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Rosie O'Donnell Suffers Heart Attack; Blogs for Women's Health- Page 2

Rosie O'Donnell Suffers Heart Attack; Blogs for Women's Health

jv92 Profile Photo
#25Rosie O'Donnell Suffers Heart Attack; Blogs for Women's Health
Posted: 8/20/12 at 10:22pm

lets dish
so srry 2 here
about ur illness

we rnt sying
"die ro die"
we r sying
"when webmd says
ur having a <3 a tak
its rellleee
time 2 call

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#26Rosie O'Donnell Suffers Heart Attack; Blogs for Women's Health
Posted: 8/20/12 at 10:24pm

tx jv
i fine now
ur sweet to say

ticneworkcity's post
made me laugh

also i was born
in 70s
not quite elderly yet

#27Rosie O'Donnell Suffers Heart Attack; Blogs for Women's Health
Posted: 8/20/12 at 10:25pm

LOL I didn't realize it was self-righteous to have a little compassion and empathy. Would you be reacting like this if, G-d forbid, Patti LuPone had a heart attack?

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#28Rosie O'Donnell Suffers Heart Attack; Blogs for Women's Health
Posted: 8/20/12 at 10:26pm

Don't you need a heart for that?

jv92 Profile Photo
#29Rosie O'Donnell Suffers Heart Attack; Blogs for Women's Health
Posted: 8/20/12 at 10:27pm

i m not an elderlee prsn
i just beleave
in western medicine
n common symtums
so i not
have chance
of dead

r i hope next time
u feel ill
u call a dr.
rite away
bc that is

jv92 Profile Photo
#30Rosie O'Donnell Suffers Heart Attack; Blogs for Women's Health
Posted: 8/20/12 at 10:30pm

diffrence btwn
patti lu
and ro
is that patti lu
wud call her dr.
or 911

when steve s
had <3 a tack
in 79
he called 911
rite away

i guess answer 2 ur ? is
ro was foolish
not to call
that is all
have a ball
go to the mall

Wynbish Profile Photo
#31Rosie O'Donnell Suffers Heart Attack; Blogs for Women's Health
Posted: 8/20/12 at 10:33pm

I do miss them two

Rosie O'Donnell Suffers Heart Attack; Blogs for Women's Health

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#32Rosie O'Donnell Suffers Heart Attack; Blogs for Women's Health
Posted: 8/20/12 at 10:34pm

glad ro no die
life styl changes
r n order
n-dorsmnt deal 2?

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#33Rosie O'Donnell Suffers Heart Attack; Blogs for Women's Health
Posted: 8/20/12 at 10:34pm

<3 atak serius
Run in my fam
Mak fun of ro
Choices bad
Culd b sad
Don b mad
Ro is glad

Kad Profile Photo
#34Rosie O'Donnell Suffers Heart Attack; Blogs for Women's Health
Posted: 8/20/12 at 10:36pm

I'm usually on board with the comedic stylings on here, but this seems excessive and in bad taste, even to me. And I don't even like Rosie or her e.e cummings-on-crack blog posts.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

jv92 Profile Photo
#35Rosie O'Donnell Suffers Heart Attack; Blogs for Women's Health
Posted: 8/20/12 at 10:37pm

eye m glad
4 rosie
she run the gamet
a 2 z
3 cheers n damnit
say la vee
she still here
(evn aftr delayed response
2 sereeus med issue)

Okay, enough with this haiku SH*T. Look, I feel bad that she had a heart attack, I'm glad she's recovering and seems to be doing well. But seriously Rosie, if you have ALMOST ALL the symptoms of a heart attack: CALL FREAKIN' 911! You aren't immortal.

CapnHook Profile Photo
#36Rosie O'Donnell Suffers Heart Attack; Blogs for Women's Health
Posted: 8/20/12 at 10:40pm

A lot of the responses to this thread are funny, some hilarious, but this is not the time for humor. It's in very bad taste.

