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Signature's Chess

#50Signature's Chess
Posted: 8/19/10 at 8:43pm

Chess is a piece of crap and Signature should not be doing it. This is one of the reasons I won't subscribe anymore.

wonderwaiter Profile Photo
#51Signature's Chess
Posted: 8/19/10 at 8:48pm

"Chess is a piece of crap and Signature should not be doing it. This is one of the reasons I won't subscribe anymore. "

And no one grew into anything new, we just became the worst of what we were."
Updated On: 8/19/10 at 08:48 PM

philly03 Profile Photo
#52Signature's Chess
Posted: 8/19/10 at 9:52pm

As a big fan of Paice, I was curious how Jill Paice would sound with this score... which, I'm with newintown, I'd hardly call this one of the "greatest scores." Some of the greatest songs written for the theatre? Absolutely ("Anthem," "Nobody's Side," "I Know Him So Well," and a few others)... but the rest of the score tends to be nothing extraordinary. I'm still in the never will be salvaged group though because of the book...

pdjennings Profile Photo
#53Signature's Chess
Posted: 8/23/10 at 12:36pm

Finally -- a few moments to sit and type this up.

I saw Chess at the Signature on Friday night ... and, to borrow the vernacular of the internetz, I just have to say - OMFG!!!

I've seen a lot of shows at the Signature, but I honestly think this might well be the best thing they've ever done -- including that kick-ass Les Mis they did a couple years ago.

Yes, this is definitely a modified take on the Broadway version and I was rather bummed hearing that before I saw it, having fallen in love with the fully fleshed out RAH version. I shouldn't have been worried -- this show was so excellent!

(Spoilers ahead for those who don't want to know anything beforehand. Also -- my only experience with the show before now were the London, Broadway, and RAH recordings ... I've never seen it before, so if I get anything wrong -- forgive me.)

The prologue is 1956 Budapest, with huddling refugees in a church. Gregor singing a lullaby to young Florence before becoming separated in the panic ... followed by a blinding white burst of an explosion.

Cut to a dark stage and a video clip of Ronald Reagan on the video screens along the top of the back wall ... delivering part of his "Evil Empire" speech. Very cool, almost creepy, opening.

The song-list is just as thesixtyfirstpupil reported ... (the 2nd act IS eight weeks later, not months)

Walter is around from the beginning -- seeming more like Freddie's agent than anything ... it's never really stated if he's CIA, etc, but it's certainly implied that he's more than just a publicist.

Other reviews have criticized the choreography -- but I found it truly excellent. It's not over-the-top and it's used very minimally in a handful of scenes.

Performances -- across the board -- EXCELLENT. The three leads are stellar.... Kushnier sounds nearly identical to Pascal, but much more controlled.... Morton's Russian accent gets in the way of his singing at times, but it didn't detract from his power .... and Jill Paice - holy cow - she OWNS this role. I swear her "Nobody's Side" got a full 30 seconds of applause!

"Endgame" = AMAZING.

The final outcome was, indeed, more upbeat than I was expecting ... but I loved it. Paice is in tears during her emotional final scenes.... I can't imagine having to do that every night!! She was absolutely fantastic!

Our audience was on its feet before the leads made it back out on stage.

There was a surprising full cast reprise of "Nobody's Side" after the company bow -- which totally sends the audience out on a high note.

The set is understated and flashy all-at-once. Other than a few different chess tables, telephones, and benches -- there's not much there. One spiral stairway up front on the right ... another set of stairs on stage leading up to a balcony-walkway along the back wall. The video screens are along this walkway -- but do move up and down the entire wall at times.

The screens are used VERY well, I think. They present the time & place cards, flags, photos, neon signs, stained glass windows, setting backgrounds, and even show the Arbiter giving match updates throughout the second act.

The lighting is terrific ... there are these great light panels in the set ... not really neon, but very cool!

The orchestra is on the second level behind this textured plastic paneling ... other translucent panels are used along the back wall at times to create silhouettes.

Sure, it's missing some of my favorite pieces, There's no "Merano," of course, because it's never set there. No "Commie Newspapers," "Press Conference," "Merchandisers," or "Embassy Lament" ... (and no "Story of Chess," which is fine by me!) .... but everything major is there -- and the experience MORE than made up for those minor disappointments.

I was, literally, front row/center ... and I had no problems with the sound or any of the other complaints I've seen in previous reviews.

I fully intend to see this production again before the end of the run -- (I might opt for Dress Circle next time ... just to get that perspective) -- I can't wait!

Ok … that’s about all I can think of to report. Suffice to say, I cannot recommend this show highly enough.

Updated On: 8/23/10 at 12:36 PM

mallardo Profile Photo
#54Signature's Chess
Posted: 8/23/10 at 1:26pm

Great informative review, thanks. I just saw a production of Chess at the MET Theatre in LA - it's been a big hit for them - which basically used the London Concert version of the script. I would have preferred what you described in Washington.

And I love the idea of reprising Nobody's Side for the cast bow.

Faced with these Loreleis, what man can moralize!

#55Signature's Chess
Posted: 8/23/10 at 1:52pm

It's a tuneful batch of songs, but one of the greatest? I think that's a bit hyperbolic - you're certainly entitled to an opinion, but isn't that like saying Air Supply is one of the greatest music making groups in history?"

A shining beacon of positivity you are, newintown.

