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Riedel on Grey Gardens' Closing- Page 3

Riedel on Grey Gardens' Closing

showinoff Profile Photo
#50re: Riedel on Grey Gardens' Closing
Posted: 7/18/07 at 12:53pm

Dear BwayInsider,

Welcome to the boards. I do find it strange that you joined today and seem to have the backstage "scoop" on GG. Seems a little seedy if you ask me.
You make some rather loaded statements. If this topic bothers you so much why now just contact Riedel yourself? It's odd that you chose BWW to defend your honor. You seem rather hurt by CE actions. You even compare here to Fantasia. Clearly you are confused. Fantasia works on a show where her Producers care for her and work with her. Where as at GG it appears you work against GG. Even to go as far as to speak out about her on a broadway website. I am sure you see the lame attempts to hurt her feelings or honor. Why not accept the fact that you did a poor job or promoting your show? If you are going to throw stones... hope that the other person chooses a smaller rock.

PS. It is true.. billionaires do not become billionaires "because they don't know what they are doing' but it sure does close a show.

<< Gavin Creel and Kate Baldwin making vocal love... I adore these two.

ohjohnny Profile Photo
#51re: Riedel on Grey Gardens' Closing
Posted: 7/18/07 at 12:59pm

In any case, I find it curious that the producers were added to the transcript of Ebersole's Tony speech but aren't included in the actual speech. Makes me think there is some credence to this article. I mean, I wonder who insisted on adding them to the speech later?

As far as Fantasia goes, how long had she been playing this part before the Tonys? About two months? I'm just saying. Ebersole has been grinding this out for quite some time now. I could understand her being tired.

Wanna Be A Foster Profile Photo
Wanna Be A Foster
#53re: Riedel on Grey Gardens' Closing
Posted: 7/18/07 at 1:09pm

That is so bizarre that the transcript was changed.

There goes the credibility of

"Winning a Tony this year is like winning Best Attendance in third grade: no one will care but the winner and their mom."

"I have also met him in person, and I find him to be quite funny actually. Arrogant and often misinformed, but still funny."
-bjh2114 (on Michael Riedel)
Updated On: 7/18/07 at 01:09 PM

americanboy99 Profile Photo
#54re: Riedel on Grey Gardens' Closing
Posted: 7/18/07 at 1:10pm

I know.

I'd like to contact them...

americanboy99 Profile Photo
#55re: Riedel on Grey Gardens' Closing
Posted: 7/18/07 at 1:11pm

I wonder if Ebersole knows about the addition.

Couldn't it be classified as libel if she did not consent?

PalJoey Profile Photo
#56re: Riedel on Grey Gardens' Closing
Posted: 7/18/07 at 1:21pm

P.S. Billionaires don't become billionaires because they 'don't know what they are doing' or are 'stuppit people'.

No. How billionaires become nouveau-riche billionaires has nothing whatsoever to do with how good professional producers become good professional producers.

Firing longtime professionals and re-designing William Ivey Long's costumes are not the acts of professionals. They are the acts of rich thugs.

#57re: Riedel on Grey Gardens' Closing
Posted: 7/18/07 at 1:22pm

Couldn't it be classified as libel if she did not consent?

I don't think so. It's not like it's defamatory.

"How do you like THAT 'misanthropic panache,' Mr. Goldstone?" - PalJoey

Wanna Be A Foster Profile Photo
Wanna Be A Foster
#58re: Riedel on Grey Gardens' Closing
Posted: 7/18/07 at 1:23pm

They also added the name of her husband and her children. In the actual speech she just says "my family." The words are all mixed around as well. What a joke. I guess they think they can rewrite Tony history.

"Winning a Tony this year is like winning Best Attendance in third grade: no one will care but the winner and their mom."

"I have also met him in person, and I find him to be quite funny actually. Arrogant and often misinformed, but still funny."
-bjh2114 (on Michael Riedel)

Lorelai Profile Photo
#59re: Riedel on Grey Gardens' Closing
Posted: 7/18/07 at 2:03pm

"Hopefully history will remember this a great piece of theater, not the circus that Christine has turned it into. But then, not that many people read Riedel."

I totally disagree. I'm joining the others who believe that Ms. Ebersole has put her heart into this show. You can tell from all the interviews she has done that she has a special place in her heart for the Beales and feels honored to be part of bringing their story to audiences.

Looks like you just joined today. Not the best way to start your time here.

