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SakeDad Profile Photo
Posted: 11/10/07 at 4:53am

Trust me, I'm prepared. I have taken "personal items I can't live without" from my dressing room for the last 4 nights. My union has already told me to show up for work, sign in and honor the picket line. I have no delusions this isn't "real"...but it's not "official" and several people here have MISTAKENLY said it is. That's all.

"God, I hope it's not a REAL emergency...I only brought one bottle of Vodka!" That's my Diva Dog, Sake in the picture.

tazber Profile Photo
Posted: 11/10/07 at 4:55am

On a totally serious note, I hope all the best for you SakeDad.
I know it can't be easy.
Sorry to poke fun at such a personal subject.

....but the world goes 'round
Updated On: 11/10/07 at 04:55 AM

SakeDad Profile Photo
Posted: 11/10/07 at 5:01am

Thanks, Taz. I guess that's the real point here. We can all be as bitchy and "in the know" as we want to be but it's still a REAL issue that will affect thousands of lives. Whether it's actors, stagehands, stage managers, wardrobe, hair & makeup, ushers, merchandise sellers, bartenders and even all the folks at the businesses around the Broadway houses. There are MANY people that will be affected by a strike. We should all hope it's quick (pray a miracle happens and it is canceled?) and that it is settled soon.

"God, I hope it's not a REAL emergency...I only brought one bottle of Vodka!" That's my Diva Dog, Sake in the picture.

Posted: 11/10/07 at 5:04am

SakeDad... I'm working on staff of a tour now, and while it was mentioned before that the Union wants all league tours shut down in the event of a strike, no press tonight announcing the strike has verrified this. Any insight as to whether the touring shows are going to be affected?

thetinymagic2 Profile Photo
Posted: 11/10/07 at 5:08am

It will probably not go more than a couple of days or a week (just enough leverage)...the producers can lose only so much dough, then, there will be a settlement, just like the musicians' strike of a couple of years ago. The League is very stubborn.

cooperross Profile Photo
Posted: 11/10/07 at 5:08am

Yes SakeDad we're already feeling the crunch here in L.A. thanks to the writer's strike. Hopefully your strike will be far shorter than ours is looking to be.

-Politics is like driving. To go backward, put it in R. To go forward, put it in D.

tazber Profile Photo
Posted: 11/10/07 at 5:10am

I know we all hope you're right Tinymagic.

....but the world goes 'round

Liverpool Profile Photo
Posted: 11/10/07 at 5:11am

you mean you arent supporting the massive corporations cooper? I'm shocked. Wait til you're philistine pals hear about this, they'll kick you out of the club house for sure.

Posted: 11/10/07 at 5:11am

"Charlotte St. Martin just replied to my email. What a lovely person! *rolls eyes*. I wasn't even rude in my email."

Out of curiousity, neddyfrank2, precisely what did you say in your email?

Updated On: 11/10/07 at 05:11 AM

cooperross Profile Photo
Posted: 11/10/07 at 5:13am

I work for one of the massive corporations..and though my job isn't in danger I can't say the same for a lot of my friends who work in the business.

And when it comes to labor relations, sorry, but I am ALWAYS on the side of management because I detest unions in their current state.

-Politics is like driving. To go backward, put it in R. To go forward, put it in D.

Liverpool Profile Photo
Posted: 11/10/07 at 5:15am

and they detest you too.

but its good to see you finally admit that you're the enemy

tazber Profile Photo
Posted: 11/10/07 at 5:16am

I know this doesn't make it "official", but Reidel has some more details about where and when they'll be picketing.

....but the world goes 'round
Updated On: 11/10/07 at 05:16 AM

cooperross Profile Photo
Posted: 11/10/07 at 5:17am

I'm not the enemy..I work a boring middle-class job but at least I'm not dependent on production schedules and being held hostage by greedy union bosses and overpaid higher echelon members of the unions.

-Politics is like driving. To go backward, put it in R. To go forward, put it in D.

SakeDad Profile Photo
Posted: 11/10/07 at 5:20am

TourBoi, I gave another full response on that "other" site but in short the strike should NOT affect tours to begin with. That would only happen if the International asks all of it's members to walk in support of Local One and it's felt that that would be some time in the future. Having said that, Equity has said we need show up for work, sign in and not cross any picket lines by Local One or IATSE. Hopefully it won't affect those of us on the road but our toughts are with ALL of our brothers in NYC.

