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Should RENT have a parental advisory sticker on the CD label?

Should RENT have a parental advisory sticker on the CD label?

#0Should RENT have a parental advisory sticker on the CD label?
Posted: 2/7/05 at 9:35pm

I know avenue Q does for strong language and sexual content, but do you think Rent should have a sticker as well? There is quite a bit of cursing and content that isn't exactly all sugar coated bubble gum. What do you think?

My Fair Lady Profile Photo
My Fair Lady
#1re: Should RENT have a parental advisory sticker on the CD label?
Posted: 2/7/05 at 9:37pm

Well, Avenue Q seems more liek a Sesame Street type thing. Everyone knows that Rent isn't completely innocent and child-friendly.

CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#2re: Should RENT have a parental advisory sticker on the CD label?
Posted: 2/7/05 at 9:38pm

doesn't it? seems like it should.

#3re: Should RENT have a parental advisory sticker on the CD label?
Posted: 2/7/05 at 9:39pm

I haven't listened to Rent in ages, but is "Contact" as explicit as "You Can Be As Loud As the Hell You Want"?

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#4re: Should RENT have a parental advisory sticker on the CD label?
Posted: 2/7/05 at 9:42pm

I have no idea if this is correct, but I think I remember hearing that there weren't Parental Advisory stickers when RENT was first released. When they were, RENT was never give one. Maybe it's because they aren't done after-the-fact. I don't know...

A work of art is an invitation to love.

Jwei123 Profile Photo
#5re: Should RENT have a parental advisory sticker on the CD label?
Posted: 2/7/05 at 9:55pm

I really think rent should have one. "contact" is DEFINITELY parental-guidance material


"I think it was the Korean tour or something. They were all frickin' asian!" -Zoran912

#6re: Should RENT have a parental advisory sticker on the CD label?
Posted: 2/7/05 at 9:56pm

Well most kids won't have the(or wouldn't wanna dish out) $30-$40 that the RENT double disc set goes for... they'll download it illegally. And if they're able to figure out computer programs and download music, they're old enough to hear it.

And if she'll say, "My darling, I'm yours!" I'll throw away my striped tie and my best pressed tweed, all I really need is the girl...

#7re: Should RENT have a parental advisory sticker on the CD label?
Posted: 2/7/05 at 10:02pm

I seriously disagree, AnothaPartofMe. I know 10-year-olds who can figure that stuff out, and I wouldn't want them listening to explicit material.

And luvtheEmcee, I think you're right about the stickers.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#8re: Should RENT have a parental advisory sticker on the CD label?
Posted: 2/7/05 at 10:06pm

I'm trying to find where I read it... so far I'm not having too much luck.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

#9re: Should RENT have a parental advisory sticker on the CD label?
Posted: 2/7/05 at 10:09pm

some of it is SO cryptic though, that a younger kid wouldn't be able to figure out all of the references.

still, i think it should have a sticker...

Dreamcatcher Profile Photo
#10re: Should RENT have a parental advisory sticker on the CD label?
Posted: 2/7/05 at 10:22pm

Yeah I agree that RENT should have a parental advisory sticker. True that most people who want to spend that kind of money on a 2 disc set of RENT probably already knows the content but there are those who dont. BTW BEKA531 I absolutely love your icon. :-P Where did you find that, I practically fell over laughing. re: Should RENT have a parental advisory sticker on the CD label?

I wanted to get something that an "ex"-junkie like him would really appreciate and's a brick of heroin shaped like a heart. -Scrubs

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#11re: Should RENT have a parental advisory sticker on the CD label?
Posted: 2/7/05 at 10:24pm

haha, I love it too, BEKA. It was on CB a while ago.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

broadwaybound3 Profile Photo
#12re: Should RENT have a parental advisory sticker on the CD label?
Posted: 2/7/05 at 10:27pm

i know- i died. its amazing. I dont know abotu the sticker- yes, it has bad content, btu its not anything that they wont hear eventually- why not start them early? lol- i knwo that sounds horrible- but all the children have heard the words and know them, they just need to be verified. Also, if contact is so bad... they should ban MTV and all of that sexual content on TV and the radio. :: put my two bits in there:: I say what the heck, let them swear and hump eachother! lol. I was playing doctor in 6th grade with my guy friends... re: Should RENT have a parental advisory sticker on the CD label?

#13re: Should RENT have a parental advisory sticker on the CD label?
Posted: 2/7/05 at 10:38pm


i was looking through all my pictures on my computer in search of a new avatar, and i found this! i couldn't for the life of me remember where i found it. a bunch of people have asked.

<-- yes, i think it's hilarious. i actually laughed out loud when i first saw it.

Dreamcatcher Profile Photo
#14re: Should RENT have a parental advisory sticker on the CD label?
Posted: 2/7/05 at 10:45pm

Yeah its true that kids are exposed to adult content at a shockingly young age these days but I still think they should be warned if they dont know what the content contains. I mean I love RENT and am not bothered at all by it but if I had a kid who was, say, 8 or 9 and I didnt know a thing about RENT I'd like to be warned before I let her or him listen to it.

I wanted to get something that an "ex"-junkie like him would really appreciate and's a brick of heroin shaped like a heart. -Scrubs

#15re: Should RENT have a parental advisory sticker on the CD label?
Posted: 2/7/05 at 10:53pm

i think it should have a sticker on it. i remember i left my double disk soundtrack at my aunts house one day. my aunt and 9 year old cousin knew how much i love rent so they figured they'd listen to it and randomly put on "tango maureen" and heard "this is's weird.very weird..etc."'s not that big of a deal but if the sticker was on i'm sure my aunt wouldn't have played it with her in the room.

