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Member Name: Grommetik
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re: Mamma Mia! the movie musical
 Apr 23 2006, 11:51:24 AM
"Mamma Mia! -- the tunertuner that made theater snobs cringe but that worldwide auds embraced..."

What an offensive article. I am not a theatre snob. I just like things that are good.

re: What are you doing to celebrate Patti LuPone's B-day?
 Apr 23 2006, 02:42:25 AM
I think to celebrate I will continue to dislike her...
Sorry, I gave liking her my best shot but....just...can't do it.

re: Help: Tenor Show-Stopping Solos
 Apr 9 2006, 10:55:55 PM
Courtesy of a google search...not necessarily show stopping...

All Good Gifts- GODSPELL (Ew.)
Alone at the Drive-In Movie- GREASE
Anthem- CHESS
The Apple Tree (Forbidden Fruit)- THE APPLE TREE
At the Grand Hotel- GRAND HOTEL
Boy for Sale- OLIVER
Geraniums in the Winder- CAROUSEL
High Flying, Adored- EVITA
I Believ

re: POTO on Family Guy!
 Apr 9 2006, 09:28:37 PM
Yeah there's an episode where Stewie's doing stand up and he's getting booed and one guy calls out "This is worse than Seussical!"
Also don't forget the episode with the Gypsy send-up... "I had a dream....a dream about you, Meg Griffin."
I should listen to the commentary. I always had an inkling he was a musical nerd. In any case, he has a fantastic voice.

re: The wave does not belong in the theater!
 Apr 9 2006, 01:40:26 PM
"This Thread" The Abridged version, by Moi. Expect paraphrasing. Now you can read it set out in all it's glory and laugh as I have.

LIOTTE: Here is something I observed at live theatre tonight. I think this is inapporopriate.
ZONE/NAMO: You have a huge stick up your ass. How dare you be offended by something, anything, ever.
LIOTTE: I'm just theatre, you know...
OMNES: Oh yeah? Well you saw Spelling Bee more than once! Therefore, you are inferior. [insert so

re: Ah, favorite little moments on an OBC...
 Mar 24 2006, 11:21:06 AM
I love all the little interchanges between the characters on the Avenue Q soundtrack. Rod and Nicky are priceless. "I don't care. What'd you have for lunch today?"
I also adore "See I'm Smiling" from Last 5 Years, for You know what makes me crazy- I'm sorry, can I say this? You know what drives me nuts?"
"When You Come Home To Me" is also a standout, obviously...but have to say "If I Didn't Believe in You" is so gorgeous, and I love Norbert shouting "PLEASE?" at the end of it. He's very

re: Opinions on Wicked...
 Mar 20 2006, 12:11:42 PM
The only really annoying thing about Wicked is it's teeny-bopper fanbase. And Norbert Leo Butz's voice on the OCR.

re: Shows you adored, but then started hating it.
 Feb 1 2006, 10:49:29 AM
Wicked. Predominantly because wherever I go all I hear is off-key renditions of Defying Gravity.
And also Phantom. I still have to love it becasue it's the first show I ever saw on stage when I was young and innocent. But as I'm old and embittered I can now see the banality of ALW's work. Shame...

re: Jessica Simpson on Broadway?!
 Jan 31 2006, 11:22:19 AM
Oh my god, thank you, Pinky. I honestly thought no one else had noticed that in the recording of Angels. Talk about sliding into it. She sounds like Emmy Rossum in Phantom. "Think I'll sing this note...oh's up a bit....down a, left....uh....that'll do."
re: Academy Awards - Rent and Producers
 Jan 31 2006, 11:07:00 AM
"Uma Thurman was the ONLY positive thing about the film."

I'm sorry, did you just say that?

...I think I just vomited in my mouth a little.

re: question about vocal tension
 Nov 11 2005, 11:27:19 AM
Hahaha. My thoughts exactly. I think what I'm actually lacking is GOOD, solid tech training. I find it kind of creepy ingesting something that alters my motor skills.
This is why I hate doctors. Except the fake ones on Scrubs. And House.

re: Lets Brag About The CHICAGO Movie..
 Nov 11 2005, 11:16:04 AM
Quite frankly, "fat" Catherine Zeta Jones is a thousand times more attractive than Renee Skele-wegger. Brrr. When's she's not Bridget Jones, she's creepily thin. Especially in Chicago.
She was still fab in it though. I love her portrayal of the character.
Yes, it's a brilliant movie. I wish I could see the stage show.

re: question about vocal tension
 Nov 11 2005, 10:47:01 AM
Thanks for this thread, everyone. I suffer from vocal tension as well, and while the ENT doctor diagnosed me as nodule free, I had to undergo speech therapy as well, the effects of which are currently waning due to my current state (three auditions coming up for arts colleges, two exams, etc) The regular GP could only disgnose me as having acute anxiety and prescribed me some muscle relaxants, which I am yet to take. Does ayone think this is a good idea?
re: Worst Worst Musical
 Nov 7 2005, 10:04:16 PM
Mamma Mia. Ptooey. Irregardless of the music, this "musical" was the most poorly conceived show ever.
re: Your Favorite Sondheim Gems
 Oct 26 2005, 12:48:31 PM
I Remember from Evening Primrose has the craziest augmentation, I love it. It's so beautiful. I have a recording of it sung by Megan Mullally (is she the one from Will and Grace or am I just dense?)
Meanwhile, I second "Not Getting Married", and I will also add another company song- "You Could Drive a Person Crazy"
Ah Stephen. I love you so much. "Teach me to count in five-four time..."

re: Les Miz: The Movie -- what happened?
 Oct 26 2005, 12:43:32 PM
Catherine Zeta Jones isn't emaciated enough to play Fantine. Considering the state of the Hollywood movie musical these days, they'll more than likely get someone like Linsday Lohan to play Eponine and Hillary Duff to play Cosette. They're emaciated though.
I personally think it's a **** idea. We'll get the same crowd of people who thought the Phantom of the Opera was a masterpiece and Emmy Rossum is like, oh my god, the best actress EVERRRR- squealing in cinemas whenever Marius (hmm, possib

re: How Would Nicole Kidman Been As Ulla??
 Oct 20 2005, 11:03:43 PM
She would have been ****. She's not funny. I don't agree with Uma either. What's wrong with casting real actors in move musicals, instead of just celebrities. Ugh. I might boycott the whole thing.
Forbidden Broadway?
 Sep 1 2005, 11:35:51 PM
I was wondering if anyone could help me out. I don't live anywhere near Broadway (or even in America) and i was wondering how they do the Forbidden broadway shows exactly. I have been a big fan of their music for ages but, having never seen a show staged, I'm wondering what they actually do. What sort of dialogue is there? How do they deal with the costume changes? Is it an actual show or more of a revue with just song after song for two hours?
Thanks muchly...

re: Books read a kid and teenager that would make AWESOME musicals
 Sep 1 2005, 01:18:12 PM
This ins't really the sort of book a kid (or possibly a teen) should be reading but I love Tales of the City by Amistead Maupin. I'm pretty sure it was a tv show a while back but does anyone know if it has been made into a play?
I could see it as an awesome musical.

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