shunned. You people with this attitude of entitlement are absolutely pathetic.

#43re: Sutton Foster/YF Stagedoor
Posted: 11/1/07 at 5:18pm

Right on, west Village!

#44re: Sutton Foster/YF Stagedoor
Posted: 11/1/07 at 6:30pm

West Village, you put it rudely but well. Get a life you theatre lovers who are so obsessed with stagedooring, and "who you get stuff back from", etc. I always hope these posters are teenagers, otherwise...they're more than a little pathetic.

WickedForever2 Profile Photo
#45re: Sutton Foster/YF Stagedoor
Posted: 11/1/07 at 6:40pm

Sutton usually signed in Seattle and Megan only did pictures early in the run. Of the two, Megan has BY FAR more attitude than Sutton. Megan struck me as very diva-ish while Sutton was so appreciative of the people who were there to meet her. Megan would kinda rush through the line then jump in her car to be driven a block to the hotel... Roger and Sutton on the other hand, just walked. I really get the feeling from Sutton that's she kinda uncomfortable at the stage door. Apparently one night some girl told Sutton she had a signed picture of her above her bed and Sutton was like, "haha, that's creepy." With weirdos like that out there, I can't blame her.

emo_geek Profile Photo
#46re: Sutton Foster/YF Stagedoor
Posted: 11/1/07 at 8:21pm

I know megan comes out...but my friend really wants a picture with I am going to try to find a way to make that happen. My friend has done too much for me for me to not try.

"I never had theatre producers run after me. Some people want to make more Broadway shows out of movies. But Elliot and I aren't going to do Batman: The Musical." - Julie Taymor 1999

BobbyBubby Profile Photo
#47re: Sutton Foster/YF Stagedoor
Posted: 11/1/07 at 8:25pm

She doesn't owe you anything other than a great performance, which she's giving.

Stage door encounters seem to be the reason half this board goes to theatre. Ugh.

emo_geek Profile Photo
#48re: Sutton Foster/YF Stagedoor
Posted: 11/1/07 at 8:43pm

I am excited for her performance. I saw her in concert in Orange County and she has the most amazing voice I have ever heard. It is so strong...she seems like she can sing ANYTHING. I was blown away.

"I never had theatre producers run after me. Some people want to make more Broadway shows out of movies. But Elliot and I aren't going to do Batman: The Musical." - Julie Taymor 1999

kyle. Profile Photo
#49re: Sutton Foster/YF Stagedoor
Posted: 11/1/07 at 9:10pm

All 3 of Megan's CDs with The Supreme Music Program are incredible.
Especially the first.

If you do not get a picture or an autograph with a performer you adore - be glad you got to see them live in the show at all. Many people in America, London, and beyond would KILL to see them in a Broadway show.

Imagine if you had to go into work 8 times a week, and after each work day there was a line of people wanting your signature, a picture with you, and a conversation with you. After a while it would get old and you too would exit through another door on some days. STOP MAKING PEOPLE WHO DO NOT STAGE DOOR EVERYDAY INTO HORRIBLE PEOPLE. You have NO idea what these people are like in their everyday lives.
