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frogs_fan85 Profile Photo
Posted: 11/10/07 at 10:27pm

As irked as I am that I'm not sitting and watching Cyrano right now, I fully understand the Union's point of view and support them.

Neverandy Profile Photo
Posted: 11/10/07 at 10:28pm

Glad to hear you are not outside anymore LOCAL1. Please enlighten some of these idiots on this board who are completely ignorant of what it means to be a Stage Hand

Other than that, did you enjoy the play Mrs Lincoln?

obsessedjb Profile Photo
Posted: 11/10/07 at 10:29pm

jerby that is amazing!

Posted: 11/10/07 at 11:30pm

localone-i have personally seen crew members show up to work, sign in and then leave the theater so perhaps you have had blinders on over the past years while working. I have also seen guys work their half hour shift then go across the street to grab a drink at the local bar. most don't do this, but some do. Refute that!

Neverandy Profile Photo
Posted: 11/10/07 at 11:43pm

No one here will refute that.
I've seen actors do the same thing. There are bus drivers, Doctors, air traffic controllers, baseball players, taxidermists, and street cleaners all shirking their responsibilities as individuals. My point is that no one expects that all members of any profession are all responsible people. The majority are, but not all.

Other than that, did you enjoy the play Mrs Lincoln?

Posted: 11/10/07 at 11:56pm

> just back from the picket line.


> 1. i have never , in my twenty years as a union stagehand, seen
> a stagehand get paid to do nothing. the only time we stand

ditto. But about 26 years in my case. unless I'm mis-counting.

> 2. we were told to expect 2-3 weeks but to not be surprised if > we were still standing out there at christmas.

ditto, and as I viewed the league press conference footage featuring herschel waxman and richard frankel, both people I know and who claim to respect their employees, but clearly do not, I fear it will be christmas or new years or even longer.

> 3. we feel bad for ticket holders, we really do, but its

I really feel badly for the ticket holders. Honestly. It absolutely kills me to disappoint any theatre-goer, let alone a child.

> 4. we walked because the league refused to negotiate. sitting
> at the table and dictating to us a set of never changing terms
> is not a negotiation.

and this is absolutely correct. the League's people told us a year ago "you might as well take your strike vote now". That's before we officially started negotiating. They have been negotiating in bad faith, and continue to try to negotiate in the press. This won't be worked out in the press. It has to be worked out at the table, in an honest manner. But what is now clear now is that the people on their side of the table are not honest, honorable people. Get your pocketbooks ready, when a deal DOES come, they are going to immediately raise your ticket prices by 10% or 15% and blame it on "increased stagehand costs" while giving us a 3% raise. What's that additional 7% to 12%? Service charge? I'd be interested to see just how much the posters on this board spend, on an annual basis, on "restoration fees".

as an aside: I would like to thank the overwhelming majority of new yorkers AND tourists who stopped to show their support to the union members on the line today. We even had tourists who had come to see our show JOIN OUR LINE and walk with us in solidarity , in one case of 3 great ladies from out west for an entire hour! That cancels out any anti-union venom I've read here.

Updated On: 11/10/07 at 11:56 PM

Neverandy Profile Photo
Posted: 11/11/07 at 12:05am

Stand tall bugmenot! AEA stands behind you!

Other than that, did you enjoy the play Mrs Lincoln?

broadwaystud23 Profile Photo
Posted: 11/11/07 at 12:05am

I work for Actors' Equity and I know EXACTLY why they went on strike and it won't be resolved anytime soon. Both sides are greedy, which is sad for EVERYONE that has bought a ticket to see any broadway show, let alone planning a whole trip around it. Local One SHOULD be ashamed of themselves. This is whole thing is disgusting.

BroadwayBound86 Profile Photo
Posted: 11/11/07 at 12:07am

People should be ashamed to fight (of course not literally speaking) for what they want?
Updated On: 11/11/07 at 12:07 AM

Posted: 11/11/07 at 7:04pm

bway stud is another example of anti-stagehand posting from members that joined after10/07. i am not saying that all the anti-union posts are from people who joined after that date, just most.

very curious......

welcome to the propaganda machine that is the league.

JustAGuy Profile Photo
Posted: 11/11/07 at 7:10pm

He can't even keep his post straight. In one post he writes that he works for AEA, and in another thread he writes that his boyfriend works for AEA. The League needs to give their shills a script.

"Just a Guy. Your feelings are touching. I am gladdened by the thought that you will one day wind up 6 feet under as we all do." - MrRoxy ------ "I do not suggest you walk out the door onto a New York street with your vulnerable child part exposed and not protected..." - Jason Bennett