"God, I hope it's not a REAL emergency...I only brought one bottle of Vodka!" That's my Diva Dog, Sake in the picture.

Liverpool Profile Photo
Posted: 11/10/07 at 5:20am

as opposed to there being no unions and writers being at the mercy of greedy production companies and upper echelon members of the producing class.

Liverpool Profile Photo
Posted: 11/10/07 at 5:22am

this is more a semantics questions sake, but in order to sign in wouldn't you have to cross the line (at least in a physical sense)?
Updated On: 11/10/07 at 05:22 AM

cooperross Profile Photo
Posted: 11/10/07 at 5:22am

it worked very well for a very long was called the studio system..and writers were under contract to the studios and paid weekly salaries, as were actors, designers, etc.

-Politics is like driving. To go backward, put it in R. To go forward, put it in D.

Liverpool Profile Photo
Posted: 11/10/07 at 5:25am

unless someone wanted to work with a different studio, or wanted a better stanndard of living. but you're right unions are evil and just a means for money grubbers to bleed dry the rich and powerful.

SakeDad Profile Photo
Posted: 11/10/07 at 5:26am

As usual, Riedel has nothing new to say. Everything in his article can already be found here!
I do like how he says "Yesterday, Mayor Bloomberg said it was not the city's business to settle the dispute." However in the letter Local One is putting out they say "Local One found out about the producers' latest moves when Mayor Michael Bloomberg called James J. Claffey, Jr., President of Local One, to offer his help, which the union respectfully declined. Nobody at the League of American Theatres and Producers had the courtesy to call the Local One President.", in order to sign in stage management or an Equity rep would be at the stage door with a sign in sheet. You would NOT need to enter the building to sign in and be ready to work.

"God, I hope it's not a REAL emergency...I only brought one bottle of Vodka!" That's my Diva Dog, Sake in the picture.
Updated On: 11/10/07 at 05:26 AM

tazber Profile Photo
Posted: 11/10/07 at 5:29am

I know, I thought thw same thing. He's the mayor, of course he'll get involved when the economy during tourist season begins to plummet.

....but the world goes 'round

Posted: 11/10/07 at 5:30am

Are you advocating a return to the studio system, cooperross?

I don't know if the union is justified in this particular action, but that would seem...uhm...regressive.

cooperross Profile Photo
Posted: 11/10/07 at 5:31am

the studio contractees were paid on average 4 times what the average American worker made a year. And if they wanted to work for another studio they could once their usually annual contract was up with the studio they were with.

You have a serious problem with anyone who makes a little money, don't you. Maybe if you ever have a real job and get off the dole or mommy's tit you'll understand how things work in the real world.

-Politics is like driving. To go backward, put it in R. To go forward, put it in D.

Liverpool Profile Photo
Posted: 11/10/07 at 5:37am

No not at all. i'm all for people making money. I just like people who make money without attempting to hold down others to do so. But you and your philistine pals wouldn't have any experience with that would you?
Updated On: 11/10/07 at 05:37 AM

cooperross Profile Photo
Posted: 11/10/07 at 5:56am

actually I have much experience with that, considering I spent 15 years as a theatrical stage manager.

but there came a time when I decided it was a good thing to not have to sleep on friends couches or in my car and regular meals actually were healthy. And it was also nice to be able to have health insurance and to be able to save for my golden years.

-Politics is like driving. To go backward, put it in R. To go forward, put it in D.

JustAGuy Profile Photo
Posted: 11/10/07 at 9:42am

"actually I have much experience with that, considering I spent 15 years as a theatrical stage manager.

but there came a time when I decided it was a good thing to not have to sleep on friends couches or in my car and regular meals actually were healthy. And it was also nice to be able to have health insurance and to be able to save for my golden years."

If you had been a UNION stage manager, you would have been paid a reasonable salary with health benefits and a pension fund. So, you wouldn't have had to depend upon the kindness of your friends for a place to sleep. Nor worry about your health insurance and pension. That is, if you were actually able to get a Union job.

"Just a Guy. Your feelings are touching. I am gladdened by the thought that you will one day wind up 6 feet under as we all do." - MrRoxy ------ "I do not suggest you walk out the door onto a New York street with your vulnerable child part exposed and not protected..." - Jason Bennett
Updated On: 11/10/07 at 09:42 AM
