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Reese Witherspoon & a Wicked Movie?- Page 4

Reese Witherspoon & a Wicked Movie?

MrMidwest Profile Photo
#75re: Reese Witherspoon & a Wicked Movie?
Posted: 9/1/05 at 11:15am

Actually Reese was dubbed in Vanity Fair. She does sing in Walk the Line, however.

"The gods who nurse this universe think little of mortals' cares. They sit in crowds on exclusive clouds and laugh at our love affairs. I might have had a real romance if they'd given me a chance. I loved him, but he didn't love me. I wanted him, but he didn't want me. Then the gods had a spree and indulged in another whim. Now he loves me, but I don't love him." - Cole Porter

Grommetik Profile Photo
#76re: Reese Witherspoon & a Wicked Movie?
Posted: 9/1/05 at 12:22pm

The book would be a much better movie adaptation than the musical. I can't say i like any of the cast lists suggested so far. It will just turn into another Chicago/Phantom of the Opera scenario. Here is the abridged version of everyone's reaction:
"Wow, look at these big name Hollywood actors "singing" onscreen! Look at how glamourous the world of theatre is! I think I can do that too. Now I'm off to clog casting calls with endless renditions of "Defying Gravity" and "All that Jazz". No one in the world can sing better than Emmy Rossum! Wheeee!"

If they MUST turn Wicked into a movie, i'd much prefer it be the book. i'd rather see a book massacred on the silver screen than a musical.

freeadmission Profile Photo
#77re: Reese Witherspoon & a Wicked Movie?
Posted: 9/1/05 at 2:07pm

There are so many things about the musical that wouldn't work on film and the most killer moment in the show -- "Defying Gravity" -- would be one of them. It would be complete CHEESE on film. As much as I LOVE the show, I think the book is at LEAST 10 times better. It's more of a story and it's a BETTER story with an ending that actually makes sense.

I would be the most excited person in the world if they made a Wicked movie based on the novel.

All that I ask for:

Hilary Swank as Elphaba. The novel-role requires some serious acting chops, and Hilary has that (she didn't get two Oscars for nothin'), plus she's tall and can look both innocent and fierce.

Keira Knightley as Nessa. Despite her teeny-bopper (I know you hate that word, but I want to use it) associations, she really is a good actress and she has the perfect look for Nessa and could pull of the level of insanity rather well.

I would love to see an unknown, NON-CAUCASION as Fiyero. The coolest thing about a movie is that the tattoos could work.


Judi Dench as Morrible. Because she kicks ass and ANYTHING and this type of role especially.

As long as the rest actally fit the character decriptions, I'm good. :P

WickedJerseyGirl Profile Photo
#78re: Reese Witherspoon & a Wicked Movie?
Posted: 9/1/05 at 3:33pm

Nessarose would be EXTREMELY difficult to play in a movie version of the book. I suppose they would cg her arms out. I just can't imagine playing a character with no arms for months.

Idina: This is called a kielbasa! Pianist: It's called a 'KA-basa'... Idina: It's called a kabasa? Oh, a KIEL-basa's a sausage, isn't it? I CAN PLAY THAT TOO! HULLO!!

JulesReverie Profile Photo
#79re: Reese Witherspoon & a Wicked Movie?
Posted: 9/1/05 at 5:17pm

Actually DG would be awesome on film if done right and with great special non cgi effects, read this while listening to the last minute of DG

