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Speed-the-Plow excitement thread...- Page 4

Speed-the-Plow excitement thread...

#75re: Speed-the-Plow excitement thread...
Posted: 10/3/08 at 12:37pm

Hmm, I may drop in on it this weekend. If excitement gets the better of me. Awesome that they are having rush.

"What a mystery this world. One day you love them and the next day you want to kill them a thousand times over." The Masked Bandit in THE FALL

#76re: Speed-the-Plow excitement thread...
Posted: 10/3/08 at 1:09pm

Got this email this morning:

Here's a contest to win free tix to SPEED THE PLOW from Modern Tonic. You have to join their site to enter, but it's free, and they're an awesome site for entertainment, culture, and out-on-the-town news.

#77re: Speed-the-Plow excitement thread...
Posted: 10/3/08 at 5:48pm

I hate to ask this, but do you think Jeremy Piven will sign after? (Asking on behalf of friends!)

#78re: Speed-the-Plow excitement thread...
Posted: 10/6/08 at 10:05am

I admit, I definitely have a love/hate relationship with Mamet plays, and this is definitely one of the "loves"...I also think that it is (as somebody said earlier) WAY funnier on stage than it is on paper.

Raul might want to tone it down a bit, but I think he's proving, once again, that he can do absolutely ANYTHING. He is definitely the best stage actor out of the three (not surprisingly) and I don't think he needs to try so hard...he is brilliant as he is.

I was very pleasantly surprised by Elisabeth...I think she gives a refreshing and believable performance, and I have never seen Jeremy do anything besides the movie Serendipity (yes, I understand how weird that sounds...), but I enjoyed him as well...I brought a few friends who are huge Entourage fans, and they were just so thrilled to see him on stage that I doubt their opinions are unbiased!

And the set is awesome! There was one scene when I had to squint since it was so incredibly BRIGHT, but hopefully things like that can be ironed out.

Anyway...great performance for a first preview, and I'm sure it will only get better.

April Saul
#79re: Speed-the-Plow excitement thread...
Posted: 10/6/08 at 10:41am

Hey, I saw it last night and thought it was in pretty good shape...My seat was in the third row center--amazing--and it cost just $25, because I had decided to pay $50 this year to belong to the Atlantic Theater Company. For anyone who is considering paying full-price or even a discounted price for this show, you really might want to consider joining Atlantic: they're also doing Farragut North with Johnny Gallagher, a Martin McDonough play that is supposed to be great, a new Ethan Coen play, and even had David Pittu in Jacob Sterling, which was an absolute gem. I'd never seen Speed-the-Plow and of course, it's typical, cynical Mamet. Piven is a natural in a part very much like Ari Gold, Esparza said afterward that his part, with all that rapid-fire dialogue, is not unlike singing in a way...and Elisabeth Moss was just fine. All were friendly and ready to be photographed and autograph playbills at the stage door last night--even Piven who had his mom with him--though they took quite a while to come out. William Macy and Felicity Huffman were in attendance and smiled and waved to us as well. Solid and enjoyable, and I swear I am not a shill but I sure am I glad I joined Atlantic!

ken8631 Profile Photo
#82re: Speed-the-Plow excitement thread...
Posted: 10/6/08 at 3:16pm

Are front row seats too close? Stage high? Will neck get sore?

Wife needs to know....

Hest882 Profile Photo
#83re: Speed-the-Plow excitement thread...
Posted: 10/6/08 at 3:43pm

Ken, I sat in row BB (2nd row from the front) and I'd say if you're of average height the stage is about 2 inches from the top of your head. Personally I'd find that a bit uncomfortable, but since the set is rather shallow and most of the action is near to the front of the stage it's not as much of a hardship as with other productions.

ken8631 Profile Photo
#84re: Speed-the-Plow excitement thread...
Posted: 10/7/08 at 8:52am

Two inches from the top of my head? That's pretty high! Sounds like a sore neck if sitting in first row. Wife likes to be close to see Raul's expressions though.....

