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RENT w/The 'Rents

#50re: RENT w/The 'Rents
Posted: 3/11/06 at 5:34pm

I first saw the movie with my cousin in theaters (neither of us had seen the stage show) and I fell in love with it, she was less thrilled but still liked it and made me burn my CD for her.

When it came out on DVD I watched it with my mom and she loved it too. Whenever she picks me up from school now she is always blasting the soundtrack in her car. I don't think I'll even bother showing my dad, it's not that he's homophobic, he just doesn't like musicals.

dirty rotten guy Profile Photo
dirty rotten guy
#51re: RENT w/The 'Rents
Posted: 3/11/06 at 6:02pm

Ok so I will risk being killed by RENTheads and give my opinion on this film.

I will start of by saying that I am both straight and conservative and find it offensive that people like myself are being portrayed as Gay bashers and close minded. Those are very gross generalizations and just show ignorance on the part of the person saying them. I am infact very confortable with the gay subjects and gay people in general and am not bothered with that at all.

However, I found think movie dull and a bit offensive. The Benny character, " a evil sell-out conservative who only cares about big buisness and money", is a gross generalization of conservatives and is just as offensive as some of the stereotypes the movie is against. Also I thought that it contradicted itself by showing how terrible drugs are and what they do to you (Mimi), but at the same time glorifies Marijuana use is La Vie Boheme. Overall I just thought that the film didnt make you really care about the characters and portrayed them more as complaining and annoying. I have heard that the stage version is way better and this film doesnt do it justice. I am sure that some fans of the show loved it, but for many of us whos first experience with RENT was this film, were very dissapointed and put off. My mother, who went with me, felt about the same. I was not embarassed to see it with her or anything though. She has seen all the shows with me and I have really been suprised how openminded she is. Honestly, I was more anxious about M.U.E. in Spelling Bee than this show with her. Again, this is just my personal experience and I am not speaking for everyone but I have talked to many people who felt the same about the movie, both fans of the show and not, so I dont think I am alone with these feelings.

Anyways those are my thoughts, please dont kill me for them.

"The hallmark of aristocracy is responsibility. Oh brother, that got me, that did me in!"
Updated On: 3/11/06 at 06:02 PM

#52re: RENT w/The 'Rents
Posted: 3/11/06 at 6:05pm

Why are you posting this on a seeing Rent with your parents thread? Did you even read the first post?

Anyways prepare to be attacked.

dirty rotten guy Profile Photo
dirty rotten guy
#53re: RENT w/The 'Rents
Posted: 3/11/06 at 6:09pm

I just posted it because of the gross generalizations on Conservatives and straights. Perhaps you didnt see the the first two pages.

"The hallmark of aristocracy is responsibility. Oh brother, that got me, that did me in!"
Updated On: 3/11/06 at 06:09 PM

#54re: RENT w/The 'Rents
Posted: 3/11/06 at 6:17pm

Yeah I did but I just thought it was kinda wierd that you added your opinions on the movie in with it.

O well I guess it's better than starting an entire new thread and getting everyone pissed off.

#55re: RENT w/The 'Rents
Posted: 3/11/06 at 7:00pm

I guess I'll add my thoughts. I saw this movie with both my parents, but at separate times. Both of my parents are conservative. My mom is pretty conservative, and my dad is ultra-conservative. My mom liked it. She has always kind of liked the music and likes musicals. I don't think she loved it or anything, but she was ok with it. My dad, surprisingly, was okay with it as well. He kind of fell asleep at the beginning, but I woke him up. re: RENT w/The 'Rents By the end, I think he liked it. I told him about some of the parts that he might not like before hand and he was prepared for them and surprisingly did not say anything. I was pretty proud of him. I don't think either of them will be rushing to see either the movie or the show again, but I'm glad they watched it once.

And I also think Stanton's comments were pretty offensive. I am straight and know tons of straight people that absolutely love RENT. That is a total generalization.

"This table, he is over one hundred years old. If I could, I would take an old gramophone needle and run it along the surface of the wood. To hear the music of the voices. All that was said." - Doug Wright, I Am My Own Wife

#56re: RENT w/The 'Rents
Posted: 3/11/06 at 8:28pm

I actually saw Rent - the stage version - with my parents, on Christmas Day no less, last year. A few months prior to seeing the show, I gave my parents a copy of the cast album so that they could know what was happening and there would be no surprises.

Boy was I surprised myself when my parents really took to it and started listening to it a lot.

After seeing the show, I asked my parents what they thought. My mom said she really liked it, but thought once was enough. My dad didn't really go either way, but seemed to like it.