(from a post on a wicked board, I didn't write this, explainig how DG can work on film)"Defying Gravity were to play out in the movie as it does on stage, of course it would not work. But, with movies there would be an actual attic, you would see them running up those stairs. Can you imagine Morrible addressing the citizens of OZ as Glinda/Elphaba look down from the tower. Hearing, Glinda say to her, "Don't be afraid." That image alone doesn't seem cheesy to me. It's giving me goosebumps writing it. Elphaba uses the broom to barricade the door to the attic/tower. She and Glinda go thru the opening lines of the song and when she gets the broom to levitate it would actually come to her. They sing and we see the guards fetching the battering ram. It goes thru to the point where Glinda wraps the cap around her, Elphaba would probably get on the broom, and ride out of the window...As she is singing, Glinda would be in the window watching this with the guards holding her. The citizens of OZ are horrified and they realize what Morrible has said to them is actually true... Elphaba warns them that nobody in all of OZ is ever going to bring her down. Glinda would yell to her, "I hope your happy," You all get the point, she rides off into the Western sky.. "
I can just imagine the the windows opening as she says "look to the western sky" and her flying out backwards and yeah that would make a breathless awe inspiring scene IMO

#80re: Reese Witherspoon & a Wicked Movie?
Posted: 9/1/05 at 5:55pm

i wouldnt be able to comfortably watch the film knowing idina and cheno were left out!


#81re: Reese Witherspoon & a Wicked Movie?
Posted: 9/1/05 at 7:53pm

I would DEFINITELY prefer the book.

Whomever said the musical is better than the book must be high. First of all, the two entities are so completely different they're pretty much impossible to compare. However, the book has a far more elaborate and well-developed story and I think would translate to the screen much better. It more thoroughly explores the ideas of good vs. evil, the effects of personal perception and the power of government/politics.

So much of what makes "Wicked" the musical work is the special effects, and the cool moments like Elphie at the end of "Defying" which would not at all have the same effect on screen. I think a screen version of the musical might be a bit anti-climatic.

"You just can't win. Ever. Look at the bright side, at least you are not stuck in First Wives Club: The Musical. That would really suck. " --Sueleen Gay

Fiyero2 Profile Photo
#82re: Reese Witherspoon & a Wicked Movie?
Posted: 9/1/05 at 7:58pm

I don't think emmy rossum is that bad...i kinda liked her..but not as much as sandra joseph

How Do You Doent Real Life When Real Life's Getting More Like Fiction Each Day??

Fiyero2 Profile Photo
#83re: Reese Witherspoon & a Wicked Movie?
Posted: 9/1/05 at 8:01pm

I could never make wicked a movie.... movies like rent or poto are ok as movies but wicked just wouldn't work.

How Do You Doent Real Life When Real Life's Getting More Like Fiction Each Day??

whiskedaway Profile Photo
#84re: Reese Witherspoon & a Wicked Movie?
Posted: 9/2/05 at 2:39am

i have never read the book, i plan to soon, but from what i heard, it seems like it would be a good idea to make a movie using the best of the book, and the musical. i guess after i read the book i would have a better idea.

Oh yeah, i also heard somewhere that they didint make the book into a movie because they didint wanna make a big budget movie with out a leading male character, because it would not be marketable. and thats why they decided on a musical. i could be wrong though.

WickedJerseyGirl Profile Photo
#85re: Reese Witherspoon & a Wicked Movie?
Posted: 9/2/05 at 4:23am

Once you read the book you will see that it would pretty much have to be one way or the other. After character names, three or four key plot points and an overall theme, the book and musical part ways completely. There is no sunny sweetness in the book. There are no happily tied endings for anyone. I saw the show first and loved it. Then I read the book and loved it, but I did say, "Oh my GOD!" a few times. I think there were a few yucks thrown in there, too. (as in disgust, not laughter)

My best friend is a highschool theatre teacher and forensics coach. After seeing the musical, I bought the book thinking it would be fun to cut an interpreter's theatre performance from it for her students. A few chapters in I realized there really wasn't any way to cut it for students. I was completely shocked by the differences. The book was one I couldn't put down but I was almost glad when I

Idina: This is called a kielbasa! Pianist: It's called a 'KA-basa'... Idina: It's called a kabasa? Oh, a KIEL-basa's a sausage, isn't it? I CAN PLAY THAT TOO! HULLO!!
Updated On: 9/2/05 at 04:23 AM