"maybe our mistakes are what make our fate. Without them, what would shape our lives? Perhaps if we never veered off course, we wouldn't fall in love, or have babies, or be who we are. After all, seasons change. So do cities. People come into your life and people go. But it's comforting to know the ones you love are always in your heart. And if you're very lucky, a plane ride away" -sex and the city

SallyBrown Profile Photo
#16re: Should RENT have a parental advisory sticker on the CD label?
Posted: 2/7/05 at 11:00pm

but if you look at the CD cover..there's Daphne in a pose that really isnt too bad, but parents would be smart enough to figure something out

"It's a great feeling of power to be naked in front of people. We're happy to watch actual incredible graphic violence and gore, but as soon as somebody's naked it seems like the public goes a bit bananas about the whole thing."

Dreamcatcher Profile Photo
#17re: Should RENT have a parental advisory sticker on the CD label?
Posted: 2/7/05 at 11:03pm

Yeah, like I said, most people who are willing to shell out 40 bucks for the 2 discs know enough about it to be aware of its content. I however, got started with RENT because I was doing a project on broadway and I needed some music to play. Well RENT was obviously a smash hit of the 1990s so I bought the CD to see how it was, knowing nothing about it. I was 13 or 14 so it didnt bother me at all but thats just an example that some people do pick up the CDs without knowing whats on them. Ironically it turned into one of my favorite musicals do date. :-P

I wanted to get something that an "ex"-junkie like him would really appreciate and's a brick of heroin shaped like a heart. -Scrubs

#18re: Should RENT have a parental advisory sticker on the CD label?
Posted: 2/7/05 at 11:04pm

*my* parents weren't smart enough to figure it out! they're oblivious when it comes to broadway.

::while i'm listening to hairspray::
mom - "IS THAT A MAN?"

::while listening to la vie boheme::
dad - "did they just say dildo?"
me - "um, yes?"
dad - "do you even know what a dildo IS?"
me - *silence*


SallyBrown Profile Photo
#19re: Should RENT have a parental advisory sticker on the CD label?
Posted: 2/7/05 at 11:07pm

hows this for a RENT slip-up:

so we're in the car, me and my mom, coming home from just buying the RENT the part comes up when they say "Great F*CK"I gota hUUUUGE lecture about how i shouldnt listen to inappropriate musicals and how not all musicals are for my age BLAH BLAH BLAH

but hey i was expecting it

"It's a great feeling of power to be naked in front of people. We're happy to watch actual incredible graphic violence and gore, but as soon as somebody's naked it seems like the public goes a bit bananas about the whole thing."

Dreamcatcher Profile Photo
#20re: Should RENT have a parental advisory sticker on the CD label?
Posted: 2/8/05 at 12:23am

Haha my parents, to this day, still dont know a thing about RENT or its content. They let me get it because I told them it was a pivotal show of the 1990s and a must for my report and they bought it. To this day they have no idea what its about or what the content is and I think thats how it should be. They are very straight edged in the sense that they would flip out if they heard the word "damn". Oh how little they know..:-P

I wanted to get something that an "ex"-junkie like him would really appreciate and's a brick of heroin shaped like a heart. -Scrubs

#21re: Should RENT have a parental advisory sticker on the CD label?
Posted: 2/8/05 at 9:34am

Wow, I can't believe how many of you who have parents who know nothing about Rent or who would be concerned about you listening to the cd or seeing the show. The first time I saw the show, my parents took me. I've seen it over 40 times and many of those were with my mom. I even took my grandparents to see it and they, in turn, organized a trip for their seniors group to go to the Neder. People flipping out if they hear the word damn? I just can't imagine that in this day and age. Very strange.

#22re: Should RENT have a parental advisory sticker on the CD label?
Posted: 2/8/05 at 10:06am

I've seen Rent very many times over the past four years, and my mother just recently saw it for the first time. I don't think it's weird at all that some parents know nothing about it. Why would they have to? My parents, who also happen to enjoy and go to the theater a lot, never saw Rent, and thus know very little about it. They weren't so much concerned about my seeing it, they just didn't know what it was about. I can completely understand why other people's parents may be in a similar position, and may be weary, especially if their kids are younger (I was already halfway through college). Props to you for having parents who are undoubtedly so much cooler than everyone else's.

#23re: Should RENT have a parental advisory sticker on the CD label?
Posted: 2/8/05 at 10:18am

Yes, there were Parental Advisory stickers when Rent came out. Contrary to popular belief, it is the record label that decides which of it's releases gets a sticker-- there is no government agency that rates releases. There is not even a guideline for which words or expressions call for a sticker. It's a strictly voluntary program, so obviously the record label thought it wasn't needed.

I'd guess it's because parents are far more likely to be upset by their kids listening to hard rock or rap music than a showtune. I think Q put one on there as there were numerous cases of people thinking that because of the puppets, it was a "Kids" or "Family" show. A Parental advisory would stop that. Of course, cynical people every where think Parental Advisory stickers actually SELL records as people think "Obscenities? COOL!"

#24re: Should RENT have a parental advisory sticker on the CD label?
Posted: 2/8/05 at 11:37am

Personally, I think the Parental Advisory stickers are stupid. If a parent wants to know what's appropriate for their kinds to listen to, they should research the item, and find out what contenet is exactly on the CD. Then, they can decide on thier own terms whether it's appropriate for their kids instead of letting a sticker tell them what to do.

"Contact" is much more tastefull than "You Can Be as Loud as the Hell You Want." And it's not like kids haven't heard the word "****" before.

So now you've met the court of 364, and if you ever wish to come...don't.