"The Spectacle has, indeed, an emotional attraction of its own, but, of all the parts, it is the least artistic, and connected least with the art of poetry. For the power of Tragedy, we may be sure, is felt even apart from representation and actors. Besides, the production of spectacular effects depends more on the art of the stage machinist than on that of the poet."

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#37Rosie O'Donnell Suffers Heart Attack; Blogs for Women's Health
Posted: 8/20/12 at 10:40pm

she did not die
people mad jokes
re paula deen
and her diabeetes
butter y'all

no 1 has
been that mean her
2 ro

DottieD'Luscia Profile Photo
#38Rosie O'Donnell Suffers Heart Attack; Blogs for Women's Health
Posted: 8/20/12 at 10:44pm

jv92, it could have been denial and/or fear which prevented Rosie from making that necessary call. I say this as one of my colleagues died at home of a heart attack a few months ago because he made his call to 911 too late. Maybe helping that woman actually saved Rosie's life.

Hey Dottie! Did your colleagues enjoy the cake even though your cat decided to sit on it? ~GuyfromGermany

jv92 Profile Photo
#39Rosie O'Donnell Suffers Heart Attack; Blogs for Women's Health
Posted: 8/20/12 at 10:46pm

I'm now going to post light verse responses in the style of Noel Coward:

Paula Deen was a diabetic
And a heavy smoker too
She wasn't what you'd call athletic
And she didn't eat tofu.

When she found out
She started to pout,
But then she changed her ditty.
She started to cook
With less gobbles of gook,
And her food still wasn't sh*tty.

Rosie O
Had a lovely show
And hosted the Tonys a lot.
She seems to be smart
But regarding her heart
It seems that she was not.

So Rosie O
Now you know
To contact the doctor with speed
Or else this thread
Would mourn you dead
And that's something we don't need.

Denial makes sense, and of course, people feel that way, but she couldn't have been in THAT MUCH denial if she looked it up on the computer. And doesn't she have a family that watches out for her? Wouldn't they say, "Hey, call a doctor."?

Updated On: 8/20/12 at 10:46 PM

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#40go go go rosef u kno wut they say
Posted: 8/20/12 at 10:51pm

Sorry, I missed jv2's edict about stopping with the meter.

But yeah, she didn't die. I mean, survived The Widow Maker. If it's scary and notable enough to me mentioned she must be scary and notable herself to beat it, right? So why can't we discus it in a tribute to her distinctive writing style?

I think she's bananas, but I don't wish her ill or anything. But I'm not going to agree that it's in poor taste to discuss her irreverently.

CapnHook Profile Photo
#41Rosie O'Donnell Suffers Heart Attack; Blogs for Women's Health
Posted: 8/20/12 at 10:55pm

Michael Reisner, the "crazy Cheerios burning guy" died of a heart attack recently.

Don Perry, Chick-fil-A's VP, recently died of a heart attack.

I can understand hating on a people like them (while I still find it slightly inhuman in those instances too), but our friend, supporter, and cheerleader Rosie? On a Broadway message board, to publicly mock her in this way, is deplorable.

It's in this context. You may not like her as a person, you may not agree with her politics, you may think she is talentless, fat, not funny, unwise, etc. -- and that's your opinion, which is fine -- but in this context, I do not find it appropriate to make fun of her in response to news that she has had a heart attack.

"The Spectacle has, indeed, an emotional attraction of its own, but, of all the parts, it is the least artistic, and connected least with the art of poetry. For the power of Tragedy, we may be sure, is felt even apart from representation and actors. Besides, the production of spectacular effects depends more on the art of the stage machinist than on that of the poet."

jv92 Profile Photo
#42Rosie O'Donnell Suffers Heart Attack; Blogs for Women's Health
Posted: 8/20/12 at 10:56pm

I'm fat, not funny, and unwise and After Eight mocks me all the time.

Jane2 Profile Photo
#43go go go rosef u kno wut they say
Posted: 8/20/12 at 11:00pm

"She has a heart attack, and you MOCK her? Deplorable. This is not the context in which to do so. Bad form."