When the movie came out, we went to see it - I went twice, once with each of them separately (long story). Both loved it.
When I was packing to come home for spring break, my mom actually requested I bring the DVD home so they could watch it again. We're watching it right now, as I type. My dad actually asked if we could put it on. I think they really like the movie especially because they love Law and Order, so seeing Jesse L. Martin sing is a treat for them. re: RENT w/The 'Rents

"If you start from a place of joy and charm, you can get away with a lot in the second act. It may be that that's my life. I'm not sure." ~Roger Bart

#57re: RENT w/The 'Rents
Posted: 3/11/06 at 9:21pm

My mom has given me a hard time over the years and has kidded with me for how many times I've seen the stage show and she hasn't given much interest in seeing it with me either. She never understood what I loved about the show. However, she came with me opening day for movie and LOVED it and finally "gets it". I think she cracked open and watched the DVD before I did after I bought Now Im sure shed jump at the chance to see it on Broadway.

My dad, however, took me to my first RENT (the Angel tour) and was done the minute Angel came on in the Santa suit and I think he was completely done when Maureen mooned the Needless to say my dad really has no tolerance for RENT or the subjects it covered. He hated it....I loved it.
Updated On: 3/11/06 at 09:21 PM

#58re: RENT w/The 'Rents
Posted: 3/11/06 at 9:40pm

So what can I say that hasn't already been said? Basically I have yet to see the film w/ my mom and my grandparents refuse to watch it w/ me (which is ok cuz I know they'd be asking lots of questions and I rwally don't like explaining things). My dad went to see it w/ me and my brother the day after the movie premiered. He liked the movie and has lots of respect for jonathan's genius and of course his music but was kind of turned off at little things. He gets grossed out at seeing Angel and Collins kiss so I always have to skip through I'll Cover You. I think that is really weird cuz he has a friend who is gay so I thought he'd accept that. He thinks Over the Moon is pointless. And for some odd reason he seems to hate Take me or Leave me which is a great song. I don't know about you guys but I tend to ignore all the issues in the movie and just concentrate on the overall story and its music which of course promote love. I just wish my dad could see that.

#59re: RENT w/The 'Rents
Posted: 3/11/06 at 11:11pm

My mom saw it and enjoyed it immensely- she had heard most of the OBC recording and said she'd definitely see it again. Thats a high compliment coming from her- she hates seeing movies multiple times.

The Benny character, " a evil sell-out conservative who only cares about big buisness and money", is a gross generalization of conservatives and is just as offensive as some of the stereotypes the movie is against.

I can see why some people think this. With the exception of some cute moments in 'You'll See Boys', they cut every scene where Benny is human.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#60re: RENT w/The 'Rents
Posted: 3/11/06 at 11:23pm

I watched it with part of my family tonight.

My mom liked it better this time, but she still holds to her feelings about what she sees as problems with it. That's cool, I guess.

My grandmother watched about fifteen minutes, said it was garbage and that I probably only liked it because "those guys you like" are in it, and fell asleep.

My brother (who has listened to my OBC recording but has never seen the show) kept commenting on the differences between things, and the spoken dialogue that was turned into song. He was definitely paying attention. This was his first time seeing the movie. I had to ask him when it was over, but he said it was "really good." I'm so glad he liked it.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

jlc6314 Profile Photo
#61re: RENT w/The 'Rents
Posted: 3/12/06 at 6:17pm

So far I've watched the movie twice with my mom. The second time, she started singing along with some of the songs.

Then I had her watch the documentary, and she was glued to the screen. She cried when they talked about Jonathan's death. When it was over I asked her what she thought about it, and she said "Now I finally understand why you like it...I get it."

So now we're going to see the play together in Erie in April, which is really exciting because I know she'll love it and I really want her to see it.

No day but today.

#62re: RENT w/The 'Rents
Posted: 3/12/06 at 6:58pm

Yeah my mom is seeing the stage show with me in April in Chicago. She also watched the documentary and I guess (even though I know I told her) never knew he died the night of the final dress rehersal. She thought it was sad but I think she was kinda bored.

My mom walks around the house singing random Rent songs, mostly Over the Moon (she really likes that song for some reason).

#63re: RENT w/The 'Rents
Posted: 3/14/06 at 7:13pm

I guess I'll just jump right in here.

I saw RENT with my mom the first time, I wasn't sure how she was going to react to it, but she absolutely loves it and has taken to blasting the music in the car and belting out random lyrics whenever I see her.

My brother loved it too, though he enjoys the music a lot more then watching the movie. But hey, I'll take what I can get.

My father has yet to see it...We'll see how that goes. Though I'm not sure I will be able to convince him to watch it.

bunnywings Profile Photo
#64re: RENT w/The 'Rents
Posted: 3/15/06 at 7:18pm

I saw the play when it came to Detroit in ... (I'm guessing here) '98?? I saw it with my parents. My Mom and I were really excited to see it, while I think my Dad just tagged along. Mom and I loved it and Dad didn't like it so much. He said he liked a few songs but that was pretty much it.

When the movie came out, I went with Mom to see it and Dad didn't want to come.

Humankind. Be Both.

#65re: RENT w/The 'Rents
Posted: 3/15/06 at 7:52pm

My parents, thinking it was A Chorus Line, took me to see it when I was nine, so they weren't very happy at the end and I didn't remember too much about it and was actually totally put off by it (only something about angel gave me that funny feeling in me). But when I bacame older and understood what it meant, I fell in love with it.