Butters, go buy World of Warcraft, install it on your computer, and join the online sensation before we all murder you. --Cartman: South Park ATTENTION FANS: I will be played by James Barbour in the upcoming musical, "BroadwayWorld: The Musical."

#56Signature's Chess
Posted: 8/23/10 at 8:09pm

What's the running time? Updated On: 8/23/10 at 08:09 PM

wickedfan11 Profile Photo
#57Signature's Chess
Posted: 8/23/10 at 8:18pm

I'm thinking about going to see Chess after hearing all of the positive comments. How are the rush tickets and how early do you need to get there?

#58Signature's Chess
Posted: 8/23/10 at 9:11pm

I saw Chess on Sunday with a rush ticket. Rush tickets are $30. If any are available, Signature sells them starting an hour before the performance. Basically, it's whatever seats are left at that point. I ended up about 3 rows from the top, on the right aisle. It's a small theatre, so there really aren't any bad seats IMO. There were a few emtpy seats that I could see.
I really enjoyed the show, even though it was so different from the RAH version, which had been the only version I'd seen/heard before Sunday. I had seen Jill Paice once before, in the Little Night Music benefit concert for Roundabout. She was excellent in Chess.

#59Signature's Chess
Posted: 8/23/10 at 11:57pm

I haven't seen any production of Chess except this one (saw it last Friday) and I am satisfied with what I watched. Finally a storyline to the wonderful songs I have enjoyed through the years. I just ordered the DVD of the RAH performance and I hope it would enjoy it too. Jill was amazing! (Although she made a little lyrical mistake in Someone Else's Story). Jeremy sounds a lot like Adam Pascal when he sings. Signature's Chess Euan is a good enough Anatoly (his Anthem was good).

newintown Profile Photo
#60Signature's Chess
Posted: 8/24/10 at 9:21am

Oh, sweet little Mattbrain... You say "A shining beacon of positivity you are, newintown."

Must we all be Pollyannas? Must we only say sweet, nice things? Must we all pretend the world is puppies, kittens, ponies, and lollypops?

Chess has its moments. But, as a whole, its a mediocrity. That's why it has no great support, commercial or critical.

This is not, I repeat not, and insult to the show's fans. If you feel disrespected by my evaluation, I'm sorry. But come on, there's no need to lash out just because you don't like my opinion, is there? That's so... playground, sweetie.

Just say that you love the piece and move on.

pdjennings Profile Photo
backwoodsbarbie Profile Photo
#62Signature's Chess
Posted: 8/26/10 at 10:04am

Barbara Cook was at the show on Tuesday night...apparently it is one of her favorites.

newintown Profile Photo
#63Signature's Chess
Posted: 8/26/10 at 10:27am

Not to mention that she's buddies with Euan Morton since Sondheim On Sondheim.

kec Profile Photo
#64Signature's Chess
Posted: 8/26/10 at 12:22pm

A great article indeed. I wondered why I hadn't seen a review from the Post yet -- I didn't realize they were doing three weeks of previews.

#65Signature's Chess
Posted: 8/26/10 at 2:05pm

> I just saw a production of Chess at the MET Theatre in LA

Not meaning to hijack the thread, was it? I'm going Saturday, and I'm wondering what I'm getting myself into.

Irrational Number
#66Signature's Chess
Posted: 8/26/10 at 2:26pm

pdjennings - Thanks for the review! It sounds excellent, although I just cannot imagine not having "The Story of Chess" in the story! (That doesn't mean I disagree with that choice.)

"The hours between twilight and darkness belong to the makers of music and tellers of tales." - Pagan saying / "We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams." - Willy Wonka / "Theatre is life, film is art, TV is furniture." - Unknown from internet

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#67Signature's Chess
Posted: 8/26/10 at 7:20pm

I can't believe no one has yet had a conniption about the fact that Svetlana is played by an African-American.

mallardo Profile Photo
#68Signature's Chess
Posted: 8/26/10 at 7:35pm

ScottinLA... I enjoyed the show. There's a ten piece band, something I have never seen before in an Equity-waver production in LA. The Florence was only so so but the Svetlana was good as were the two leading men, especially Freddie.

The audience LOVED it. You'll have a good time.

Faced with these Loreleis, what man can moralize!

sanda Profile Photo
#69Signature's Chess
Posted: 8/26/10 at 8:47pm

I noticed that in the stage shot and really don't understand the choice. A Russian woman in 80's Soviet Union?

#70Signature's Chess
Posted: 8/27/10 at 12:27am

Maybe I'm missing something... has "Morano" been cut?

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#71Signature's Chess
Posted: 8/27/10 at 12:48am

Signature's Chess

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

wonderwaiter Profile Photo
#72Signature's Chess
Posted: 8/27/10 at 1:06am

^ hehehehehdehe

And no one grew into anything new, we just became the worst of what we were."

kec Profile Photo
#73Signature's Chess
Posted: 8/27/10 at 10:14am

"Morano" is not in this production.

#74Signature's Chess
Posted: 8/27/10 at 10:38am

Judy Kuhn sang this score better than anyone the show was bad her and David Carroll 2 of the best singers on Broadway ever...Listen to her Someone Else Story and Davids Anthem ...amazing ...saw this show at North Shore in Boston with Jody Benson..she was also really great..they did a great job with it even in the round ...I love this show even with its major faults