Perhaps it was the way she suffered the heart attack that makes it less tragic than other heart attacks. She didn't know she had a heart attack. She took an aspirin and went on with her life as if nothing happened. she said she only did something about it from a commercial.

This heart attack was a wakeup call for her. Now she can take better care of herself if she chooses.


Phyllis Rogers Stone
#44go go go rosef u kno wut they say
Posted: 8/20/12 at 11:03pm

Those other people died, though! The Cheerio Guy and the Chick Fil A Guy! ro has lived! She beat the Widow Maker!

#45go go go rosef u kno wut they say
Posted: 8/20/12 at 11:05pm

I saw this really well researched documentary on health disparities in the US, and interestingly enough, our response to health issues is not very much informed by our parents' response to their own, but rather how our grandparents responded to health problems. Given Rosie's Irish background, this complete denial doesn't surprise me at all.

My own late mother was one of those "never sick a day in my life" type women, in her house growing up in the depression, there was not medical care. Her grandparents were back in Ireland, and to them the body was a mystery. By the time my mom grew up, she was fully inculcated in the legends of the working class: "Mrs. So and So was never sick a day in her life and she went to the doctor and they felt something and told her it was probably nothing to worry about but they were going to cut her open to explore, and as soon as the air hit it it spread all over her body and she was dead in three weeks. She would still be alive if she hadn't gone to the doctor."

That was how she thought. She rarely got sick. But like a lot of Irish people born in the '20s, she smoked starting in her teens. One weekend, when I was somewhere in my 30s, my mom didn't feel good and spent a weekend in bed. "I'm never sick!" she kept saying. Many months later, she had a passing out incident at the Goodspeed Opera House ("was there swearing in the show?" I asked) and ended up in the hospital. All evidence pointed to a massive heart attack back on that weekend when she "didn't feel well."

That's all a long way of saying, people can become very detached from their physical bodies for all sorts of reasons. That, to me, sounds like Rosie. A 99% blockage seems insane to me, with all her risk factors, they didn't know this? I'm glad she made it this time, but I'm also a little shocked that the woman who was devastated by her own mother's death would be so foolish now that she has kids of her own. There comes a time when it stops being about you, and you have to take care of yourself so you'll be around for your g.d. young kids.

And I am sure if Rosie had found it somewhere within herself not to stick with the verse structure, people here wouldn't be so inclined to do it too.

It's what she
Y r people
when others do 2

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SuddenlyTrey Profile Photo
#46go go go rosef u kno wut they say
Posted: 8/21/12 at 12:19am

love rosie. hope all is well

"Jaime's convienced that the problems are mine. Jaime is probably doing just fine. And I'm still hurting."

My Oh My Profile Photo
My Oh My
#47go go go rosef u kno wut they say
Posted: 8/21/12 at 12:57am

I'm usually such a good sport and am the furthest from being a prude as one can get, but I couldn't get through this thread.

Not pointing fingers. It's cool if you feel this is a time for humor.

I'm so glad she is OK. Much love to her and her loved ones.

Recreation of original John Cameron orchestration to "On My Own" by yours truly. Click player below to hear.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#48go go go rosef u kno wut they say
Posted: 8/21/12 at 1:02am

I'll be honest, I don't understand "outrage" over this thread. Nobody has said anything mean about Rosie. She's made "tkng lik <--" a trademark. And as said before, when Paula Deen was sick nobody hot up in arms about all the "well look at what she ate! She deserved it, y'all!" that went around.

My Oh My Profile Photo
My Oh My
#49go go go rosef u kno wut they say
Posted: 8/21/12 at 2:01am

No, you're right. There is nothing that stands out from this that is any different to similar reactions.

I haven't thought about it enough to understand why I couldn't get through the thread. But I know I'm not feeling a need to scream at anyone, even if I do have an affection for ol' ro. =)

Recreation of original John Cameron orchestration to "On My Own" by yours truly. Click player below to hear.