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#85re: Speed-the-Plow excitement thread...
Posted: 10/7/08 at 8:53am

So maybe I'm not crazy and it actually is higher now. re: Speed-the-Plow excitement thread...

A work of art is an invitation to love.

ken8631 Profile Photo
#86re: Speed-the-Plow excitement thread...
Posted: 10/7/08 at 9:55am

Being about 5'8" it sounds like first and maybe even second row may be tough. Anyone else sit up there?


#87re: Speed-the-Plow excitement thread...
Posted: 10/7/08 at 1:52pm

"Wife likes to be close to see Raul's expressions though..."

Haha...who doesn't?!

When he says, "IS SHE A WITCH?" and makes his big hilarious.

Hest882 Profile Photo
#88re: Speed-the-Plow excitement thread...
Posted: 10/7/08 at 2:52pm

Ken, I'm only 5'3" and BB wasn't all that uncomfortable really, though a few rows back would have been better. AA would have been way too close, though, even though it's only one row's difference.

nicole neumann2 Profile Photo
nicole neumann2
#89re: Speed-the-Plow excitement thread...
Posted: 10/7/08 at 4:30pm

i have a question to ask. my aunt wants to get raul's Autograhph for me. i live in Florida and she lives in Nyc. do they do mattintes and evenings? or just evenings??? jas him came out in the last cuple days????? i just want to let my aunt know.......thanks..........Nicole

please write back!!!!!!!!

#90re: Speed-the-Plow excitement thread...
Posted: 10/7/08 at 11:27pm

I saw the show tonight!!!! I have to say that my main reason for going was to see Raul, but I really liked Elizabeth's performance. Jeremy Piven was good, but doesnt seem 100% ready quite yet. Its still in previews, though, so I am thinking that by the opening show he will have his role down pat.
On that note- this show is totally worth seeing. From the begining the witty banter draws you in. It's a clever and catchy script.

And as a total Raul Esparza fangirl- the scenes he dominates are truly dynamic. I was not let down.

I'd rather be reckless than rockless.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#92re: Speed-the-Plow excitement thread...
Posted: 10/20/08 at 1:21pm

Love the pictures! Can't wait to see more.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

#93re: Speed-the-Plow excitement thread...
Posted: 10/22/08 at 2:28pm

What AWESOME photos!

I swear, Raul Esparza can say more with one facial expression than most actors can say with an entire play...

BustopherPhantom Profile Photo
#94re: Speed-the-Plow excitement thread...
Posted: 10/22/08 at 3:11pm

re: Speed-the-Plow excitement thread...

Well. What can you say? Raul is the ----ing man.

"Y'know, I think Bertolt Brecht was rolling in his grave."
-Nellie McKay on the 2006 Broadway production of The Threepenny Opera, in which she played Polly Peachum

#95re: Speed-the-Plow excitement thread...
Posted: 10/22/08 at 3:17pm

Yes, Raul is quite the uh...scene dominator.

"What a mystery this world. One day you love them and the next day you want to kill them a thousand times over." The Masked Bandit in THE FALL

Hest882 Profile Photo
#96re: Speed-the-Plow excitement thread...
Posted: 10/22/08 at 5:07pm

Oooo, great pictures! I'm glad to see they've updated Raul's suits. The ones I saw in an early preview were horrible, 80s-looking suits.

Kad Profile Photo
#97re: Speed-the-Plow excitement thread...
Posted: 10/22/08 at 6:18pm

...well, it is set in 80s.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

#98re: Speed-the-Plow excitement thread...
Posted: 10/23/08 at 3:19pm

I think Cindy Adams liked the show re: Speed-the-Plow excitement thread...

"I'm going to mention it again. I fell madly in love with Jeremy Piven. And Raul Esparza and Elisabeth Moss and "Speed-the-Plow." It's there until February. Speed yourself over to see it."

#99re: Speed-the-Plow excitement thread...
Posted: 10/24/08 at 4:49pm

THRILLED the show got such great reviews. Kinda surprised since it doesn't seem like the critics have been raving about too much thrilled thrilled.
