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Sutton Foster/YF Stagedoor

#1Sutton Foster/YF Stagedoor
Posted: 10/30/07 at 5:50pm

Does Sutton Foster consistently come out the Young Frankenstein stagedoor?

Thank you!

Yes, I did a search. I found one anecdote about her at the stagedoor but was wondering if this is a regular thing for her.

jaystarr Profile Photo
#2re: Sutton Foster/YF Stagedoor
Posted: 10/30/07 at 5:50pm

No. She did not come out when I saw YF on 10/20.


#2re: Sutton Foster/YF Stagedoor
Posted: 10/30/07 at 5:53pm

Ugh, seriously? She probably only stuck around the days BART did. re: Sutton Foster/YF Stagedoor

jaystarr Profile Photo
#3re: Sutton Foster/YF Stagedoor
Posted: 10/30/07 at 6:00pm

Check this thread : scroll down ....
My 10/10 Report on Young Frankenstein (with Stage Door pics)

I saw it on a Saturday Evening .. I dont know where she came out ? Lobby perhaps ? We hung around till almost 11:30 pm...We saw everyone except Sutton re: Sutton Foster/YF Stagedoor


Updated On: 10/30/07 at 06:00 PM

Glory Profile Photo
#4re: Sutton Foster/YF Stagedoor
Posted: 10/30/07 at 6:00pm

she NEVER came out for Drowsy and that stage door wasn't that crowded. I doubt she comes out of the YF stage door.

#5re: Sutton Foster/YF Stagedoor
Posted: 10/30/07 at 6:03pm

I dont know where she came out ? Lobby perhaps ?

A side exit, I guess.

Megan can come out but Sutton just can't. Okay.

she NEVER came out for Drowsy and that stage door wasn't that crowded.

Yeah, I know. That's why I was asking. She apparently told fellow cast members at Drowsy that she didn't do the stagedoor thing because she "got swamped." Okay. Sure.

#6re: Sutton Foster/YF Stagedoor
Posted: 10/30/07 at 6:10pm

I got to meet her at the 1st preview, Oct 11. She came out about the same time as Megan Mullaly, a bit late because there was a little party for the crew going on. It was a rainy night, but there was still a good sized crowd hanging around. It seemed to me that most were there for Sutton, and she was quite gracious as usual.
Does she come out consistently? I can't answer that except that I followed my old policy with The Drowsy Chaperone-I got to meet her there after the 1st preview too, and then no luck the next 2 times.

#7re: Sutton Foster/YF Stagedoor
Posted: 10/30/07 at 6:12pm

Just catch her before the show if you want her that badly.

#8re: Sutton Foster/YF Stagedoor
Posted: 10/30/07 at 7:29pm

I was just inquiring as to whether her little attitude had changed since Drowsy, considering the fame of her co-stars, in hopes that I wouldn't have to resort to that.

#9re: Sutton Foster/YF Stagedoor
Posted: 10/30/07 at 8:40pm

Ooooooooo, "little attitude" that sounds like a good story. Do explain!

#10re: Sutton Foster/YF Stagedoor
Posted: 10/30/07 at 8:45pm

I know of no attitude. She's a talented performer and a nice, pleasant human being.

She just doesn't always sign autographs.

#11re: Sutton Foster/YF Stagedoor
Posted: 10/30/07 at 8:51pm

Her attitude (synonymous with stance) about stagedooring.

Although she's apparently less than nice when stopped before the show, as she should be. So, I hoped her ego had been reduced to the point where she could greet the peons at the stagedoor after the show at times. Updated On: 10/30/07 at 08:51 PM

Amneris Profile Photo
#12re: Sutton Foster/YF Stagedoor
Posted: 10/30/07 at 8:54pm

she came out last night and was so wonderful to the fans. she signed and took pics. Megan came out and was very nice. There was one poor girl who was so polite and wanted a picture with megan more than anything and megan said she doesnt do that.

#13re: Sutton Foster/YF Stagedoor
Posted: 10/30/07 at 8:55pm

Nice to hear.

pc1145N2 Profile Photo
#14re: Sutton Foster/YF Stagedoor
Posted: 10/30/07 at 8:55pm

I've met Sutton at the stage door prior to Drowsy several times and she's been nice and pleasant each time. She signed autographs and posed for pictures and even showed off her dog Linus.

She is leagues more friendly and approachable then many other Broadway people that I will not name.