(formerly bronte604) "You really just love money and power and capitalism? You know they're never going to love you back." "Things happen for the best...I don't even believe that myself."

#60re: Riedel on Grey Gardens' Closing
Posted: 7/18/07 at 2:40pm

"Looks like you just joined today. Not the best way to start your time here."

Yea, verily ye must be weary of the "Grey Gardeners" and the "Christine Owns-my-soul's".'

re: Riedel on Grey Gardens' Closing Just kidding y'all. re: Riedel on Grey Gardens' Closing

I have several names, one is Julian2. I am also The Opps Girl. But cross me, and I become Bitch Dooku!

PalJoey Profile Photo
#61re: Riedel on Grey Gardens' Closing
Posted: 7/18/07 at 2:42pm

Yes, now that you've joined to post that screed, you can go back to your cozy little PR butt-licking job for those two Weissler Wannabes and tell them that some bitchy queen on Broadway World called them nouveau-riche thugs and said they should go back to producing AIRPLANES.

ljay889 Profile Photo
#62re: Riedel on Grey Gardens' Closing
Posted: 7/18/07 at 2:49pm

you can go back to your cozy little PR butt-licking job for those two Weissler Wannabes


TechEverlasting Profile Photo
#63re: Riedel on Grey Gardens' Closing
Posted: 7/18/07 at 3:07pm

Oh, come on. Why is it every time someone with an interesting "inside" perspective decides to post something on this board you guys fall all over yourselves to chase them away? Of course BwayInsider has a slanted point of view. So did the source for Riedel's article.

I've worked for idiot bosses, and I've been an idiot boss, so I know there are many sides to this sort of story.

It does sound like some mistakes were made in handling Grey Gardens from the production and marketing end of things, but I'm not so certain this ever could have been a successful Broadway show. It's just challenging material. Have you ever tried to interest someone unfamiliar with the original documentary in seeing Grey Gardens? "Um, it's about these two eccentric ladies living in a house with cats and having fights..." It's a tough sell.

Could it be that all the "smarter" producers decided not to put their money in this show?

"I have got to have some professional music!" - Big Edie

jv92 Profile Photo
#64re: Riedel on Grey Gardens' Closing
Posted: 7/18/07 at 3:50pm

"Puppets that curse and have sex."
"A loveable theatre queen recounts the plot of his quirky favorite musical."
"A town where citizens cannot use the toilet."
Those are also tough sells. Yet they were produced by good producers who knew what they were doing and knew how to market their shows.
Spring Awakeing also is a tough sell, and though I don't like the show, it's doing well thanks to some good producing and good marketing (and a Best Musical Tony too, so I guess it's a bad example).
This is a matter of bad producing.
Updated On: 7/18/07 at 03:50 PM

amoni Profile Photo
#65re: Riedel on Grey Gardens' Closing
Posted: 7/18/07 at 6:52pm

Of course investing in a show is a crap shoot but one should be guaranteed good faith on the producers part. I wonder if anyone who has invested in a show could sue because a producer closed the show on a whim. It's one thing if the show is a flop but if it's a viable show and could potentially show a profit down the road but the producer just gives up, the investor doesn't have the chance to recoup.

B3TA07 Profile Photo
#66re: Riedel on Grey Gardens' Closing
Posted: 7/18/07 at 6:55pm

What I did for love.


#67re: Riedel on Grey Gardens' Closing
Posted: 7/18/07 at 7:06pm

BwayInsider - And what do you do at East of Doheny?

...sounds exactly like a spiteful producer...

#68re: Riedel on Grey Gardens' Closing
Posted: 7/18/07 at 8:22pm

Thank you for the welcome messages.

Sorry to disappoint you all but this poster does not work for nor have any interest in East of Doheny. Just wanted to add some new information to the mix so that judgements did not come down too lopsided. Riedel is completely biased all of the time, just bringing a new bias to the story.

As for mismanagement issues, wouldn't know about that. One would have to be 'at the table' to be aware of the decisions and why they were made.

And Mightydog, are you aware of the relationship between cumulative gross and weekly expense? Let's do the math:
weeks running: 41
cumulative gross: 16M
avg. gross per week: 390K

With a weekly running cost of around 320K plus advertising avg. of 65K/wk, plus a Tony campaign and appearance on the show (rough cost-400K) that comes to a loss of 185K. Please correct me if my numbers are inaccurate.

Now is there something wrong with that picture? Yes. The costs of running B'way shows are too high. So unkless you have a break-out hit, or a large theater and the demand to fill it, shows are most likely to lose money.

Jellylorum Profile Photo
#69re: Riedel on Grey Gardens' Closing
Posted: 7/18/07 at 8:56pm

"Could it be that all the "smarter" producers decided not to put their money in this show?"

That could be a possibility. The smarter producers would probably go for the sure-fire hits, so "rich people looking for toys to play in their sandbox" are the only producers that were willing to invest in Grey Gardens. Because of that, I think the article is a little too harsh on East of Doheny.

"It's a goddamn beautiful day, shut up!"
Updated On: 7/18/07 at 08:56 PM

justme2 Profile Photo
#70re: Riedel on Grey Gardens' Closing
Posted: 7/18/07 at 9:22pm

Why don't you guys go do some research before calling these producers rich people playing in a sandbox and unqualified? Simply visit the East of Doheny website like I did (upon reading Reidel's column) and take a look at their past theater projects. They've been in this game awhile now, with quite a diverse background in theater, including children's theater in LA. Big River, Art, Sweet Smell of Success, Night Mother...and others. Hardly arrogant people playing in a sandbox.

Backstage drama with them? Sure...good luck finding a show without some! I bet most of the info is even true to some extent!

How quick you are to judge and condemn though, after only reading Reidel's column. Isn't this the same board that generally dismisses Reidel and his column when he disses a favorite actor or actress?

disclaimer: This post is not a personal attack against any one poster in this thread. Please don't take it as such.

second disclaimer: I also don't work at East of Doheny; I merely utilized the search tool on the internet before having my mind made up by a gossip columnist.

"My dreams, watching me said, one to the other...this life has let us down."

Jellylorum Profile Photo
#71re: Riedel on Grey Gardens' Closing
Posted: 7/18/07 at 9:47pm

I was just speculating on something that Tech wrote, assuming that IF the statements made in the article were true. The sandbox thing was from Riedel's article. Personally, I don't know much about East of Doheny so I don't have an opinion on their skill as producers. But I do appreciate them a lot for bringing Grey Gardens to Broadway since it's a show that most other producers would be hesitant about tackling.

Some people have mentioned Avenue Q, Urinetown, and Spring Awakening being hard to market. They might not appeal to tourists with families, but they involve sex, pee, rock music, and profanity - all stuff that appeals to high school and college aged people. I don't know how much this demographic affects ticket sales, but it's just an observation.

"It's a goddamn beautiful day, shut up!"
Updated On: 7/18/07 at 09:47 PM

#72re: Riedel on Grey Gardens' Closing
Posted: 7/18/07 at 9:54pm

Get me rewrite!

When I read what Gypsy1527 wrote in this thread this morning, I double-checked it myself, and sure enough, there's deliberate additions to the sentence on the web site.

Here's what Ebersole said at the Tony Awards:

I want to thank my beautiful, beautiful family of Grey Gardens on stage and off, who work tirelessly to make this show come alive eight times a week -- all the way back from Sundance through Playwrights Horizons, who got this show to Broadway.

Here's the sentence in the transcript at

Thank you to my beautiful Grey Gardens family on stage and off, who work tirelessly to make this show come alive eight times a week -- all the way back from Sundance through Playwrights Horizons, and the producers who got this show to Broadway, especially East of Doheny.

That's no transcription error...

justme2 Profile Photo
#73re: Riedel on Grey Gardens' Closing
Posted: 7/18/07 at 10:03pm

Like I said post was not directed to anyone in particular in the thread...just the statements overall and the ooard reaction of immediate agreement and condemnation.

"My dreams, watching me said, one to the other...this life has let us down."

TechEverlasting Profile Photo
#74re: Riedel on Grey Gardens' Closing
Posted: 7/18/07 at 10:06pm

I don't know nuthin' about how the Tony awards website works, but could it be that winners submit their speeches in writing and these written submissions are what are posted? This seems possible, I doubt someone has been hired to meticulously transcribe every word of every Tony winner's speech, and I doubt there's some shadowy conspiracy of producers adding thanks to themselves after the fact.

I was starting to feel some sympathy for East of Doheny until justme2 mentioned that they had been involved with "Sweet Smell of Success". Why would anyone ever admit to having been involved with that mess?

"I have got to have some professional music!" - Big Edie
Updated On: 7/18/07 at 10:06 PM