IdinaBellFoster Profile Photo
#15re: Sutton Foster/YF Stagedoor
Posted: 10/30/07 at 9:26pm

If you Stage Door before the show, Sutton will be happy to sign and take pictures.

"Oh look at the time, three more intelligent plays just closed and THE ADDAMS FAMILY made another million dollars" -Jackie Hoffman, Audience Awards

mywonderwa11 Profile Photo
#16re: Sutton Foster/YF Stagedoor
Posted: 10/30/07 at 10:12pm

If Megan supposedly doesn't take pictures with fans at the stage door then why have several fans posted their pictures with her on this message board? I'm sure she just...wasn't in the mood that night?

The only time I've ever gotten to meet Sutton at the stage door was after Thoroughly Modern Millie, but at that time she was new to the whole thing. She was very gracious and VERY sweet.

"Somethin's comin', I don't know what it is but it is gonna be great!"

iluvcioffiiluvtea Profile Photo
#17re: Sutton Foster/YF Stagedoor
Posted: 10/30/07 at 10:23pm

When I went to see Millie, Sutton never came out at the stage door. I was very sad that I never got to meet her, but now I'm hoping that someday I will.

R.I.P. Laurann 1987-2005

#18re: Sutton Foster/YF Stagedoor
Posted: 10/30/07 at 10:31pm

The accounts of Mullally taking photos was in Seattle. The stage door scene in New York takes an incredibly long time to get through, as they have barricades set up all the way down to the Carter Hotel.

Amneris Profile Photo
#19re: Sutton Foster/YF Stagedoor
Posted: 10/30/07 at 10:45pm

yeah she hasn't done any photos in NY yet I dont think. It's understandable I suppose but, this one girl was crushed last night. I think Megan felt bad having to say no. But, there were only about 20 people at most at the SD last night.

#20re: Sutton Foster/YF Stagedoor
Posted: 10/31/07 at 5:52am

I popped by the Hilton after the first preview (Ironically after seeing Hunter in the second preview of Frankenstein). I got a picture with Sutton, and she was very nice.

Megan did several pictures after the first preview, but stopped just before I got to her. From what I have read here, she hasn't done any since.

For her to say she dosen't do that is ridiculous. She did it all through tryouts in Seattle, and could if she wanted to on Broadway. It wouldn't kill her, but it's her choice.

This situatuion, along with what I have heard about the show itself are why I am NOT seeing it anytime soon.

I am only happy that Cheyenne, Kerry, Tony, Mary and Jackie are never too busy to pose for pictures. Mabye that's why I will have seen Xanadu 4 times before even thinking about seeing YF.

Drench yourself in words unspoken. Live your life with arms wide open. Today is where your book begins. The rest is still unwritten. "Unwritten" Natasha Bedingfield

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#21re: Sutton Foster/YF Stagedoor
Posted: 10/31/07 at 7:41am

For god's sake, she won a Tony for a mediocre show in a non-competitive year and people act like this makes her worthy of diva-esque treatment (even moreso than her more famous and successful costar). With Drowsy, her fans excused her behavior because she had a new puppy and wanted to spend time with her husband. A year later, her dog should be trained and her husband, well...spending the 10 extra minutes a day with him didn't help.

Considering she used to be hailed for her treatment of her fans, I have to wonder why people are so reluctant to admit she's quite obviously changed for the worse.

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how
Updated On: 10/31/07 at 07:41 AM

Amneris Profile Photo
#22re: Sutton Foster/YF Stagedoor
Posted: 10/31/07 at 10:07am

I have yet to see sutton be nasty to anybody. she was so amazing the other night to fans.

#23re: Sutton Foster/YF Stagedoor
Posted: 10/31/07 at 10:11am

Apparently that doesn't matter. All that matters is that she comes out of the stage door and sign for every single person waiting for her, extra points if she takes pictures too. That's the only way she could prove how great a robot, sorry, person she is.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#24re: Sutton Foster/YF Stagedoor
Posted: 10/31/07 at 10:14am

This situatuion [sic], along with what I have heard about the show itself are why I am NOT seeing it anytime soon.

I like how the show itself is second to how the actors behave at the stage door in terms of where you base your decision to see the show. Seriously, appalling logic for a theater fan. If you're really going to let whether or not you can get attention from the actors at the stage door determine what you see, honestly, why bother at all?

A work of art is an invitation to love.
Updated On: 10/31/07 at 10:14 AM
